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我国当代大学生的性观念、性道德状况及教育对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用献资料法,对当代大学生的性观念、性道德状况及其教育对策进行了探索和研究。首先阐述了我国当代大学生的性观念、性道德状况;造成当代大学生性观念、性道德扭曲的原因:最后提出了树立当代大学生理智的性行为,倡导性道德的对策。  相似文献   

性生活是人类生活的重要内容,性道德在整个社会道德中占有重要位置。性道德主要回答什么样的性行为是正确的和什么样的性观念是合乎社会发展要求的这样两个问题。不同社会历史阶段和不同民族的社会文化环境,对性道德有不同的评判标准。我国目前评判性道德的原则标准主要有五条。 一、“自愿”原则。也就是说,发生性行为的双方,必须完全出于自愿。这是因为性行为的自主权是人的基本权利之一,非自愿下的性行为是对他人权利的粗暴侵犯,它会给被侵犯一方带来巨大的  相似文献   

性伦理的研究需要回答三个基本问题:其一,性是否有关善恶?这个问题的关键在于性行为能否成为道德价值的客体。显然,我们认为人的性行为是有意识、有目的且具有社会利害关系的行为,理应受到道德的评判。其二,对性行为是否有特殊的道德要求,即性道德是否必要?我们认为性行为不只是要受到一般社会道德规范的约束,还要受到以"爱"和"忠贞"为基本内容的性道德的要求,这是基于人格完善和社会和谐的道德需要而提出的道德要求。其三,性道德需要法律强制吗?我们认为,当性行为损害到公共利益的时候,法律当然可以强制实施性道德,但由于法律强制的社会成本和经济成本太大,所以动用法律强制需要特别谨慎。  相似文献   

本研究采用随机抽样法对22个小、中、大班共734名幼儿的社会性品质结构及其对社会性行为的影响进行了研究.因子分析表明,幼儿的社会性品质主要由同情心、自制力、责任心、自信心、克服困难的勇气与意志力等维度构成;主成分分析进一步表明同情心、自制力是幼儿社会性品质中最核心的成分.同情心、自制力是影响幼儿社会性行为(包括积极行为和消极行为)的最主要的社会性品质.  相似文献   

女护士生性教育现状及需求的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以大连某卫校女护士生为研究对象,采用自编式问卷对女护士生的性教育现状及需求进行了调查分析.结果表明:卫校女生在性知识、性态度、性行为方面发展的主流是好的、健康的,但也有少数女护士生对自身正常的性生理、性心理现象不了解而产生心理困惑和压力,女护士生渴望从学校得到正规的性教育.为了使女护士生身心得到健康发展,学校必须开展以性道德教育为核心的正规的性教育.  相似文献   

现有的攻击性行为研究表明:个人因素中的自我同一性危机、人格、人际交往障碍、生物因素和性心理对攻击性行为有一定的预测作用;家庭因素中的教养方式、家庭环境特征、家庭结构以及社会因素中的媒体暴力、挫折与压力等因素对攻击性行为都存在影响。而目前攻击性行为的研究不足多在于关注于单因素研究,较少关注综合成因、内在规律、作用机制。未来的研究趋势可以选择从研究综合成因方面入手。  相似文献   

生活史是研究身体发育与后代繁衍时间表的一种进化方法。本研究根据生活史理论调查与分析了13000余名“婚前节欲”性教育规划中青少年的性态度、性信念与性行为关系。因子分析结果显示,多种性信念和性态度可以整合成一个一般因子,性节制。可以假设,性节制是生活史策略的一个维度。性节制的表现主要包括:性自我克制的意愿、承认性抑制的个人和社会原因、积极肯定青少年的节欲行为、否认性行为的积极影响、回绝性行为的技能、以健康为由赞同性抑制,以及对宗教的虔诚与笃信等。研究结果显示,性节制因子上的低分与更频繁性行为有关,年龄与性别变量对二者关系没有影响。本文还探讨了性态度、性行为以及人类生活史间的关系  相似文献   

《大学生主观幸福感量表》的编制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据国内外关于主观幸福感的文献和已有的研究经验,编制了大学生主观幸福感问卷。以往大多数研究认为,主观幸福感由生活满意度和情绪体验两个基本成分构成,本研究认为主观幸福感还应包括社会性行为和人际关系等成分。对376名大学生进行初测,通过探索性因素分析,表明大学生主观幸福感由自我满意、家庭满意、消极情绪、积极情绪、精力、生活满意、社会性行为和人际关系8个维度构成,共41个项目。对511名大学生施测41个项目的主观幸福感问卷,进行验证性因素分析,结果表明,上述结构是合理的。  相似文献   

中国传统婚姻与性道德是中国封建时代经济关系、政治制度和思想文化的产物,其中既有封建性的糟粕,亦有中华民族传统美德之精华。“性欲即罪恶”,“父母之命,媒妁之言”,男尊女卑歧视妇女是中国传统婚姻与性道德中的封建性糟粕。主张对婚姻与两性关系的严肃慎重态度;强调对婚姻家庭的责任和义务;要求女性珍视自己的贞操,则是中国传统婚姻与性道德中的道德精华。在改革开放和全球化条件下,继承和发扬中国传统婚姻与性道德中的优秀道德成果具有现实意义。  相似文献   

本研究主要运用问卷调查的量化(Quantitativeinvestigation)方法,从攻击性行为、攻击性认知、攻击性情绪三个方面对广州青少年的攻击性状况及相关因素进行了调查研究。结果表明:①当前广州市高中生在攻击性行为表现上,青少年的身体攻击相对较高;在攻击性认知上,报复心理较为强烈;而在攻击性情绪表现上,青少年的冲动性较为突出。②住宿生与走读生的攻击性没有显著差异,在攻击性情绪上,走读生显著高于住宿生,尤其在冲动方面差异显著。③网络游戏类型与身体攻击行为、易怒情绪存在相关。  相似文献   

This research examined gender-specific perceptions of risky sexual behavior norms among college students and their relationship with one’s own sexual behavior. We expected that students would misperceive the risky sexual behavior of their peers and that these perceptions would positively relate to their sexual behavior. Undergraduate students from the United States (N?=?687; 57.6% female) completed measures assessing perceived sexual behavior, sexual behavior, and other behaviors (e.g., marijuana use, alcohol consumption). Findings demonstrated that students perceived that others engaged in more risky sexual behavior than they do and that perceived norms were positively associated with one’s own behavior. The incorporation of personalized normative feedback regarding risky sexual behavior into brief interventions aimed at reducing risky sexual behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

How does impulsivity relate to risky sexual behavior? Whereas some research has attempted to answer this question in terms of global impulsivity, past research has demonstrated the need to conceptualize impulsivity as a multifaceted trait (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001). Research has been mixed as to which facets of impulsivity predict risky sexual behavior. The major aim of this project was to further the understanding between the five facets of impulsivity (positive urgency, negative urgency, lack of premeditation, sensation-seeking, and lack of perseverance) and risky sexual behavior. This study used a longitudinal design and showed that risky sex was highest among people who act rashly on the basis of negative emotion (negative urgency) and who crave novel, exciting situations (sensation seeking). These findings add to a growing body of literature on the importance of different facets of impulsivity in predicting risky sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this longitudinal study is to examine the relationship between teen sexting and offline sexual behavior. Using a sample of 1134 Czech adolescents aged 10–18 (Mage = 13.84, SD = 1.94, girls = 58.8%) from 55 schools, the latent growth model of offline sexual behavior with sexting as a time-varying covariate was employed. Participants differed at baseline for offline sexual behavior at both individual and school levels, and they varied in the growth rate of offline sexual behavior at the individual level. Only age and sensation seeking explained the variability at baseline of offline sexual behavior. The positive association between sexting and offline sexual behavior was not constant across time. However, sexting at baseline predicted offline sexual behavior a half year and one year later. Sexting may be treated as a precursor of offline sexual behavior.  相似文献   

王争艳  赵冬艳  雷雳 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1063-1073
采用问卷法探讨了亲子间性话题沟通风格与青少年性行为、性态度的关系,并考查了亲子依恋的调节效应。结果发现:(1)两个关于性别、父母职业和受教育程度的多元方差分析表明:男生与女生在与父亲和母亲的性话题沟通开放性上均没有显著差异,与父亲和母亲性话题沟通的舒适感上有显著差异。男生与父亲的性话题沟通风格好于与母亲的,而女生与母亲的性话题沟通风格好于与父亲的。父母的职业和受教育程度以及青少年性别、父母职业、受教育程度的交互作用不显著;(2)进一步的结构方程模型分析表明:青少年与父母性话题沟通开放性对性行为具有显著的负向预测作用,对不赞同同伴性行为的态度具有显著的正向预测作用;而青少年与父母性话题沟通舒适感对不赞同同伴性行为的态度具有显著的负向预测作用;(3)依恋对性话题沟通和青少年的性行为的关系有显著的调节作用,与完全安全依恋的家庭相比,在与父母依恋都不安全的家庭中,青少年与父母性话题沟通的开放性对青少年的性行为有更强的预测力  相似文献   

The Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale (SSSS; Kalichman & Rompa, 1995) is a measure of the propensity to seek out novel or risky sexual stimulation. This measure has been consistently related to HIV-risk behavior in several different samples of gay men and with behavioral correlates of sexual permissiveness in college students. Five hundred twenty-eight college students completed the SSSS and several other sexuality and personality measures. The results reveal significant gender differences on the SSSS and similar (although stronger among women) patterns of significant correlations with sexually permissive characteristics and behaviors. Furthermore, SSSS scores were more highly correlated with sexual measures, whereas a more general measure of sensation seeking was more highly correlated with general personality measures. We discuss implications for use of the SSSS by sexuality educators and sex therapists.  相似文献   

College students' risky sexual behavior places them at relatively higher than average risk for HIV infection. This study examines various explanations for college students' risky behavior, and proposes and tests a model of factors influencing college students' sexual behavior. A LISREL estimation of the model shows that the model fits the data. The results also show that (1) sensation-seeking predispositions and the sexual motive for a pleasurable relationship are indirectly or directly related to all measures of sexual behavior (i.e., number of partners, incidence of unprotected sex, and percentage of condom use); (2) sexual motives driven by concern for health have only an indirect effect on percentage of condom use; and (3) optimistic bias, personal relevance, perceptions about partners, and images of condoms are related to sensation seeking, sexual motives, and sexual behavior. In addition, interpersonal influence from sexual partners appears to both facilitate and inhibit safer sexual behavior. Suggestions are provided regarding campaigns designed for AIDS prevention among college students.  相似文献   

Although the negative consequences and prevalence rates of sexual imposition are widely known through self-report surveys, currently there are few laboratory paradigms to examine the determinants of this type of behavior, especially peer sexual harassment. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of two types of peer interactions on peer sexual harassment among college students using a laboratory paradigm of sexually oriented joke telling as an analogue of sexual harassment. Results from two different experiments revealed an effect of type of peer interaction on sexually oriented joke telling. In Experiment 1, male college students, who were exposed to a male peer who modeled sexually harassing behavior, subsequently told significantly more sexually oriented jokes to an unknown female peer than did male students exposed to a male peer who modeled nonsexually harassing behavior. In Experiment 2, male college students, who were exposed to a male peer who was seemingly sexist in his interaction with them, subsequently told significantly more sexually oriented jokes to an unknown female peer than did male students exposed to a male peer who was seemingly nonsexist in his interactions with them. These results suggest that peer interactions may serve as a disinhibiting situational factor of sexually harassing behaviors perpetrated by male college students on female peers. The results also provide further validity for the use of a laboratory paradigm for the study of peer sexual harassment.  相似文献   


This research applied attachment theory to the study of sexual attitudes and behaviors in a sample of late adolescents. Four hundred and seventy heterosexual undergraduate students completed questionnaires assessing attachment (discomfort with closeness; anxiety over relationships). relationship history, communication about sex. sexual self-efficacy and locus of control, and attitudes to condoms. Eight weeks later, participants reported on sexual behaviors occurring during the eight-week interval. and perceived risk of these activities. Both discomfort with closeness and anxiety over relationships were associated with external locus of control for sexual outcomes, and with use of drugs before sexual contact. Anxiety over relationships was linked to unsafe sex and to negative attitudes to condoms, but discomfort with closeness was associated with a more cautious approach to sexual risk-taking. Some results were qualified by gender differences. and by differences between the full sample and those who were sexually active. The findings arc discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with communication and affect regulation.


This study indicates that attachment dimensions are reliably related to many aspects of sexual attitudes and behaviors among late adolescents. Insecure attachment was linked to increased drug use before sexual contact. Anxiety over relationships was also linked to less safe sexual practice, but discomfort with closeness was associated with a tendency for males to be cautious about sexual risk-taking. The results support the utility of the attachment perspective on adolescent sexuality, but also highlight the complex relations between attachment dimensions and sexual outcomes. Future research would benefit from more detailed investigations of the attitudes, emotions, and cognitions which may mediate the link between attachment style and sexual behavior. For example, those who are highly anxious about their relationships may engage in more risky sexual practices because they fear that non-compliance with partners' wishes will jeopardize their relationship; the tendency to engage in drug use before sexual cpntact may reflect their attempts to boost self-confidence or to manage negative mood states. Research into these issues has the potential to explain how attachment insecurity is played out in patterns of sexual activity.  相似文献   

Higgins  Louise T.  Zheng  Mo  Liu  Yali  Sun  Chun Hui 《Sex roles》2002,46(3-4):75-89
This paper reports a survey carried out among 505 university students in China and 338 students in the United Kingdom. The survey included questions on attitudes toward mate-selection preferences, marriage, and sexual behavior. The findings show that traditional values in mate-selection preferences persist more in China than in the United Kingdom and indicate that, despite a profound social revolution over the last two decades, a relatively conservative sexual culture still exists in China today. Traditional morality and attitudes prevail especially among women. Gender and culture differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Research consistently finds that homosexuality elicits strong feelings of disgust, but the reasons remain unclear. In the current research, we investigate responses to gay men who violate social norms governing the expression of gender and sexuality. Two hundred forty-three college undergraduates read a vignette about a gay male college student whose personality traits (masculine, feminine, or neutral) and sexual behavior (active vs. passive) varied and reported their affective responses to and cognitive appraisals of the target. The gay target who displayed a feminine personality elicited more disgust and was perceived as lower in gender role conformity than a gay man who displayed a masculine personality. Similarly, the gay target who assumed a passive sex role elicited more disgust and was perceived as lower in gender role conformity than a gay man who assumed an active sex role. The sexual behavior/disgust relationship was mediated by perceived gender role conformity.  相似文献   

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