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王才康 《心理科学》2002,25(2):198-201
实验设计通常被当作一种种设计模式.这种方法可称之为实验设计的模式方法。但本文认为,这种常用的方法事实上存在着不少缺点。于此.本文尝试提出了一种新的实验设计方法——实验设计的变量方法。实验设计的变量方法的基本思想是.从实验研究的问题出发,根据实验中变量的性质或特点确定实验设计的具体内容。本文最后讨论了实验设计变量方法的优越性。  相似文献   

丁敬雯 《学海》2007,(2):197-200
由于理论准备不足和实践经验缺乏,目前多数创新型城市的建设思路,未能体现出区域创新体系的特色和优势。其中一个重要原因是对区域创新体系的机制问题研究不够。本文从区域创新体系机制的制度前提、创新路径和机制结构三个方面,探讨了区域创新体系机制的特点,以求能对各地建设创新型城市的实践有所启示。  相似文献   

心理实验设计的程序化思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁登华  王重鸣 《心理科学》2002,25(3):300-302
本研究讨论了在心理实验过程中选择各种设计类型的关键条件,并以流程图的形式将各种设计类型串起来,理出了一条心理实验设计的程序化思路。  相似文献   

通过分析医学实验设计中常见的问题,思考其原因,提出了解决这些问题的初浅体会:针对研究主题,全面考量研究环节;重视知识积累,合理预知"未知"的结果;对他人和自己的研究行不间断反思;在研究活动持有客观的态度。  相似文献   

通过分析医学实验设计中常见的问题,思考其原因,提出了解决这些问题的初浅体会:针对研究主题,全面考量研究环节;重视知识积累,合理预知"未知"的结果;对他人和自己的研究行不间断反思;在研究活动持有客观的态度.  相似文献   

经济伦理范畴及其体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济伦理范畴及其体系的研究,应从市场经济的伦理定位切入,以经济人的抽象为基石,劳动和资本作为贯穿整个体系的一条主线,自由、公平是市场经济运行的基本机制,竞争、诚信则是市场经济运行的根本保证,利益是整个体系的核心。  相似文献   

迁移研究中的实验设计、迁移量计算与口语报告分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在20世纪初。心理学家们研究迁移的实验设计主要有单组法、等组法和三组法。在单组法中,先让被试完成第一项任务(迁移任务),再让他练习第二项任务(训练任务),练习到一定程度时.再要求被试完成第一项任务。如果第二次的成绩比第一次有所提高,就认为第二项任务对第一项任务产生了迁移的效果。在等组法中.首先让两组年龄、智力、教育程度等条件基本相同的被斌完成一项任务(迁移任务);然后再给其中一组被试(实验组)练习另一项任务(训练任务),另一组被试(控制组)不给予练习;最后再要求两组被试完成第一项任务。如果实验组的成绩比控制组的成绩好,就说明第二项任务对第一项任务产生了迁移。这种设计排除了练习效应的影响。  相似文献   

运用利益相关者理论分析我国基本医疗保险改革过程中各利益相关者之间的利益博弈和妥协,并从各个利益相关者的视角出发提出相应的改善措施,这些措施将是改善诚信缺失现状的切入点,亦会为构建和谐的基本医疗保险诚信体系提供参考。正确梳理我国基本医疗保险领域内各利益相关者的角色定位及行为模式,均衡其利益冲突、协调其平衡关系,是加快我国基本医疗保险统筹层次提高的必要前提和基础,有利于构建和谐的基本医疗保险诚信体系。  相似文献   

胡炜光 《法音》2021,(3):30-32,33,34
我国汉传佛乐在当代仍保留着诸多古代音乐传统,这在我国传统音乐中颇具特色,如当今常见的盂兰盆法会、水陆法会等已流传近千年;而明清时随寺庙间交流而传入各地的梵呗,至今依然与原生地保持着一致。[1]汉传佛乐之所以能够历经千年而流传至今,很可能拥有一套独特的传承体系。  相似文献   

中国特色农产品安全:基本内涵、体系框架与政策措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋永穆  王丰 《学海》2011,(3):124-128
近年受国际金融危机、国内宏观经济形势和频繁自然灾害的影响,我国农产品总量平衡、结构优化、质量安全等方面的压力不断增大,保持中国农产品安全需要加大力度。提出有效的农产品安全政策,应深入研究中国特色农产品安全的基本内涵与体系框架。中国特色农产品安全涉及三个层次,包括九大安全:第一层次为粮食安全、数量安全、主权安全;第二层次为来源安全、质量安全、结构安全;第三层次为分配安全、价格安全、时空安全。  相似文献   

We examined the species used as subjects in every article published in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB) from 1958 through 2013. We also determined the sex of subjects in every article with human subjects (N = 524) and in an equal number of randomly selected articles with nonhuman subjects, as well as the general type of experimental designs used. Finally, the percentage of articles reporting an inferential statistic was determined at 5-year intervals. In all, 35,317 subjects were studied in 3,084 articles; pigeons ranked first and humans second in number used. Within-subject experimental designs were more popular than between-subjects designs regardless of whether human or nonhuman subjects were studied but were used in a higher percentage of articles with nonhumans (75.4 %) than in articles with humans (68.2 %). The percentage of articles reporting an inferential statistic has increased over time, and more than half of the articles published in 2005 and 2010 reported one. Researchers who publish in JEAB frequently depart from Skinner’s preferred research strategy, but it is not clear whether such departures are harmful. Finally, the sex of subjects was not reported in a sizable percentage of articles with both human and nonhuman subjects. This is an unfortunate oversight.  相似文献   

A long‐lasting assumption about the framing effect is that if the participants discover the purpose of the experiment in a within‐subject design, then this test transparency would trigger them to override their initial answer and make coherent choices. For this reason, researchers try to mask the connection between the two parts of the test by inserting filling questions or a time delay between the two parts of the test. In this research, we explored the extent to which these customarily used masking solutions are effective in increasing test sensitivity for the framing effect. In three experiments, we assessed the effect of masking on the tests of the attribute framing and the risky‐choice framing effects. Contradicting the general belief, our results indicate that these effects are already measurable without any masking or delay and we found no convincing evidence that the attempts to decrease task transparency provide worthwhile benefits for general tests of the effect. Beyond their practical relevance, the results question whether the test is a good measure of coherence rationality and better suit those accounts that suggest that the two parts of the framing tasks cannot be regarded as identical. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches require researchers in a variety of applied business disciplines to design experimental materials. This research is often busy and difficult to secure high-level professionals; thus, researchers must ensure sufficient attention to experimental materials to provide usable data. The current study suggests an experimental design feature to encourage participants to thoroughly process information contained in experimental materials. Based on Reynolds' (1992) selective attention strategy (SAS) model, variations in presentation format were expected to influence the relative salience of information presented. Two aspects of presentation format were manipulated to increase salience: display (paragraph vs. bullet point) and typeface (standard vs. bold underlined). Results indicate display improved ability to retrieve information, but typeface did not. Implications for the design of experimental materials are discussed.  相似文献   

认知负荷理论在教学设计中的应用及其启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
常欣  王沛 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1115-1119
在教学设计中,认知负荷理论有助于激励学习者的学习活动、使之表现出良好的学习绩效。认知负荷理论主要依赖于以容量有限的工作记忆为核心的认知结构的支持。工作记忆包括相对独立的视觉、听觉信息加工单元,同时又与容量较大的长时记忆共同承担着对信息的贮存与理解。根据该理论,可以通过把多个信息单元编码成一个完整的认知图式,或通过自动化加工规则,或使用多媒介(多感觉通路)呈现形式等多种方法来设法规避工作记忆的有限性。此文总结了可通过样例学习增加适当的认知负荷的教育技巧,样例一精细化训练对于降低认知干扰及超负荷的影响,样例对学习者的认知负荷的影响,以认知负荷理论为基础的教学设计原则,以及基于认知负荷理论研发的教学设计在各方面业已取得的进展及其存在的问题与可能的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Verbal lie detection tools are almost exclusively examined in Western Europe and North America, but practitioners worldwide show interest in such tools. Because cultural differences in the efficacy of such tools may occur, it is important to examine their efficacy in different cultures. In this article, we focus on proportion of complications, which in previous research was more diagnostic than “total details” in two British samples and in three samples that each included Hispanic, Russian, and South Korean participants. In the present article, we merged the three non‐British samples and analysed the data by presenting them for each cultural group separately. Truth tellers disclosed the details of a trip away they had made, whereas liars fabricated such details. Proportion of complications discriminated truth tellers from liars in all three groups and was consistently a better indicator of veracity than total details. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of functionally equivalent task designs and alternatives, as validated by motion study procedures, on dependent variables (nonadaptive responses, use of alternative, attempts at task, and completed attempts at task) relevant to performing a selected task. First, we evaluated the effects of functionally equivalent task designs on the dependent variables. Second, we evaluated the effects of an efficient functionally equivalent alternative on the variables. Third, we compared the effects of the efficient functionally equivalent alternative with a less efficient functionally equivalent alternative on the same variables. The results showed that the inefficient functionally equivalent task design occasioned higher rates of nonadaptive responses than the efficient functionally equivalent task design. The results also showed that the functionally equivalent task designs and alternatives competed within and across response classes to reduce nonadaptive responses. Mixed results were obtained in comparing the effects of the efficient versus the less efficient functionally equivalent alternatives. We provide evidence for extending the current concept of functional equivalence to include task design responses as well as alternative responses in functional equivalence training.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of research practices typical of experimental philosophy. To that end, it presents a review of methodological issues that have proved crucial to the quality of research in the biobehavioral sciences. It discusses various shortcomings in the experimental philosophy literature related to (1) the credibility of self‐report questionnaires, (2) the validity and reliability of measurement, (3) the adherence to appropriate procedures for sampling, random assignment, and handling of participants, and (4) the meticulousness of study reporting. It argues that the future standing of experimental philosophy will hinge upon improvements in research methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, the efficiency of conditional maximum likelihood (CML) and marginal maximum likelihood (MML) estimation of the item parameters of the Rasch model in incomplete designs is investigated. The use of the concept of F-information (Eggen, 2000) is generalized to incomplete testing designs. The scaled determinant of the F-information matrix is used as a scalar measure of information contained in a set of item parameters. In this paper, the relation between the normalization of the Rasch model and this determinant is clarified. It is shown that comparing estimation methods with the defined information efficiency is independent of the chosen normalization. The generalization of the method to other models than the Rasch model is discussed. In examples, information comparisons are conducted. It is found that for both CML and MML some information is lost in all incomplete designs compared to complete designs. A general result is that with increasing test booklet length the efficiency of an incomplete design, compared to a complete design, is increasing, as is the efficiency of CML compared to MML. The main difference between CML and MML is seen in the effect of the length of the test booklet. It will be demonstrated that with very small booklets, there is a substantial loss in information (about 35%) with CML estimation, while this loss is only about 10% in MML estimation. However, with increasing test length, the differences between CML and MML quickly disappear.  相似文献   

A demonstration of the effects of reinforcement requires comparison of response rates in the presence of a contingency with those in another condition that controls for the influence of extraneous variables. We describe several control conditions that have been used in evaluating the effects of positive and negative reinforcement. The methodological rigor and practical utility of each type of control condition are discussed, and recommendations for the use of these conditions are presented.  相似文献   

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