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采用三项实验分别考察了目标词的词频、可预测性和合理性对读者眼动模式的影响。结果显示:(1)词频、可预测性和合理性对目标词语的凝视时间和总注视时间都有显著影响,但在首次注视时间上主效应不显著;(2)词频和可预测性不影响目标词的跳读率和再注视概率,而合理性对目标词的再注视概率产生显著的影响;(3)远注视点眼跳倾向于将首次注视位置着落于目标词的开端部位,而近注视点眼跳倾向于将首次注视着落于目标词的中央部位;词频、可预测性和合理性均不影响首次注视位置。  相似文献   

Abstract— This article compares word counts made using four different collections of text, including one based on collections of electronic text For each of the collections, standard word frequency indices were computed and compared with a carefully developed list of words ranked in order of difficulty as determined by vocabulary tests Correlations between the word frequency indices and word difficulty ranks show that word frequencies for all four corpora are highly correlated with word difficulty Despite these high correlations, the results show also that the difficulty of some words is not estimated accurately by word frequency The reasons for disparities between word frequency and word difficulty are not clear The high correlations obtained for the corpus based on electronic text suggest that this method of text sampling has potential but that caution is advisable in conducting such collections.  相似文献   

Prereading first graders were trained in a group of six sight words drawn from superordinate, basic, and subordinate levels of categorization as well as from a list of frequency control words. After teaching the selected to the students following an interference task, the students were posttested for immediate recall of the previously learned words. They were also tested for recall after a forty‐eight hour delay. Results of the posttesting indicate that the level of categorization from which a word is drawn affects its learnability as a sight word. Students demonstrated that basic level words were easier to learn and recall, regardless of their frequencies.  相似文献   

One of Bion's least‐acknowledged contributions to psychoanalytic theory is his study of the relationship between the mind of the individual (the ability to think), the mentalities of groups of which the individual is a member, and the individual's bodily states. Bion's early work on group therapy evolved into a study of the interplay between mind and bodily instincts associated with being a member of a group, and became the impetus for his theory of thinking. On the foundation of Bion's ideas concerning this interaction among the thinking of the individual, group mentality, and the psyche‐soma, the author presents his thoughts on the ways in which group mentality is recognizable in the analysis of individuals.  相似文献   

预测性、语义倾向性对惯用语理解的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
佘贤君  宋歌  张必隐 《心理学报》2000,32(2):203-209
通过两个移动窗口阅读实验,探讨了不同预测性和语义倾向性的惯用语在不同语境下的阅读时间。实验一发现:倾向字面意义的惯用语在比喻意义语境下有抑制效应;倾向比喻意义的惯用语在字面意义语境下有抑制效应。实验二发现:低预测性惯用语在比喻意义语境下有抑制效应;高预测性惯用语在字面意义语境下有抑制效应。研究结果否认了惯用语已词汇化的观点,支持了结构假说的观点,证明惯用语的理解是一个构造过程。  相似文献   


In the past, reading, writing, and word processing were researched independently. Currently, we see research regarding important connections between reading and writing as well as between writing and word processing. However, critical connections exist between all three areas. In order to have classrooms that promote literacy, we need to use word processing and its accompanying tools as students engage in reading‐writing processes. This paper addresses how word processing, with its prevision, writing, and revision tools, facilitates connections between reading and writing.  相似文献   

Gating技术与汉语听觉词汇加工   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
武宁宁  舒华 《心理学报》2003,35(5):582-590
尝试对Gating技术的实施和运用,对数据进行探索性分析。被试为47名北京师范大学本科学生。实验中被试听到依次加长的单字词语音片段,每听完一个语音片段要尽快判断该语音是什么字音,并迅速写出想到的第一个符合该读音的汉字,同时在七点量表上评定作出判断的确定性等级。结果显示,Gating技术作为探讨汉语听觉词汇加工的一条途径可以提供丰富的信息,它不仅能得到词汇的语音识别点(Isolation Point,IP),也揭示出它与声调存在一定关系。对错误反应的分析还表明:声调信息可以独立于音段信息而被识别;即时影响声调识别的因素不一定局限于区别性特征;听觉词汇识别受到听觉语言特有的方向性特点的影响,这种影响不仅体现在音段信息、也体现在超音段信息的识别中。  相似文献   

A mean interstimulus interval (ISI) of 10 sec. resulted in significantly-shorter RTs to a single light stimulus than a 30 sec. average ISI. During a second workperiod the groups performing under each of the two ISI conditions were divided into four subgroups given 0, 25, 50 or 75% interspersion of an additional stimulus (sound). With short ISIs the condition of maximum predictability of event structure (light stimulus only) gave the shortest average RTs. With lessened predictability (increased proportion of the sound stimulus) there was a slight monotonous increase in RT. With long ISIs the same relationship was curvilinear, i.e. 25% interspersion of sound stimulus was most effective in preserving vigilance.  相似文献   

首词和尾词频率对高熟悉度成语识别的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用词汇判定法,考察首词频率和尾词频率对高熟悉度四字成语识别的影响。实验结果表明:(1)对高熟悉度成语的识别规律与多层聚类表征模型的观点比较吻合;(2)构成成语的成份词对成语表征有竞争和干扰作用,高频率成份词相对于低频率成份词,对成语表征的竞争和干扰作用较大。  相似文献   

利用Eyelink2000眼动仪,记录27名本科生阅读时的眼动轨迹。句子中插入四种空格(正常无空格、词间空格、字间空格和非词空格)标记词边界信息,并操纵目标词的词频,以考察词边界信息和词频在汉语阅读中的作用。结果表明:(1)插入非词空格对低频词的干扰作用大于高频词,插入字间空格能促进低频词的加工;(2)被试对低频词的加工难度均大于高频词;(3)汉语阅读的基本加工单位为词而不是汉字。  相似文献   

Word is a critical concept in beginning literacy, a foundation for both reading and orthographic understanding. In this study, the development of concept of word in children's own writing during first grade was examined and its relationship with developing spelling ability was described.

Children in three intact first grade classes were assigned concept of word tasks "typical" of first grade instruction at the beginning and end of the year. The spaces left between words as the children copied from the board, wrote from dictation, and created their own stories in a free writing task were counted and compared across tasks and between Fall and Spring. In addition, the children were given an assessment of their developmental spelling level at both times. The spelling scores were compared with the concept of word measures.

Analyses of the Fall data revealed that the word concept tasks were significantly related to each other, suggesting that the tasks tap different aspects of the same construct, concept of word. Spelling development was also related to concept of word, and children who demonstrated use of a letter name strategy in spelling were more likely to perform well on the concept of word tasks.

A 3 (word concept tasks) x 2 (trials) MANOVA identified a significant interaction between tasks and trials. Post hoc analyses found significant differences among all of the concept of word tasks overall. In the Fall, all comparisons among the tasks were significant, and in the Spring, all except the difference between Copied and Dictated were significant.

There appears to be a developmental hierarchy in acquisition of concept of word which is related to the perceptual demands of writing tasks. Though important gains in conceptual understanding are made during the first grade year, there are still differences in performance on concept of word tasks at the end of first grade.  相似文献   

The repertory grid technique has long been the empirical tool of choice for research based on personal construct theory (Kelly, 1955). In some situations, respondents are asked to evaluate a set of elements with respect to a fixed or supplied repertoire of constructs, and an assumption is made that respondents will employ these constructs similarly. This situation is thus equivalent to the semantic differential technique. In the repertory grid context it is justified through the commonality of construing corollary of personal construct theory. This is an assumption that can be tested, although it seems to have attracted little attention in the past. Here a criterion for commonality of a construct is proposed, namely that of the data conforming to a unidimensional scaling model, and a simple method of testing this is illustrated.  相似文献   

汉语词汇产生中语义、字形和音韵激活的时间进程   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
通过图画-词汇干扰实验范式探索汉语单字词产生中语义、字形和语音激活的时间进程。实验一和实验二的结果综合表明:当SOA为-300 ms~0 ms时,存在语义抑制效应,当SOA为-100 ms~100 ms时,存在字形促进效应,当SOA为100 ms时,存在语音促进效应。实验结果支持交互激活理论的观点。实验成功地分离了字形促进效应和语音促进效应,确定了语义、字形和语音这三种信息在汉语口语词汇产生中通达的先后次序,讨论了字形信息在词汇产生中的重要作用,以及被试是否在实验中使用了策略。  相似文献   


The ability of learning disabled and average students’ to recognize and identify words was investigated. Two informal reading measures, the Sundbye Minimal Contrast Phonics Test and an oral reading sample, were administered to three groups. The groups were composed of learning disabled students evidencing reading problems (LD), average students matched with the learning disabled group on reading level and IQ (YN), and average students matched with the learning disabled group on chronological age and IQ (ON). The LD group and average readers did not differ on identification of symbol‐sound associations, word recognition proficiency, the ability to detect and correct word recognition errors, and the ability to use information within the text to recognize words. However, the LD and ON group differed on mean number of word recognition errors. Educational implications of the findings were discussed and a profile of the word recognition skills of learning disabled children was presented.  相似文献   

周新林  张梅玲 《心理学报》2003,35(2):195-200
过去人们基于语言复杂性探讨加减文字题的难度成因,本研究将探讨情境复杂性对问题难度的影响。被试为北京市一城区小学二年级共108名学生(男52,女56),平均年龄8岁4个月。采用2(问题类型:“给”问题和“拿”问题)×2(事件类型:增多事件和减少事件)混合设计。对于“给”问题,增多题中各语句的主语不一致,减少题中一致,对于“拿”问题则相反。根据语言复杂性解释,因为各语句的主语一致有利于加工,“给”问题有减少题加工优势,“拿”问题有增多题加工优势;根据情境复杂性解释,因为减少情境有利于加工,两类问题均有减少题加工优势。实验表明不论“给”问题还是“拿”问题,均有减少题的加工优势,支持情境复杂性解释  相似文献   

成年人词语流畅性的年龄差异和词语记忆   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文以自觉健康的青年、中年和老年人78例为被试,研究了成年人口语、阅读和书写流畅性的年龄差异及其和词语记忆的关系。结果:1.大多数词语流畅能力以及词语记忆均为中年以后衰退,Stroop测验的读色字及读字色作业则中年即开始减退。2.除年龄因素外,词语流畅性还受被试者文化程度和测验内容的影响,同时还表现有文化因素或测验和年龄的交互作用。文化程度越低,测验难度越大,年龄差异越显著。3.词语流畅性和词语记忆有显著相关。这可能是由于两者都有较多的记忆和注意过程的参与。4.在两项颜色命名测验及说同类词作业中都见到女性优于男性的现象。  相似文献   

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