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在现存《春秋》对鲁国国君夫人的记载中,出现过两例极为特殊的用法。一为《庄公元年》所记载:“三月,夫人孙于齐。”一为《僖公元年》所记载:“十有二月丁巳,夫人氏之丧至自齐。”按照《春秋》的义例,在记载国君夫人时照例应书明其姓。但在这两段文字中,两位夫人同样都来自于齐国,却同样被史官隐匿了“姜”姓。自《公羊》《谷梁》而下,学者们对于这个问题提出非常多的解释,但都未能形成通解。然而,在史官突兀地改变其记事文例的表象之下,实际上反映着当时齐国与鲁国两个诸侯国之间的政治关系与外交态度的转变,故而有必要再行探讨与厘清,力求还原文本真实与历史真实。  相似文献   

郭丽 《管子学刊》2010,(4):38-41
公子诸儿、公子糺、公子小白同是齐僖公的儿子;诸儿因年长而继承王位,是为齐襄公。襄公俊美多才,有图强之心。他攻打鲁国,讨伐卫国,灭掉纪国,帮助卫惠公登上王位,齐国一时强盛。齐襄公和鲁桓公于桓公十八年在泺会见,鲁桓公夫人文姜随行。齐襄公复与妹妹文姜私通,并派力士彭生杀死鲁桓公。襄公做事随意,喜怒无常,最终被公孙无知杀死。公孙无知夺得齐国王位后,亦因暴虐被杀,齐桓公登上王位。襄公的功业,为桓公称霸打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

正齐国宰相管仲瘸了,齐桓公问他:"群臣当中谁可以做相国?"管仲说:"只有君主您最了解您的臣子了。"桓公说:"易牙如何?"管仲回答:"他杀死自己的儿子来顺从国君,不合人情,不可任用。"桓公问:"开方怎样?"管仲回答:"他背弃自己的父母来顺从国君,不合人情,不可亲近。"桓公  相似文献   

春秋五霸之首、齐国之君——齐桓公,是一位雄才大略的君主,是一位大改革家。在历史上,他起过重大的积极作用。但是,由于齐相管仲功绩名声显赫,在齐国的大变革中也确实发挥了重大的作用,因此,史家一般都把改革的功绩统统归在了这位“辅政者”的名下,而齐桓公的历史作用则隐而不彰了。其实,若没有齐桓公,或者齐桓公是站在守旧立场,沿  相似文献   

稷下学宫始创于战国田齐桓公午执政时期,这一点学术界目前的看法大体一致,故时下论及稷下的文章均从是时讲起。然稷下之制虽确立于战国,其滥觞却可上溯至春秋。笔者认为,稷下学宫的出现不是偶然的,它是齐国三百年国家养士政策的最终产物,稷下学宫的许多制度和活动均可在春秋五霸之首齐桓公小白那里找到它的原型。  相似文献   

公元前357年,田齐桓公午去世,子因齐即位,是为威王。威王在位三十七年,开始时,荒于酒色,不问政事,后来发奋图强,使齐国雄霸关(函谷关)东,是我国历史上值得研究的一个重要人物。一、尊重人才,重用人才尊重人才是齐国的优良传统。太公望建立齐国时,即“尊贤智,赏有功”(《汉书·地  相似文献   

一、管鲍之交 春秋时,齐国的管仲与鲍叔牙二人,友谊深厚,互相了解。鲍叔牙曾在齐桓公面前极力推荐管仲为相;齐桓公听了,果然齐国大治,成为五霸之首。管仲曾说过:“生我者父母,知我者鲍叔。”所以后人称相知很深的朋友为“管鲍之交”。 二、车笠交  相似文献   

冯化宇 《社会心理科学》2007,22(1):69-72,148
在英国现代派小说家劳伦斯的作品《儿子与情人》中,母亲莫雷尔夫人对儿子保罗表现出了超越正常母爱的情感是一种典型的“恋子情结”。本文将在分析作品内外人物关系、情感纠葛和情感投射的基础上,着重对“恋子情结”这种畸形之爱的历史渊源、理论依据和现实表现、造成的危害及产生的原因作了详细的阐述和分析。  相似文献   

齐国的用人政策与齐国的兴衰   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
齐国自弹丸小国成为春秋五霸之首和战国七雄之冠,而后又在短短的六十多年时间内迅速衰落灭亡。齐国的兴衰当然有诸多的原因,然而齐国用人政策是否得当则是其中的重要原因之一。因此本文欲从齐国的用人政策与齐国的兴盛、齐国的用人政策与齐国的衰亡及齐国的用人政策对后人的启示等三方面来探讨齐国的用人政策与齐国的兴衰之间的关系。  相似文献   

晏婴是春秋的齐国的大夫,他思维敏捷,能言善辩,曾多次向齐国国君进谏,要求改良政治,他的劝谏,多为善讽,很少直说,所以被称为“滑稽”的开山鼻祖。有一次,齐景公的一匹马被马官杀掉了,景公大怒,操起戈就要承马官。这时,晏婴上前来对景公说:“你这样做,使他连自己的罪过都不明白就死了,我请求为你历数他的罪过。”景公说:“好吧.”于是圣晏举目戈走近马宫,对他说:“你为我的国君养马,却把马杀掉,此罪当死;你使我的国君因为马被杀而杀掉养马人,此罪又当死;你使我的国君因为马被杀而杀掉养马人的事,传遍四邻诸侯,此罪…  相似文献   

The concept of omnipotence refers to a primitive fantasy, a mechanism of defense, and a pathological psychic structure. Omnipotence and its derivative defensive operation, omnipotent control, are highly prevalent in borderline personality organization. Three clinical vignettes illustrate these mechanisms in the treatment of patients with borderline, narcissistic, and obsessive personality disorders, respectively. These vignettes illustrate the transference developments when omnipotence and omnipotence control are dominant, and the therapeutic approach to these conditions.  相似文献   

The notion that the family is “the unit of care” for family doctors has been enigmatic and controversial. Yet systems theory and the biopsychosocial model that results when it is imported into medicine make the family system an indispensable and important component of family medicine. The challenge, therefore, is to provide a coherent, plausible account of the role of the family in family practice. Through an extended case presentation and commentary, we elaborate two views of the family in family medicine — treating the patient in the family and treating the family in the patient — and defend both as appropriate foci for care by family doctors. The practical problem that arises when the family is introduced into health care is deciding when to concentrate on the family system. The moral problems that arise concern how extensively doctors may become involved in the personal lives of their patients and families. The patient-centered clinical method provides a strategy for handling both problems. Thus, making the family a focus of care in family medicine can be justified on theoretical, practical, and moral grounds.  相似文献   

There is a branch of modern medicine that relies on information rather than on biochemical substances to maintain health and cure disease. Known as information medicine, it offers an important complement to the dominant biochemical approach of mainstream medicine. This note offers a few reflections on the potentials of information medicine in reference to what is currently known regarding the role of information in the universe, and in the living organism.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or "fractal scaling", during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or “fractal scaling”, during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

历史上对伏牛山地区的佛教记载较散,资料较详的是在明代。当时来山修行的僧人很多,但是到现在为止还没有人对伏牛山的佛教进行过研究,笔者根据掌握的禅宗史料提出这时伏牛山佛教已经有了明显的禅宗派系特征,在这里传教修行的僧人,主要是元代禅宗断桥伦一支的浙江天目山高峰原妙及其弟子中峰明本一系,其中受四川禅宗无际明悟禅师一派的影响很大,早期来山的僧人大多数都是无际明悟的弟子与后人,可以说成立了无际伏牛山禅派一系。  相似文献   

孕育中的旅游伦理学--近年来西方国家旅游伦理研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旅行和旅游是一项历史悠久的人类活动,旅游活动中的伦理问题的存在也和旅游发展的历史一样久远.二战以后,"大众旅游"经过半个多世纪的高速发展,对自然环境和社会文化的负面影响已经凸显出来,因此,旅游研究便开始关注旅游发展伦理问题;与此同时,应用伦理学研究也开始从不同的角度关注旅游发展这一新领域.  相似文献   

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