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本研究采用囚徒困境任务,考察了91名10~12岁儿童和101名成人在博弈决策中合作行为的特点。并分别考察合作指数和描述方式这两个变量对个体合作性的影响。结果表明:(1)描述方式对儿童的合作行为有显著影响,表现为"回避"描述中较之"趋向"描述有更多合作行为,而描述方式对成人则无影响。(2)儿童对合作指数不敏感,平均合作率显著高于成人,表现出合作倾向;成人平均合作率随合作指数的升高而升高,但始终处于几率水平之下,表现出竞争倾向。  相似文献   

选取两所幼儿园大、中、小班共155儿童为被试,采取实验班和控制班前后测的设计,对实验班儿童进行为期四周的合作游戏训练,探讨合作游戏训练对学前儿童合作行为的影响。结果表明:游戏形式的合作行为训练显著地提高了学前儿童的合作行为水平;不同年龄班、不同性别学前儿童合作行为训练差异不显著。  相似文献   

选取幼儿园大、中、小12个自然班,共317名幼儿为被试,进行为期四周的观点采择合作认知故事及游戏形式的合作行为训练。结果表明:①合作认知故事及游戏形式的合作行为训练,对提高学前儿童合作认知及合作行为水平影响显著,两者结合的训练方式最有效。②合作认知故事的培养训练对不同年龄儿童合作认知水平的提高影响显著;合作游戏训练对中班儿童合作水平的提高影响显著。③合作认知及合作行为训练的性别差异不显著。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同性别配对与奖励结构对中学生合作行为产生怎样的影响。方法:选择夹豆速度相同的初二学生为研究对象,在不同的性别配对和奖励结构下进行夹豆实验,考察性别配对与奖励结构对中学生合作行为。结果:性别配对对中学生合作行为有显著影响,其中男×男配对组合的合作水平最高,而女×女配对组合的合作水平最低,男×女配对水平居中;另外,针对不同的奖励对象进行实验同样也产生不同的合作水平,奖励个人合作水平较低,奖励组合合作水平较高;在奖励对象为组合时采用不同的计分方式对合作行为也有显著的影响,分别计分合作水平较低,混合计分合作水平较高。结论:应根据初中生的这些特点进行有针对性地引导,促进他们合理的合作和竞争。  相似文献   

为了探究合作与竞争行为及其不同的行为结果对自我参照效应的影响,采用三个实验:实验一让被试阅读合作或竞争故事,测量其自我参照效应,结果发现,阅读竞争故事的被试表现出明显的自我参照效应,而阅读合作故事的被试表现出了他人参照效应;实验二让被试完成真实的合作或竞争游戏,结果发现,完成竞争游戏的被试表现出明显的自我参照效应,而完成合作游戏的被试没有表现出自我参照效应;实验三操作合作或竞争游戏的结果(成功或失败),结果发现,不论是合作行为还是竞争行为,被试在失败的结果下表现出的自我参照效应比成功时更明显。整个研究表明,人际间的行为互动模式(合作或竞争)及其行为结果(成功或失败)对自我参照效应有一定的影响。  相似文献   

为了考察分配对象和分配情境对4~6岁儿童分配行为的影响,向儿童呈现合作和竞争两种分配情境,对150名4~6岁儿童在合作和竞争情境中面向不同分配对象的分配行为进行了研究。研究结果发现:(1)5~6岁儿童比4~5岁儿童能够主动分配给他人更多的资源;(2)分配对象和分配情境对4~6岁儿童分配行为具有显著影响;(3)分配情境和分配对象具有交互效应,即相比竞争情境,儿童在合作情境中表现出了更强的朋友偏向效应;(4)在不同的分配情境中,儿童的分配行为理由具有显著差异。  相似文献   

儿童合作倾向与家长价值观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用组内设计的方法,测量了53名5~6岁的儿童在两种情境中的合作行为倾向,以及与他们的家长的工作价值观的关系。结果表明:对情境的知觉影响儿童的合作倾向,一方面表现在对好朋友与不认识的小朋友的合作行为倾向有显著性差异;另一方面是对不同的实验材料有不同的合作行为表现。另外,儿童的合作行为倾向与父母的工作价值观——特别是经济利益价值、管理价值等有显著相关。  相似文献   

本研究从Deutsch 对目标结构的划分及定义出发,考察了目标结构对6—9岁儿童合作与竞争行为的影响。结果表明:(1)目标结构对6—9岁儿童合作与竞争行为有显著影响。(2)儿童在合作目标结构下,合作行为随年龄增长的趋势不明显.(3)在竞争目标结构下,竞争行为随年龄增长而明显增长。(4)儿童竞争策略的发展早于且优于合作策略的发展。  相似文献   

在社会化过程中,同伴圈子不仅决定儿童青少年的交往范围和互动质量,而且影响其心理发展和社会适应。本研究从苏州市某初级中学选取768名初一学生进行了为期一年的追踪,采用社会认知地图、合作倾向评定量表和公共物品困境实验范式测查了同伴圈子、合作倾向、预期与合作行为,运用多层线性模型技术(Two-level HLM)探讨同伴圈子的合作水平对个体合作水平的影响。结果发现:(1)女生圈子数量最多而规模最小,男女混合圈子规模最大而数量最少;跨地域圈子数量最多且规模最大;(2)女生圈子最为稳定,男女混合圈子最不稳定;(3)在混合性别圈子中,个体的合作预期与行为更容易随着圈子合作预期水平的提高而增强;而在单性别圈子中,个体的合作预期与行为更容易随着圈子合作行为水平的提高而增强。结论:初中生同伴圈子在性别上具有同质性,女生圈子多且稳定;第一年单性别和混合性别圈子的合作倾向、预期和行为水平对第二年个体的合作水平产生了不同影响,即不同性别圈子对个体的影响模式存在差异。  相似文献   

在社会化过程中,同伴圈子不仅决定儿童青少年的交往范围和互动质量,而且影响其心理发展和社会适应。本研究从苏州市某初级中学选取768名初一学生进行了为期一年的追踪,采用社会认知地图、合作倾向评定量表和公共物品困境实验范式测查了同伴圈子、合作倾向、预期与合作行为,运用多层线性模型技术(Two-level HLM)探讨同伴圈子的合作水平对个体合作水平的影响。结果发现:(1)女生圈子数量最多而规模最小,男女混合圈子规模最大而数量最少;跨地域圈子数量最多且规模最大;(2)女生圈子最为稳定,男女混合圈子最不稳定;(3)在混合性别圈子中,个体的合作预期与行为更容易随着圈子合作预期水平的提高而增强;而在单性别圈子中,个体的合作预期与行为更容易随着圈子合作行为水平的提高而增强。结论:初中生同伴圈子在性别上具有同质性,女生圈子多且稳定;第一年单性别和混合性别圈子的合作倾向、预期和行为水平对第二年个体的合作水平产生了不同影响,即不同性别圈子对个体的影响模式存在差异。  相似文献   

The Professional Practice Program, also known as the co-operative education (co-op) program, at the University of Cincinnati (UC) is designed to provide eligible students with the most comprehensive and professional preparation available. Beginning with the Class of 2006, students in UC’s Centennial Co-op Class will be following a new co-op curriculum centered around a set of learning outcomes Regardless of their particular discipline, students will pursue common learning outcomes by participating in the Professional Practice Program, which will cover issues of organizational culture, technology, professional ethics, and the integration of theory and practice. During their third co-op work term, students will complete a learning module on Professional Ethics. To complete the learning module students must familiarize themselves with the code of ethics for their profession, create a hypothetical scenario portraying an ethical dilemma that involves issues covered by the code, resolve the dilemma, and explain why their resolution is the best course of action based upon the code of ethics. A three-party assessment process including students, employers and faculty complete the module. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology” meeting, New Orleans, 2003.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent findings about how rats navigate by learning to discriminate among locations. The assumption underlying the experiments and their interpretation is that the information required to do this is learned by three independent, parallel memory systems. One system processes cognitive information (or "knowledge"), a second system processes reinforced stimulus-response associations and a third processes Pavlovian conditioned responses in the form of stimulus-affect associations. The information stored in each system produces behavior that, in some cases, results in a location discrimination. The present experiments focus on three factors that influence what each system learns and whether the resulting memory produces behavior that results in a location discrimination. One factor is whether the locations to be discriminated can be identified by unique, unambiguous stimuli or whether they are ambiguously associated with the same stimuli. The second factor is whether the stimuli are observed passively or whether the rats move among them, voluntarily or involuntarily. The third factor is whether or not the rats perform specific reinforced responses in the presence of the stimuli. Instances of co-operative behavioral outputs from memory systems that facilitate location discriminations and of competitive outputs that impede discriminations are described.  相似文献   

People from diverse backgrounds enrich the rural, regional, and remote communities where they relocate and settle. Research about rural diversity tends to focus on demographics (age, gender, country of origin) while ignoring personal narratives of integration, for example, engagements with religious institutions (such as the local Christian church). This article presents the research themes from an investigation using co-operative inquiry into rural diversity and the Anglican Church, with specific reference to the Australian experience. It is a cross-disciplinary dialogic exchange between social workers and theologians. Positive narratives about connection, welcome, participation, and belonging are shared.  相似文献   

This paper presents the author's view of why the promise for education visualized by early behavioral researchers is as yet unrealized. It points out that behavior analysis has had an important impact on special education but has had much less influence on teaching practice in regular classrooms. This is not seen as the fault of educators who have failed to embrace procedures developed by behavior analysts. Rather, the author contends, behavior analysts have failed to develop procedures that fit the ecology of the regular classroom. Those developed often require too much additional effort thereby punishing those who attempt their use. Another factor hindering widespread adoption is that behavior analysts have failed to disseminate their procedures and have not participated widely in undergraduate training of teachers. The paper concludes by noting that our success in special education provides a model for behavior analysts interested in regular education. By developing procedures that result in increased academic performance for entire classrooms without punishing the teachers who implement them, by making those procedures available commercially and by publishing in journals teachers read, and finally by participating more widely in undergraduate training, the unfulfilled dream of what behavior analysis has to offer education can be achieved.  相似文献   

In this experiment social comparison on two task dimensions has been studied. The subjects received bogus feedback on their performance on two tests, one allegedly measuring creativity, the other alertness. By means of this feedback four relative position conditions were induced: scoring high on both tests, scoring low on both tests, scoring high on creativity and low on alertness, and vice versa. Anticipating either a co-operative or a competitive game, the subjects indicated their preference for one or the other task dimension and also expressed their preference for a comparison person. It was found that, as predicted, the subjects preferred and valued comparison dimensions on which they occupied a favourable position. With respect to preference for a comparison person, compensatory choices were obtained: on the dimension on which the subject performed well, they preferred an inferior other. On the dimension on which they performed poorly, they preferred a superior other. This pattern of choices was found in co-operation as well as in competition. Finally, upward preference was stronger in co-operative than in competitive conditions, particularly on the dimension on which the subject's own score was low. These and other results were discussed in relation to theoretical social comparison notions.  相似文献   

Research has returned mixed results concerning the relationship between prosocial motivation and citizenship behavior. Building from research suggesting that mixed motives might explain these equivocal findings, we conducted two field studies examining the interaction between prosocial and competitive motives and two types of citizenship behavior. Prosocial motivation, but not competitive motivation, was positively related to citizenship behavior directed at others, though this relationship was weakened when prosocial motives were accompanied by competitive motives. Prosocial motives compensated for weak competitive motives to predict citizenship behavior directed toward the organization. Our studies expand research on prosocial and competitive motivation, mixed-motives, and citizenship behavior. Further, they carry personnel implications given that many organizations seek to hire employees high on both competitive and prosocial motivation.  相似文献   

以80名小学生为被试,采用拼图任务,对小组在竞争与非竞争情境下的合作绩效和言语互动策略进行比较。结果发现:(1)组间竞争提升了小学高年级儿童的合作效率,但对低年级儿童的合作绩效无明显影响。(2)组间竞争抑制了低年级儿童在小组合作过程中的言语沟通,而同样情境下高年级小组成员的言语沟通量显著增加。(3)组间竞争促进了高年级小组成员之间的积极言语互动。年级和情境在建议、询问、表扬、应答和指令等言语互动策略上的交互作用显著。由此可见,组间竞争对小学儿童的合作绩效和言语互动策略存在影响,但这种影响在不同年级存在差异。  相似文献   

采用中国大学生控制源测量问卷、职业成熟度量表和高校应届毕业生求职调查问卷对重庆、北京、吉林、天津4地4所高校的386名聋人大学生进行调查,旨在探讨聋人大学生心理控制源、职业成熟度与求职行为的关系,揭示职业成熟度在心理控制源与求职行为之间的中介作用机制。结果发现:(1)内控对职业成熟度和求职行为均具有显著的正向预测作用。(2)职业成熟度在内控与求职行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)职业成熟度在外控对求职行为的影响中起着“遮掩效应”。  相似文献   

杨林会  张瑾  王滔 《心理科学》2019,(5):1209-1216
采用中国大学生控制源测量问卷、职业成熟度量表和高校应届毕业生求职调查问卷对重庆、北京、吉林、天津4地4所高校的386名聋人大学生进行调查,旨在探讨聋人大学生心理控制源、职业成熟度与求职行为的关系,揭示职业成熟度在心理控制源与求职行为之间的中介作用机制。结果发现:(1)内控对职业成熟度和求职行为均具有显著的正向预测作用。(2)职业成熟度在内控与求职行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)职业成熟度在外控对求职行为的影响中起着“遮掩效应”。  相似文献   

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