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A series of studies are reported which indicate that high communication apprehensives have lower academic achievement in traditional interaction-oriented educational systems than low communication apprehensives, but that no similar relationship exists in a communication-restricted educational system. Data are also reported indicating that high communication apprehensives prefer mass lecture classes over small classes while moderate and low communication apprehensives' preferences are the reverse. The implications of these results for choosing or designing instructional systems are discussed.  相似文献   

中学生自我概念、学业归因与学业成绩关系的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该研究采用问卷法探讨中学生自我概念、学业归因与学业成绩的关系,并分别对初中生和高中生建立了因果关系模型。两模型区别在于:(1)学业成绩对初中生自我概念的影响大于对高中生的;(2)高中生学业自我概念受内部控制、非学业自我概念受未知方控制直接影响。研究还表明:(1)初中生的学业自我概念显著高于高中生的;(2)学业自我概念、一般自我概念与学业成绩高低一致;(3)内部控制源与有势力的他人控制源显著相关。  相似文献   

初一学生人格特征、学习适应性与学习成绩关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以《中学生个性测验量表》和《学习适应性测验量表》为研究工具,以320名初一学生为被试,探讨初一学生个性因素、学习适应性与学习成绩的关系。结果发现,初一学生的个性特征、学习适应性与学习成绩都存在一定的相关关系;初一学生的个性因素中自控及情绪性因素和智力性因素对其学习成绩具有更好的预测作用,学习适应性因素中学习期望和家庭环境对其学习成绩具有较好的预测作用;研究同时认为,个性特征与学习适应性对初一学生学习成绩的影响可能是非常有限的。  相似文献   

中小学生学业成绩、自我概念和动机定向之间关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了五十年代以来西方教育心理学界对中小学生的学业成就、能力知觉、控制知觉和动机定向之间关系的研究、研究结果表明;学生的学业成就、能力知觉(包括能力评价和能力情感)、控制知觉(包括不可知控制和内控-依赖他人)和动机定向之间的关系以不可知控制为中心,存在着不同程度的因果关系及发展差异.这个结论对如何在教学中提高学生的学习效率有着重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

以432名初中学生为被试,通过问卷调查,考察初中生成就目标定向、学习策略与学业成绩之间的关系。结果表明:成就目标定向、学习策略对学业成绩均存在显著的总体影响,其中学习策略对学业成绩产生显著的直接影响,并且主要是通过认知策略和动机策略来产生;成就目标定向对学业成绩不存在显著的直接影响,但通过学习策略这个中介变量产生显著的间接影响。成就目标定向主要是通过元认知策略对学习策略产生显著的直接影响。  相似文献   

初中生的学业成就动机、学习策略与学业成绩关系研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
刘志华  郭占基 《心理科学》1993,16(4):198-204
本文初次将成就动机与学习策略联系起来研究,考察出了目前初中生使用的九种主要学习策略。研究结果表明:(1)成就动机、学习策略在同等程度上影响学业成绩,两者间无显著交互作用;(2)不同成绩学生(优、差生)在成就动机和学习策略上有显著差异,这是导致成绩分化的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

Fear of success, fear of failure, and sex role orientation were examined in engineering undergraduates using the Fear of Success Scale (FOSS; Zuckerman & Allison, 1976), the Debilitating Anxiety Scale (DAS; Alpert & Haber, 1960), and the Bern Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem, 1974), respectively. The correlation (r = 45) between fear of success and fear of failure supported the finding of Criffore (1977). BSRI subscale scores rather than BSRI sex role category scores increased the predictability of FOSS and DAS. Fear of success was found to be a sex-role-related construct whereas fear of failure was found to be a gender-related construct.  相似文献   

Portions of three previous studies relating individual differences in employee satisfaction and one study relating Management Communication Style (MCS) to employee satisfaction were replicated across four organizational contexts. Major findings were supportive of the generalizability of the results observed in the previous studies. The interface of superior-subordinate relations and their impact on employee satisfaction were examined through perceptions of employees with regard to the MCS of upper management and the task behaviors (supervision and administration) of their immediate superiors. Results were supportive of the MCS conceptualization and indicated that MCS of immediate superior and MCS of upper management had their primary impact on different dimensions of employee satisfaction. Perceptions of superiors' task behaviors were found to have different impact on employees satisfaction for different organizational contexts. Variability in employee satisfaction predictable from individual employee differences and that predictable from superior-subordinate interface were found to have little overlap. It is recommended that both the individual differences (trait) and superior-subordinate interface (situational) approaches to the study of communication in organizational contexts be continued since the two generate independent predictions of unique variance.  相似文献   

The effect of three variables thought to be important to the negotiation process was investigated via an attributional analysis. Three different communication modes (audio, audio/video, face-to-face), three levels of power (high, equal, low), and three prior concession-phasing strategies (alternating, increasingly cooperative, decreasingly cooperative) were combined in a factorial design to determine their effect on negotiation outcomes and negotiator attributions. The data indicated that the communication and power variables were the most potent, with the face-to-face communication mode producing the best joint outcomes, followed by the audio/video and audio-only conditions. The various “prior” concession strategies had little effect on subsequent negotiation outcomes. Several significant internal/external attributions of locus of causality were found, as were significantly different impression ratings according to conditions.  相似文献   

In this study it was hypothesized that, among lesbians, agreement with feminist ideology and participation in feminist activities would correlate positively with self-esteem, self-acceptance, and social support. Demographic variables were also examined as correlates. Respondents were contacted through 11 lesbian, gay, and feminist organizations and establishments and asked to complete a research questionnaire. Onehundred-twenty-three usable questionnaires were returned. Age and current involvement in a lesbian relationship were significantly related to self-esteem, self-acceptance, and social support. Participation in feminist activities also correlated with self-acceptance. The results give tentative, but important, information useful in understanding the correlates of self-esteem and support among lesbians.  相似文献   

Theorists claim that reticence, communication apprehension, unwillingness to communicate, and shyness are different problems, but the interrelationships among those constructs has not been systematically explored. The purpose of this paper is to examine theoretical assumptions underlying these four constructs regarding the nature of the problem, how it is identified, its etiology, and proposed solutions. This analysis reveals that the four labels do not denote four discrete problems; rather, the constructs overlap to a great extent. A systematic interview in conjunction with self-report scales is recommended as the means of identification of the problem, since present methods do not provide a precise account of the specific nature of individual difficulties. The particular treatment used should depend on the exact nature of the problem as it is reported by the individual, rather than applying one specific mode of treatment in every case.  相似文献   

This study examined gendered perceptions of relational and physical aggressive behaviors and personal experiences with both types of aggression. Prior research suggested that physical aggression by males and relational aggression by females would be perceived most negatively. College students (186 female, 128 male) rated the acceptability and harmfulness of aggression in scenarios in which type of aggression and perpetrator and target gender were varied. As predicted, relational aggression by female characters and physical aggression by male characters were rated as less acceptable and more aggressive/harmful than the same behavior by the other gender. Thus, expectations regarding the gender-appropriateness of aggression appear to affect perceptions of such acts. Despite popular conceptions that females use and are harmed by relational aggression more than males, there was no gender difference in experience with relational aggression, nor were female targets viewed as more harmed by such aggression than their male counterparts.  相似文献   

中小学教师职业枯竭状况及其与社会支持的关系   总被引:100,自引:0,他引:100  
王芳  许燕 《心理学报》2004,36(5):568-574
该研究提出了中国教师职业枯竭表现的新维度——知识枯竭,检验了四维度枯竭模型在中国的有效性。并采用问卷调查法,对全国679名中小学教师的职业枯竭状况进行了分析,考察了各种人口统计学变量之间的差异,并探讨了职业枯竭各个维度与社会支持之间的关系。结果发现,男教师、教龄在11~20年的教师枯竭程度较高。从社会支持对于教师枯竭的缓解作用来讲,来源于学生和学校领导的支持,以及情感型支持更为有效。  相似文献   

我国中小学生创造力与智力和人格相关研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
创造力与智力和人格之间关系历来众说纷坛,据我们对中国中小学生的相关研究后发现,创造力与智商有很高的相关,也就是说高创造力有赖于高智商.但两者间又不是完全同步,高智商者并不一定有高创造力.它显然还受到其它因素的影响,如兴趣,勤奋,知识的学习和运用等等.创,造力与人格的关系被称为创造人格。据我们的研究,中小学生具有高智慧性,高乐观性,高敢为性和低忧虑性等创造性人格特征。  相似文献   

Michael L. Spezio 《Zygon》2013,48(2):428-438
After providing a brief overview of social neuroscience in the context of strong embodiment and the cognitive sciences, this paper addresses how perspectives from the field may inform how theological anthropology approaches the origins of human persons‐in‐community. An overview of the Social Brain Hypothesis and of simulation theory reveals a simultaneous potential for receptive/projective processes to facilitate social engagement and the need for intentional spontaneity in the form of a spiritual formation that moves beyond simulation to empathy and love. Finally, elements of a virtue science that draws on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's relational imago Dei are shown to be helpful in framing and motivating theological approaches to human origins.  相似文献   

动机因素、学习策略、智力水平对学生学业成就的影响   总被引:103,自引:0,他引:103  
王振宏  刘萍 《心理学报》2000,32(1):65-69
以119名高中学生为被试,测量研究了动机因素、学习策略、智力水平对学生学业成就的影响。结果表明,自我效能、内在动机、掌握目标、学习策略、智商分数与学业成就呈显著的正相关,外在动机、业绩目标与学业成就呈显著的负相关。智商分数、学习策略、动机因素与学业成就存在着因果关系,智商分数(β=0.476)、学习策略(β=0.220)、自我效能(β=0.207)、掌握目标(β=0.185)对学业成就有显著的回归效应,并直接影响学业成就。而内在动机(β=0.184)通过直接影响学习策略而间接影响学业成就。  相似文献   

两岸四地大学生对创造力特征及创造力 人才的认知调查   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
岳晓东 《心理学报》2001,34(2):148-154
该研究表明,北京、广州、香港和台北的大学生在对创造力和创造力人才的内隐认知甚为一致。其中北京和广州大学生的内隐认知更为接近,而香港和台湾大学生的内隐认知更为接近。在对高创造力特征的内隐认知上,四地大学生一致看重的条目有:有创造力、有创见、创新、有观察力、有思考力、愿做尝试、灵活性、有自信、有想象力、有好奇心、有个性和有独立性等。而在对低创造力表现的内隐认知上,四地大学生的一致认同的条目有:呆钝、保守、跟随传统和愿做让步。在对创造力人才的认知上,四地的大学皆首推政治名人,次推科技界名人。四地大学生最不看重的创造力人才是艺术界和音乐界名人。这说明,两岸三地的中国人虽然分离长久,但其对创造力的认知上仍相当一致,都甚看重政治与科技人物的影响。  相似文献   

Although many opinions have been expressed about the potential merits and pitfalls of conducting academic research inside organizations, empirical research on the question is nearly nonexistent. Consequently, the present study examined the origins, processes, and outcomes of 141 academic research projects that were conducted in (nonacademic) organizations and published in 4 top-tier industria organizational psychology and management journals over a 3-year period. Three outcomes were assessed: implementation of research findings, academic organizational relationship continuation, and research impact (as measured by other-author citations). Results suggested a number of relationships between the way projects began, the relative contributions of organizations and authors to the research process, and eventual outcomes. Suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating effects of protégé sex and organizational context on relationships between senior-male mentors and objective and subjective career outcomes among midcareer managers and professionals. Extending signaling theory, and using a 3-way interaction, we found that associations between senior-male mentoring, cash compensation, and career progress satisfaction were greatest among women working in male-gendered industries. By contextualizing the protégé sex-by-mentoring interaction and by considering key mentor attributes, the results of this study provide important insights into where, why, and for whom access to a senior-male mentor is related to career success and contribute to building more complete models of the career attainment process.  相似文献   

Craig T. Palmer 《Zygon》1993,28(4):455-468
Abstract. This paper uses an evolutionary perspective to identify variables influencing compliance with moral codes about honest communication. Data on over one thousand radio conversations among lobster fishers in two harbors in Maine are compared in regard to the sharing of information. The sharing of accurate information is found to be significantly more frequent in the harbor that is more integrated by reciprocally altruistic relationships. This is consistent with the view that moral systems are systems of indirect reciprocity, but it also suggests that humans have evolved to base their compliance with moral codes on cues from their social environment.  相似文献   

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