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放松训练对心率、T波幅度、心算成绩的影响研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本实验目的在于探讨放松训练对正常状态和心算应激时心率、T波幅度的影响。实验组接受放松训练,控制组不接受放松训练。结果发现:放松训练使身体常态时的心率显著降低,对心算应激时的心率和T波无显著影响;放松训练降低了心算时心率和心算错误率的方差;实验组的心算速度快,与控制组比较有显著差异。  相似文献   

The development of a self-report measure to assess the effects of relaxation training was examined. A rigorous statistical method of scale construction consisting of a modification of the scale discrimination technique was employed, resulting in a 45-item questionnaire representing three orthogonally derived scales. The three scales, Physiological Tension, Physical Assessment, and Cognitive Tension, demonstrated adequate internal consistency with KR20 reliability coefficients of .89, .95, and .81, respectively. In a second study of predictive validity, 40 individuals were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: relaxation training, tension inducement, pre-postcontrol, or postcontrol. Univariate analysis of variance indicated significant findings for each of the three dimensions of the inventory. The Physiological Tension Scale detected significant increases in tension following tension inducement, whereas the Physical Assessment Scale and Cognitive Tension Scale detected increases in relaxation following relaxation training. Recommendations were made for future research on the inventory.  相似文献   

心理账户的非替代性及其运算规则   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李爱梅  凌文辁 《心理科学》2004,27(4):952-954
心理账户理论(Mental accounting Theory)由萨勒(Thaler)教授提出,他认为:小到个体、家庭,大到企业集团,都有或明确或潜在的心理账户系统。心理账户有两个最本质的特征:一是非替代性;二是具有不同于经济学的特定运算规则。本文分析了心理帐户非替代性的三种表现,从值函数,得与失的编码规则和参照点效应探讨了心理帐户的特定运算规则。这对解释人的非理性经济行为有重要价值。  相似文献   

张承芬  孙金玲 《心理科学》2013,36(1):134-138
本研究从工作记忆容量的角度入手,探讨数学焦虑对工作记忆子系统及数学心算成绩的影响,并寻求三者之间关系的理论解释。本研究为3×2×2混合实验设计,即三组被试(高、中、低数学焦虑组)、工作记忆两个子系统(言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆)和两种数学心算任务难度,并记录数学心算的反应时和正确率作为其成绩指标。结果表明在要求较高工作记忆容量的数学心算任务中,数学焦虑通过言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆都会对数学心算成绩产生影响,其中视空间工作记忆是数学焦虑与复杂数学心算反应时之间的中介变量。  相似文献   

关于数学应用题心理表征策略的新理论   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文主要阐述了数学应用题心理表征中的两种策略一直接转换策略和问题模型策略,介绍了两种策略的认知过程,并对两种策略的区分方法进行了探讨,最后总结说明了研究数学心理表征在理论和实践中的意义。  相似文献   

小学生口算能力的发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的是考察小学生口算速度和广度的发展。180名1至6年级城市小学生接受了口算能力的测验,结果显示:小学生口算的速度和广度随年级的增长而加快和扩大。不同口算的广度之问存在明显的差异,按口算广度的大小排列,依次是:不进位加法、不借位减法、进位加法、借位减法、除法和乘法。小学生口算的速度和广度均无显著的性别差异。数字广度和口算速度是制约口算广度的两个重要因素。  相似文献   

王斌  刘翔平  杨双  卢佳 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1266-1268
心算中语音复述和计算加工交替进行,其中任何一方面落后都会导致心算困难。使用视觉心算成绩和听觉心算成绩相减的范式,研究计算能力正常但心算水平落后的儿童的语音复述水平。结果发现,不同年级心算困难儿童呈现不同的困难模式,2、4年级心算困难儿童语音复述水平正常,但由于语音工作记忆容量的落后,导致缺少足够的注意资源进行计算加工。3年级心算困难儿童在语音工作记忆容量和语音复述上都存在落后,导致心算困难,呈现出双重困难模式。  相似文献   

People frequently gesture when problem‐solving, particularly on tasks that require spatial transformation. Gesture often facilitates task performance by interacting with internal mental representations, but how this process works is not well understood. We investigated this question by exploring the case of mental abacus (MA), a technique in which users not only imagine moving beads on an abacus to compute sums, but also produce movements in gestures that accompany the calculations. Because the content of MA is transparent and readily manipulated, the task offers a unique window onto how gestures interface with mental representations. We find that the size and number of MA gestures reflect the length and difficulty of math problems. Also, by selectively interfering with aspects of gesture, we find that participants perform significantly worse on MA under motor interference, but that perceptual feedback is not critical for success on the task. We conclude that premotor processes involved in the planning of gestures are critical to mental representation in MA.  相似文献   

Although relaxation training is often used with children, there are few comparative evaluations of different approaches to relaxation. This study examines the effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and imagination, both presented with five and ten sessions, as well as in a standard and an intensified version. Both techniques are compared to presenting nontension producing neutral stories and tension-inducing arithmetic problems. One hundred and sixty children aged 9-12 years participated in the study. Evaluative criteria included physiological parameters (heart rate, skin conductance level, and skin temperature) and self-report measurements of mood and physical well-being. The results show clear short-term effects of both relaxation techniques and of presenting neutral stories. However, there is nearly no benefit if the training is extended or intensified.  相似文献   

唐丹  申继亮  王大华  张凌 《心理学探新》2005,25(1):37-40,77
以223名60~85岁老年人及30名大学生作为被试,对加减心算能力的老化过程进行研究。任务为加减法及加减法的组合,包括有:单加、单减、先加后减、先减后加、连加及连减。结果表明,年龄与心算类型存在明显的交互作用。单加及单减两种最基本的心算能力对其它类型心算成绩的作用,在不同年龄段表现不同:对于大学生,单加起主要影响作用,而对于老年人,单减起主要影响作用。  相似文献   

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