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本刊讯 《法音》2015,(6):61-61
5月8日,第二届诺贝尔奖获得者医学峰会暨院士医学论坛——"生命的意义—科学与人文高端对话"在北京举行。中国佛教协会副会长、海南省佛教协会会长、深圳弘法寺方丈印顺法师,北京大学东方学研究院院长兼印度研究中心主任王邦维教授,应邀与巴里·马歇尔(Barry J.Marshall)、理查·罗伯茨(Richard J.Roberts)、克雷格·梅洛(Craig C.Mello)、托马斯·苏德霍夫(Thomas C.Sudhof)、杰克·绍斯塔克(Jack W.Szostak)五位诺贝尔医学生理学奖获得者就生命的意义,从生命科学与自然科学两个角度展开深入对话。本次活动由南海慈爱基金会、中国下一代教育基金会联合诺贝尔奖获得者医学峰会组委会共同主办。  相似文献   

英国生理学家罗伯特·爱德华兹因其对体外受精技术领域做出的开创性贡献而荣膺2010年度生理学和医学诺贝尔奖.回顾体外受精技术的历程带给我们一些启示:临床科研要有强烈的创新意识,执着精神,紧密结合基础研究,同时重视医学伦理.  相似文献   

瑞典皇家科学院宣布了今年的化学、物理和医学诺贝尔奖获得者.获得医学奖的是两位澳大利亚科学家.他们因发现幽门螺杆菌而荻奖.就幽门螺杆菌的实验研究过程和临床应用作一简介.  相似文献   

21世纪中国医学科学技术的发展,需要以诺贝尔奖级研究为战略目标.其实现需要定性与定量相结合的战略管理基础研究,可能较早取得突破的优先学科领域战略管理规划,世界级医学科学家为首的战略管理主体,系统有力的战略管理措施,优良的战略管理"土壤".  相似文献   

食管癌诊断方法研究,涵盖流行病学、生物化学、病理学、肿瘤学、分子生物学等多学科.临床需求是医学科学进步的原动力,科技进步推动了医学发展,食管癌诊断方法的研究和正确的科研思路在控制食管癌发病率和死亡率中起重要作用.  相似文献   

诺贝尔奖获得者医学创新的原动力探析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
诺贝尔奖获得者医学创新的原动力,几乎都是他们对自然现象的好奇心、求知欲、兴趣和责任感等非功利化的因素.这些科学家对科学的好奇心、求知欲和兴趣,虽在产生时间上先后不一,但都是他们心理层面的科学创新原动力.这些科学家在医学创新行为中,无不表现出高于个人责任感的社会责任感、无处不在的集体责任感和作为最高层次的人类责任感,这些责任感是他们精神层面的科学创新原动力.  相似文献   

1997年生理学或医学诺贝尔奖授予普鲁西纳 ,以表彰他发现了一种新的传染病的病原体———感染性蛋白子。当时的学科背景是相当复杂的 ,本系列以前发表的诸文都足以说明。一言以蔽之 ,赞成感染性蛋白子者有之 ,反对者有之 ,如果说后者并没有比前者更多一些的话。自然科学方面的三个诺贝尔奖 :物理奖、化学奖和医学奖 ,一般都是在其科研成果在学术界获得普遍认同的条件下授予。造成的后果之一往往是不必要的推迟授奖 ,从而使获奖者在 80多岁高龄获奖。这种情况特别多见于生理学或医学奖的授奖史中。从这一点说来 ,医学诺贝尔奖评奖全会能够迎…  相似文献   

现代科技发展呈现多学科交叉的趋势,不同学科的交流,互相启迪,共同研究,能够产生新思想、新观点,促进新学科的成长[张玉台.科学思想碰撞的意义无法替代.中国科协2003年学术年会(节选)].近20年来诺贝尔奖获得者多是从交叉学科领域中产生,如Crick和Watson因提出具有划时代意义的"DNA分子双螺旋结构模型"而获得诺贝尔生理与医学奖实质上是物理学与医学结合的产物.  相似文献   

我国医学科学技术的发展需要诺贝尔奖级研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪中国医学科学技术的发展,需要以诺贝尔奖级研究为战略目标。其实现需要定性与定量相结合的战略管理基础研究,可能较早取得突破的优先学科领域战略管理规划,世界级医学科学家为首的战略管理主体,系统有力的战略管理措施,优良的战略管理“土壤”。  相似文献   

细胞信号转导是目前生命科学研究的一个重要内容,至今已获得10次诺贝尔生理与医学奖,说明了它的重要性.通过叙述细胞信号转导获得诺贝尔奖的情况及今后的预测,说明细胞信号转导与诺贝尔奖的关系,从而使我们对其有一个整体的理解.  相似文献   

瑞典皇家科学院宣布了今年的化学、物理和医学诺贝尔奖获得者。获得医学奖的是两位澳大利亚科学家。他们因发现幽门螺杆菌而获奖。就幽门螺杆菌的实验研究过程和临床应用作一简介。  相似文献   

This study forms part of a larger research project examining the election process for the Nobel prizes for Physiology or Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and the role and function of the prizes in early 20th century Swedish and international medicine. The purpose of the study is to clarify the decision-making process which led to the Nobel prize for Paul Ehrlich in 1908, ‘for work on immunity’. His award was preceded by the most dramatic conflict within the prize authority concerning any prizewinner prior to World War I, and thus is apt to illuminate both the implicit and explicit criteria and the strategies used in the prize deliberations. Ehrlich's chemical ideas on the immune response were criticized by the physical chemist Svante Arrhenius who recommended the application of his disciplines's methods and principles on immunological problems. This criticisms were brought into the Nobel prize debate by J.E. Johansson, a physiologist who asserted that Ehrlich's research was of little scientific value and therefore not worthy of a prize. Yet the majority of the Institute, led by its chairmam, the chemist K.A.H. Mörner, succeeded in awarding Ehrlich. An analysis of the controversy shows it to be primarily based upon (1) a difference of scientific styles between the antagonists, resulting in incongruous definitions of immunology as a research field, and of the proper aims and methods of immunological studies. Other factors influencing the final decision were (2) the Institute's negative reaction to what was considered an intrusion in medical Nobel prize matters by a chemist, (3) Arrhenius' and Johansson's diverging views on what kind of work should be awarded a prize, and (4) Johansson's position as a non-conformist at the Karolinska.  相似文献   


In the 100-year-old history of the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology, there are several fields whose practitioners have not received the prize. Among the unlucky candidates for the Nobel Prize, Sigmund Freud (18561939) is probably the most prominent and best known. He is also the one proposed for the prize during the longest period of time, almost a quarter of a century, or more precisely, between 1915 and 1938. In this article I will examine the nominations of Freud and the evaluations of his work by what is perhaps the most science centered of medical institutions, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. I will place these in the context of the reception of Freud's work by Swedish psychiatrists. Here the influence of the most prominent psychiatrist at the time, Bror Gadelius, deserves special attention.  相似文献   

The current research examines tacit coordination behavior in a lottery selection task. Two hundred participants in each of three experiments and 100 in a fourth choose to participate in one of two lotteries, where one lottery has a larger prize than the other. Independent of variations in the complexity of the mechanism of prize allocation, the prize amounts, and whether the lottery is the participant's first or second choice, we typically find that the percentage of participants who choose the high versus low‐prize lotteries does not significantly differ from the equilibrium predictions. This coordination is achieved without communication or experience. We additionally find that participants with an analytical thinking style and a risk‐averse tendency are more likely to choose the low‐prize lottery over the high‐prize lottery. This tendency seems to be stable across choices. The pattern of our results suggests that to achieve tacit coordination, having a subset of individuals who attend to the choices of others is sufficient. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

钟毅平  邓棉琳  肖丽辉 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1323-1327
公正世界信念指人们需要相信他们所处的世界是一个公正有序的世界。本研究考察的是公正世界信念是否影响人们的记忆,让人产生记忆偏差。实验一中,被试首先阅读一则彩票中奖的新闻,然后阅读关于中奖者人品的描述,最后被试需要回忆中奖金额。结果发现,中奖者的个性品质影响对奖金数额的记忆。实验二中,两组被试分别阅读一则维护公正世界信念或威胁公正世界信念的无关故事,接下来程序与实验一相同。结果发现,预先激活的公正世界信念状态与中奖者个性品质在记忆结果上存在显著的交互效应。结果表明,公正世界信念能够导致记忆偏差。  相似文献   

There is a branch of modern medicine that relies on information rather than on biochemical substances to maintain health and cure disease. Known as information medicine, it offers an important complement to the dominant biochemical approach of mainstream medicine. This note offers a few reflections on the potentials of information medicine in reference to what is currently known regarding the role of information in the universe, and in the living organism.  相似文献   

In two experiments, 4- to 9-year-olds played a game in which they selected one of two boxes to win a prize. On regret trials the unchosen box contained a better prize than the prize children actually won, and on baseline trials the other box contained a prize of the same value. Children rated their feelings about their prize before and after seeing what they could have won if they had chosen the other box and were asked to provide an explanation if their feelings had changed. Patterns of responding suggested that regret was experienced by 6 or 7 years of age; children of this age could also explain why they felt worse in regret trials by referring to the counterfactual situation in which the prize was better. No evidence of regret was found in 4- and 5-year-olds. Additional findings suggested that by 6 or 7 years, children's emotions were determined by a consideration of two different counterfactual scenarios.  相似文献   

Although treatment outcome in prize‐based contingency management has been shown to depend on reinforcement schedule, the optimal schedule is still unknown. Therefore, we conducted a retrospective analysis of data from a randomized clinical trial (Ghitza et al., 2007) to determine the effects of the probability of winning a prize (low vs. high) and the size of the prize won (small, large, or jumbo) on likelihood of abstinence until the next urine‐collection day for heroin and cocaine users (N = 116) in methadone maintenance. Higher probability of winning, but not the size of individual prizes, was associated with a greater percentage of cocaine‐negative, but not opiate‐negative, urines.  相似文献   

Two laboratory experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the 1‐in‐5 prize tactic for perpetrating telemarketing fraud crimes. Across these experiments, the 1‐in‐5 prize tactic (securing acquiescence to a request by misleading a person to believe that he or she has won a valuable prize) resulted in a 5‐fold increase in compliance, including 100% yielding in conditions most similar to those used by fraudulent telemarketers. Possible psychological mechanisms underlying the tactic (including phantom fixation) are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— People chose between hypothetical alternatives of (a) a million-dollar lottery prize and (b) a much smaller but certain amount of money When probabilities of winning the lottery were above about 1/100,000, subjects avoided risk, for example, a 1/100,000 probability of the million-dollar prize was chosen about as often as $700 for sure But at probabilities below 1/100,000, subjects sought risk, for example, a 1/1,000,000 probability of the million-dollar prize was chosen about as often as $9 for sure This crossover from risk aversion to risk seeking is predicted by Mazur's (1987) hyperbolic delay discount function with probability expressed as average delay due to strings of losses followed by a win, together with a time horizon limiting subjective delay  相似文献   

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