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This paper outlines, for purposes of discussion and debate, an ecologically oriented approach to theory and research in psychology and related social sciences. This approach, labeled "substantive theorizing", is intended as a constructive response to recent critiqies of the logical positivism paradigm. Substantive theorizing is presented as the intersection of a series of choices by researchers, including decisions to focus on limited but socially important domains; to use multiple methods; to develop intimate familiarity with chosen domains; and to examine processes in their natural social and temporal contexts. The approach emphasizes the process, rather than the product, of conceptual framing and development. Among the projected benefits of substantive theorizing are development of new concepts and procedures, blurring of disciplinary boundaries, greater understanding of socially important domains, and increased utility of research for policy and practice. Projected costs include long-term research commitments and lack of support from academic departments and research funding agencies.  相似文献   

Wicker (1989) urges the ecologyically-oriented psychologist to be more cognizant of the decision points implicit in the scientific enterprise. He describes what he calls substantive theorizing and urges us to give greater precedence, conceptually and methodologically, to context-specific phenomena. In this rejoinder, I: (1) underscore the thrust of the choices Wicker has clarified and the p references he has recommended; (2) suggest an alternative route for the ecologically-oriented research process, one in which the conceptual and substantive "paths" have coequal and interdependent importance in determining the nature and direction of the research process; and (3) discuss in greater depth the search for universal laws. Though universal laws per se may be fictional goals, I argue that our principles will have greater generalizability to the degree to which we are successful in redirecting the research enterprise to focus upon structural, as opposed to content, principles.  相似文献   

Indigenization in psychology leads to modes of theorizing based within local knowledge communities and defined in terms of culturally relevant criteria. The present study offers a conceptualization of the social psychology of science in terms of complexity theory. The value of alternative choices in advancing psychological knowledge is shown by a knowledge landscape whose shape depends on the diversity of paradigms within the community. Dominance by a single paradigm (such as a Western world view) leads to a single-peaked landscape where advances in knowledge are judged using only the criteria of that paradigm. Here, the most effective form of working is incremental step-by-step research; but this ignores the historical context of the indigenous community and runs the risk of promoting a kind of psychology that is irrelevant to its values and priorities. Indigenization is presented as a complexification of the knowledge community building on a diversity of world views, leading to a rugged, multiple-peaked knowledge landscape. Four features of working on rugged landscapes are examined: path dependence, showing the importance of history for shaping the direction of research; fostering research progress through seeding of multiple starting points; the benefits of locally dense networks within knowledge communities; and the role of policy-makers in tuning knowledge landscapes. Examples are drawn from the development of indigenous psychology within a number of countries.  相似文献   

Several case studies and theoretical reports indicate that the structuralist concept of a constraint has a central role in the reconstruction of physical theories. It is surprising that there is, in the literature, only little theoretical discussion on the relevance of constraints for the reconstruction of social scientific theories. Almost all structuralist reconstructions of social theorizing are vacuously constrained. Consequently, constraints are methodologically irrelevant.In this paper I try to show that there really exist constraint-type assumptions in mathematical modelling in the social sciences. Methodologically constraints have exactly the same role in the context of social mathematical modelling as they have in physical theories. In typical cases of mathematical modelling in the social sciences, the related constraints work as empirical hypotheses and should be tested by statistical means.  相似文献   

I discuss the prospects of perspectival realism for resolving the problem of incompatible models or theories in scientific practice. My diagnosis is that the perspectivist can secure the ‘realism’ in her position only by employing suitable relations between the models. It is such relations that do the work, not the general philosophical claim about the perspectival nature of knowledge claims. But appeal to such relations has also been the preferred strategy of scientific realist approaches to the problem. With respect to the problem of incompatible models, then, it is not clear that perspectivism has a clear advantage—even though the issue was among the motivating problems for proposing this view. I suggest, however, that the required inter-model relations (typically limit relations) embody a narrower notion of perspective, a notion that is explicitly part of the models themselves and that is essential in maintaining a realist view.  相似文献   

The authors use examples of youth civic engagement from Chile, South Africa, Central/Eastern Europe, and the United States--and also emphasize diversities among youth from different subgroups within countries--to illustrate common elements of the civic domain of youth development. These include the primacy of collective activity for forming political identities and ideas and the greater heterogeneity of civic compared to other discretionary activities, the groupways or accumulated opportunities for acting due to the groups (social class, gender, ethnic, caste, etc.) to which a young person belongs, and the role of mediating institutions (schools, community-based organizations, etc.) as spaces where youths' actions contribute to political stability and change.  相似文献   

This reaction to the Wicker paper on substantive theorizing provides a summary of salient features of the approach. It is suggested that more detail about the implementation of substantive theorizing is needed in the future. Further it is argued that there is a need to amalgamate the substantive, conceptual, and methodological facets of research.  相似文献   

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