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读书,是个体生命获取思想赢得智慧从而不断告别愚昧的一种行为方式。学校里的读书时间在一个人的一生中是短暂的,更何况这种读书方式是被动的和不可选择的。更多的读书时间应该在一个人的社会生活阶段。而在一个物质时代里,当人的基本生存不再成为一个难题之后,个体生命自主选择的读书活动成为了一种可能或现实。  相似文献   

在当前生活方式问题的讨论中,研究者普遍注意的是通过人们的生存活动来确定其生活方式。从这种观点看来,生活方式是与生存条件相一致的,是该社会特有的生存活动类型的总和。但是,仅仅承认人的生活方式对社会条件的依赖性是不够的,因为生活方式关系到每个人的具体生活活动,是通过每个人的生活活动表现出来的,在同一个社会中,个人的生活方式因对生活的不同理解相态度而  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展, 尤其是互联网在社会生活中的广泛应用和渗透, 人类生存方式受到了前所未有的挑战。学者们普遍认为, 互联网建构了一个虚拟世界, 这意味着人们不仅生活在现实社会中, 而且也生活在虚拟世界里。在互联网架构的虚拟世界中, 人们利用虚拟技术, 进行着与现实社会不同的实践活动, 呈现出与现实社会不同的生存方式。“在线”就是对人的这种存在状态的一种描述。所谓“在线” (online), 是指人在由互联网架构的可能世界中, 利用数字化中介手段所进行的一系列实践活动。虽然从形式上看这是人与技术系统的结合, 但其实质却是人以…  相似文献   

居住源自于个体的生存和安全需求,是生命活动的必须。在这之上,诗人以其诗意化的精神体验,自觉体合宇宙自然的生命节律,在与自然万物的情感交流中不断地实现自我,这是诗人的精神"栖居"方式。在自我实现的基础上,诗人不断建构着与自然融合为一的亲和关系。这种由内而外的生命活动正是我们提升"居"的美学意蕴的基点:在艺术和审美中感悟宇宙自然的无限宽广,体认我们与世界的和谐关系,进而反观自我,实现人"居"于大地之上的自由存在。中国古典诗歌对"居"的这一意蕴有着丰富而具体的体现,古代文人或隐于超然世外,或恋于田园牧歌,或耽于静谧空灵,或安于乡野自适,不断构建着精神和心灵的诗意栖居之地。  相似文献   

陈新汉 《哲学研究》2022,(1):20-29+125
人的生命的产生,使宇宙中事物存在的互为对象性关系进入“自我对象关系”,从而宇宙“所含蕴的理性(Nous)得到意识”。“有意识的生命活动”是主体自身意识经过“反思”升华为“我”的根据。生命意识作为“此在的存在的规定”,不仅随着生命活动的展开而展开,而且使生命活动在其展开中展开。“生命是人的定在的整个范围”,生命意识包括生存意识和生活意识。生存意识使生命在量上延伸,生活意识使生命在质上拓展。生存意识和生活意识交融所引发的生命活动是社会基本矛盾运动的原动力,推动人类进入数字化时代。“向死存在”使此在通过死向生的转化,本真地筹划人生,给此在以人生意义与悲剧意识。作为常识中核心之核心的生命意识绝不可违。法的命令是“成为一个人”,要求作为“法之定在”的法律体系以尊重和敬畏生命为最高原则。在常识和法律相互作用中发展的生命意识对价值世界构建所产生的作用,体现了人民通过社会意识创造历史的能动性。  相似文献   

我们生活在生命的世界中,即现象学所认为的与科学研究直接关联的客观世界不同的经验世界。人的生命不仅具有自在的规定性,而且还具有自为的规定性,即人有双重生命:"种生命"和"类生命"。两者的区别在于前者的生存是一次性的,生存的终结就意味着生命的结束;后者意味着生命超越自身的存在获得了意义的生成。追求生命的意义,获得自身存在的价值一方面体现了人之为人的根本所在,另一方面显示出人对自身的否定和向理想飞升的可能性,这个世界就是审美的世界。如果人的生命缺少这种审美的世界,人的生命就会陷入一种生活无意义的境遇之中。缺乏生活的意义的世界是人的生命所不能承受的世界。所以,生命的实质在于生命的意义,这里讲的生命的意义是指人的生命的意义,离开了人的生命所有的意义都将化作虚无。对于生命意义的理解是在时间中完成的,也就是说人的生命意义是在历史中获得的,这就是人的生命意义的历史内蕴;对于生命意义的理解需要"前见"作为前提;对于生命意义的理解不能离开语境;生命意义的获得不能靠分析而是要依靠体验。  相似文献   

姜颖鹏  陆树程 《世界哲学》2023,(1):5-15+160
当今世界新冠疫情、自然灾害、局部战争频发多发,对人的生命体造成了严重威胁,重新学习马克思生命哲学思想对正确认识和处理这些问题具有重要的现实意义。研学丰富的马克思生命哲学思想,不仅需要把握马克思生命哲学思想的问题阈,感悟马克思生命哲学思想的来源、基点、内核的理论蕴涵,而且需要阐明马克思生命哲学思想的重要特征,领悟马克思生命哲学思想追求自由自觉的生命活动、建构生命辩证法、打造生命共同体的本质属性。探赜马克思生命哲学思想的时代价值,应以人的生命实践为统领,关切人类生命发展的现实问题,始终坚持人民至上、生命至上的根本立场和重要原则,优化生存境域、提升生产水平、丰富生活样式、改善生态环境,真正构建一个美好的生命世界。  相似文献   

体育是人的实践活动的身体性(生命性)与文化性的融合统一。体育蕴含着丰富的伦理意蕴。在生命伦理的主体形态中,体育是人身体自由的表现形式,是自我存在的行为展示,是全面发展的实践要求,是生命意义自我实现的根本途径。身体的自由是通过生命的积极活动对外在的与内在的、物质的与精神的束缚的克服而得以展开和实现的。从生命伦理的视角来看,体育包含了人的生理自在、生物自知、生存自我、生活自觉与存在自由的不同层面,它们构成一个从低级到高级、从底层到高端的递进提升的紧密结构。人作为体育的主体,其生命伦理价值的维系主要体现在生理自在的身体属性、生物自知的存在基础、生存自我的本性解释、生活自觉的文化关怀和生命自由的本质实现中。  相似文献   

随着互联网在人们社会生活中的广泛渗透,人们越来越意识到,互联网真正的价值不在于技术而在于社会。互联网除了承担技术的基本工具化作用之外,更为人类建构了一个可能世界。其中,“在线”(online)就是互联网的社会价值的一种体现。所谓“在线”,就是人在由互联网架构的可能世界中利用数字化中介手段所进行的一系列实践活动,是人类在信息时代呈现出的一种新的生存方式。在线生存的出现,意味着生活在信息时代的人具有了两种存在方式,即“在线”的存在和“在世”的存在。①由此可见,信息时代的生存哲学不仅要将研究的视角引向“在线”生存,更要…  相似文献   

生态、生存、生活、生命的意义日益成为现代人的现实关切。"可持续发展"与"建设和谐社会"作为一种现代发展模式或对策,可以从更深层次上归约为一种处理人与自然、人与社会、人与自我关系的哲学理念。《周易》哲学"太极"一源的生命本体论,天、地、人"三才"共生的大生命世界图景,"保合大和""大生""广生"的大生命价值观及天地生生与人文化成交融互动的思维方式,正蕴含着这样一种哲学意义。研究视域、理论观念及研究方法的创新是当今易学传承与创新的关键。  相似文献   

The German debate on bioethics and medical ethics turns on achange in the meaning of human dignity. Such dignity is increasinglyrendered contingent upon a person's empirically assessable qualityof life. In contrast to such dignity-endowed human life, a merelybiological human life is taken to disqualify its bearer fromsuch dignity, depriving his life of the protection "respectfor human dignity" would otherwise guarantee. The idea of a"life not worth living" or "undignified life" evokes categories,which were developed at the beginning of the 20th century, andlater informed the crimes of National Socialist medicine inGermany. Against this secular development, this article analysesthe theological and church-based discussion of basic bioethicalquestions in Germany, especially the controversy among Protestants:once Protestant ethicists abandon an explicitly theologicalbasis for their arguments, their conclusions come to closelyresemble those of the secular participants in the debate. Asa result, such Protestants relativize fundamental ethical norms.They subordinate, along with their secular environment, theprotection of life to respect for autonomy. They thus preparethe ground for a revival of the risky concepts of the past.  相似文献   

Hwe Ik Zhang 《Zygon》1989,24(4):447-456
Abstract. The position and role of humanity in the world of life is examined in the light of the ontological structure of life itself. This problem is approached by considering the possible units of life representing various modes of life phenomena. I argue that the only meaningful unit of life without interposing some special external conditions is "global life" framed in a star-planet system. Any other possible unit of life exhibited by various kinds of individuals is conditional in the sense that it would leave out an essential part as "co-life." The relationship between human being and the global life should be understood in this general scheme of individual and global life. It is emphasized, however, that human being occupies a unique position in global life in the sense that humanity can promote either a cancerous situation or a healthy higher-order enhancement of the global life.  相似文献   

The present study identified relationships between social support, religious coping, continuing bonds, prolonged grief disorder (PGD) symptoms, and the quality of life among bereaved African American adults (N = 154). Perceived social support and less use of negative religious coping strategies predicted a higher quality of life and fewer PGD symptoms. Also, greater perceived social support, less use of negative religious coping strategies, and less use of continuing bonds significantly predicted fewer PGD symptoms. Implications suggest that the conceptualization of grief and loss for African Americans might include social support, religious coping, and continuing bonds.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to describe three different attempts, which have been made by philosophers, to define what quality of life is; and to spell out some of the difficulties that faces each definition. One, Perfectionism, focuses on the capacities that human beings possess: capacities for friendship, knowledge and creative activity, for instance. It says that the good life consists in the development and use of these capacities. Another account, the Preference Theory, urges that satisfying one's preferences, or desires, is what improves one's quality of life. And a third account, Hedonism, sees life-quality as consisting in the enjoyment of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. The paper describes and evaluates objections to each of these views, thereby displaying their weaknesses and strengths. Since no view comes out as the right one there is a choice to be made. At the end of the paper it is being discussed how well each of the views cohere with different methodologies used in quality of life research. Also it is suggested that considerations about what the research is to be used for are relevant.  相似文献   

人为什么要有道德?(上)   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
万俊人 《现代哲学》2003,20(1):65-75
本文从道德哲学的角度提出“人为什么要有道德?”的问题,并尝试给出某种解答。通过“善(好)生活”、“利益(关系)”和“人性(潜能)”三个核心概念,作者力图阐明道德之于人类生活的内在性,并从人类的生活目的、行为方式和人性潜能三个基本方面,揭示人类道德生活所内含的美德一目的论与规范一道义论之双重维度。  相似文献   

From philosophical and intuitive sources, I find three goods that should serve as ultimate ends in assessing a high quality of life: subjective well-being, human development, and justice. With acknowledged plural ends (we use them whether we acknowledge them or not), each takes its value from its scarcity relative to the other two – a version of diminishing marginal utility. Contrary to economists' belief that income (together with leisure) is the source of all utility, evidence shows that companionship, which does not pass through the market, has higher utility and contributes more to well-being than does income. But if money income has diminishing marginal utility, so does this competing good, companionship. With arguments drawn from the meaning of happiness, I show that happiness, too, may have diminishing marginal utility and that often it must rely for its hedonic and social value on such other goods as human development and justice.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of requests formercy killings by patients and their relatives. Under certain conditions,the patient may prefer death to a life devoid of quality. In contrast to thosewho uphold this quality of life approach, those who hold the sanctity oflife approach claim that life has intrinsic value and must be preservedregardless of its quality. This essay describes these two approaches,examines their flaws, and offers a golden path between the two extremepositions.We discuss the halachic and the secular views, arguing for a balancebetween the sanctity of life and the quality of life. We argue that, indeed,such a balance exists in practice, and that life is important, but it is not sacred. Life can be evaluated, but quality of life is not the solecriterion.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, the work of Georg Simmel (1858–1918) has again become of interest. Its reception, however, has been fairly one-sided and selective, mostly because Simmel’s philosophy has been bypassed in favor of his sociological contributions. This article examines Simmel’s explicit reflections on the nature of philosophy. Simmel defines philosophy through three aspects which, according to him, are common to all philosophical schools. First, philosophical reasoning implies the effort to think without preconditions. Second, Simmel maintains that in contrast to other sciences, only philosophy is oriented toward constructing a general view of the world. Third, Simmel claims that philosophical work worthy of the name creates a sphere of a typical way of being in relation to world, a third sphere that is between the personal and the objective. According to Simmel, what has made philosophy’s eminent figures great is that they have advanced a type of thinking and developed it into a particularly interesting form, and this type can still correspond with the way we experience the world. It is significant that these three aspects through which Simmel defines philosophical activity emphasize the forms of questioning, not the contents or objects of thought. Still, he thinks that an interaction with concrete examples is always required in order to make philosophy a meaningful activity. This stance is reflected in the wide variety of topics studied by Simmel himself. In his last works Simmel began to emphasize another aspect of philosophy, its nature as a living movement of thought related to fundamental human limitedness: just as life itself ceaselessly reaches beyond its present form, so philosophy constantly strives to overcome the preconditions of thinking.
Olli Pyyhtinen (Corresponding author)Email:

A narrative approach was used to explore whether women perceive their later years as a time of loss, stability, or gain, and the explanations they give for their perceptions. Life review interviews were held with 20 married or previously married mothers aged 60–65 living in lower-income suburbs of Sydney, Australia. Participants were asked to consider their life story as a book, to divide the book into chapters, and to entitle each chapter. Two types of gain narrative accounted for 70% of the stories: one (breakouts) described gains that resulted from the womans own actions, and the other (stress relief) described gains from role changes and the passage of time. A further 20% described continuing contentment with their lives, and 10% of the accounts described later life in terms of losses. The findings suggest that one reason for the later life satisfaction regularly found by surveys of older adults may be the disappearance or diminishment of previous life stressors. As part of a planned cohort comparison, similar interviews were held with women aged 50–55 and 40–45. An additional category of ongoing stress was required to accommodate their narratives.  相似文献   

池田大作的生命论伦理观——以《生命的尊严》为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石神丰  冉毅 《伦理学研究》2006,(2):62-68,77
伦理本源于社会生活,伦理的基础应当是人的生命和生活。池田大作立足于人的生命尊严来阐发幸福,倡导共生的道德风气,对生命的意义给予了新的诠释。  相似文献   

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