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Visual attention and stimulus identification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research has provided evidence for parallel stimulus processing in visual search tasks; however, it has frequently been noted that detecting prespecified targets might be accomplished without actually identifying targets and/or distractors. A novel task was employed to require exhaustive identification: Subjects named the highest digit in an array. Reaction times and display size effects in this task were strikingly similar to the conventional search tasks reported here. Manipulation of display size and visual quality was used to test predictions of serial versus parallel encoding models. Display size was additive with two different visual quality factors in the highest digit task, a finding that argues against serial execution of the corresponding stages. Interactions with decision-related factors suggest that visual quality may have affected the rate of character recognition, not just feature extraction. Thus, various aspects of the results seem to strengthen the case for parallel (though perhaps capacity-limited) identification of multiple familiar stimuli. In the General Discussion, it is pointed out that parallel identification need not entail late selection, and some alternative possibilities are suggested.  相似文献   

Observing behavior and short-term recognition were studied in a training and test design. Preschoolers matched pictures from memory with training of a selective attending strategy or placebo practice. Both groups were then tested for retention of the strategies attained during training. For one-third of the subjects in each condition the relevant portions of the stimuli were made perceptually salient, for another third the irrelevant portions were salient, and for the rest no portions were salient. Strategy training enhanced relevant observing behavior and facilitated recognition accuracy in both training and test. The salient irrelevant cues interfered in training for the Placebo subjects. A second study examined the effect of three components of the strategy training procedure; verbal instructions, modeling, and fading. Verbal instructions, and to a lesser extent, modeling and fading, enhanced relevant observing behavior in both training and test but facilitated recognition accuracy only in training.  相似文献   

Sasaki H  Gyoba J 《Perception》2002,31(4):409-419
Psychological and neurophysiological studies have shown that attention modulates various sorts of perceptual processing. Here, we report that attention affects the perceptual dominance of binocular rivalry. Experiments using a dichoptic masking paradigm revealed that when an observer was attending to one of the two orientations of the elements of a monocular texture, a texture briefly presented to the opposite eye suppressed the perception of the elements with the attended orientation, while the elements with the orientation which was ignored sustained their dominance. Moreover, subsequent experiments indicated that the suppression depended on the orientation of the texture elements constituting the mask, but was independent of their locations. These results suggest that attention to specific features modulates interocular suppression in a mode which is different from that found in a previous study [Ooi and He, 1999 Perception 28 551 -574].  相似文献   

This research investigated the effect of stimulus type and directed attention on dichotic listening performance with children. A sample of 12 (5 male, 7 female; mean age 10.5 years) high academically performing children were administered four types of dichotic stimuli (words, digits, CV syllables, and melodies) in three experimental conditions (free recall, directed left, and directed right) to examine perceptual asymmetry as reflected by the right-ear advantage (REA). While the expected REA for words and CV syllables and the expected LEA for melodies were found under free recall, the directed conditions produced varied results depending on the nature of the stimuli. Directed condition had no effect on recall of CV syllables but had a dramatic effect on recall of digits. Word stimuli and directed condition interacted to produce inconsistent perceptual asymmetry while directed condition reduced overall recall for melodies. The findings lend support to the hypothesis that perceptual asymmetries can be strongly influenced by the type of stimulus material used and the effect of attentional strategy employed.  相似文献   

Perceptual matching data show several puzzling effects. Particularly problematic are the disparities between the processing rates for same and different stimuli--the fast-same effect--and between the processing rates for two same-different judgment tasks that are related as mirror images--the task effect. Current models have difficulty accounting simultaneously for both effects. Central to these models is a stimulus comparison process that derives relative judgments of sameness and difference from tests of the congruence of stimulus representations. A contrasting view holds that same-different judgments can be modeled as absolute, rather than relative, judgments. This latter view is shown to be supported by experimental data. Reaction times for judgments of identical letter strings increase with string length at the same rate whether judgments are based on all the information in the strings or just the information in a single pair of component letters. The data show that stimulus comparisons of the sort described by previous models are not involved in these judgments. An attentional model accounts for the data and for the fast-same and task effects as well.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the flexibility of attention to the color and location dimensions of visual stimuli. Displays typically consisted of two curved lines, one a target and the other a distractor. Subjects were precued to the location of the target, and they made a speeded response to that item’s direction of curvature. In Experiment 1, a color difference between the stimuli facilitated selective attention to targets. Experiment 2 demonstrated that this effect was not automatic. Although component color differences were necessary for selective attention, they were not sufficient unless they reliably specified the target. Furthermore, when color was informative but the target was in an unexpected color, performance was markedly impaired. A third experiment, using a response-deadline technique, showed that stimulus color was resolved before stimulus location and that attention can be exclusive to the color dimension. The results were interpreted in terms of a model assuming that stimulus color and location are processed independently. Subjects attend to the dimension resolved most quickly which can reliably specify the target.  相似文献   

The selective attention and stimulus generalization interpretations of the easy-to-hard effect were tested by training one group of rats on an easy brightness discrimination and “reversing” them on a more difficult brightness discrimination. A control group, initially trained on the difficult discrimination, was reversed at the same time as the experimental group. The experimental group learned the reversal more rapidly and this was interpreted as supporting the selective attention interpretation.  相似文献   

This study examined auditory selective attention in primary generalized and complex-partial (temporal lobe) epileptics using binaural and dichotic versions of the Continuous Performance Test. The patient groups did not differ from normal controls when only one channel was presented or when divided attention (simultaneously monitoring two channels) was required. However, generalized epileptics had significantly depressed hit rates when directed attention (responding to critical stimuli in only one channel) was required. These results suggest a contribution of brain stem “arousal” mechanisms to stimulus set attention. In addition, right ear perceptual advantages were found on these dichotic monitoring tasks, lending support to the contention that short-term auditory memory and verbal report are not required for the dichotic ear effect.  相似文献   

A total of 400 children at ages 5, 9, and 12 years were given a component selection task with stimuli differing in color and shape. Relative salience of these two stimulus components was manipulated across subjects in two ways: the standard shapes and colors from previous studies were compared with standard shapes in fluorescent colors, and the latter materials were compared with nonsense shapes in fluorescent colors. While fluorescence of color had little effect, the replacement of standard shapes with nonsense figures caused attention to be redirected from shape to color as the primary cue for learning. This effect was more pronounced at age 9 than at age 5. Apparently there is a greater tendency for older than for younger children to withdraw attention from a normally dominant component such as shape, when it is advantageous to adopt another feature such as color as the primary functional cue. An additional variable was integration of components (color within shape vs color as background for shape). Integration produced generally greater attention to color but did not affect the general pattern of salience effects.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of stimulus movement on localization probability and latency during attention and inattention. Forty infants, 10 each at 8, 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age were presented with a central stimulus. Then, a peripheral stimulus was presented (static or dynamic checkerboard). Stimulus movement did not affect localization probability. Infants localized the dynamic peripheral stimulus more quickly than the static peripheral stimulus when there was no focal stimulus. Focal stimulus attention attenuated this difference in localization latency between static and dynamic stimuli. Signal detection analysis showed that sensitivity to the peripheral stimulus increased over this age range along with a decrease in the bias against responding. The effects of attention were on response bias rather than stimulus sensitivity. These results imply attention affected the localization response to the peripheral stimulus but did not affect the sensitivity of the sensory and perceptual pathways to peripheral stimuli.  相似文献   

Sustained attention is critical for tasks where perceptual information must be continuously processed, like reading or driving; however, the cognitive processes underlying sustained attention remain incompletely characterized. In the experiments that follow, we explore the relationship between sustaining attention and the contents and maintenance of task-relevant features in an attentional template. Specifically, we administered the gradual onset continuous performance task (gradCPT), a sensitive measure of sustained attention, to a large web-based sample (N>20,000) and a smaller laboratory sample for validation and extension. The gradCPT requires participants to respond to most stimuli (city scenes – 90 %) and withhold to rare target images (mountain scenes – 10 %). By using stimulus similarity to probe the representational content of task-relevant features—assuming either exemplar- or category-based feature matching—we predicted that RTs for city stimuli that were more “mountain-like” would be slower and “city-like” mountain stimuli would elicit more erroneous presses. We found that exemplar-based target-nontarget (T-N) similarity predicted both RTs and erroneous button presses, suggesting a stimulus-specific feature matching process was adopted. Importantly, individual differences in the degree of sensitivity to these similarity measures correlated with conventional measures of attentional ability on the gradCPT as well as another CPT that is perceptually less demanding. In other words, individuals with greater sustained attention ability (assessed by two tasks) were more likely to be influenced by stimulus similarity on the gradCPT. These results suggest that sustained attention facilitates the construction and maintenance of an attentional template that is optimal for a given task.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents has increased over the past four decades. Obesity can be conceptualized as a problem related to energy balance, where more energy is consumed than is expended through physical activity. One way that children may have a positive energy balance is through the overconsumption of foods (i.e., eating large portion sizes). Therefore, interventions that teach children to make accurate portion size estimations may be important to maintain overall health. In the current study, seven children between the ages of 4 and 7 years were taught to make accurate portion size estimations using a stimulus equivalence paradigm. Results suggested that the stimulus equivalence paradigm was effective in teaching five of seven participants to make more accurate portion size estimations during posttraining. Furthermore, five of seven participants estimated the target portion size of a novel food during extension sessions. These findings extend the current literature related to teaching children to make accurate portion size estimations. Although this was a translational study, results might help to inform existing nutrition education programs aimed at teaching children healthier eating habits.  相似文献   

The theorizing of Asch and Moscovici was used as a framework for exploring the relationships among social pressure, attention to the stimulus, doubt about one's own judgment, and conformity. Male and female subjects (N = 185) were confronted either with one (low social pressure) or three (high social pressure) others who judged 12 critical pairs of noises as equal in loudness. The noises within each pair actually varied in how similar they were in loudness. High social pressure resulted in most subjects paying either little or much attention to the stimulus; low social pressure resulted in most subjects paying a moderate amount of attention to the stimulus. When social pressure was high, greater self-doubt was associated with less attention to the stimulus; when social pressure was low, greater self-doubt was associated with more attention to the stimulus. Conformity was positively associated with self-doubt and negatively associated with attention to the stimulus. Social pressure increased conformity, particularly when subjects paid little attention to the stimulus. Although the results are interpreted as partially consistent with both the Asch and the Moscovici perspectives, they are not totally consistent with either.  相似文献   

Motivation and Emotion - Most work on emotional attention in aging has focused exclusively on stimulus valence, with very few studies systematically examining how younger and older adults may...  相似文献   

Early theorists (Skinner, Spence) interpreted discrimination learning in terms of the strengthening of the response to one stimulus and its weakening to the other. But this analysis does not account for the increasing independence of the two performances as training continues or for increases in control by dimensions of a stimulus other than the one used in training. Correlation of stimuli with different densities of reinforcement produces an increase in the behavior necessary to observe them, and greater observing of and attending to the relevant stimuli may account for the increase in control by these stimuli. The observing analysis also encompasses errorless training, and the selective nature of observing explains the feature-positive effect and the relatively shallow gradients of generalization generated by negative discriminative stimuli. The effectiveness of the observing analysis in handling these special cases adds to the converging lines of evidence supporting its integrative power and thus its validity.  相似文献   

An attentional model of fear-based behavior is proposed and a study that tested the model is reported. It was predicted that among subjects with moderate fear of snakes, heightened self-attention during an approach attempt would cause increased awareness of existing anxiety, followed by one of two courses of events: Subjects who believed that they could do the behavior in spite of their fear were expected to redirect their attention to the behavior--goal comparison and exhibit no behavioral deficit. Subjects who doubted their ability to do the behavior were expected to divert their attention from the behavior--goal comparison and to withdraw behaviorally from the approach attempt. The results of the study support this reasoning. Discussion centers on relationships between the proposed model and previous theory.  相似文献   

Recent experimentation has shown that cognitive aptitude measures are predicted by tests of the scope of an individual's attention or capacity in simple working memory tasks and also by the ability to control attention. However, these experiments do not indicate how separate or related the scope and control of attention are. An experiment with 52 children (10 to 11 years old) and 52 college students included measures of the scope and control of attention, as well as verbal and nonverbal aptitude measures. The children showed little evidence of using sophisticated attentional control, but the scope of attention predicted intelligence in that group. In adults, both the scope and control of attention varied among individuals and accounted for considerable individual variance in intelligence. About one third that variance was shared between scope an d control, and the rest was unique to one or the other.Scope and control of attention appear to be related but distinct contributors to intelligence.  相似文献   

The prospect of gaining money is an incentive widely at play in the real world. Such monetary motivation might have particularly strong influence when the cognitive system is challenged, such as when needing to process conflicting stimulus inputs. Here, we employed manipulations of reward-prospect and attentional-preparation levels in a cued-Stroop stimulus conflict task, along with the high temporal resolution of electrical brain recordings, to provide insight into the mechanisms by which reward-prospect and attention interact and modulate cognitive task performance. In this task, the cue indicated whether or not the participant needed to prepare for an upcoming Stroop stimulus and, if so, whether there was the potential for monetary reward (dependent on performance on that trial). Both cued attention and cued reward-prospect enhanced preparatory neural activity, as reflected by increases in the hallmark attention-related negative-polarity ERP slow wave (contingent negative variation [CNV]) and reductions in oscillatory Alpha activity, which was followed by enhanced processing of the subsequent Stroop stimulus. In addition, similar modulations of preparatory neural activity (larger CNVs and reduced Alpha) predicted shorter versus longer response times (RTs) to the subsequent target stimulus, consistent with such modulations reflecting trial-to-trial variations in attention. Particularly striking were the individual differences in the utilization of reward-prospect information. In particular, the size of the reward effects on the preparatory neural activity correlated across participants with the degree to which reward-prospect both facilitated overall task performance (shorter RTs) and reduced conflict-related behavioral interference. Thus, the prospect of reward appears to recruit attentional preparation circuits to enhance processing of task-relevant target information.  相似文献   

Immediate memory capability for 12 children (8 years) and 12 adults (21 years) was assessed electrophysiologically by using P300 event-related brain potential (ERP) stimulus sequences. These were derived from an auditory discrimination paradigm in which participants detected target stimuli in a series of target (T) and standard (S) tones that were varied by randomly presenting one of four sequence patterns (SSSS, TTTT, TTTS, SSST). Short-term memory capability was assessed behaviorally by recall performance of a 20-word list. Children and adults showed virtually identical P300 amplitude sequence patterns, such that for both groups component size increased systematically as the discrepancy between standard and target stimuli increased across sequence patterns. P300 latency evinced similar, albeit weaker, stimulus sequence effects, with children having longer component peak latencies. Memory recall performance was substantially weaker for the children than for adult participants, especially for recency effects. The findings suggest that immediate memory for stimulus sequences is fully developed in young children, although long-term memory is not.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported in which the subjects had to respond to a target that masked a preceding prime via metacontrast masking. In one part of Experiment l, the subjects discriminated the target's shape (square or diamond) by a motor-choice reaction, and in another part they had to respond with a simple reaction. The prime was neutral (circular) with respect to the target's shape. The data showed a facilitation effect. In both tasks the reaction time was reduced by the masked prime. However, the reduction was more pronounced with simple reaction than with choice reaction. In the other experiments, additional primes were used with the same angular shapes as the targets. In Experiments 2 and 3, after discriminating the target's shape by a choice reaction, the subjects had to judge the prime's shape in a signal-detection task. While neither the d' value for discriminating the angular primes from the circular ones (Exp. 2) nor the d' value for distinguishing between the angular primes (Exp. 3) was different from zero, the choice-reaction data showed a congruency effect. With a congruent prime (i.e., a prime that had the same shape as the target), the reaction times were reduced. With an incongruent prime, the reaction times grew. In Experiment 4 the errors were investigated. The facilitation effect was present in the RT, but not in the number of errors, whereas the congruency effect was present in the number, but not in the RT of errors.While the facilitation effect can be attributed either to an unspecific activation by the masked prime or to an influence of the prime on attentional processes, the congruency effect can be explained by the assumption that the masked prime directly activates the specific response, which corresponds to the prime's shape.  相似文献   

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