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In the present paper a model for describing dynamic processes is constructed by combining the common Rasch model with the concept of structurally incomplete designs. This is accomplished by mapping each item on a collection of virtual items, one of which is assumed to be presented to the respondent dependent on the preceding responses and/or the feedback obtained. It is shown that, in the case of subject control, no unique conditional maximum likelihood (CML) estimates exist, whereas marginal maximum likelihood (MML) proves a suitable estimation procedure. A hierarchical family of dynamic models is presented, and it is shown how to test special cases against more general ones. Furthermore, it is shown that the model presented is a generalization of a class of mathematical learning models, known as Luce's beta-model.  相似文献   

Loglinear unidimensional and multidimensional Rasch models are considered for the analysis of repeated observations of polytomous indicators with ordered response categories. Reparameterizations and parameter restrictions are provided which facilitate specification of a variety of hypotheses about latent processes of change. Models of purely quantitative change in latent traits are proposed as well as models including structural change. A conditional likelihood ratio test is presented for the comparison of unidimensional and multiple scales Rasch models. In the context of longitudinal research, this renders possible the statistical test of homogeneity of change against subject-specific change in latent traits. Applications to two empirical data sets illustrate the use of the models.The author is greatly indebted to Ulf Böckenholt, Rolf Langeheine, and several anonymous reviewers for many helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Two methods of estimating parameters in the Rasch model are compared. It is shown that estimates for a certain loglinear model for the score × item × response table are equivalent to the unconditional maximum likelihood estimates for the Rasch model.  相似文献   

Ivo Ponocny 《Psychometrika》2001,66(3):437-459
A Monte Carlo algorithm realizing a family of nonparametric tests for the Rasch model is introduced which are conditional on the item and subject marginals. The algorithm is based on random changes of elements of data matrices without changing the marginals; most powerful tests against all alternative hypotheses are given for which a monotone characteristic may be computed from the data matrix; alternatives may also be composed. Computation times are long, but exactp-values are approximated with the quality of approximation only depending on calculation time, but not on the number of persons. The power and the flexibility of the procedure is demonstrated by means of an empirical example where, among others, indicators for increased item similarities, the existence of subscales, violations of sufficiency of the raw score as well as learning processes were found. Many of the features described are implemented in the program T-Rasch 1.0 by Ponocny and Ponocny-Seliger (1999).The author wishes to thank Alexander Kaba, Birgit Bukasa, and Ulrike Wenninger of Österreichisches Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit (Austrian Traffic Safety Board) for allowing a data set to be used for the empirical example, and Elisabeth Ponocny-Seliger and the reviewers for many helpful comments. The menu-driven program T-Rasch 1.0 by Ponocny and Ponocny-Seliger (1999) can be obtained from Assessment Systems Corporation (http: //www.assess.com) or from the authors. (Note that it also performs exact person fit tests.)  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of a class of Rasch models to situations where test items are grouped into subsets and the common attributes of items within these subsets brings into question the usual assumption of conditional independence. The models are all expressed as particular cases of the random coefficients multinomial logit model developed by Adams and Wilson. This formulation allows a very flexible approach to the specification of alternative models, and makes model testing particularly straightforward. The use of the models is illustrated using item bundles constructed in the framework of the SOLO taxonomy of Biggs and Collis.The work of both authors was supported by fellowships from the National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for approximating attained significance levels of exact conditional tests. The procedure utilizes a sampling from the null distribution of tables having the same marginal frequencies as the observed table. Application of the approximation through a computer subroutine yields precise approximations for practically any table dimensions and sample size.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution of the so-called unconditional (UML) and the conditional (CML) maximum-likelihood estimation equations in the dichotomous Rasch model are given. The basic critical condition is essentially the same for UML and CML estimation. For complete data matricesA, it is formulated both as a structural property ofA and in terms of the sufficient marginal sums. In case of incomplete data, the condition is equivalent to complete connectedness of a certain directed graph. It is shown how to apply the results in practical uses of the Rasch model.Paper read at the European Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Groningen, June 19–21, 1980.Part of the research reported herein was done while the author was staying at the Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt Wien; he is indebted to Professor Dr. F. Muhar and Dr. R. Mutschlechner for providing excellent working conditions.  相似文献   

A loglinear IRT model is proposed that relates polytomously scored item responses to a multidimensional latent space. The analyst may specify a response function for each response, indicating which latent abilities are necessary to arrive at that response. Each item may have a different number of response categories, so that free response items are more easily analyzed. Conditional maximum likelihood estimates are derived and the models may be tested generally or against alternative loglinear IRT models.Hank Kelderman is currently affiliated with Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.We thank Linda Vodegel-Matzen of the Division of Developmental Psychology of the University of Amsterdam for making available the data used in the example in this article.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive optimal designs for the Rasch Poisson counts model and its extended version of the (generalized) negative binomial counts model incorporating several binary predictors for the difficulty parameter. To efficiently estimate the regression coefficients of the predictors, locally D-optimal designs are developed. After an introduction to the Rasch Poisson counts model and its extension, we will specify these models as particular generalized linear models. Based on this embedding, optimal designs for both models including several binary explanatory variables will be presented. Therefore, we will derive conditions on the effect sizes for certain designs to be locally D-optimal. Finally, it is pointed out that the results derived for the Rasch Poisson models can be applied for more general Poisson regression models which should receive more attention in future psychological research.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on model interpretation issues and employs a geometric approach to compare the potential value of using the Grade of Membership (GoM) model in representing population heterogeneity. We consider population heterogeneity manifolds generated by letting subject specific parameters vary over their natural range, while keeping other population parameters fixed, in the marginal space (based on marginal probabilities) and in the full parameter space (based on cell probabilities). The case of a 2 × 2 contingency table is discussed in detail, and a generalization to 2J tables with J ≥ 3 is sketched. Our approach highlights the main distinction between the GoM model and the probabilistic mixture of classes by demonstrating geometrically the difference between the concepts of partial and probabilistic memberships. By using the geometric approach we show that, in special cases, the GoM model can be thought of as being similar to an item response theory (IRT) model in representing population heterogeneity. Finally, we show that the GoM item parameters can provide quantities analogous to more general logistic IRT item parameters. As a latent structure model, the GoM model might be considered a useful alternative for a data analysis when both classes of extreme responses, and additional heterogeneity that cannot be captured by those latent classes, are expected in the population. This work was supported by Award #1R03 AG18986-01 from the National Institute on Aging and NIH grant #1R01 CA94212-01. The presentation of the ideas in this paper owes much to discussions with Stephen Fienberg and Brian Junker, Carnegie Mellon University. The author thanks Jim Ramsay and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with testing the fit of the Rasch model. It is shown that this can be achieved by constructing functions of the data, on which model tests can be based that have power against specific model violations. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution of these tests can be derived by using the theoretical framework of testing model fit in general multinomial and product-multinomial models. The model tests are presented in two versions: one that can be used in the context of marginal maximum likelihood estimation and one that can be applied in the context of conditional maximum likelihood estimation.I am indebted to Norman Verhelst and Niels Veldhuijzen for their helpful comments. Requests for reprints should be sent to Cees A. W. Glas, Cito, PO Box 1034, 6801 MG Arnhem, THE NETHERLANDS.  相似文献   

Rasch proposed an exact conditional inference approach to testing his model but never implemented it because it involves the calculation of a complicated probability. This paper furthers Rasch’s approach by (1) providing an efficient Monte Carlo methodology for accurately approximating the required probability and (2) illustrating the usefulness of Rasch’s approach for several important testing problems through simulation studies. Our Monte Carlo methodology is shown to compare favorably to other Monte Carlo methods proposed for this problem in two respects: it is considerably faster and it provides more reliable estimates of the Monte Carlo standard error.This Research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-0203762 and a University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation grant.The authors are grateful to Don Burdick for helpful comments. In addition, the authors wish to thank the editor, the associate editor, and the referees for their helpful suggestions.This revised article was published online in August 2005 with the PDF paginated correctly.  相似文献   

Although several goodness of fit tests have been developed for the Rasch model for dichotomous items, most of them are of a global, asymptotic, and confirmatory type. This paper, based on ideas from a recent thesis by Van den Wollenberg, offers some suggestions for local, small sample, and exploratory techniques: difficulty plots for person groups scoring right and wrong on a specific item, a slope test per item based on a binomial distribution per score group, and a unidimensionality check based on an extended hypergeometric distribution per score group. This paper owes much to the inspiring and pioneering work of Arnold Van den Wollenberg, of which only minor aspects are criticized. Thanks go to Charles Lewis for stimulating discussions and for solutions to some programming problems.  相似文献   

A 2 × 2 chi-square can be computed from a phi coefficient, which is the Pearson correlation between two binomial variables. Similarly, chi-square for larger contingency tables can be computed from canonical correlation coefficients. The authors address the following series of issues involving this relationship: (a) how to represent a contingency table in terms of a correlation matrix involving r - 1 row and c - 1 column dummy predictors; (b) how to compute chi-square from canonical correlations solved from this matrix; (c) how to compute loadings for the omitted row and column variables; and (d) the possible interpretive advantage of describing canonical relationships that comprise chi-square, together with some examples. The proposed procedures integrate chi-square analysis of contingency tables with general correlational theory and serve as an introduction to some recent methods of analysis more widely known by sociologists.  相似文献   

Consideration will be given to a model developed by Rasch that assumes scores observed on some types of attainment tests can be regarded as realizations of a Poisson process. The parameter of the Poisson distribution is assumed to be a product of two other parameters, one pertaining to the ability of the subject and a second pertaining to the difficulty of the test. Rasch's model is expanded by assuming a prior distribution, with fixed but unknown parameters, for the subject parameters. The test parameters are considered fixed. Secondly, it will be shown how additional between- and within-subjects factors can be incorporated. Methods for testing the fit and estimating the parameters of the model will be discussed, and illustrated by empirical examples.  相似文献   

Estimating ability parameters in latent trait models in general, and in the Rasch model in particular is almost always hampered by noise in the data. This noise can be caused by guessing, inattention to easy questions, and other factors which are unrelated to ability. In this study several alternative formulations which attempt to deal with these problems without a reparameterization are tested through a Monte Carlo simulation. It was found that although no one of the tested schemes is uniformly superior to all others, a modified jackknife stood out as the best one in general, it was also super efficient (more efficient than the asymptotically optimal estimator) for tests with forty or fewer items. It is proposed that this sort of jackknifing scheme for estimating ability be considered for practical work.This research was funded through a grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (78-NI-AX-0047) to the Bureau of Social Science Research, Howard Wainer, Principal Investigator. We would like to thank Ronald Mead, Anne Morgan and James Ramsay for kind, generous, and invaluable help at various stages of the project.  相似文献   

主观评分中存在的不一致性导致主观评分的信度降低。多面Rasch模型基于项目反应理论,可以应用于评分员效应的识别和消除,从而提高主观评分的信度。该文介绍多面Rasch模型的理论和应用框架,介绍了国外相关的典型应用,并且讨论了该模型的应用条件。  相似文献   

HSK主观考试评分的Rasch实验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主观评分中存在的不一致性导致主观评分的信度降低。多面Rasch模型基于项目反应理论,可以应用于评分员效应的识别和消除,从而提高主观评分的信度。该文介绍多面Rasch模型的理论和应用框架,设计了基于该模型的HSK主观考试评分质量控制应用框架,利用HSK作文评分数据进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe objective of this study to report on the development and psychometric analysis of a scale to measure post exercise exhaustion.DesignThis study utilised the Rasch measurement model for the psychometric analysis of a new scale aimed at measuring acute onset exhaustion in athletes.MethodAn extensive literature review, feedback from athletes and an expert panel from educators in psychology, sports science and exercise physiology provided feedback on the scale, providing evidence of content validity. A final survey, consisting of the 25 items and completed by three hundred and seventy-nine athletes (Sport: 187 tri-athletes and 192 cyclists; gender: 211 males, and 168 females; age: 18–25 [31], 26–35 [114], 36–45 [120], and 46+ [114]), was submitted to Rasch analysis.ResultsAfter amendments a final 14 item scale provided internally consistent and reliable measures of exhaustion for participants. The items of the final scale have good fit, and the scale has high PSI providing statistical evidence of reliability. The scale could benefit from items dealing with mid-range levels of exhaustion. The correlational association between the new scale and a similar scale was positive and significant correlation adding to the evidence of the validity of the new scale.ConclusionsThe scale appears to be a valuable tool for the assessment of exercise-induced acute onset exhaustion and may be an attractive option for researchers, clinicians, and coaches seeking to measure the levels of exhaustion in individuals. In addition to its valid theoretical structure and sound psychometric properties, the scale has advantages over other exhaustion or fatigue scales as it is not disease-specific.  相似文献   

采用项目反应理论(IRT)的多侧面Rasch模型(MFRM),分析评价中心技术中无领导小组讨论(LGD)的测评结果,探讨被试能力水平、评委评分宽严度、评分内部一致性、维度难度和评定等级等问题,进而讨论各种偏差。通过 MFRM 分析人事测评结果,可深入了解被试能力的真实差异、甑别维度难度、探查测评误差源,从而完善测评试题编制、评估或诊断评委合格性、提高测评维度与测评目的匹配性,为拓展项目反应理论在人事测评中的应用提供独特视角。  相似文献   

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