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本研究基于内隐领导理论,运用配对问卷法,探究领导者性别身份的三种评价差异:自我评价与下属评价的差异,男性领导与女性领导的下属评价差异,男性下属与女性下属的评价差异。结果显示,与领导者自评的性别身份相比,下属易高估领导者的男性化;且下属评价男性领导的男性化显著高于女性化,而评价女性领导时两者并不存在显著差异。此外,男性下属对领导男性化的评价高于女性下属的评价。  相似文献   

中国社会主义事业的巩固和发展,在未来激烈的国际竞争中能否始终强盛不衰,关键取决于各级领导的素质特别是领导的创新素质。现代领导活动综合性、多样性和动态性的特征,对处于组织核心地位的领导的素质特别是创新素质提出了更高的要求。培养和提高现代领导的创新素质,需要采取多种具体方法作多方面的努力。首先。必须坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,这是创新素质的重要基础,也是领导创新的前提。其次,终身学习作为知识经济时代的一个显特点,是领导创新素质不竭的知识源泉。再次,培养和提高领导创新素质,既要注重理论学习,更要重视实践锻炼。在实践中接受锻炼,经受考验,增长才干,历来是我们党培养造就干部的重要方法。也是领导成长的最基本的途径。领导干部只有在火热的改革和建设实践中经风雨长才干。才能真正成熟起来。此外,除个人加强学习、实践锻炼之外,建立一定的激励机制。营造良好的创新氛围,也是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

李树文  罗瑾琏 《心理学报》2020,52(9):1121-1131
基于人-环境匹配和资源保存理论, 研究构建了一个调节-中介模型, 从二元视角分析了领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力一致对员工建言的影响路径与边界。通过对43位领导与182位下属的配对问卷调研, 结果表明:(1) 相较“低领导-低下属”情绪评价能力一致, 在“高领导-高下属”情绪评价能力一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; (2) 相较“高领导-低下属”情绪评价能力不一致, 在“低领导-高下属”情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; (3) 内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言、抑制性建言间起部分中介作用; (4) 相较领导-下属性别相同, 当领导-下属性别不同时, 员工内部人身份感知的中介作用更强。研究从情绪评价能力、性别的二元匹配视角揭示了员工建言的前因, 为领导与下属间交互影响提供了更多解释路径。  相似文献   

王震  孙健敏  张瑞娟 《心理学报》2012,44(9):1231-1243
采用配对问卷调查法, 以150位管理者和464位下属为研究对象, 考察了管理者核心自我评价对下属组织指向和人际指向公民行为的影响以及道德式领导和下属集体主义导向在其中的作用。跨层次分析结果表明:管理者核心自我评价对下属公民行为有显著正向影响; 道德式领导在管理者核心自我评价与下属公民行为关系中有中介作用; 下属集体主义导向在道德式领导与公民行为关系中具有调节作用, 表现为道德式领导对公民行为的正向影响对高集体主义导向的员工来说更明显。文章揭示了管理者核心自我评价对下属公民行为的影响效果、内在机制和作用条件, 也在一定程度上支持了领导有效性研究的特质-行为整合视角模型。  相似文献   

校长领导行为类型问卷及类型状况的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本报告为《中小学校长领导类型与学校组织气氛的研究》课题的校长领导类型和学校组织效能部分。通过对北京市城、郊三个行政区的111所中小学的一千多名教师及校长的调查结果进行分析,本文报告1.问卷的信度;2.小学:教师评价与校长自评在领导行为问卷的教育、政治、象征、结构四领导行为上得分差异不显着,人际领导,差异显着;中学:在教育、政治、人际、结构四个领导行为上,自评与他评差异显着,对象征领导行为,两者评价一致;3.对58所小学,53所中学的教师领导行为得分进行聚类分析,可分为Ⅰ型与Ⅱ型两类学校,它们在组织效能上差异显着。  相似文献   

内隐领导理论的中国研究——与美国的研究进行比较   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
内隐领导理论代表了某种特定文化中人们内心对领导概念化的构成方式。本研究发现,中国人的内隐领导理论的内容由“个人品德”、“目标有效性”、“人际能力”和“多面性”四个因素构成。与美国的八因素有很大的差异。这也许是中美文化不同所造成的。本研究获得了与CPM领导行为评价模式非常类似的结果,从而验证了CPM模式是不同于西方文化的中国模式。  相似文献   

医学生综合素质评价的科学性思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对医学生综合素质的评价应建立发展性评价观,要充分体现六个统一:评价指标体系做到职业需要和社会发展相统一;评价功能做到全面性和发展性相统一;评价标准要做到综合化和个性化相统一;评价过程要做到结果与过程相统一;评价方法做到量化评价与质性评价相统一;评价主体要做到外部评价和内部评价相统一。使素质教育评价科学化,能真正促进医学生素质的全面发展,培养出合格的适合社会需要的医学人才。  相似文献   

恩威并施,以德服人——家长式领导研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
家长式领导是基于中国传统文化而有别于西方领导理论的本土领导理论,广泛存在于各种类型的华人组织中,是中华文化下组织的普遍特征。家长式领导包含仁慈领导,权威领导,德行领导3个维度。该文回顾了家长式领导研究的发展历程,分析了家长式领导的文化基础,介绍了家长式领导三元理论及其测量工具PLS,并指出家长式领导对领导效能有不可忽视的解释力。最后,根据已有的研究,提出了家长式领导研究未来的研究方向,比如对具体行业中家长式领导领导效能的探讨,以及家长式领导三维度之间关系的探讨等  相似文献   

对医学生综合素质的评价应建立发展性评价观,要充分体现六个统一:评价指标体系做到职业需要和社会发展相统一;评价功能做到全面性和发展性相统一;评价标准要做到综合化和个性化相统一;评价过程要做到结果与过程相统一;评价方法做到量化评价与质性评价相统一;评价主体要做到外部评价和内部评价相统一.使素质教育评价科学化,能真正促进医学生素质的全面发展,培养出合格的适合社会需要的医学人才.  相似文献   

学科带头人的理念、意识、能力对于学科的发展及功能的实现起着关键的作用,关系到学科的未来发展。本期“临床决策研究”栏目中,孙文兵等撰写的“论当代临床学科带头人的领导素质”深入分析了学科带头人提升领导能力必需的十个转变,指出学科带头人在服务理念上,要由经营思维向职业思维转变,树立“救人为本,  相似文献   

犯错在组织中并不少见。但基于建立良好形象的动机,员工很少会主动承认差错。基于自我认知和信息加工理论,提出员工积极自我认知会促进差错承认,同时差错承认会向上级传递信号影响其对员工的绩效评估。通过对675名员工及其配对上级两阶段的调研,使用三明治分析方法,发现员工自我效能感正向影响差错承认;差错承认对上级评价员工任务绩效无显著影响,但会显著降低上级对员工反生产行为的评估,由此说明了差错承认的奖励。  相似文献   

主动工作行为, 作为推动组织与时俱进、健康发展的重要保障, 已成为组织行为研究领域的热点主题。然而, 以往研究在探索追随者主动工作行为的上行影响时, 却出现了悖论: 一些研究发现主动工作行为能激发领导者的积极评价, 另一些研究却指出主动工作行为会招致领导者的负面对待。为解释此矛盾现象, 基于内隐追随理论建构了一个主动工作行为的上行影响模型。该理论模型指出, 领导者的内隐追随信念决定了追随者主动工作行为究竟引发领导者的何种反应。先介绍领导者主动型内隐追随的概念与测量, 然后论证追随者主动工作行为与领导者主动型内隐追随的契合程度对领导者的影响, 在此基础上提出领导者核心情绪(高兴、紧张、沮丧与满足)的中介作用。文章为后续主动工作行为实证研究提供了一个理论分析框架。  相似文献   

Comments on the article by R. J. Hackman and R. Wageman which offered several research questions that should be productive for furthering leadership research. This comment summarizes some recent progress on one of those questions, "Not what are the traits of leaders, but how do leaders' personal attributes interact with situational properties to shape outcomes?"  相似文献   

Although eyewitness testimony is often unreliable, its quality is not uniformly poor. Previous research indicates that the most accurate type of testimony involves the unstructured recall of actions. The present study replicates the finding that confabulation, particularly the complete fabrication of nonexistent actions, is rare. Our results also extend earlier work by revealing that the few errors that did occur were spread evenly across subjects—with most subjects making 0 or 1 error and with no subjects making more than 3 errors. Furthermore, action memory errors form a heterogeneous set—there were few commonly recurring or predictable errors. Our attempts to increase error frequency by the use of suggestive implications and rapid action sequences were unsuccessful. Practical aspects of evaluating action memory testimony are discussed, with special reference to cases involving multiple eyewitnesses.  相似文献   

The study examined relationships between leaders' emotion regulation and leaders' and subordinates' work-related outcomes. Fifty-one school directors and 281 teachers reported on their strategies of emotion regulation (reappraisal, suppression), job satisfaction, and affect at work. For subordinates, suppression was negatively related to job satisfaction and was positively related to negative affect and emotional exhaustion, and reappraisal was positively related to job satisfaction and negatively to negativ affect. In contrast, multilevel analyses found that directors' use of reappraisal was neg atively related to subordinates' job satisfaction, and directors' use of suppression wa positively related to subordinates' positive affect. Leaders' suppression interacted wit group cohesion to predict subordinates' negative affect. This is one of the first studies to find evidence for the possible tension between leaders' emotion regulation competencie and organizational-role interests.  相似文献   

Although organizational contexts have an influence on leadership, and some of their characteristics may facilitate (through weak structures) or inhibit (through strong structures) the leaders' behaviors, the extent of their influence has rarely been studied. Indeed, research of the influence of some types of contexts (entrepreneurial vs. non-entrepreneurial) on the emergence of certain variables (leaders' motives) is even scarcer. This paper analyses this influence in 40 companies, interviewing their leaders to obtain a qualitative register of their motives, and administering questionnaires to members of their respective management teams. The hypothesis considered was that, in 'weak' contexts (entrepreneurial), the leaders' motives would be more salient than in 'strong' contexts (non-entrepreneurial). The results largely confirm this hypothesis with respect to behaviors that are directly related to three main motives (power, affiliation and achievement). These results are discussed, and practical suggestions are provided for future research.  相似文献   

This is a follow up study of Barbuto's 2000 work in which leaders' ratings and targets' self-reported resistance to task assignments are compared. Scores on the Anticipated Resistance Indicator among 650 leader-member dyads measure resistance based on Barbuto's 1997 five concentric zones of Preference, Indifference, Legitimate, Influence, and Noninfluence, examined from both leaders' and targets' perspectives. Responses indicated that leaders tend to underestimate followers' willingness to perform assigned tasks. In addition, leaders tend to overestimate targets' unwillingness to perform undesirable, less enjoyable tasks.  相似文献   

When recalling key definitions from class materials, college students are often overconfident in the quality of their responses. Even with commission errors, they often judge that their response is entirely or partially correct. To further understand this overconfidence, we investigated whether idea-unit judgements would reduce overconfidence (Experiments 1 and 2) and whether students inflated their scores because they believed that they knew answers but just responded incorrectly (Experiment 2). College students studied key-term definitions and later attempted to recall each definition when given the key term (e.g., What is the availability heuristic?). All students judged the quality of their recall, but some were given a full-definition standard to use, whereas other students first judged whether their response included each of the individual ideas within the corresponding correct answer. In Experiment 1, making these idea-unit judgements reduced overconfidence for commission errors. In Experiment 2, some students were given the correct definitions and graded other students’ responses, and some students generated idea units themselves before judging their responses. Students were overconfident even when they graded other students’ responses, and, as important, self-generated idea units for each definition also reduced overconfidence in commission errors. Thus, overconfidence appears to result from difficulties in evaluating the quality of recall responses, and such overconfidence can be reduced by using idea-unit judgements.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, the authors found that leader charisma was positively associated with followers' positive affect and negatively associated with followers' negative affect. The authors hypothesized that leaders' positive affect, positive expression, and aroused behavior will mediate these relationships. The results of their lab study suggest that leaders' positive expression and aroused behavior mediated these relationships. A field study showed that firefighters under the command of a charismatic officer were happier than those under the command of a non-charismatic officer and that these relationships were mediated by the leader's positive affect and a tendency to express positivity.  相似文献   

中学组织气氛与教师工作满意度的相关分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
潘孝富  秦启文 《心理科学》2006,29(1):185-188
本研究在国内外相关研究的基础上,通过自编中学组织气氛量表调查分析中学组织气氛与其教师工作满意度的关系。结果表明学校组织气氛各因子与其教师工作满意度除人际关系因子外的各因子相关显著;回归分析进一步发现,学校组织气氛与教师工作满意度的工作性质、领导管理、薪水、进修晋升和物质条件等因子回归显著。  相似文献   

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