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Social competence is a critical developmental milestone for preschoolers. Because play is the primary activity through which preschoolers interact socially with peers, it serves as an excellent indicator of social competence. The development of social competence in preschoolers is complex and multifaceted. In order to capture this complexity, we used Belsky’s differential susceptibility hypothesis as a framework for examining the contributions of child temperament and parenting styles in the prediction of peer interactive play behaviors. Using parent ratings of a sample of 44 preschool-age children, we hypothesized that child temperament (specifically, reactivity and regulation) acts as a susceptibility factor in the relationship between parenting styles (authoritarian and authoritative) and child peer play behaviors (disruptive and interactive). Our findings indicated that child reactivity moderated the relationship between authoritarian parenting style and both play outcomes, suggesting that reactivity serves as a potential susceptibility factor. More specifically, children with high reactivity who had more authoritarian parents demonstrated higher levels of disruptive play and lower levels of interactive play. Regulation did not act as a susceptibility factor in our sample. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for practice and in terms of an approach that considers temperament (specifically reactivity) and parenting behaviors in preschool assessment and intervention efforts. Additionally, we discuss how our findings partially support the differential susceptibility hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examined the achievement goals of parents' in relation to their interpretation of their child's sporting behavior, preference for certain types of performance feedback about their child, the types of tasks they prefer their child to engage in, and their beliefs about the cause of their child's performance. The sample consisted of 96 parents whose children were in the first year (mean age 11.3) at a large comprehensive school in a major city in the United Kingdom. Parents' dispositional achievement goal orientations were differentiated by their responses to the Perception of Success Questionnaire (Roberts & Balague, 1989, 1991). Whereas differences in task orientation appear to be critical in the education setting (Ames & Archer, 1988), the findings of this study suggest that individual differences in ego orientation may be more significant in the competitive sport context.  相似文献   

From its inception Christianity has employed familial language to help believers frame their relationships, first to God, who was their common ‘Father’, and to one another. In the early church this was also true of bishops, and especially to the Patriarchs of Rome and Constantinople, where one is struck by the frequent use of fraternal language in order to establish their respective positions within the church. However, by the medieval period a shift took place whereby Rome began to reference itself not as the ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ of other churches but as ‘mother’ and ‘father’. Calls to reunion were thus increasingly framed in terms of filial obedience, with the return of the prodigal son becoming the West’s chief paradigm for understanding reunion. This continued for centuries, until the mid‐twentieth century, when Rome once again began to employ fraternal language in its dealings with the Orthodox.  相似文献   

Following developmental attachment theory, we predicted a path in which nurturing parents affect young adults' self-concepts and self-esteem, which in turn predicts the image of a nurturing God. To ascertain how images of parents and images of self predict God images, 132 young adults aged 18–22 (M = 19) completed the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, and a six-item measure of God's perceived involvement in their lives (religiosity scale). In a follow-up interview, they rated their parents, God, and selves on scales of closeness, nurturing, power, and punishing/judging. For men, mothers were responsible, more than fathers, for creating a climate for sons' self-esteem through nurturance and discipline, which in turn contributed to seeing God as nurturing, feeling close to God, and being more religious. For women, mothers and fathers created a model of nurturance and power, which contributed to seeing God as nurturing and powerful. Punishing/judging parents directly affected punishing/judging God images in these young adults. Men perceived God to be more punishing/judging than did women, while women perceived God to be more nurturing. Even in adulthood, parents, especially mothers, continue to exert influences on young adults' faith and images of God.  相似文献   

The rationale for filial therapy is explored and the effectiveness of a 10-week filial therapy parent training group for incarcerated parents is described. Results of the analysis of covariance revealed that incarcerated fathers in the experimental group scored significantly higher after training than incarcerated fathers in the control group on both their attitude of acceptance and their empathic behavior toward their children. They also scored significantly lower than the control group fathers on level of stress related to parenting and identified child problem behaviors. In addition, t-test results showed that the self-concepts of the children of fathers in the experimental group increased significantly as a result of interactions with their fathers in structured filial play sessions.  相似文献   

The present study related generational status, marital status, parental overprotection (control), and cultural value conflict to self-esteem and depression among first and second-generation Asian Indian immigrant women in the south-midwestern United States. Self-report data from 73 community-dwelling women supported the hypotheses that unmarried and second-generation women would report greater maternal control and cultural value conflict than would married and first-generation women. Second-generational status, high maternal control, and high cultural value conflict correlated with higher depressive symptomology; being married, low maternal control, and low cultural value conflict were related to high self-esteem. Regression analyses indicated a mediating role for cultural value conflict for depression symptom predictors, but not for self-esteem predictors. Open-ended response data provided enriched understanding of these women’s cultural and family conflicts.  相似文献   

The present study examined the interplay of attachment to God, attachment to mother, and attachment to father with respect to adjustment (hope, self-esteem, depression) for 130 early and 106 middle adolescents in Singapore. Results showed that the parental attachments were generally linked (in expected directions) to adjustment. God attachment, however, had unique results. At the bivariate level, God attachment was only linked to early adolescents’ self-esteem. When considered together with parental attachments (including interactions), God attachment did not emerge as the key moderator in attachment interactions and yielded some unexpected results (e.g., being positively linked to depression). These results are discussed viz-a-viz the secure base and safe haven functions that God and parental attachments may play during adolescence.  相似文献   

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) has demonstrated promising evidence in its implementation with deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) families. This case study presents the implementation of PCIT with a hearing mother, a deaf father, and their 7-year-old hearing son with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and oppositional behaviors, using the assistance of certified interpreters. Results documented improvement in child behavior, parenting skills and stress, and parent-child communication. Notably, paternal ratings showed greater improvement across these outcomes than maternal ratings. Overall, PCIT continues to demonstrate its effectiveness as a treatment option for DHH families with children with challenging behaviors. The limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The Response Class Matrix was used to compare sequential relations among behaviors in clinic families with a problem adolescent and those in non-clinic families with an adolescent under two experimental conditions, discussing a problem and planning something together. Clinic dyads manifested significantly more negative an les problem-solving behavior overall. When the family was planning something together, clinic mothers responded to their adolescents' negative behavior significantly more often with negative behavior and less often with problem-solving than did their nonclinic counterparts. Clinic adolescents responded to their mothers' negative behavior significantly more often with negative behavior and with less problem-solving than non-clinic adolescents, both when planning something together and when discussing a problem. These patterns were not observed with fathers. When the family was planning something together, clinic adolescents responded to both their mothers' and fathers' problem-solving with significantly more negative and less problem-solving behavior than did non-clinic adolescents. Results are discussed in terms of the aversive nature of the family environment for clinic adolescents, and the differences between mothers' and fathers' interactions with adolescents.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the theoretical role of parental self-efficacy, or parents' beliefs in their competence and effectiveness in the parental role, as a mediator of relations between parent–child risk and parental sensitivity. Evidence is marshalled from studies of parenting in the contexts of maternal depression and child health risk to support the premise that parent–child characteristics affect parental sensitivity indirectly via their more direct impact on parental feelings of efficacy, and that parenting efficacy represents the ‘final common pathway’ in the prediction of parenting sensitivity. Also considered in this working model are specific social-contextual factors as independent contributors to parenting efficacy and as possible moderators of relations between parent–child characteristics and self-efficacy. Implications for intervention are discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between mother, father, and peer attachment security, empathy, and moral authority in order to clarify certain problems of previous empirical research on such relationships. A sample of 202 Persian-speaking undergraduate students completed questionnaires pertaining to these constructs. The results revealed that mother and father attachment were significantly correlated with family, society welfare, and equality sources of moral authority, whereas peer attachment security was related only to society welfare and equality sources of moral authority. Out of the empathy subscales, only empathic concern was associated with moral authority sources. Empathic concern was also related to mother, father, and peer attachment, whereas perspective taking was correlated with mother and peer attachment. The combination of empathic concern and mother, father, and peer attachment predicted significant amount of variance of “principle source of moral authority” (including society welfare and equality sources). Findings support existence of a strong relationship between attachment security and the content of moral thought of adolescents, and findings redress an empirical imbalance in research literature on the relation of attachment and morality.  相似文献   

The relationship between maternal distress and mother's reports of psychosocial problems in their children has been well-documented. However, relatively little research has investigated the relationship between maternal and family distress and young children's perception of their own functioning. Using a brief questionnaire designed for use with children, data were collected from 166 mothers and their children aged 5-12 years. Children provided information about their own daily functioning, and mothers provided information about their own, their child's, and their family's psychosocial functioning. Findings indicated that while children generally agreed with the reports of their mothers, children of distressed mothers self-reported better daily functioning than their mothers did. Distressed mothers tended globally to report negatively about themselves, their child, and their family. The present findings suggest that when assessing mothers or children, the reports of children should be considered as well as the reports of mothers.  相似文献   

Two recent studies have focused on marital equality and satisfaction in couples where one of the spouses stays at home full-time with the children and the other spouse works full-time outside of the home. One study looked at couples with a stay-at-home mother/career father while the other study examined couples with a stay-at-home father/career mother. Similarities as well as differences emerged between the two samples when comparing the experiences of these couples. In general, couples in both arrangements shared positive feelings about their marriages, although the mothers across both samples reported higher levels of stress and exhaustion than fathers.  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Models of transdiagnostic family emotion processes recognize parents’ emotion-related characteristics and behaviors as key contributors to...  相似文献   

Investigators argue that it is essential to consider why parents select non-parental child care arrangements in studying the effects of that care on a child’s development. Existing investigations explore family economic and demographic characteristics as determinants of child care choice. The present investigation examined a wide array of parents’ beliefs about characteristics of child care arrangements with the goal of determining if these could be reduced to coherent dimensions. The emergent belief sets were examined in relation to maternal and child characteristics as potential correlates. Two hundred and twenty respondents with children in non-parental care completed surveys. These individuals represent diverse ethnic and economic groups. Ratings of the importance of characteristics were factor analyzed resulting in a six factor solution: Practical Concerns, Institutional Structure, Curriculum, Scheduling, Child Centered Orientation and School Readiness. The latter factor, or program components promoting social skills and classroom behaviors associated with succeeding in school, was identified as the most important dimension. Parents describing their children as more difficult temperamentally and as less developmentally advanced tended to describe school readiness and curriculum issues as less important. Child characteristics accounted for unique variance above and beyond mothers’ characteristics in predicting to parental beliefs. Results suggest that parents as consumers possess coherent belief sets and are sensitive to children’s developmental needs in evaluating care arrangements.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Parents’ discipline and children’s inhibitory control are important predictors of children’s prosocial behaviors. Yet few studies have...  相似文献   

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