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Das weltbild und die begriffsapparatur   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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In this article the author discusses two aspects of psychoanalysis which in contrast to other fields have received little attention in the specialist literature: (a) the end of the analysis and (b) the postanalytical relationship between analysand and analyst. The circumstances of this specialist lag are seen among others as being due to unresolved fears and demands still remaining in the unconscious mind for both sides of the analytical pair. In that the author turns against the metaphor of death as the end of an analysis it is apostrophied as a separation process and developed into aspects, such as objectivity, process of sorrow, loss suffering, gain of relief, return and departure as well as dialectically folded gain of autonomy. In this way separation and binding can be simultaneously understood as essential features of every psychotherapy. The postanalytical relationship patterns will be illustrated according to the various starting positions, therapeutic or training analysis relationship, in each case internal and external reality and again for both sides of the analytical pair. The author is also especially concerned with the practical consequences in the reacquaintance of trainee and trainer. The cooperation on the dissolution of the original fascination of psychoanalysis and its allure is promoted. Both are required to be successful but both must be transferred into the (new) reality, whereby the analyst, even against internal self-resistance, must offer help because the analysand will only gradually be freed from the fascination and allure and be able to mourn and also in time welcome this loss.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Vortrag, gehalten bei der Er?ffnungsfitzung der Naturwiffenfchaftlichen Gefellfchaft an der Univerfit?t Iftanbul.  相似文献   

Under the conditions of sleeping, mental activity creates a psychic microworld “dream” experienced as the present, running predominantly in a pictorial and sensual way in a sequence of situations and sometimes containing verbal relations and cognitive processes. Together with Ilka von Zeppelin, Ulrich Moser has developed a model of the emergence of sleep dreams with the aim to reconstruct the dreaming process, which is normally concealed under the verbal structure of the dream report and to explain this sequence as the result of a cognitive affective regulatory process. In accordance with the theory of French, dreaming is seen as an attempt to cope in a simulative mode with unresolved neurotic conflicts and traumatic experiences. To make this process visible, the authors developed a very differentiated model-guided coding system, a form of operationalization of the “dream work” that records and describes all cognitive elements and all interactive behavior in the dream. This analysis provides the formal and structural characteristics of the dream that precede every interpretation of content or biographical meaning. In this way, dream series in a single person, as well as dreams in different groups, can be objectively studied and compared. A presentation of the dream model is followed by an introduction into the basic principles of the coding system. This dream process coding and the interpretation based on it are demonstrated on a specimen dream. This dream is Freud’s “Dream of Irma’s injection”, which he selected himself to demonstrate his method of dream interpretation in Die Traumdeutung and which was also used by Erikson to illustrate his “configurational analysis”.  相似文献   

The clinical material for this study of female fantasies stems from a specific psychoanalytical situation where the analyst and the analysand are pregnant at the same time. The impact of this situation is powerful. The emergence of archaic fantasies is facilitated in transference and countertransference. Fantasies of damage to the baby or to the procreative function may emerge very vividly in the double pregnancy setting and working through these fantasies becomes possible. It is suggested that these fantasies are typical female castration fantasies and manifest the fear of the mother's revenge and punishment for forbidden oedipal wishes. The double pregnancy setting may sensitize the analyst to her pregnant analysand's unconscious communication and yet blind the analyst in some areas to the protection of her own baby. The duality of phallic strivings in the girl's psychosexual development is discussed. They may be employed as a defense against specific feminine anxieties, such as fear of retaliatory attacks on her inner space and its fertility: the female castration anxiety. They may also be constituents of her sexuality, coexisting with inner genital strivings. The co-existence of phallic and inner-genital strivings in the female psyche is always conflictual.  相似文献   

一、单子论的实例:作品、生活与历史的重合 如果想要说明本雅明思想的前提,必然会导致对他的思想的偏离。几乎很难想象一篇分析文章在开始时可以不涉及他作品的中心。即使是最外围的思想活动也表现为一种运动,运动的力量源泉位于中心。在那里,本雅明自己的生活与历史凝结于作品,外貌的、历史的和理论的形式互相融合在一起。同一个人物通过迥然相异的表现形式一一显现。在个人的面貌中有集体的影  相似文献   

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