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科普作家高士其认为:“思维的科学是培养人才的科学”,“人才培养的关键在于思维,在于科学的思维”。把学生的科学思维的培养纳入教学过程是社会发展的需要。教学过程是由外显的行为过程和内潜的思维过程构成,是教与学双方思维协同发展的双边思维过程。教学过程的思维规律因学科类别与特点而异。根据工程图学的特点,把培养学生创造性思维能力贯穿于教学的全过程,通过培养学生的科学思维能力,达到高效全面提过教学质量的目的,获得思维与教学整体效益。  相似文献   

语文教学中,必须重视发展学生的思维能力。“培养思维品质,是发展思维能力的突破点”。(朱智贤、林崇德:《思维发展心理学》,以下简称《思》,p592)而辩证思维、思维训练在思维品质的发展上,起着重要作用(《思》,p582)目前,高中学生议论文写作能力较差,缺少理论思维、主要是辩证思维能力,是其中的主要原因。因此必须重视学生辩证思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

思维是人们在社会实践中对客观事物的认识活动,是人类特有的精神活动。随着人们社会实践领域的扩大,尤其是随着人们实践活动的物质技术手段的提高,人的思维能力也不断提高,思维方式也不断更新。创新思维最集中地体现了人类思维能力和思维方式所达到的高度。根据思维科...  相似文献   

初中一年级学生思维能力培养的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张绪扬 《心理学报》1988,21(3):98-105
本实验采用对比实验的方法,探讨了思维课对于培养思维能力的作用和规律。结果表明,思维课教学能够提高学生的思维速度、开阔思维广度、增强概括力和发挥力,尤其是对速度、广度、发挥力的作用达到很显著的水平,同时,对于创造性思维能力的提高也有明显的促进作用。研究者认为,初中一年级学生能力培养的潜力是存在的,而形成良好的思维方法和思维习惯则是培养思维能力的重要突破口,建议把一般性思维方法教学和与学科有关的思维方法教学结合起来,从而取得更为理想的效果。  相似文献   

中医理论教学的最大困惑是在现代科学文化环境中,难以引导中医大学生构建起中医理论认知观,教师主要依据教材而表述教学内容,学生难以准确理解中医理论的内在含义,死记硬背的只是中医理论的词语,教学效率不高和难以引导学生自主学习,是困扰中医理论教学多年的问题。问题的实质是中西文化碰撞在中医理论教学中的反应,是教和学双方都没有在碰撞中保持中医的重心;问题的症结是没有在教和学的过程中遵循中医理论固有的认知规律;解决问题的根本出路是努力在中医理论教学中对中医大学生培养中医思维的能力,实施中医思维能力训练。  相似文献   

临床思维贯穿于疾病诊断、观察、治疗的全过程.临床思维能力的提高源自扎实的医学理论基础知识及不断的临床实践.采用典型病例情境式教学,使见习学生逐渐熟悉临床思维的过程,形成系统和全局的观念,培养其科学的临床思维能力,顺利完成由医学生向临床医生的转变.同时,模拟教学过程亦有非真实性及不全面等不足之处,期望在临床教学实践中逐渐得到完善.  相似文献   

机器能思维,而且已经在思维,并追赶人类思维,还可肯定地说,终会有一天超过人类的个人思维能力,按其思维能力完全可以统治人及人类。 这是本文的命题。 人类用几千年的聪明智慧创造出机器人,又教会了机器人学习与工作。人类是机器人的老师,机器人是人类的学生,而青出于蓝必胜于蓝,所以机器人必超过人甚至人类。[第一段]  相似文献   

为了对思维加以分类,我们首先需要扼要地对思维概念进行界定,并对思维的基本要素做一些说明。思维无疑是人类区别于动物的重要标界。关于思维,无论是传统的哲学和逻辑学(含名学和因明学),还是后起的语言学、心理学、脑生理学以及符号学、信息论、控制论和思维学等  相似文献   

精湛的临床思维能力和良好的辩证思维能力是住院医师岗位胜任能力的根本要求。如何切实提升住院医师的辩证思维意识和思维习惯是现阶段住院医师规范化培训中一个亟待解决的现实难题。阐述了培养住院医师辩证思维能力的必要性和重要性,重点分析了住院医师规范化培训中应着力掌握的几种思维素养和能力。在规范化培训阶段,应以提升住院医师的辩证思维素养、强化辩证思维意识和思维习惯的养成教育、注重临床诊治实践能力的培养等为着力点培养住院医师辩证思维能力。  相似文献   

良好的临床思维能力,是住院医师能否成为合格和高水平医生的关健.对住院医师临床思维能力的培养必须明确临床思维的哲学本质和组成的关键要素,并结合住院医师的特点去培养.要注重墓本知识、基本理论和基本技能训练,把握正确的思维程序,运用哲学思想,并以学科综合为中心.  相似文献   


Efforts toward improving K-12 science education emphasize teachers noticing students’ thinking as they engage in disciplinary practices and reasoning. This noticing requires specialized teacher knowledge and skills as it involves attending to students’ ideas, as well as making sense of and responding to those ideas so that the disciplinary substance in them is recognized, made explicit, and supported. This study investigates three elementary teachers’ in-the-moment noticing of students’ ideas while teaching science and their thinking about what it means to engage in this teaching practice. Results indicate that teachers notice many different kinds of student science ideas, and also that teachers have different ways of thinking about which student ideas are substantive during a science lesson. This research contributes to our theoretical understanding of the nature of teacher noticing in science. Noticing students’ science ideas involves not only the presence of ideas and the ability to notice them, but also a teacher’s understanding of this teaching practice in the moment.  相似文献   

从辩证思维方式在妇产科学临床诊疗中的运用入手,通过多个临床诊疗的实例,说明哲学与医学的共通性。哲学辨证思维的开阔思维方式,可以使妇产科学的临床诊疗活动更加全面和完善,使临床诊断更加精准,制定的治疗方案更加合理,从而尽可能地减少医疗纠纷。  相似文献   

临床医师创新能力培养的关键应该包括医学理论知识和实践经验的积累,但要更加注重培养独立思考和敢于纠错的精神;在基本理论融会贯通的基础上,广泛涉猎是创新思想产生的基础,要能够大道至简,抓住复杂系统中的关键问题,全面地了解科学发展史和发明史,积极谦虚地与他人交流;勤于动脑和善于思考,重视"再发明"训练和思想实验,克服跨专业创新的思想障碍;对临床医师的人生哲学和人生道路的选择提出了一些感悟。  相似文献   

糖尿病酮症酸中毒急救措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辩证思维是最重要的科学思维方法,是指导临床工作的重要科学方法。糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)为糖尿病的急性并发症,是导致糖尿病死亡的主要原因之一。在临床诊治过程中,应科学合理运用辩证思维方法,对DKA快速正确地诊断,积极及时地救治,从而降低糖尿病的病死率,提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

The rationality of science,critical thinking,and science education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Harvey Siegel 《Synthese》1989,80(1):9-41
This paper considers two philosophical problems and their relation to science education. The first involves the rationality of science; it is argued here that the traditional view, according to which science is rational because of its adherence to (a non-standard conception of) scientific method, successfully answers one central question concerning science's rationality. The second involves the aims of education; here it is argued that a fundamental educational aim is the fostering of rationality, or its educational cognate, critical thinking. The ramifications of these two philosophical theses for science education are then considered, and a science education which takes reasons in science as its fundamental feature is sketched.It is notwhat the man of science believes that distinguishes him, buthow andwhy he believes it. His beliefs are tentative, not dogmatic; they are based on evidence, not on authority or intuition (Russell 1945, p. 527).I believe ... that all teaching [in science] on the University level (and if possible below) should be training and encouragement in critical thinking (Popper 1970, pp. 52–53).This paper is mainly drawn from other publications. The first section is taken from my (1985); the second from (1988), Chapter 2; and the third from (1988), Chapter 6. Since what appears here are truncated versions of those discussions, I urge interested readers to look to those other works for fuller treatments of the issues here discussed.  相似文献   

Horney was the first psychoanalyst to develop a comprehensive framework for understanding character structure and character pathology, and the first to do so in experience-near terms. She uncovered the often hidden metapsychological assumptions of classical analysis and created a deeper meta-level thinking about psychological splits, including how splits can develop between assumed opposites. In the clinical moment, insight into meta-level process rests on an epistemological change in the relation between subjective and objective. Horney was an early pioneer in examining the dialectical unity of these presumed opposites. A specific proposal for training and teaching candidates in the science of subjectivity will be advanced. Systemic clinical insights in the assessment and treatment of patients are offered, as well as systemic uncovering of cultural assumptions of Western society which can impede analytic exploration of psychic conflict.  相似文献   

临床医学八年制内科学床旁教学应用传统的教学模式及基于案例的学习(CBL)单一教学方法难以满足教学要求.将CBL与基于问题的学习(PBL)及研讨会(Seminar)结合的立体教学模式应用于呼吸科的床旁教学实践中,激发了学生学习的积极性、创新性,培养了学生良好的团队合作精神和临床思维模式,提高了学生们解决临床问题的能力,并能加深师生互动交流,达到教学相长的目的.  相似文献   

Within the research and teaching program of maker pedagogy(TM), this study analyzes how teacher candidates construct knowledge about teaching and teaching with technology. The study applies an experiential-intuitive framework of reflective practice and takes cues from critical thinking to analyze the participants’ interactions in a maker pedagogy lab. Schön’s conception of reflection drove the data collection and analysis of participants who were asked to reflect on their experiences gained in the maker pedagogy lab. The researchers argue that the maker pedagogy lab provides participants with a way to understand their teaching practice. The results demonstrate that the maker projects enabled teacher candidates to engage in exploratory and hypothetical talk about how they are thinking about teaching and learning, particularly with technology. Furthermore, the researchers uncovered that teacher candidates’ prior knowledge and frames of reference affect their making experiences and their developing identities as science and technology teachers.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine if it is possible to increase students' creative output by teaching a portion of the Future Problem Solving (FPS) process, the identification of problems, as part of a regular middle school curriculum. Subject were 43 13- and 14-year old 8th graders in two heterogeneous physical science classes. Participants were given a pre-test and showed no differences in fluency and flexibility, using the FPS evaluation system. Students in one class were trained in specific techniques designed to increase fluency and flexibility, using new material directly from the physical science curriculum. A posttest revealed significant differences between control and experimental groups in four measures: number of problems, number of relevant problems, number of different categories, and total score. The results supported the hypothesis that fluency and flexibility can be taught by utilizing the Future Problem Solving process. This study provides experimental evidence that thinking skills can be taught systematically in a content-based curriculum  相似文献   

With the goal of understanding how Christopher Southgate communicates his in‐depth knowledge of both science and theology, we investigated the many roles he assumes as a teacher. We settled upon wide‐ranging topics that all intertwine: (1) his roles as author and coordinating editor of a premier textbook on science and theology, now in its third edition; (2) his oral presentations worldwide, including plenaries, workshops, and short courses; and (3) the team teaching approach itself, which is often needed by others because the knowledge of science and theology do not always reside in the same person. Southgate provides, whenever possible, teaching contexts that involve students in experiential learning, where they actively participate with other students. We conclude that Southgate's ultimate goal is to teach students how to reconcile science and theology in their values and beliefs, so that they can take advantage of both forms of rational thinking in their own personal and professional lives. The co‐authors consider several examples of models that have been successfully used by people in various fields to integrate science and religion.  相似文献   

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