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达斡尔族供奉的娘娘神是最具普遍性的神祗。长期的宗教实践中,吸收和引进不同族群的神灵经过本土化,固有神祗与外来神灵出现复合与重叠的现象。从艺术造型、神祗功能和祭祀仪式等宗教构成要素中能够呈现出达斡尔族神灵的复合性特征。  相似文献   

泰山是中国人心目中的神山、圣山,是古代中国文明和信仰的象征。其原生的信仰和文化,几千年来渗透、辐射到中国社会生活的多个层面,对民族心理和民族文化产生了重要的影响。然而,当代  相似文献   

泰山是五岳独尊的东岳,其神以“大帝”称之,地位显赫。历代帝王或巡狩、或封禅、或神祭、或褒封,奠定了泰山神———东岳大帝在道教诸神中的崇高地位,“被供奉为神灵界的王者”①。正史中有许多关于东岳大帝的记载,东岳庙也遍及全国大多数地方。本文将从泰山神———东岳大帝信仰的起源、东岳大帝的身世和职司、对泰山神的祭祀和褒封以及东岳大帝信仰的影响等问题入手,从东岳大帝信仰具体而微地反观道教神仙信仰所蕴含的敬畏自然、师法自然的人文精神、以及这种信仰对于人类社会进步所产生的积极意义。一、泰山神信仰源于对泰山的自然崇拜泰…  相似文献   

周郢 《管子学刊》2012,(2):79-84
楚辞中的巫山神女原型,与泰山有着密切关系——最早见于经籍的巫山在齐国泰山附近,巫山之名又源自齐地的“巫儿”风俗,而传说中之巫山神女与巫儿相比,身世、行为、职司及男女遇合都非常相似.因此可以推断,巫山神女的原型之一,即是来源于齐地巫儿,后来随着楚国北进,齐地巫儿“远嫁”荆楚,但其神格依然在故乡部分遗存.通过对历代关于泰山玉女大量文献的追索后发现,后世出现的泰山女神玉女元君形象中,便依稀可见巫山神女的影子.  相似文献   

为了解大学生宗教信仰基本现状,加强大学生信仰教育提供参考。使用自编调查问卷,随机对1016名学生进行问卷调查。回收有效问卷837份,调查发现大学生有宗教信仰者64人,占被试的7.65%;其中大学生的信仰宗教排名依次为佛教、道教、基督教:信教学生最初接触宗教的原因主要是:承袭家庭传统占37.5%,寻求心灵寄托占35.94%,受信仰群体的感染26.56%;大学生去宗教场所的主要原因从高到低依次为(1)祈福占51.73%;(2)参观浏览,占49.34%;(3)陪同他人参观,占44.68%;(4)好奇,占32.38%;在对待宗教的态度上,92%的信教学生对不同宗教信仰者持好感和理解态度.另有89%的无宗教信仰学生对宗教信徒持好感和理解态度;无宗教信仰的学生中有8.12%A-有皈依某种宗教的想法.有10.51%人没有参加宗教的原因是由于时间的限制,他们有可能成为潜在的宗教信仰人群。因此,需要加强对大学生共产主义信仰的教育及马克思主义关于宗教理论的教育。  相似文献   

望入天门十二重 ,然飞舞半虚空。千寻不假钩梯上 ,一窍惟容箭栝通。风气荡摩鹏翮外 ,日光摇漾海波中。欲求阊阖无人问 ,但拟彤云是帝宫。明朝山东参政陈沂这首题为《南天门》的七律 ,读来令人心驰神往 ,必一欲攀登十八盘而仰瞻南天门 ,及为人生幸事。南天门在泰山十八盘上 ,高插霄汉 ,飞龙岩、翔凤岭两山夹峙。万仞中鸟道百折 ,危级千盘 ,风声云气迷离耳目衣袂之间。俯视下界 ,则山若伏龟 ,河环如蚓。天空地阔 ,无可名状。昔日唐代高道“诗仙”李白登临 ,慨叹“天门一长啸 ,万里清风来”(《泰山吟》)。不过 ,李白当年登临时 ,尚无“南天门…  相似文献   

信仰是人类一种特有的精神现象,它随社会物质生活的发展变化而变化。当人类文明进入理性与科学时代,虚幻的、神秘的宗教信仰开始出现世俗化转型。通过审视理性与上帝、科学与宗教,人们深切感到理性主义信仰在哲学、文化及现实等方面仍存在问题,开始反思世俗化信仰。马克思主义立足于人的社会性本质,发现信仰是群体化超越性的价值追求,纯粹个人化信仰毫无意义;通过对资本逻辑与价值失落的双重批判奠定了其作为群体化信仰的合法性根基;进而凭借对科学性和人文性、现实关切与终极关怀的融汇贯通,实现了对前现代神秘化宗教信仰和现代世俗化拜物教信仰的双重超越,成为人们追求世俗化信仰的新选择。  相似文献   

以往研究发现宗教信仰与亲社会行为之间存在显著的正相关, 据此研究者提出“信仰-亲社会假设”试图证实两者的因果关系。本文主要从研究方法、影响因素及心理机制三个方面对信仰影响亲社会行为的研究进展进行介绍和评述。在研究早期, 研究者主要考察宗教信仰的归属身份对个体亲社会行为的影响; 而近年来, 研究者则越来越关注信仰启动对亲社会行为的影响。信仰对亲社会行为的作用受到信仰程度、文化背景、信仰认知和信仰取向等多种因素的影响。未来研究需要有效控制宗教信仰身份对亲社会测量的影响, 明确宗教信仰的操作性定义并改进相关的测量指标, 关注精神性的作用机制、“信仰-亲社会假设”的跨文化效应以及信仰概念对非宗教信仰群体的影响。  相似文献   

In the Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke maintains that ‘Reason must be our last Judge and Guide in every Thing,’ including matters of religious faith, and this commitment to the primacy of reason is not abandoned in his later religious writings. This essay argues that with regard to the relation between reason and religious faith, Locke is primarily concerned not with evidence, but with consistency, meaning, and how human beings ought to respond to their inclinations, including their inclinations to believe. Leibniz, on the other hand, stakes out an alternative conception of the relationship between faith and reason that assigns to faith the role of a primary truth. For Leibniz, some religious propositions can be believed immediately and without an additional examination and evaluation by reason. The essay maintains that the differences between the two regarding faith and reason are tied to a broader disagreement about how much of the human understanding is due, in Locke's words, to ‘Labour, Attention and Industry’.  相似文献   

Recent research has examined the positive relationship between religious faith and both physical and mental health. The current study investigated the association between strength of religious faith and the ability to cope with daily stress over a 7-day period. The participants consisted of 68 students and 64 faculty or staff from a Catholic, liberal arts university. Measures included the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, the Symptom Check List-90-Revised, the Weinberger Low Self Esteem Scale, and a 10-point daily stress, coping, and strength of faith scale. Results suggest that religious faith was not associated with coping with daily stress.  相似文献   

Roman Catholic couples (130 couples, ages 24–84), at three churches in a suburban town in the southern U.S., completed a section of the Family Forgiveness Scale and the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. The factor structure and loadings of forgiveness items differed from those previously reported. Levels of faith and forgiveness were similar between husbands and wives. Faith was correlated with most forgiveness dimensions, and faith and some aspects of forgiveness were related to duration of marriage.  相似文献   

Within contemporary psychology there is increasing interest in the role of religion on behaviour and psychological functioning. Such interest can be attested to by the growth in the number of pertinent books and articles that have been published and also the development of new self-report measures of religiosity. The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire is one such recently developed measure. It is a brief self-report measure comprising 10 items that were designed to measure strength of religious faith regardless of religious denomination or affiliation. Although Plante and Boccaccini (1997a, 1997b) have provided some preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the scale, the factor structure of the scale has not yet been examined. The aim of the present paper was to confirm the factor structure of the scale. The hypothesised one-factor model was tested using confirmatory factor analytic methods. Data from a sample of 106 Northern Irish undergraduate university students were examined using confirmatory factor analytic methods. A one-factor model was tested and accepted on the basis of fit statistics, therefore supporting the hypothesised unidimensional structure of the scale. The present results provide further evidence that the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire is psychometrically sound and therefore it can be recommended for further use by researchers interested in the construct of strength of religious faith.  相似文献   

The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire (SCSORF) was administered to 124 undergraduate college students attending a private Catholic university and the result was compared to measures of spirituality, religious behavior, religious coping, and affect. The present study found that the SCSORF was strongly related to spirituality, in particular, seeking support from one's spirituality. However, the SCSORF was not correlated with an openness to new spiritual experiences. The SCSORF was also related to religious behavior and religious coping. The SCSORF was not related to affect, indicating that scores on the SCSORF were not affect-dependent. Results from this study provide additional evidence that the SCSORF is a reliable and valid measure of religious faith.  相似文献   

The increasing interest between religiosity and health benefits has created the need for a brief, reliable, valid, and practical instrument to measure strength of religious faith. The purpose of this study is to develop a brief version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire (SCSRFQ). The SCSRFQ has been reduced from a ten-item questionnaire to a five-item scale, making it more suitable for administration to severely ill patients and for use in large-scale epidemiological studies. To create the brief version, 1584 participants completed the SCSRFQ. Results were evaluated for high correlation coefficients between individual item responses and the overall total 10 questions from the original scale. Items to be used in the abbreviated version were also selected on the basis of having moderate and centered means and high standard deviations. Thus, the items selected for the brief version generally correlated highly with the total score for the longer questionnaire and provided adequate variability. The reduced version, using questions 2, 4, 5, 8, and 10 of the original scale provides a > 0.95 correlation with results from the longer version.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relations between religious faith and alcohol and drug problems in undergraduate college students at a large public university in the Southeastern United States. The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire—Short Form and the Alcohol Problems and Drug Problems scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory were given to 303 undergraduate students. Findings indicated that religious faith was inversely associated with drug and alcohol problems in both males and females. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨女性消费心理与行为的特点,揭示女性消费的热点和趋势。结果表明:(1)都市女性消费具有时尚、理性、注重健康、品牌忠诚度高、注重心理享受等特点;(2)其消费热点和趋势主要体现在:网络消费渐成时尚;发展类消费日益攀升;时尚、品质、品位消费成为亮点;消费时尚的全球化趋势;(3)企业与商家在商业行为中若能合理利用现代都市女性消费的心理特点与规律,合理调整营销策略,必能赢得市场。  相似文献   

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