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The traditional concept of acting out was redefined in the context of intersubjective approaches as enactment. When a resistance was previously recognized in the analysis of classical neuroses that had to be resolved for a promising analysis, in enactment the creative preverbal expressions of covert procedural experiences can now be recognized, which become revealed in regressive states and in structural disorders. They create scenes of preverbal communication in which the analyst becomes involved in the inner world of experiences. This has a strong reparative potential. It can be utilized for new experiences and development if the analyst becomes entangled in such scenes as a co-actor, accepts the relationship offer of the patient and contributes to solutions for the entanglement; however, this requires something more comprehensive than the traditional defensive concept of transference. It emphasizes in particular the activity of the analyst and its impact on the formation of the analytical process and recognizes the involvement of the analyst as a constitutive factor in the process of his own transference. Thus, a new definition of abstinence in terms of a selective abstinence is achieved, which is nowadays characteristic of the developmental approach in psychoanalytic treatment.  相似文献   

Developments in Soviet ethics have been largely, but not exclusively, determined by the official ideology. Since 1917 philosophers have debated four successive models of morality. In the first, morality was regarded as tool of the exploiting classes and thus was superseded by communism. This attitude in fact fostered moral nihilism and anarchism. In the second period of ethical reflection, morality was contrued as a social, class-relative, phenomenon, conceived in utilitarian terms. With respect to Communist morality whatever serves socialism as defined by the Communist Party acquires the force of a moral imperative. It is important to understand whether this perspective is true to Marx's views. Whereas classical ethics assumed an extraworldy foundation for morality Marx adopted the humanist, immanentist perspective, according to which morality has a pragmatic sense as an ideal, the goal of activity. Soviet ethical theory of the Stalin era did not deviate from this perspective, for which reason ethics as a professional science was entirely subordinated to Party decrees about socialism as an ideal. In the third period beginning in the mid-fifties, a new view came to the fore which was codified in the 1961 Party program: moral values are now regarded as having a specific quality, social development involves a moral dimension, and moral values exhibit an all-human import. During this period the leading issue among philosophers is the question of the essence and specificity of morality as distinct from other forms of social consciousness. Just prior to the era of perestrojka beginning in 1985 a fourth model emerged which in fact prepared in most essential respects the actual new thinking in morality. The matters under consideration had to do with the global dimensions of moral problems given the common experience and fears of humanity. For this reason morality was now seen as superseding politics. Presently, this reorientation has not only enabled abandoning attitudes favoring class morality, but thrown into relief the tragic consequences of this attitude within Soviet history.The new image of morality corresponds to abstract humanism with its stress on the person and universal values. The task before Soviet ethicians is to provide theoretical and methodological foundations for their research by which they can improve the professional quality of their work and provide the discipline with a new identity over and against Marxism.  相似文献   

In this paper the psychotherapy of patients with schizophrenic, schizoaffective and affective psychoses is outlined. Psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioural and systemic approaches and their theoretical concepts as well as the therapeutic techniques are de- scribed. The settings of individual, group and family therapy are also presented. A survey of the types of psychoanalytic therapy with their eldest historic roots is given with the development of the various psychodynamic concepts for schizophrenic and affective psychoses including schizoaffective psycho-ses. The different kinds of psychotherapy are compared to each other with respect to the aims. Finally this paper deals with the effectiveness of the therapies and discusses the pros and cons of relatively short randomised controlled trials compared with long term psychotherapies without control groups.  相似文献   

Das Forum der Psychoanalyse hat zuletzt in Heft 1/2007 nützliche Internetadressen für Psychoanalytikerinnen und Psychoanalytiker publiziert. Hier folgt, zusammengestellt von Parfen Laszig und Kathy Rieg, ein aktuelles Update. Ausführlichere Informationen zu den angeführten und weiteren Adressen finden sich auf der Internetseite www.psychoanalytische-ressourcen.de  相似文献   

Clinical practice with supervision is that area of psychoanalytic education, in which psychotherapeutic competence is learned, developed and imparted. From the results of the current research about education and supervision, the tasks and aims of supervision are derived. Based on that a context-analytical concept of supervision is evolved. In context-analytical supervision a researching attitude is adopted by which the interactional evaluation of the patient/supervisee is captured and understood for to follow this in psychotherapeutic/supervisory acting and intervening. Finally the potential of context-analysis as a method of qualitative research is pointed out.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis has played a pivotal role for developments in psychosomatics both on a conceptual and an institutionalization level. In contemporary psychosomatics there is a focus on conceptual models that concentrate on psychic structure, the processing of emotions and embodiment. Alongside these, the questions arise on how psychoanalytic views on psychosomatic disorders in a more classical sense will develop further and their relevance for current developments. This article gives a brief historical overview of some central concepts in psychoanalytic psychosomatics and shows how these are resumed in what can be distinguished as six aspects of contemporary psychoanalytic psychosomatics. This is demonstrated by a brief case report. The article closes with some proposals for the clinical practice.  相似文献   

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