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有关儒家“仁爱”思想的研究,人们比较关注的问题之一,是“仁”这个字的起源,即它最初的构形以及与此相联的本义。战国玺印文“”的发现和释读,①使人们看到了“仁”字的新的构形,也使重新理解“仁”的意义有了可靠依据。郭店竹简中所有的“仁”字(七十多个)都写作“”,不仅进一步确证了古“”字的存在,而且提供了有关儒家“仁爱”观念的新文献,为研究“仁”带来了新的途径和活力。大家围绕“身心之仁”的讨论,主要集中在此字的构形与《说文》“从千从心”之“仁”和“从人从二”之“仁”之间的关系及其意义,但还不能令人信服。本文在…  相似文献   

In this paper, after reviewing some of the controversial concepts of psychosomatics, and their historical development as well as some of their theoretical and clinical consequences, I propose a vincular point of view of this type of pathology, with some dreams of a psychosomatic patient where different aspects of the proposed model can be observed.  相似文献   

Although 20th-century empiricists were agnostic about animal mind and consciousness, this was not the case for their historical ancestors – John Locke, David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and, of course, Charles Darwin and George John Romanes. Given the dominance of the Darwinian paradigm of evolutionary continuity, one would not expect belief in animal mind to disappear. That it did demonstrates that standard accounts of how scientific hypotheses are overturned – i.e., by empirical disconfirmation or by exposure of logical flaws – is inadequate. In fact, it can be demonstrated that belief in animal mind disappeared as a result of a change of values, a mechanism also apparent in the Scientific Revolution. The “valuational revolution” responsible for denying animal mind is examined in terms of the rise of Behaviorism and its flawed account of the historical inevitability of denying animal mentation. The effects of the denial of animal consciousness included profound moral implications for the major uses of animals in agriculture and scientific research. The latter is particularly notable for the denial of felt pain in animals. The rise of societal moral concern for animals, however, has driven the “reappropriation of common sense” about animal thought and feeling.  相似文献   

The virtual reality that stands in the center of the digital revolution is changing the bases of our lives today. This new reality is both a product of the basic human ability of imagination and an essential element of analytical psychology. The close relationship between the activity of imagination and its influence on the body is shown in research results from the oldest known prehistoric figures, dating back between 40,000–30,000 b.c.e., and the experiences derived from the work with robots at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Additionally, how this virtual, body-transforming power is reflected in the current ideas of the transhumanists is examined. In this perspective, the extension of physical abilities via technical skills is a necessary step in human evolution: to transfer the human mind onto a machine as a means of circumventing inherent physical limitations.

The psychodynamics of deep psychological needs, frustrations, and fears are discussed as the motors of technical development. An interpretation of this development, based on the mythological biography of the ancient god Hephaistos, is discussed as showing astonishing parallels to the characteristics of the digital revolution and the transhumanist ideas. Thus, Hephaistos can be understood as an archetypal manifestation of those impulses from the collective unconscious that are significantly affecting our present time. The potentialities as well as the dark sides that are hidden behind such “hephaistic” solutions to deep inner psychological and spiritual conflicts are explored.  相似文献   

陈霞 《哲学动态》2005,(4):35-39
性命、形神、身心、肉体和精神、元神和识神、精气神、身心意等都是道教表达身心的术语,它们在不同历史时期常常交换着使用,但道教看重身体却始终一贯.身体在道教里是一切存在的基础,即是体验的领域又是体验的媒介,是其他价值得以实现的起点和场所.人与外界通过身体而交通.身体还具有文化的意义,人的自然属性和社会属性皆被身体所呈现.存在是在身体里的存在,离开了身体,无从谈心灵和精神.道教对于身体的深刻认识和高度重视在世界宗教中可谓独树一帜.  相似文献   

医疗机构承载着救死扶伤、防病治病的重任,寄托着民众维护生命健康的希望。医疗机构伦理是实现医学目的,践行医院宗旨,实现医师专业精神的基础和保障。医疗机构伦理建设和医院的经营发展并不是非此即彼的矛盾对立关系。在趋利化导向严重损害了医疗机构的社会形象的情况下,医疗机构应始终坚持人道主义的行善宗旨和不以谋利为目的的伦理本色,秉承全心全意为民众健康服务的核心价值观,坚持公益性办院方向,用得道多助、开放共赢的思维模式推动医疗机构良性发展。  相似文献   

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