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Fyra kontrollerade studier som jämför kognitiv terapi med eller utan anti-depressiva farmaka för unipolär depression, redovisas i den här översikten. Kombinationen kognitiv terapi och farmaka förordas pgaatt den reducerar bortfallet med hälften, ger en god klinisk effekt, reducerar självmordsrisken snabbt samt skulle kunna vara en lämplig behandling för kroniska, svårbehandlade uni-polära depressioner.  相似文献   

As indicated in the title, this article presents a personal retrospective account of the development of the author's eclectic and integrative views of psychotherapy. Although this period covers more than 50 years, I have tried my best to recall events as accurately as possible.  相似文献   

The principle of eclecticism is discussed with the point of departure in a definition of psychology and its subject areas. It is argued that eclecticism constitutes one of the key developmental conditions for science. The argument begins with an analysis of the distinction between real and recognized object and concludes that a scientific object always has an infinite number of aspects and that this fact is not reducible to a question of complexity. Next a differentiation between theoretical levels based on ontological arguments are introduced and it is concluded that it is necessary to accept positive eclectic processes in theories, and that development of theories is due to an eclectic relationship with other theories. A series of examples are given for different versions of the eclectic development of psychological disciplines and concepts, namely phenomenology, psychoanalysis, stress, and cognition.  相似文献   

Assimilative integration is a new type of psychotherapy integration introduced by Messer in 1992. This paper explains the where, what, when, and how of this integrative route, outlines its advantages and weaknesses, and discusses areas for potential assimilative practice in various models of therapy. Following a brief review of the current status of psychotherapy integration and its practices, assimilative integration is conceptualized as a mini theoretical integration and as theoretical eclecticism it is offered as a bridge between theoretical integration and technical eclecticism. Assimilative integration is proposed as the best theoretically and empirically based integrative approach available at this time, particularly for therapists who have been trained in a single mode of therapy before they became integrationists.  相似文献   

The multiplicity of approaches in the field of counselling, together with a growing interest in eclecticism and integration amongst practitioners, present a challenge for counsellor trainers. One way in which this challenge is being met is by the development of training programmes that purport to be integrative. The development of such programmes, however, presents a further challenge to trainers, since sophisticated integration is rare. Some of the issues needing careful consideration by trainers involved in integrative programmes are explored under the headings of 11 key statements.  相似文献   

A trend toward eclecticism and integration amongst counsellors and others is described. This is mainly prompted by the demands of practice. Eclecticism emphasises 'borrowing freely from various sources' while integration emphasises 'combining parts into a whole'. Integration can be either horizontal, within a theoretical position, or vertical, between theoretical positions. Four models of eclecticism and integration are presented: single theoretical position; supermarket eclectic; eclectic theory-integrative practice; and integrative theory and practice. Neither eclecticism nor integration guarantees comprehensiveness. Some dimensions of a comprehensive theoretical position are described. The lack of a sound, comprehensive and integrative theoretical position, focused on the developmental needs and problems of living of the vast majority of people, has negative implications for both counselling and counsellor training.  相似文献   

哲学研究以理论创新为其直接后果 ,但理论创新与综合现有理论成果并不形成直接的对立。在我国 ,希腊哲学史的研究要想在新世纪中推陈出新 ,关键在于提高对希腊晚期哲学重要性的认识 ,加大对希腊晚期哲学的研究力度 ,并充分吸取各国研究者的最新成果 ,对中国学术界原有的评价或定论作适当的调整。希腊化时期以喀罗尼亚战役 (公元前 338年 )和亚历山大东征 (公元前 334年 )为开端。与此相应 ,希腊哲学的发展也进入了晚期。然而希腊化时期的开始并不是希腊哲学的终结。“在亚里士多德时代 ,希腊文明走出了本土疆界 ,进入了伟大的总的潮流 ,住在…  相似文献   

The integration of psychotherapeutic techniques is a common practice among today's clinicians. However, most discussions on psychotherapy integration have focused on general theoretical issues without attention to special populations. Latinos now represent the largest ethnic minority population in the United States and the mental health needs of this population are increasing. Although there are few controlled outcome studies that focus on Latinos, basic research suggests that integrating components of interpersonal therapy (IPT) into cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may be particularly effective with this population. Specific suggestions for integrating CBT and IPT techniques are presented, and ways in which this integration can be adapted in a culturally sensitive manner are reviewed. An ethical and culturally sensitive CBT-IPT integration for Latinos requires empirical verification. Future studies on CBT-IPT synthesis should demonstrate the effectiveness of such integration relative to CBT or IPT alone.  相似文献   


This is a first tentative examination of the possibility of reinstating reduction as a valid candidate for presenting relations between mental and physical properties. Classical Nagelian reduction is undoubtedly contaminated in many ways, but here I investigate the possibility of adapting to problems concerning mental properties an alternative defmition for theory reduction in philosophy of science. The defmition I offer is formulated with the aid of non-monotonic logic, which I suspect might be a very interesting realm for testing notions concerning localized mental-physical reduction. The reason for this is that non-monotonic reasoning by defmition is about appeals made not only to explicit observations, but also to an implicit selection of background knowledge containing heuristic information. The flexibility of this defmition and the fact that it is not absolute, i.e. that the relation of reduction may be retracted or allowed to shift without fuss, add at least an interesting alternative factor to current materialist debates.  相似文献   

A female patient of mine recounts her week. I listen with interest, waiting for her to arrive at particular conclusions. She has suffered a great deal and still does, but prefers not to dwell on it. My interest turns into patience as she continues to talk but circumvents her discontent. She is adroit at avoidance, but easily offended when I point such things out. "I'd better wait" I think. I grow more aware that I must encourage her digressions. I feel frustrated. Getting further and further away, she skirts the issue with supple grace, then strays off into tangentiality. I forget her point and lose my focus, then get down on myself. The opportunity is soon gone. I glance at the clock as her monologue drones on into banality. I grow more uninterested and distant. There is a subtle irritation to her voice; a whiney indecisive ring begins to pervade my consciousness. I home in on her mouth with aversion, watching apprehensively as this disgusting hole flaps tirelessly but says nothing. It looks carnivorous, voracious. Now she is unattractive, something I have noticed before. I forget who my next patient is. I think about the meal I will prepare for my wife this evening, then glance at the time once more. Then I am struck: Why am I looking at the clock? So soon? The session has just begun. I catch myself. What is going on in me, between us? I am detached, but why? Is she too feeling unattuned, disconnected? I am failing my patient. What is her experience of me? I lamentingly confess that I do not feel I have been listening to her, and wonder what has gone wrong between us. I ask her if she has noticed. We talk about our feelings, our impact on one another, why we had lost our sense of connection, what it means to us. I instantly feel more involved, rejuvenated, and she continues, this time with me present. Her mouth is no longer odious, but sincere and articulate. She is attractive and tender; I suddenly feel empathy and warmth toward her. We are now very close. I am moved. Time flies, the session is soon over; we do not want it to end.  相似文献   

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