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作为医学伦理学研究的重要内容,生物医学研究中的利益冲突问题日益受到公众、研究机构和管理部门的关注.探讨生物医学活动中研究者、研究机构、学术期刊三种不同主体利益冲突的表现、危害及其特点,以期有针对性地促进人们对该领域利益冲突问题的认识.  相似文献   

首先在详细分析工程中利益冲突已有定义的基础上,本文从不同角度提出了一种不同的定义。然后,分析了利益冲突的构成,并列举了利益冲突的情形。接着,分析了利益冲突的伦理问题,并提出解决方法。最后介绍了美国工程社团以及大型企业有关利益冲突的伦理章程和行为规范。  相似文献   

利益冲突的调节机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利益的平衡取决于相关利益群体参与政策过程的能力的平衡.成立患者权利保护协会,使患者以组织化方式有效参与卫生改革的政策过程,制衡相关利益群体的利益最大化诉求,是平衡卫生服务领域利益冲突的根本途径.  相似文献   

器官移植手术中的医患利益冲突   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国的器官移植手术得到超常发展的重要原因是走了捷径,海归医学人士为我国器官移植手术的开展做出了贡献。但器官移植发展“喜忧参半”。手术背后有医患之间的利益冲突。科学利益和经济利益至上给器官移植的健康发展蒙上阴影。必须加强器官移植的法规建设和管理监督,使我国的器官移植更符合伦理的要求。  相似文献   

浅析基因治疗临床试验中的"利益冲突"   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基因治疗临床试验中的"利益冲突"问题多聚焦在如何规范利益冲突的不良后果上,却忽视了一些更基本的问题,如临床试验中的不同"利益",利益冲突的表现及防范等.以基因治疗为例,归纳了临床试验中的不同利益和利益冲突形式,并指出"公开经济利益安排"是解决冲突的基本对策.  相似文献   

公职人员利益冲突本质上是一种伦理选择的困境,伦理失范是公职人员利益冲突的重要诱因,其中,角色冲突是公职人员利益冲突的重要根源,我国传统宗法伦理思想的影响是利益冲突的社会心理基础,权力信仰迷失、权力观扭曲是利益冲突的直接推动力。要想有效防止利益冲突,必须对利益冲突进行伦理矫治,加快行政伦理法制化进程,强化公职人员伦理道德的外控机制;创新伦理道德教育与培训机制,建构防止利益冲突的自律机制;提升公民道德,为防止利益冲突创造优良的社会环境。  相似文献   

医药回扣是最大的医患利益冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析医患利益冲突如何影响医生的临床决策,并在此基础上探讨如何处理医患利益冲突。医患利益冲突影响医生临床决策有两个环节,其一是影响其专业判断,其二是影响其医疗决定。医药回扣具备商业贿赂的典型特征。医药回扣是最大的医患利益冲突。  相似文献   

分析医患利益冲突如何影响医生的临床决策,并在此基础上探讨如何处理医患利益冲突.医患利益冲突影响医生临床决策有两个环节,其一是影响其专业判断,其二是影响其医疗决定.医药回扣具备商业贿赂的典型特征.医药回扣是最大的医患利益冲突.  相似文献   

通过反思平衡的方法探究后表明,利益作为功利价值是价值的一种类型,利益冲突是价值冲突的一种形式.“价值冲突根源于利益冲突”的观点错误地把价值与利益割裂开来,把利益看作物质性的客观存在,混淆了利益和价值的现实存在和观念存在,在冲突问题上把价值还原为利益.这种观点在实践上会否定通过价值共识的和平方式解决冲突的可能性,助长一切冲突都通过实力解决的不良倾向.  相似文献   

研究者的经济利益冲突对医学临床试验可能会产生消极影响。本文依据美国的研究成果,利用大量的统计数据和真实的案例,分析了研究者在临床试验中的主要经济利益,揭示了这些经济利益如何对研究的设计、执行和报告产生影响,以及可能造成的危害。  相似文献   

医生与药业的关系:利益冲突重要根源   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
药业与医生的关系在最近40年日益受到医学界与社会的重视。药业以并不昂贵的馈赠及其他手段,资助学术交流、医学教育和医学研究,深刻地影响着临床医生的行为和诊治决策,从而危及医学的科学性和医学职业精神,加重了病人的负担,且祸及病人健康。药业与医生的这种关系,是道德与金钱关系的赤裸表现,是资本对医学的无情侵略。从道德、法律、行业管理等诸多方面正确规范行业与医生的相互关系,避免当前面临的种种弊端,维护医学的科学性,保护病人与社会公众的利益,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

药业与医生的关系在最近40年日益受到医学界与社会的重视。药业以并不昂贵的馈赠及其他手段,资助学术交流、医学教育和医学研究,深刻地影响着临床医生的行为和诊治决策,从而危及医学的科学性和医学职业精神,加重了病人的负担,且祸及病人健康。药业与医生的这种关系,是道德与金钱关系的赤裸表现,是资本对医学的无情侵略。从道德、法律、行业管理等诸多方面正确规范行业与医生的相互关系,避免当前面临的种种弊端,维护医学的科学性,保护病人与社会公众的利益,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Despite a decade of federal regulation and debate over the appropriateness of financial ties in research and their management, little is known about the actual decision-making processes of university conflict of interest (COI) committees. This paper analyzes in detail the discussions and decisions of three COI committees at three public universities in California. University committee members struggle to understand complex financial relationships and reconcile institutional, state, and federal policies and at the same time work to protect the integrity of the scientific process, the autonomy and intellectual freedom of their faculty colleagues and students, and the financial interests of the university.  相似文献   

An area where conflicts of interest can take place in Estonia is in the conduct of clinical trials. The paper lists the main areas where such conflicts of interest can occur. The author also briefly discusses Estonia’s current position with regard to regulating genetic information and the commencement of the Estonian Genome Project. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002.  相似文献   

The UK Medical Research Council (MRC) takes the issue of conflict of interest very seriously. The overall aim is to preserve a climate in which personal and organisational innovation can flourish while ensuring that potential conflicts are disclosed and identified and conflicts are either avoided or managed with integrity. The approach needs to encompass the MRC’s various responsibilities and the levels at which conflicts might arise: MRC staff (scientists and administrators); the governing Council; research Boards and committees; external peer-reviewers; and applicants for funding. To achieve its goals, the MRC has issued practical guidance on various aspects of conflict of interest. For the future, the MRC has identified the continuing commercialisation of science and the increasing involvement of lay people in scientific decision-making as special challenges in this area. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002.  相似文献   

In this paper I address the conflict of interest (CoI) issue from a legal point of view at a European level. We will see that the regulatory framework that exists in Europe does state the need for the independence of ethics committee involved in authorisation of research and clinical trials. We will see that CoI is an element that has to be closely monitored at National and International level. Therefore, Member States and Newly Associated States do have to address CoI in the authorisation process of research and clinical protocols of biomedicine. The opinions here expressed are personal and do not commit the European Commission. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at a Conference on Conflict of Interest and Its Significance in Science and Medicine, 5–6 April, 2002, Warsaw, Poland. The author is a Scientific Officer in the Programme Science and Society dealing with ethics and science (Unit C.3).  相似文献   

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