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On the basis of speech disturbance under binaural DAF, groups of subjects of high and low susceptibility were formed. Both groups were required to shadow messages presented under four conditions: single message presented binaurally; message presented to one ear with either white noise, an irrelevant message, or delayed feedback of the repetitition of the message, presented to the contralateral ear. For both groups the number of errors (omitted words) increased significantly in the irrelevant message and the delayed feedback conditions as compared with the binaural or white noise conditions. There was no difference between the susceptible and non-susceptible groups in the binaural and white noise conditions, but the susceptible group showed a much larger increase in the irrelevant message and delayed feedback conditions. Implications of these findings for theories of DAF are discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptation to frequency-shifted auditory feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Delayed auditory feedback disrupts the production of speech, causing an increase in speech duration as well as many articulatory errors. To determine whether prolonged exposure to delayed auditory feedback IDAFI leads to adaptive compensations in speech production, 10 subjects were exposed in separate experimental sessions to both incremental and constantdelay exposure conditions. Significant adaptation occurred for syntactically structured stimuli in the form of increased speaking rates. After DAF was removed, aftereffects were apparent for all stimulus types in terms of increased speech rates. A carry-over effect from the first to the second experimental session was evident as long as 29 days after the first session. The use of strategies to overcome DAF and the differences between adaptation to DAF and adaptation to visual rearrangement are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that timing of rhythm production is disrupted by delayed auditory feedback (DAF), and that disruption varies with delay length. We tested the hypothesis that disruption depends on the state of the movement trajectory at the onset of DAF. Participants tapped isochronous rhythms at a rate specified by a metronome while hearing DAF (for piano tones) of differing lengths. Motion capture was used to analyze movement trajectories. Mean Inter-Response Intervals (IRIs) varied as an approximately sinusoidal function of feedback condition, with DAF causing slowed production for shorter delays and speeded production for faster delays. Motion capture analyses revealed that finger velocity at the time of DAF predicted the effect of DAF on mean IRI whereas finger position predicted the variability of IRIs. A second experiment in which participants were instructed to vary the timing of peak finger height confirmed that the effect of DAF on timing variability is directly influenced by the finger trajectory.  相似文献   

10 pairs of identical and 10 pairs of fraternal twins, matched by age, spoke under conditions of 0.0-, 100-, 200-, 300-, 400-, and 500-msec. delayed auditory feedback. Length of spoken passages was controlled. Product-moment and intraclass correlations were calculated for speaking times and disfluencies. Significant Pearson rs for times were noted at 0.0 and 300 msec. for both groups and at 100, 200, and 400 msec. for identical twins, while fraternal twins' times were significantly correlated at 500 msec. Difference scores were significantly correlated at 100, 200, 300, and 400 msec. for identical twins. Disfluencies were significantly correlated for identical twins at 400 msec. Data were combined with those of Timmons' (1969) study, increasing subjects to 21 pairs per group. Intraclass correlations supported the contention that responses of identical twin pairs to delayed auditory feedback were more highly correlated than those for fraternal twin pairs.  相似文献   

Activation of action rules in action observation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visually perceiving an action may activate corresponding motor programs. This automatic motor activation can occur both for higher level (i.e., the goal of an action) and for lower level (i.e., the specific effector with which it is executed) aspects of an action. The authors used a tool-use action paradigm to experimentally dissociate priming effects for observing the target, the movement, or the target-to-movement mapping of a tool-use action. In 3 experiments, participants took turns in acting, observing the tool-use action of another person in trial n-1, and executing an action in trial n. Trial transitions from n-1 to n were manipulated in 4 conditions with (a) mapping repeated and movement and target changed, (b) target repeated and movement and mapping changed, (c) movement repeated and target and mapping changed, or (d) all components repeated. Results indicate priming effects for repeating the target-to-movement mapping (i.e., the action rule) of a tool-use action and suggest that a rather abstract action schema is activated during action observation.  相似文献   

On the basis of cybernetic models of speech it was hypothesized that “stuttering” induced by delayed auditory feedback could be significantly reduced if the Ss were provided with an alternate input to which they could attend. The results of the experiment supported the hypothesis. The possible implications for the treatment stuttering are discussed.  相似文献   

Unpracticed Ss reported the order of sounds in sequences consisting of either three or four successive items repeated over and over without pause. With unrelated sounds each lasting 200 msec, correct reports of order were at chance level for oral responses and for card-ordering responses (each card bearing the name of one sound). The sequences with four unrelated items were studied in greater detail, and the threshold for identification was found to be 670 msec with oral responses and 300 msec with card-ordering responses. When two related sounds (tones) were used in four-item sequences, correct card-ordering was possible at 200 msec per item when the tones were temporally contiguous, but was not possible at this duration when the tones were separated by nonrelated sounds. Some special rules governing auditory sequence identification were suggested, and implications for theories of auditory perception discussed.  相似文献   

This note describes a way of modifying a tape recorder for producing accurately controllable delays for experiments with delayed auditory feedback. Any value of delay from 80 millisec. to 1.2 sec. can be obtained to the nearest millisec., and the range could be extended by some minor changes. The delay is continuously monitored on a digital electronic timer.  相似文献   

Auditory feedback has been successfully used to enhance performance in several sports such as golf and dance. The current study used auditory feedback procedures (i.e., a clicker) to improve the performance of 3 students performing a handstand. Handstands are part of a discipline called body weight training, that uses only the weight of an individual's own body to gain strength and body control. A multiple baseline design across four components was used to evaluate the effectiveness of auditory feedback. The results showed that auditory feedback was effective. The students and the trainer were highly satisfied with the auditory feedback procedure. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We presented 7- to 9-month-old infants with repetitions of three- or four-tone sequences characterized by a particular rhythmic structure. We then evaluated their detection of changes in rhythmic structure in the context of randomly presented variations in tempo (rate) and frequency. Infants successfully differentiated between three-tones sequences with 1, 2 (X XX) and 2, 1 (XX X) structure as well as four-tone sequences with 2, 2 (XX XX) and 3, 1 (XXX X) structure. In other tasks, they indicated their ability to discriminate between contrasting tempos in the context of frequency variations. We conclude, then, that infants can categorize auditory sequences on the basis of rhythm and also on the basis of tempo.  相似文献   

Borden’s (1979, 1980) hypothesis that speakers with vulnerable speech systems rely more heavily on feedback monitoring than do speakers with less vulnerable systems was investigated. The second language (L2) of a speaker is vulnerable, in comparison with the native language, so alteration to feedback should have a detrimental effect on it, according to this hypothesis. Here, we specifically examined whether altered auditory feedback has an effect on accent strength when speakers speak L2. There were three stages in the experiment. First, 6 German speakers who were fluent in English (their L2) were recorded under six conditions—normal listening, amplified voice level, voice shifted in frequency, delayed auditory feedback, and slowed and accelerated speech rate conditions. Second, judges were trained to rate accent strength. Training was assessed by whether it was successful in separating German speakers speaking English from native English speakers, also speaking English. In the final stage, the judges ranked recordings of each speaker from the first stage as to increasing strength of German accent. The results show that accents were more pronounced under frequency-shifted and delayed auditory feedback conditions than under normal or amplified feedback conditions. Control tests were done to ensure that listeners were judging accent, rather than fluency changes caused by altered auditory feedback. The findings are discussed in terms of Borden’s hypothesis and other accounts about why altered auditory feedback disrupts speech control.  相似文献   

Vertex potentials elicited by visual feedback (signals following an auditory intensity discrimination have been studied with eight Ss. Feedback signals which confirmed the prior sensory decision elicited small P3s, while disconfirming, feedback elicited P3s that were larger. On the average, the latency of P3 was also found to increase with increasing disparity between the judgment and. the feedback information. These effects were part bf an overall dichotomy in waveshape following confirming vs disconforming feedback. These findings are incorporated in a general model of the role of P3 in perceptual decision making.  相似文献   

Action planning, but not action execution, in speeded tasks is typically faster when responses and their effects are compatible than when they are incompatible. We tested whether response-effect compatibility (REC) affects the execution of music-like sequential actions that require temporal regularity rather than rapidity. Musicians responded to metronomic visual stimuli by producing sequences of three taps at a specific tempo on three vertically aligned keys. Each tap triggered a tone. Key-to-tone mapping was either compatible or incompatible in terms of spatial height and pitch height. The results indicated that tap timing was more accurate with compatible than with incompatible mappings, both for taps produced before (Tap 1) and after (Taps 2 and 3) the onset of auditory feedback. Thus, the observed influence of REC on action execution was not due exclusively to actual auditory feedback. The anticipation of distal action effects may be involved in planning the dynamics of temporally precise movements.  相似文献   

Borden's (1979, 1980) hypothesis that speakers with vulnerable speech systems rely more heavily on feedback monitoring than do speakers with less vulnerable systems was investigated. The second language (L2) of a speaker is vulnerable, in comparison with the native language, so alteration to feedback should have a detrimental effect on it, according to this hypothesis. Here, we specifically examined whether altered auditory feedback has an effect on accent strength when speakers speak L2. There were three stages in the experiment. First, 6 German speakers who were fluent in English (their L2) were recorded under six conditions--normal listening, amplified voice level, voice shifted in frequency, delayed auditory feedback, and slowed and accelerated speech rate conditions. Second, judges were trained to rate accent strength. Training was assessed by whether it was successful in separating German speakers speaking English from native English speakers, also speaking English. In the final stage, the judges ranked recordings of each speaker from the first stage as to increasing strength of German accent. The results show that accents were more pronounced under frequency-shifted and delayed auditory feedback conditions than under normal or amplified feedback conditions. Control tests were done to ensure that listeners were judging accent, rather than fluency changes caused by altered auditory feedback. The findings are discussed in terms of Borden's hypothesis and other accounts about why altered auditory feedback disrupts speech control.  相似文献   

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