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范虹 《道德与文明》2005,1(3):58-62
网络道德建设取得实效的关键在于认识和把握其内在规律。道德内化是贯穿于网络道德建设过程中的一个不以人的意志为转移的客观规律,它支配着网络道德主体德性的形成和发展。道德内化规律发生作用的过程是一个他律和自律、受动性和主动性有机统一的过程,并呈现出阶段性的特点。在网络道德建设的过程中,应当把他律机制与自律机制、灌输机制与接受机制、先进性要求与广泛性要求有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

个体道德的发生与公民道德建设   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
个体道德的发生 ,是通过道德内化来实现的。道德内化的过程是社会和个体互动的过程。因此 ,在公民道德建设中 ,我们应当把外部道德控制和内部道德控制、道德灌输机制与道德接受机制、先进性要求和广泛性要求有机地结合起来  相似文献   

公民道德是其在社会实践中将社会的道德要求内化的结果,而道德内化则要经历一个由低级到高级、由简单到复杂的发展过程。道德内化的发展性使得公民道德的发展呈现出自发、自觉和自由三个层次。因此,我们在公民道德建设中,应当研究和了解公民道德的实际状况和层次,并有针对性地展开工作,做到先进性和广泛性的有机结合,从而不断追求更高层次的道德目标。  相似文献   

为了保证公民道德建设取得实效,我们必须做到以下三个有机结合:他律机制和自律机制有机结合;灌输机制和接受机制有机结合;普遍性和特殊性有机结合。  相似文献   

关于公民道德建设的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公民道德建设的前提是公民社会的形成和公民身份的确认。公民道德主要涉及公民个人与国家之间的关系问题,其实质内容就是对公民权利和义务的道德认知和道德自律。当代中国公民道德建设的最深层依据在于当代中国的社会转型。如果不从这个高度来分析当代中国公民道德建设的必要性和客观依据,就有可能把公民道德建设混同于传统道德说教,或者把当代的公民道德建设混同于已往的道德批判。  相似文献   

道德自律的特性解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道德自律是道德发展的重要阶段.对道德自律特性的分析,需要有一个宽广的平台,既要从道德个体的视角,也要从社会规范的宏观领域来考察.道德自律的特性表现为自觉性、为我性、内化性和开放性.道德自律的特性体现在道德发展整个过程的始终.  相似文献   

加强公民道德建设既是贯彻落实“以德治国”的重要思想 ,保证社会主义市场经济健康有序运行的需要 ,也是实现人的全面发展的客观要求。为了使公民道德建设取得实效 ,我们应当建立和完善道德灌输机制、注错习俗机制和道德接受机制。  相似文献   

自律与他律:公民道德建设的实践路径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自律与他律属于哲学、伦理学的基本范畴。公民道德作为社会实践主体内在品性和社会生活方式的统一 ,在本质上既是自律的又是他律的。内在的品性修养和外在道德性的制度安排的融合 ,是推进公民道德建设的根本路径。  相似文献   

诚信之德培育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信既是个人自我完善的基本前提,同时也是社会主义市场经济健康有序运行的重要保障。诚信之德的培育机制主要在于内化,其必然性是由人的本质所内定的,体现为一个由“他律”到“自律”的过程。因此,我们必须加强外部道德调控、培育个体道德的接受机制和加强主体自身的道德修养。  相似文献   

道德责任意识应当而且必须包含两方面的内容:其一是对自身所应担当的道德责任“是什么”的明确认知和判断,其二是对自身道德责任之“为什么”的深刻体认。加强道德责任意识建设,以道德责任意识的自觉来促成道德行为的自律,是当今中国公民权责关系状况、社会道德生活境况、道德推理方式特点和公民道德责任意识现状条件下为更加富有成效地搞好公民道德建设所必须高度重视并着力解决好的一项突出任务。  相似文献   

How should Scheler’s critique of Kant’s ethics be interpreted? This paper focuses on two aspects of Scheler’s critique of Kant’s ethics: 1) the problem of “formalism” in Kant’s ethics, and 2) the problem of the “ethics of autonomy” and “ethics of heteronomy.” Generally speaking, Scheler’s project has a “modern” starting point; that is to say, his work starts with the rejection or critique of Kant and Aristotle. Most essentially, Scheler’s “material ethics of values” (ethics of person) must stay autonomous. Following Kant, Scheler takes Aristotle’s theory as an “ethics of heteronomy,” and then competes with Kant within the “ethics of autonomy” and further develops his own “ethics of personal autonomy.”  相似文献   

Cai  Wenjing 《Human Studies》2021,44(3):397-411

The present article aims to illuminate a notion of finite freedom in both Heidegger and Levinas. Levinas criticizes the Heideggerian ontology for holding an egoistic, unconstrained notion of freedom. The article first responds to such a criticism by showing that the Heideggerian notion of freedom as self-binding involves normativity. It then argues that both Heidegger and Levinas propose a notion of finite freedom as the unity of autonomy and heteronomy. Finally, the article also sheds light on what different approaches to the source of normativity separate the two philosophers’ understandings of freedom.


This essay seeks to contribute to work on moral agency of religious women through the creative naming of a dynamic that is emerging in recent scholarship. Drawing on fieldwork in Iran in 2004, I argue that prominent models of agency based on autonomy, heteronomy, and theonomy are unable take into account both religious influence on and individual creativity of women's actions. I propose the neologism, "dianomy," meaning dual-sources of the moral law, to account for moral agency that relies neither exclusively upon the self as a source of moral authority nor exclusively upon religious traditions. Dianomy also attempts to comprehend creative ruptures in obedience to tradition, even when these innovations are unintentional. Such a concept is particularly important in order to correct past tendencies to ignore or even negate feminist politics that do not resist or strategically reform religious norms. With dianomy, tactical moves, actions that are not "freely chosen," and even happy accidents can be studied as productive within traditional religious communities. I call these types of actions, which confound the actions theorized by autonomy, heteronomy, and theonomy, "creative conformity."  相似文献   

ABSTRACT If it could be shown that law is, in some sense, a moral system the apparent contradiction between (moral) autonomy and (legal) heteronomy might be challenged. In order to prepare for such a challenge this paper questions the prevailing view that law is not in the business of enforcing morals. That is done primarily by using decisions of the criminal courts to show that the law does not always criminalise conduct merely to prevent harm to others. Paternalism is distinguished from the harm principle in order to show that the law (rightly or wrongly) sometimes seeks to secure that which is (thought to be) morally good, irrespective of the prevention of harm, at least overall harm.
If such an insight is well founded there are consequences for legal theory in that neither of the ruling paradigms (naturalism and positivism) seems able adequately to accommodate the view of law which emerges. Consequently, an attempt is made in the essay to develop a middle theory of law, between naturalism and positivism, which is referred to as 'normative positivism'. The theory presented has, in turn, consequences for political practice. If law can be seen as community morality rather than as merely the morality of officials, then everyone has a stake in the moral content of law and there may be good moral reasons for disobeying official laws. Civil disobedience is the citizen's ultimate resort against the official morality that has appropriated to itself the eulogistic name of 'law'. That law may be seen as community morality also calls into question some ruling paradigms as to the nature of morality but, if the claim can be sustained, then the legal system may be seen as applied moral philosophy in action.  相似文献   

Louis Roy 《Heythrop Journal》2012,53(4):606-623
Beginning with Kant, modernity has developed the secular dogma that human autonomy is incompatible with obedience to religious law. Can philosophy critique a faulty understanding of both autonomy and obedience? Can theology work out a healthy interaction between the two? In other words, can Christian faith integrate both a redefined autonomy and a redefined obedience?  相似文献   

医疗监管的自律与他律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自律和他律理论对加强和完善我国医疗行业监管具有重要的理论价值。自律和他律在医疗行业监管领域中的具体表现为,卫生行政部门的监督管理与医疗机构的自我约束和医疗行业的自律监管。指出我国医疗行业监管中存在的主要问题并提出健全医疗行业监管机制的思路。  相似文献   

The evident power of the medical profession in the contemporary provision of health care requires a careful moral evaluation. The demand for professional autonomy may well lead to misuses of power. To illustrate the dangers of 'clinical freedom' and of the failure of the profession to monitor the actions of its members adequately, a case study is presented based on the recently published findings of a judicial inquiry into inadequate treatment of cervical cancer in Auckland, New Zealand. From this case study there emerge questions concerning professional autonomy, the autonomy of patients, and the need for a patient's advocate. These issues are assessed in light of the application to medical practice of the autonomy/heteronomy distinction in moral theory. Finally, three theological themes are briefly related to the issues which have emerged: the nature of agape, the limitations of human moral authority and the vision for humankind contained in the doctrines of incarnation and redemption.  相似文献   

The term autonomy literally refers to regulation by the self. Its opposite, heteronomy, refers to controlled regulation, or regulation that occurs without self-endorsement. At a time when philosophers and economists are increasingly detailing the nature of autonomy and recognizing its social and practical significance, many psychologists are questioning the reality and import of autonomy and closely related phenomena such as will, choice, and freedom. Using the framework of self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), we review research concerning the benefits of autonomous versus controlled regulation for goal performance, persistence, affective experience, quality of relationships, and well-being across domains and cultures. We also address some of the controversies and terminological issues surrounding the construct of autonomy, including critiques of autonomy by biological reductionists, cultural relativists, and behaviorists. We conclude that there is a universal and cross-developmental value to autonomous regulation when the construct is understood in an exacting way.  相似文献   

个体诚信修养是个体实现从诚信规范的他律向自律的转化,确立高尚的诚信人格的主体性活动。塑造公民的诚信人格具体而言就是做一个道德认识求真知、道德情感求真挚、道德信念求真诚、道德意志求真笃、道德行为求真切的诚信公民。  相似文献   

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