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Previous research has demonstrated the existence of the so-called affordance effect (faster response when the visual affordance of a graspable object (e.g., a pan) corresponds to the response location). It has been argued that the effect is due to abstract spatial coding of the position of the handle relative to the object instead of the grasping affordance. Our experiment tested the hypothesis that the affordance effect is not caused solely by abstract spatial coding but also by specific motor activation in response to the visual affordance. We assumed that, in the case of abstract spatial codes, response location and not hand distinction would be the critical factor for producing an affordance effect. In our experiment, bi-manual crossed/uncrossed responses to left/right symbols superimposed on a picture of a pan were used. The task was to attend to the symbol and to press a corresponding left/right button. Affordances of the pan were manipulated. A three-way interaction between side of affordance (left/right), mode of response (crossed/uncrossed hands), and response-affordance correspondence (corresponding/non-corresponding) showed a correspondence effect in the right affordance condition with hands uncrossed and no correspondence effect with hands crossed. The correspondence effect was obtained in the left affordance condition across hand positions that differed only by their magnitude. Overall, the results suggest that both mechanisms (grasping affordance and spatial codes) differentially contribute to the processing of an object with a graspable handle, depending on the affordance side and response hand.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Previous studies by the authors on brightness and darkness enhancement during flicker indicate a sizeable and consistent difference in magnitude between the two effects, as defined in terms of log matching luminance. To explore whether this difference is an artifact of the logluminance representation of the perceptual effects, a psychophysical scaling experiment was performed and results from present and former flicker experiments were replotted in terms of subjective units. When the depth of luminance modulation of the flicker stimulus exceeded 50%, the difference in magnitude of temporal brightness and darkness enhancement was somewhat smaller expressed in subjective units compared to a log-luminance representation. On the whole, however, the two plots gave essentially similar results. The results are discussed with reference to the neurophysiological theory of the B- and D-systems.  相似文献   

In human communication and mate selection the appearance of health sends signals regarding biological fitness. We compared the appearance of health in the sides of the face to previous results on left-right facial asymmetry in the appearance of beauty (1). The stimuli were created by aligning the left and right sides of the face each with its own mirror image. Here, participants viewed 38 pairs of left-left and right-right faces and judged which member of the pair looked healthier. No significant interaction emerged between decision (health vs attractiveness) and face side. Rather, in women's faces right-right was significantly more healthy and attractive than left-left, while in men's faces there was no significant left-right difference. In biology and evolution, health and beauty are closely linked and the findings here confirm this relationship in human faces.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated discrimination learning when the duration of the intertrial interval (ITI) signaled whether or not the next conditional stimulus (CS) would be paired with food pellets. Rats received presentations of a 10-s CS separated half the time by long ITIs and half the time by short ITIs. When the long ITI signaled that the CS would be reinforced and the short interval signaled that it would not be (Long+/Short-), rats learned the discrimination readily. However, when the short ITI signaled that the CS would be reinforced and the long interval signaled that it would not (Short+/Long-), discrimination learning was much slower. Experiment 1 compared Long+/Short- and Short+/Long- discrimination learning with 16-min/4-min or 4-min/1-min ITI combinations. Experiment 2 found no evidence that Short+/Long- learning is inferior because the temporal cue corresponding to the short interval is ambiguous. Experiment 3 found no evidence that Short+/Long- learning is poor because the end of a long ITI signals a substantial reduction in delay to the next reinforcer. Long+/Short- learning may be faster than Short+/Long-because elapsing time involves exposure to a sequence of hypothetical stimulus elements (e.g., A then B), and feature-positive discriminations (AB+/A-) are learned quicker than feature-negative discriminations (A+/AB-). Consistent with this view, Experiment 4 found a robust feature-positive effect when sequentially presented CSs played the role of elements A and B.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the relative ability of the cerebral hemispheres to identify capital letters traced in the palms of the hands. In Experiment 1, letters were presented either right side up or upside down, and the subject's task was to name the letter aloud or point to an identical letter using the stimulated hand. Analysis of the accuracy data revealed that the left palm/right hemisphere (LP/RH) performed this task significantly better than did the right palm/left hemisphere (RP/LH), particularly when the stimuli were presented in the upside-down orientation. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects performed the same letter identification task; however, on half the trials, they were required to maintain either a spatial or verbal concurrent memory load (i.e., a 24-point Vanderplas & Garvin form or six low-imagery nouns, respectively). In the no-load condition of Experiment 2 (spatial forms), the previously observed LP/RH advantage was replicated. However, in the load condition, this LP/RH superiority was no longer in evidence. In Experiment 3 (low-imagery nouns), the presence of a concurrent verbal task had minimal impact on the previously observed performance asymmetry as the LP/RH advantage was obtained in both the no-load and load conditions. The results of the three studies taken in composite suggest that (1) the operations utilized to identify letters traced in the palms of the hands are primarily spatial in nature and (2) that the observed performance asymmetry may be attributed to a right hemisphere superiority for the analysis and codification of information along a spatial dimension. These findings are discussed in terms of a "process-oriented" model of hemispheric asymmetry.  相似文献   

Managers face hard choices between process and outcome systems of accountability in evaluating employees, but little is known about how managers resolve them. Building on the premise that political ideologies serve as uncertainty-reducing heuristics, two studies of working managers show that: (1) conservatives prefer outcome accountability and liberals prefer process accountability in an unspecified policy domain; (2) this split becomes more pronounced in a controversial domain (public schools) in which the foreground value is educational efficiency but reverses direction in a controversial domain (affirmative action) in which the foreground value is demographic equality; (3) managers who discover employees have subverted their preferred system favor tinkering over switching to an alternative system; (4) but bipartisan consensus arises when managers have clear evidence about employee trustworthiness and the tightness of the causal links between employee effort and success. These findings shed light on ideological and contextual factors that shape preferences for accountability systems.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that an initial component involving stimulus evaluation may precede subsequent steps in the generation of emotion. This article presents a model for the development of emotion that involves an initial decision of approach or withdrawal, which results in motor programs, including facial expression, that facilitate either approach or withdrawal. With development, more complex emotions arise, as products of these basic initial responses and interaction with the environment. Evidence is presented that suggests that there are brain asymmetries (as measured by scalp recorded EEG activity) localized to the frontal region that are associated with the generation of emotion in infants. Variability in the pattern of EEG asymmetry between infants may be an important marker of differences in temperament.  相似文献   

Forty right-handed males were asked to identify four-letter names traced in either the right or left palms while their eyes were closed. The name stimuli were traced in a right-side-up or upside-down orientation (i.e., vertical or rotated 180 degrees). Mean percentage of errors served as the dependent variable. On the first block of 40 trials, the left palm/right hemisphere (LP/RH) was significantly more accurate than the right palm/left hemisphere (RP/LH) at identifying these names. This advantage, however, was only manifest when the name stimuli were traced in the upside-down orientation. On the second block of 40 trials, as the name stimuli became more familiar and the subjects became more practiced, a similar LP/RH advantage was observed; however, the impact of the rotation variable was no longer in evidence (i.e., the LP/RH was slightly more accurate on both upright and inverted names). These results are interpreted in light of a process-oriented tactile asymmetry as proposed by M. W. O'Boyle, F. Van Wyhe-Lawler, and D. A. Miller (1987, Brain and Cognition, 6, 474-494).  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with Parkinson's disease (rigidity and unilateral tremor as main symptoms) were treated with stereotactic thalamotomy. The operation was performed in either the left or right ventrolateral thalamus, depending on which hand (or foot) was most affected with tremor. Nine patients were operated on the left side and four on the right side. All patients were tested for asymmetry of language functioning with dichotic presentations of consonant-vowel (CV) syllables. The patients had to indicate which of the two syllables he/she heard on each trial. Dichotic listening was performed before and after the operation, as well as during electrical stimulation of the VL nucleus just before the lesion was carried out. The results revealed essentially three things: an overall reduced right ear advantage (REA) in the patient group compared to what is known from studies of healthy individuals; an increase in REA during left-sided stimulations; and a marked reduction in REA after left-sided lesions. It is concluded that the present data support the notion put forward by Ojemann (e.g., 1975) of a lateralized activating gating mechanism in the left VL nucleus that gates access for language information to the appropriate cortical areas. The gating mechanism seems to be activated by stimulation, and deactivated after lesions. Dichotic listening may thus be a heuristic instrument in assessment of language functions in Parkinson patients.  相似文献   

Ten nonaphasic left cerebrovascular accident (CVA) patients, 12 right CVA patients, and 16 normals were matched for age, education, lesion sizes, and postonset intervals; all were right handed. One task consisted of 36 sentences connoting one of six primary emotions (joy, sadness, fear, surprise, disgust, anger) presented binaurally with a neutral emotional tone. Subjects were required to point to the appropriate emotion name on a vertically arranged list. A second task consisted of the same 36 sentences voiced emotionally by humming with a closed mouth, presented binaurally, and requiring the same response as for the preceding task. A third task consisted of 18 of the sentences spoken with concordant emotional tone and the remaining 18 sentences spoken with discordant emotional tone, presented binaurally and requiring pointing to the word "SAME" or "DIFFERENT" arrayed vertically. The right hemisphere (RH) patients were significantly impaired, relative to the left hemisphere (LH) patients and normals, on the pure prosody task (2) and on the emotional concordance task (3), the latter effect being significant only for mismatch categorization. The LH patients performed (nonsignificantly) less well than the RH patients and normals on the verbal contextual task (1). Performances on the three tasks were not significantly correlated in the patient groups. It was concluded that the RH probably dominates for phonetic discrimination of vowel trains (fundamental frequency and/or single vowel or multivowel contour) and that the RH probably dominates for certain forms of selective attention in the verbal domain perhaps involving simultaneous mismatch treatment of ongoing sentence-level, distracting, complementary, verbal processes. Comparison of similar right and left, cortical (frontoparietal), and subcortical (capsule and basal ganglia) lesions suggested, but did not prove, that the RH pure prosody impairment is cortical whereas the RH tonal-semantic mismatch categorization impairment involves subcortical as well as cortical contributions.  相似文献   

Subjects reported letter strings forming words, pronounceable high approximations to words, and unpronounceable low approximations to words presented tachistoscopically to the left or right visual field (LVF, RVF). (a) For number of strings totally correct, the same RVF superiority was obtained with high approximations as with words, the field difference with low approximations being negligible. (b) In contrast, for letter scores from partially correct strings, RVF superiority did not vary with string type. Finding (a) is interpreted to indicate that the left hemisphere is differentially specialized for processing words as units and that requiring oral report makes pronounceable strings processable as word-like units. Finding (b) suggests that the left hemisphere is not specialized for processing subword fragments.  相似文献   

When people make judgments of visual-spatial forms, they generally perform better if the information is presented in their left visual hemispace (LVH), whereas for verbal material, they generally show a right visual hemispace (RVH) bias. For verbal material, the strength and direction of the effect also has been linked to task difficulty, with the bias shifting toward the RVH as task difficulty increases. Two experiments are presented that show the reverse direction of change for a nonverbal task; that is, when a nonverbal task is more difficult, the usual LVH effect shifts toward an RVH bias. Taking into account recent developments in theory and research on hemispheric differences in styles of information processing, we propose that task difficulty is related more generally to changes in processing style.  相似文献   

Roberson D  Pak H  Hanley JR 《Cognition》2008,107(2):752-762
In this study we demonstrate that Korean (but not English) speakers show Categorical perception (CP) on a visual search task for a boundary between two Korean colour categories that is not marked in English. These effects were observed regardless of whether target items were presented to the left or right visual field. Because this boundary is unique to Korean, these results are not consistent with a suggestion made by Drivonikou [Drivonikou, G. V., Kay, P., Regier, T., Ivry, R. B., Gilbert, A. L., Franklin, A. et al. (2007) Further evidence that Whorfian effects are stronger in the right visual field than in the left. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 1097-1102] that CP effects in the left visual field provide evidence for the existence of a set of universal colour categories. Dividing Korean participants into fast and slow responders demonstrated that fast responders show CP only in the right visual field while slow responders show CP in both visual fields. We argue that this finding is consistent with the view that CP in both visual fields is verbally mediated by the left hemisphere language system.  相似文献   

It might sound surprising that Motor Neurone Disease (MND), regarded still by many as the very example of a neurodegenerative disease affecting selectively the motor system and sparing the sensory functions as well as cognition, can have a significant influence on language. In this article we hope to demonstrate that language dysfunction is not only a pronounced and well documented symptom in some MND patients but also that the study of language in MND can address interesting theoretical questions about the representation of language and conceptual knowledge in the brain. After a brief introduction delineating clinical and pathological features of the disease we discuss the evidence available in the literature for language dysfunction in MND. We then present linguistic data from our own study of seven patients with MND/dementia/aphasia syndrome focusing on the dissociation between noun and verb processing. To illustrate the clinical, neuropsychological and linguistic aspects of MND we describe in more detail the patient E.N., a pathologically confirmed case of MND/dementia. Finally, we attempt to characterise the nature of the linguistic impairment in MND in the light of current debates about the mechanisms underlying noun/verb dissociation.  相似文献   

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