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再婚家庭的建立,既是夫妻以往婚姻悲剧的真正结束,也是新生活的真正开始。据有关统计资料,我国离婚的夫妻于1995年已突破百万对大关,其中处在30~40岁这一年龄段的中青年男女占绝大多数。因而带有子女的再婚家庭也相应  相似文献   

现代生活中,丧偶或离异后的男女重新组合的家庭,是极平常的事。家庭是社会的缩影,家庭和睦,利己利家,有益社会。再婚夫妇要使新的家庭美满幸福,彼此之间要想精神和谐、思想一致、感情共鸣,必须做到以下几点:  相似文献   

美满和谐的婚姻是幸福的,令人羡慕的,谁也不希望自己的家庭中途夭折,不想品尝婚姻破裂的苦果 然而,现实生活又不得不令人感叹,家庭破裂、婚姻解体、夫妻离异之事似有无法遏制之势。这一社会现象犹如一股浪潮,也正在冲击看一些基督徒的家庭,所以教会必须正视这个问题。 圣经是我们基督徒信仰的依  相似文献   

特殊原因会造成一些女性再次面临婚姻的抉择。但因主客观的原因,与第一次婚姻相比,再次婚姻的前提、择偶的范围和标准,个人的生活背景和经验等都截然不同。正因为如此,不少女性产生了影响再婚质量和生活的若干心理障碍:畏惧心理:传统的从一而终的观念在当今社会仍有一定的影响力。有婚姻经历的独身女人会产生“再婚不光彩”的念头,害怕周围人们的耻笑,对再婚缺乏足够的勇气,被旧的婚俗观念所束缚,不敢越出“雷池”。  相似文献   

社会主义社会的婚姻家庭 “在历史的进程中,家庭关系随着所有制关系和发展时期而经历过变动,因此,私有制的废除也将对家庭关系产生极大影响。”(《马克思恩格斯全集》第42卷,第379页)社会主义社会废除了生产资料私有制,社会不仅在名义上而且在实际上实现了男女平等,这就决定了社会主义社会的家庭应是一种全新的家庭。由于婚姻不再以私有财产的继承和女子经济上不能自立而从属于男子为基础,因而爱情成了男女双方缔结婚姻和建立家庭的基础。这样,社会主义制度使在资本主义条件下出现的家庭危机  相似文献   

与以血缘及婚姻为基准的家庭代际关系不同,社会代际关系是一种社会秩序,也是一种社会结构,直接反映了社会利益在代际之间的分配状况.在人口老龄化和社会转型背景下,我国的社会代际关系呈现出新的特点,并将对社会经济发展产生重大影响.本文在探究社会代际关系的实质、内容和特征基础上,从法律规则、行政规制和社会规范等方面,探讨了如何构建我国社会代际关系调节机制.  相似文献   

男大当婚,女大当嫁,这是每一个人生命历程中一个不可缺少的环节。它不但是社会赋予每个人的权利和义务,也是个体生命价值的实现形式。从不同的生活空间走来的一男一女经过相遇、相邀、相爱,组成了一个新的生活空间——家庭,是身心休憩的港湾,是每一个人梦牵魂绕的心灵故乡。但是,婚姻的组成并非个人的事,它要受到社会习惯、道德、职业、家庭、个体气质、性格的影响。现代社会已走上了快节奏、高效率的生活轨道,男性和女性巨大的生活背景差异不同程度上阻滞了男女之间关系的沟通。现实生活中,也有一些男女受  相似文献   

开门见山,尊重丧偶的老人,尤其要尊重丧偶老人的再婚自由,这一问题应引起我们社会的足够重视。 从对城市的调查情况看,举几例说明:1978年已办理退休手续的某女教师,在丧偶十几年,几个女儿都已参加了工作的情况下,经人介绍,她与一位男老教师结合了。然而,这桩婚事受到女儿们特别是小女的激烈反对,同时也遭到了社会舆论的讥讽。在她所在的单位,当时就有很多人,虽接到了她的邀请,却没有去参加老人的婚礼;有一位丧偶老女干部,因找到一位老伴,其子女就曾一度拒绝与其母成立的新家庭来往;1984年某一在职男老师,由于找到比自己女儿大不了几岁的配偶,也同样遭到了女儿们的反对,至今不能很好的相处;有一老干部丧偶时间不长,由于子女成家的成家,读大学的读大学,几十平米的房子空空如也,分外寂寞,通过介绍,他与一丧偶女教师相识了,但囿于子女们的态度,对于成家,犹豫不决……。  相似文献   

应该重视对离婚进行道德评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
爱情是婚姻的基础 ,婚姻是家庭的基础 ,婚姻家庭关系是家庭、亲情和义务的统一。在婚姻自由、自主的社会条件下 ,应慎重选择婚姻 ,担负起婚姻的责任和义务 ,离婚要接受道德上的评价。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,一些现代都市出现了一种新的怪现象:成双成对的青年男女栖息在同一个屋檐下,除了不领结婚证外,同吃同住、同进同出、同玩同乐,这就是试婚现象。他们视试婚为新潮,置道德与法律于不顾,从而演绎出一个个灰色的童话故事。 陈女士生长在西安一个知识分子家庭,自小就看惯了父母的恶言相向。步入社会,又见到一些失败的婚姻,从而使她对婚姻缺少应有的信心和  相似文献   

Twenty major issues in remarriage families are identified from the professional literature and are placed in four categories: initial family issues, developing family issues, feelings about self and others, and adult issues. Each issue is discussed using citations from the primary sources. Many suggestions for counselor assessment and intervention are offered.  相似文献   

Consideration and use of remarriage as a response to cope with the death of a husband was examined in 39 women who had been widowed and had subsequently remarried, 192 widows who had considered remarriage but had not yet remarried, and 420 widows who had not considered remarriage. Controlling for age, we found that women who had remarried reported fewer current concerns than did the other two groups. Furthermore, we found that women who retrospectively recalled the most concerns immediately after the death of the spouse were the ones who eventually remarried. The remarried group believed that they were experiencing significantly fewer concerns now than they had after the spouse's death; the women who had not considered remarriage believed that they were experiencing the same number of concerns now as before; and those women who had considered remarriage believed that they were experiencing significantly more concerns. Implications for remarriage as a coping mechanism for widowhood and the relation of age to remarriage decisions are discussed.  相似文献   


Maladaptive efforts to adjust to remarriage can provoke or exacerbate parental alienation syndrome. The remarried parent, the other parent, the stepparent, and the child each may contribute to the disturbance. Underlying dynamics include jealousy, narcissistic injury, desire for revenge, the wish to erase the exspouse from the child’s life in order to “make room” for the stepparent, competitive feelings between the exspouse and stepparent, the new couple’s attempt to unite around a common enemy and avoid recognition of conflicts in the marriage, the child’s attempt to resolve inner conflict, and parent-child boundary violations. These dynamics are discussed and suggestions for treatment are offered.  相似文献   

In political philosophy and in economics, unfair inequality is usually assessed between individuals, nowadays often on luck‐egalitarian grounds. You have more than I do (through no fault of my own) and that's unfair. By contrast, in epidemiology and sociology, unfair inequality is traditionally assessed between groups. More is concentrated among people of your class or race than among people of mine, and that's unfair. I shall call this difference the egalitarian ‘divorce’. Epidemiologists, and their ‘divorce lawyers’ Paula Braveman, Norman Daniels, and Iris Marion Young, explain that not every inequality between individuals is an inequity. Only inequality between social status groups is unfair. Only such inequality stems from problems like partiality, discrimination, oppression, inequality‐related population health problems, and unfair distribution of prospects. And it alone is actionable. By contrast, inequality between individuals, e.g. in longevity, is natural, inevitable, less important, or otherwise less informative — not unjust. In ‘divorce trial’ mode, I respond to epidemiologists that group inequalities lack the intrinsic disvalue that they ascribe them. They may be instrumentally or contingently bad or wrong, not essentially so. I then shift to ‘remarriage’: although group inequalities lack intrinsic badness or wrongness, for multiple reasons they remain useful to measure.  相似文献   


Family counseling has long been an important aspect of pastoral counseling. With recent trends toward increasing remarriage among older persons, pastoral family counseling will take on an additional dimension. This study provides information concerning motivation and attitudes toward remarriage, behavior during the interim period, adjustment to remarriage and the impact of remarriage on family relationships.  相似文献   

Remarriage is analyzed from the perspective of family boundaries and roles. The nuclear and remarriage family models are compared, and the process that begins with the formation of the first-marriage nuclear family and ends with the formation of a second-marriage family is conceptualized in terms of changing family boundaries and roles. Discussions with remarriage group members provide concrete illustrations of this process and suggest solutions to some of the problems confronting remarriage family members.  相似文献   

This paper explores Matthew's presentation of Jesus as the new Moses, and will proceed in four steps. First, we will examine the relationship between law-giving and the offices of prophet and king in the Hebrew Bible as well as the writings of the community at Qumran. Second, we will examine in detail Matthew's Jesus-as-Moses theme. Third, we will offer a paradigmatic example of how one aspect of Torah is reworked by Jesus, namely that of divorce and remarriage, and fourth, we will offer some interpretive guidance for future research that would seek to apply Jesus's teaching on divorce and remarriage in a Western context.  相似文献   

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