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生命意义感对大学新生日常烦心事和心理适应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证日常烦心事对个体心理适应的作用过程,并探讨生命意义感是否在烦心事知觉与心理适应之间起调节作用。研究采用纵向追踪方式对153名大学新生进行新近生活经历问卷、压力知觉量表、生命意义感量表和心理适应的测量。结果显示压力知觉在日常烦心事与心理适应之间起完全中介作用;拥有意义在烦心事知觉与心理适应之间起调节作用,但追求意义的调节作用不显著。这说明日常烦心事会通过压力知觉影响个体心理适应,拥有意义对个体心理适应具有调节作用。  相似文献   

通勤压力作为一种新型压力源,近年来逐渐成为组织管理领域的前沿话题。通勤压力是指个体在通勤过程中所遭遇的压力事件以及所产生的紧张反应,它对员工的工作态度、工作状态以及工作行为均会产生一定的负面影响,影响强度取决于员工的个人特征、家庭压力以及所处的工作情境。资源保存理论和控制理论是解释通勤压力消极影响的主要理论。未来研究可进一步完善测量工具,考察不同通勤模式的差异化影响效应,丰富边界机制等。  相似文献   

杨向东 《心理科学进展》2010,18(8):1349-1358
从测验项目解决的认知过程的视角分析了在不同测验理论框架下的测量模型中的基本假设, 指出测量模型是测验开发者有关测验项目反应机制的理论假设的具体表征, 是系统检验测量假设和过程的统计框架。然而, 不管是经典测验理论、概化理论, 还是早期的项目反应理论模型, 相关假设都过于简化, 缺少相应实质理论的支持。与之相比, 认知测量模型强调与个体在测验项目反应过程中的认知过程、认知策略和知识结构的对应性, 提供了在实质理论基础上界定测量建构、设计测验项目、进行建模分析和解释的可能性, 为日益边缘化的心理测量学和主流心理学研究的融合奠定了基础。  相似文献   

教师压力影响职业倦怠:教学效能感的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法以743名中小学在职教师为被试研究了教学效能感在职业压力影响职业倦怠过程中的调节作用。结果发现:①教师的工作特征、学生等压力源能有效预测教师职业倦怠。随着从业年限的增加,影响职业倦怠的主要压力源从工作特征过渡到社会特征。②教学效能的调节作用因教师不同的人口学分布而异,其中一般教学效能和个体教学效能所表现出来的调节效应也不同。③个体教学效能表现出线性调节作用,一般教学效能表现出曲线调节作用,两种调节作用的性质取决于不同的压力源。  相似文献   

晏子 《心理科学进展》2010,18(8):1298-1305
Rasch模型是在国外学术界受到广泛关注和深入研究的一个潜在特质模型。该模型为解决心理科学领域内测量的客观性问题提供了一个可行性很高的解决方案。而国内关于Rasch模型的理论探讨和应用研究却并不多见。不同于一般项目反应理论, Rasch模型要求所收集的数据必须符合模型的先验要求, 而不是使用不同的参数去适应数据的特点。Rasch模型的主要特点(包括个体与题目共用标尺、线性数据、参数分离)确保了客观测量的实现。未来关于Rasch模型的研究方向包括多维度Rasch模型、测验的等值与链接、计算机自适应性考试, 大型应用测量系统(比如Lexile系统)等等。  相似文献   

在数字经济蓬勃发展的时代背景下,数字化转型已成为推动企业高质量发展的关键环节。然而,很多企业在数字化转型过程中都遇到缺乏员工支持、消极合作等来自企业内部的挑战。目前,有关企业数字化转型的研究主要集中在宏观战略层面,探讨数字化转型对企业内部员工影响的研究尚不充足。因此,本文从企业内部微观层面着手,采用工作压力动态过程模型,将数字化转型视作一种压力源。通过聚焦数字化转型给员工带来的工作压力,试图揭示员工对数字化转型产生的差异化反应及其内在机理。第一,探究压力源,基于扎根理论归纳员工对数字化转型中压力源的感知和识别。第二,追踪压力结果,基于变革分析框架,探索数字化转型对员工工作绩效的影响及其随时间的动态变化。第三,分析压力体验,分别从认知和情绪视角,探讨员工支持或抗拒数字化转型的作用机制、边界条件及后续结果。本文不仅丰富了企业数字化转型在人力资源管理领域的研究范畴和内容,还为企业科学推动数字化转型、提升员工对数字化转型的支持水平提供了实践启示。  相似文献   

莫伦  胡祥恩  杨芳 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1194-1198
来源监测实验既涉及到研究项目探测、来源甄别两种不同的认知加工过程,又涉及到研究反应倾向。当研究目的着眼于测量或比较不同来源源记忆或不同控制变量组在同一来源上的源记忆效果时,把来源甄别和项目探测两种认知过程及反应倾向分解开是十分必要的。通常的测量和分析方法对此收效甚微,多项式加工树模型旨在有效地实现这一目标。  相似文献   

HPA轴(下丘脑?垂体?肾上腺皮质轴, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex axis)是人体应对压力的重要神经内分泌系统, 其终产物皮质醇常作为测量压力的生物学指标。目前的研究多通过皮质醇日常节律表示静息状态下HPA轴的活动, 而日常节律因其较高的稳定性和可靠性成为儿童生理健康评估的最佳指标。儿童期迅速发育的神经内分泌系统与儿童的行为相互作用, 并受到多种心理社会因素的影响。以往研究主要关注皮质醇日常节律与儿童问题行为及心理社会因素的关系, 未来研究应讨论逆境条件下影响儿童成长的危险性因素和保护性因素, 并探索环境对儿童行为影响可能存在的内分泌机制。  相似文献   

艾炎  胡竹菁 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1794-1806
推理判断中双重加工理论的发展经历了不同发展阶段, 早期主要对两个加工过程的定义及特征的关注, 当前转向对两者间的协作及转换机制的研究。本研究梳理了双重加工过程协作及转换机制的代表性模型及其相关实验支持证据, 综合归纳为以下三类模型:序列加工模型(Serial processing model)、平行竞争模型(Parallel competitive model)以及混合模型(Hybrid model), 并比较和论述了三类模型在两个加工过程的转换和协作机制、冲突探查的加工机制、偏差反应的解释机制上的异同, 以及三类模型各自面临的问题。  相似文献   

态度测量主要应用两种模型:累进型与展开型。目前国内的相关研究主要针对累进型模型。文章在回顾累进型模型的基础上,介绍了当前国际研究最为前沿的一种新的态度测量模型———二值概率展开模型,并详细阐述了该模型的一般数学表达式。  相似文献   

Occupational groups such as firefighters, military officers, paramedics and police officers are exposed to a combination of acute, severe and accumulated everyday stress. Drawing on the daily hassles perspective on stress, the aim was to synthesize existing research on daily hassles in professional first responder settings into a theoretical model. A systematic mixed studies review with an integrated design was undertaken. The selection process resulted in 40 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. The selected papers represented two literature reviews, one qualitative study, eight longitudinal studies and 29 cross‐sectional studies. Five superior categories emerged in the analysis: Individual antecedent and continuously framing factors, Environmental antecedent and continuously framing factors, Appraisal and coping processes, Daily hassles and Outcome. Suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

军校医学生心理应激影响因素的通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨军校医学生心理应激的影响因素及其相互作用方式。方法选用军校医学生日常困扰评定量表、应付方式问卷、特质焦虑问卷、自尊量表和流调中心用抑郁量表对935名军校医学生进行测试,采用SPSS10.0对数据进行统计分析。结果日常困扰主要通过间接作用影响军校医学生的心理应激;自尊和特质焦虑对心理应激具有直接作用和间接作用。应付方式是日常困扰、个性特点影响心理应激的中间环节。结论维护军校医学生的身心健康,可以把优化其个性结构,加强应对训练作为一个切入点。  相似文献   


The present study was an attempt to investigate the impact of daily stress, or hassles, on the physical and psychological health status of 112 adolescents over 10 consecutive days. Measures of hassles, daily somatic symptoms and mood, overall health status, and perceived social support were taken. A principal components analysis of the newly designed Secondary School Students' Hassles Scale generated four factors of which “management of time and work” accounted for 41 percent of the variance. Results supported previous findings that hassles levels were related inversely to daily health, daily mood, and overall health status. Perceived social support was found to be associated with general health but not with daily health and mood, and results from partial correlation analyses challenged the buffering role of social support between hassles and adaptational outcomes. The cross-cultural applicability of the hassles concept was discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of social support, negative life events, and daily hassles on depressive symptoms were assessed in 301 adults aged 65 or older, in person 3 times at 6-month intervals and by mail questionnaires every month over a 12-month period. Initial social support predicted severity of depressive symptoms 12 months later. Social support and initial levels of depressive symptomatology predicted number of daily hassles but not number of major life events. Effects of social support, depression, and major life events on the incidence of daily hassles remained significant without the inclusion of hassles reflecting depressive symptomatology or problems in relationships or whose content overlapped with major life events. Daily hassles mediated the effects of major life events on subsequent depression. Results did not differ for men and women. Implications for models of the relations among social support, stress, and depression are discussed.  相似文献   

Acculturation, as a process of cultural change, has been related to a number of consequences including psychological distress. While some research has demonstrated how post‐migration stressors influence the adjustment of immigrants, it has been proposed that daily hassles—irritants in daily interactions—such as minor chronic problems with the in‐group and the out‐group have an even greater impact on adjustment than major life events. Furthermore, research has shown that ethnic identification profiles and discrimination are two factors closely associated with adjustment among immigrant populations. This study was, therefore, meant to further investigate the relationships among ethnic identity, discrimination (personal and collective), and adjustment (self‐esteem and depression) through a model proposing daily hassles as a mediator among these factors. There were 100 first‐ and second‐generation Lebanese‐Canadians who participated in the study. They completed a questionnaire measuring ethnic identification to their in‐ and out‐group, discrimination, hassles experienced with their in‐ and out‐group, depression, and self‐esteem. Path analyses revealed the mediating role of daily hassles between identity and discrimination, on the one hand, and indices of depression and self‐esteem, on the other. The results also demonstrated that greater experienced personal discrimination was associated with higher levels of experienced out‐group hassles and more out‐group hassles related to lower levels of adjustment. Processes of identity revealed that a higher level of Lebanese identity was associated with less experienced in‐ and out‐group hassles, which positively related to better adjustment. However, Canadian identity directly and positively related to depression. These results are discussed, first, with respect to their implications for current theorizing regarding the process of acculturation. Daily hassles would indeed now stand as a key mediating factor in the explanation of adjustment among immigrants. Second, the findings are deemed to have practical implications in term of the direction of programmes aimed at alleviating acculturative stress.  相似文献   

In a study of 220 participants, the relationship between life events, daily hassles, cognitive appraisal and coping, stress and general healthiness was investigated utilizing a self report methodology. The different aspects of healthiness and health behaviour/lifestyle appear to be related to different appraisal and coping styles. The role of daily hassles and life events in the process also vary across different aspects of health, illness and health behaviours. In fact the number of life events experienced appear to contribute more to hardiness than to vulnerability. It is proposed that to understand the process an integrative model is required which allows for flexibility in analysis.  相似文献   

To examine the ways in which age, sex, daily uplifts, and daily hassles influence fluctuations in self-assessed health (SAH). A 14-day experience sampling study was conducted among community-dwelling adults (N?=?87). The distribution-free method of generalized estimating equations was used to examine whether changes in the intensity of daily hassles and changes in intensities of daily uplifts predicted subsequent changes in SAH. Both hassles and uplifts influenced SAH, although neither age nor sex influenced these associations. Findings are discussed in terms of the benefits of examining the daily context as an influence on successful aging.  相似文献   

In this study we introduce the concept of centrality in an attempt to assess individual differences in the meaning underlying daily hassles. Central hassles are defined as those which reflect important ongoing themes or problems in the person's life. The characteristics of central hassles, and their role in psychological and somatic health, were assessed in a sample of 150 community-residing men and women. The results indicate that central hassles vary in content from person to person and touch more on problems with personal needs and deficits in coping skills compared to noncentral hassles. The dimension of centrality was found to play a significant role in the prediction of psychological symptoms. Although the empirical case for the importance of centrality in the stress-illness relationship is inconclusive due to problems of confounding and a cross-sectional rather than longitudinal design, the ideas presented appear promising and provide a basis for further research on psychological vulnerability to stress.  相似文献   

Given that stressors may accumulate across the life span, the extent to which daily hassles are associated with African American females?? psychological functioning during the adolescent years remains an important question. Understanding the potential impact of daily hassles is important due to indications that African American women report greater daily hassles and have higher incidence rates of stress-related disorders. The current study examines the relationship between daily hassles and psychological functioning (e.g., depression and anxiety symptoms) among 103 U.S. African American adolescent females (M?=?15.50; SD?=?1.70) residing in a moderately-sized Midwestern city. Additionally, this investigation explores gender role orientation as a moderator of this relationship. Results indicated that increased daily hassles were associated with greater depressive and anxiety symptoms. Also, this investigation provides some support for the direct and moderating role of gender role orientation. A greater feminine or androgynous role orientation was associated with fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms. In addition, although not directly associated, this investigation indicated that a masculine role orientation moderated the association between daily hassles and girls?? psychological outcomes. Specifically, among African American adolescent females with a greater masculine role orientation, increased daily hassles were associated with reduced psychological functioning (e.g., greater depressive and anxiety symptoms). Neither feminine nor androgynous role orientation, however, moderated the relationship between daily hassles and psychological functioning (e.g., depressive and anxiety symptoms). Implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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