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The main objective of this study was to examine day-to-day associations of coitus, sexual interest, partner emotional support, negative mood, and positive mood among adolescent women. Diaries assessed partner interactions, sexual activity, substance use, and mood. Participants were 146 adolescent women who provided 28,376 diary days. Correlates of coitus on a given day included age, increased coital frequency in previous week, coitus on the previous day, partner support, increased same-day sexual interest, and decreased same-day negative mood. The data demonstrate complex associations of sexual interest, mood, partner interactions, and sexual activity. The findings extend understanding of the sexuality of adolescent women and have implications for a variety of interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies.  相似文献   

A classic question in social and organizational psychology is whether low-status persons are more accurate in the perception of their high-status partners than the latter are in their perception of their subordinates. In a series of studies, Snodgrass (1985, 1992) tested this idea. She found that subordinates were more accurate at judging how their bosses viewed them than bosses were at judging how their subordinates viewed them, but that bosses were more accurate at judging how subordinates viewed themselves than subordinates were at judging how bosses viewed themselves. We believe, however, that these results were obscured by stereotype accuracy. Using previously collected data, we found that stereotype accuracy does lead to the pattern previously observed by Snodgrass. We also discovered that when we controlled for stereotype accuracy, subordinates' perceptions were generally more accurate than those of their bosses, which supports Snodgrass's original hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of attentional-focus instructions (self vs partner focus) and level of partner arousal (high, low and ambiguous) on sexual responding, both objectively and subjectively measured, were examined with sexually-functional (N = 8) and sexually-dysfunctional (N = 8) men. These instructional sets were delivered just before the subjects viewed an erotic film depicting a heterosexual couple in which they identified with the male. When both groups were focusing on themselves rather than their partner, higher tumescence was observed when their partner was displaying low arousal. When the partner's level of arousal was ambiguous, highest tumescence was achieved during partner attentional focus. When the partner was displaying high sexual arousal, functional subjects reached highest levels of tumescence during partner focus, while dysfunctional subjects reached highest levels of tumescence during self focus. In fact, high partner arousal seemed to inhibit dysfunctional subjects' tumescence under partner focus. Examination of self-report of arousal data as measured by a subjective lever revealed interesting group differences. Results are discussed in light of possible maintaining factors in sexual dysfunction and their treatment implications.  相似文献   

Parent-adolescent communication, family functioning, and school performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of a test of theoretical postulates proposed by Olson, Russell, and Sprenkle (1983) using a matched set of adolescents and their parents. One set of families (n = 40) consisted of adolescents who had been unsuccessful in public school and were attending alternative schools, while the other (n = 52) was a matched group of public school adolescents and their families. Results showed predicted differences in the direction of greater balanced functioning (i.e., optimal cohesion and adaptability) and more positive communication in the public school families. Public school families also perceived greater congruence between perceived and ideal family functioning. Congruence and differences between adolescent and parent perceptions, the importance of positive communication for optimal functioning, and implications for family treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Needed and received support among victims of crime in the Netherlands was examined. Support was measured 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months after the crime incidents. Respondents answered questions about 3 groups of support providers: their partners, their social networks, and their distant support providers. Results indicated that partners were the most important support suppliers. Respondents who indicated that their partners' support had been insufficient suffered a deterioration of their well-being. Victims received sufficient support from their social networks. Receiving less support than needed was associated with low well-being, both before and after the crime. Victims indicated they needed the least support from distant support providers and that the little support required from them had not been received.  相似文献   


Social support and functional ability are related to a number of outcomes in later life among African Americans, including cognitive performance. This study examined how providing and receiving social support was related to fluid and crystallized cognitive abilities among aging African American adults after accounting for functional limitations, age, education, sex, income, and self-reported health. Data from 602 African American adults (M?=?69.08, SD?=?9.74; 25% male) were analyzed using latent variable modeling. Fluid ability was a second-order factor indicated by measures that assessed verbal memory, working memory, perceptual speed, and inductive reasoning. Crystallized ability was a first-order factor indicated by three measures that assessed vocabulary (Shipley Verbal Meaning Test and parts A and B of the ETS Vocabulary Test). Results indicated that the receipt of social support was negatively related to both fluid and crystallized abilities, while the provision of support was positively related to fluid and crystallized ability. Follow-up tests found that the receipt of support was more strongly related to fluid ability than crystallized ability. There was no significant difference regarding the relationship of provision of support with fluid ability compared to crystallized ability. Results discuss the importance of considering the social context of older adults when examining cognitive ability.  相似文献   

We examined the links among attachment, caregiving, and relationship functioning in both dating (Study 1) and married couples (Study 2), assessing both partners' perspectives. We found that (1) men and women generally evidenced caregiving characteristics similar to those of their parent% especially their same-sex parent; (2) individuals who reported giving more care to their partner evidenced less fearful-avoidant attachment (Studies 1 and 2) and less preoccupation with attachment (Study 2); and (3) individuals' own attachment models and their partner's attachment models and caregiving jointly predicted relationship functioning, but individuals' own attachment models remained strong predictors even after the partner's attachment and caregiving were taken into account. The results suggest that caregiving learned in childhood attachment relationships may be carried forward into adult romantic relationships, and they support the idea that attachment and caregiving are central components of romantic love.  相似文献   

Zalabardo  José L. 《Synthese》2020,197(12):5379-5388
Synthese - The paper argues against Sosa’s claim that sensitivity cannot be differentially supported over safety as the right requirement for knowledge. Its main contention is that, although...  相似文献   

Alcohol use may increase HIV sexual risk behavior, although findings have varied across study populations and methods. Using event-level data from 1,712 seronegative men who have sex with men, the authors tested the hypothesis that social context would moderate the effect of alcohol consumption on unprotected anal sex (UAS). For encounters involving a primary partner, rates of UAS did not vary as a function of alcohol use. However, consumption of 4 or more drinks tripled the likelihood of UAS for episodes involving a nonprimary partner. Thus, the effects of alcohol vary according to the context in which it is used. Interventions to reduce substance-related risk should be tailored to the demands of maintaining sexual safety with nonprimary partners.  相似文献   

One aim of this study was to determine the relative contribution of partner conflict and support to satisfaction with a romantic relationship when conflict and support are measured in terms of the same characteristics. Another aim was to ascertain whether support is indirectly associated with relationship satisfaction through reduced conflict and depression, as suggested by C. E. Cutrona (1996). The Relationship Assessment Scale (S. S. Hendrick, 1988), the Revised SCL-90-R Depression subscale (L. R. Derogatis, 1983), and a conflict and support scale were completed by 76 female and 35 male college students. Relationship satisfaction was explained only by support. Support was indirectly associated with relationship satisfaction through a reduction of depression but was not associated with conflict. The results suggest that a better understanding of satisfaction with a romantic relationship may be obtained through the study of support rather than conflict.  相似文献   

We present a psychoneuroimmunologic (PNI) model for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, describe a 10-week group-based cognitive behavioral stress management (CBSM) intervention and summarize research demonstrating the effects of this intervention on mood, neuroendocrine (Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal [HPA], Hypothalamic Pituitary Gonadal [HPG] and Sympathetic Nervous System [SNS] hormones) and immune system status (lymphocyte subsets, anti-viral immune function) in HIV-infected persons. This work demonstrates that changes in relaxation skills, cognitive coping strategies and social support may mediate the mood effects of CBSM, and that these mood changes may mediate adrenal hormone regulation indicated by reductions in 24-h urinary cortisol (with reduced depressed mood) and norepinephrine (with reduced anxiety) and increases in serum DHEA-S and testosterone levels (with reduced depressed mood). Results also suggest that CBSM-related changes in production of these hormones may explain, in part, the effects of this intervention on short-term changes in IgG antibody titers to herpesviruses (with increased DHEA-S-to-cortisol ratio), and longer-term changes in lymphocyte subpopulations such as CD8 suppressor/cytotoxic cells (with reductions in urinary noradrenaline output) and transitional na?ve CD4 cells (with reductions in urinary cortisol output). Thus a multi-modal CBSM intervention is associated with alterations in mood, neuroendocrine functioning and immunologic status that may have health implications for HIV infection.  相似文献   

This study examined social-emotional and cognitive factors in relation to eating disorder symptoms in 84 female undergraduates. Sensitivity to criticism and rejection-sensitivity related to each other and to appearance-related sensitivity. Although both interpersonal and appearance sensitivity related to a drive for thinness, appearance sensitivity had the stronger relationship. Interpersonal sensitivity was significantly correlated with expectancies that dieting and thinness lead to overgeneralized self-improvement, but not with eating expectancies. After controlling for body mass index, interpersonal sensitivity, and appearance sensitivity, dieting/thinness expectancies were related to drive for thinness, and expectancies that eating helps to manage negative affect were related to symptoms of bulimia. Findings are discussed in terms of the potential role that interpersonal sensitivity and eating-related expectancies may play in the development and maintenance of eating disorders, as well as intervention approaches. Portion of this paper were presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May 2000.  相似文献   

This study examined social-emotional and cognitive factors in relation to eating disorder symptoms in 84 female undergraduates. Sensitivity to criticism and rejection-sensitivity related to each other and to appearance-related sensitivity. Although both interpersonal and appearance sensitivity related to a drive for thinness, appearance sensitivity had the stronger relationship. Interpersonal sensitivity was significantly correlated with expectancies that dieting and thinness lead to overgeneralized self-improvement, but not with eating expectancies. After controlling for body mass index, interpersonal sensitivity, and appearance sensitivity, dieting/thinness expectancies were related to drive for thinness, and expectancies that eating helps to manage negative affect were related to symptoms of bulimia. Findings are discussed in terms of the potential role that interpersonal sensitivity and eating-related expectancies may play in the development and maintenance of eating disorders, as well as intervention approaches. Portion of this paper were presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May 2000.  相似文献   

Extensive research in unipolar depressed and population-based samples has shown cross-partner associations between depressive symptoms and relationship adjustment. Yet despite evidence that bipolar disorder (BPD) is a more chronic and severe illness than unipolar depression, that individuals with BPD are at risk for interpersonal dysfunction, and that critical, unsupportive relationships are predictive of the course of depressive symptoms in BPD, there have been limited efforts to understand the correlates of relationship functioning within BPD. The current study addresses this gap in the literature by examining the associations between the depressive and manic symptoms of individuals with BPD, their partner's depressive symptoms, and relationship functioning, using a multimethod, multi-informant approach. Results revealed that the depressive symptoms of the individual with BPD were associated with poorer relationship functioning, particularly when the partner without BPD also had elevated depressive symptoms. In addition, an interaction between the individual with BPD's depressive and manic symptoms was observed, such that manic symptoms were associated with increased observed hostility and poorer partner relationship adjustment, but only when depressive symptoms were also elevated. These effects persisted even after overall mental health of both partners was controlled.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the impact of network support and different types of perceived functional support on all-cause mortality or nonfatal reinfarction for patients with a recent acute myocardial infarction (AMI). DESIGN: Participants were recruited from the Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease (ENRICHD) trial; 2,481 AMI patients with depression or low social support were randomized to a cognitive-behavioral intervention or to a usual care control group. Data collection for certain measures of social support was limited: 2,466 participants completed the ENRICHD Social Support Inventory; 2,457 completed the Perceived Social Support Scale; 1,296 completed the Social Network Questionnaire; and 707 completed the Interpersonal Support and Evaluation List, Tangible Support subscale. Patients also completed the Beck Depression Inventory and were followed for up to 4.5 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Time to death or nonfatal reinfarction. RESULTS: Over the follow-up period, 599 patients (24%) died or had a nonfatal AMI. Survival models controlling age, sex, race, socioeconomic status, smoking, antidepressant use, and a composite measure of increased risk revealed that higher levels of perceived social support were associated with improved outcome for patients without elevated depression but not for patients with high levels of depression. Neither perceived tangible support nor network support were associated with more frequent adverse events. CONCLUSION: AMI patients should be assessed for multiple dimensions of perceived functional support and depression to identify those at increased psychosocial risk who may benefit from treatment.  相似文献   

Gender differences in the relationship between perceived organizational support and employee perceptions of their communication with top management, immediate supervisors, and coworkers are investigated in a university and in two engineering firms. Respondents were predominantly Caucasian Americans. Gender moderated the relationship between perceived organizational support and two communication variables (coworker communication relationship and coworker information quality). Males reporting a positive coworker communication relationship also indicated higher perceived organizational support. This pattern did not emerge for females. Males who perceived receiving higher quality information from coworkers reported higher perceived organizational support. While a similar pattern emerged for females, the relationship was weaker.  相似文献   

Compared to the research literature on intimate partner violence (IPV) in heterosexual relationships, our understanding of IPV among sexual minority women (SMW) lags far behind. This paper reviews the literature regarding the prevalence of IPV among SMW and discusses disparities between SMW and heterosexual women. Methodological issues in this area are also discussed. Moreover, we review associations among substance use, sexual minority stress, and IPV in this population. Finally, potential protective factors, such as social and community support, identity, mastery, and coping, are examined. As researchers and clinicians work to improve the health of SMW it is important to consider the associations among relationship violence, substance use, and minority stress. Moreover, it is essential to understand what factors may promote adjustment among SMW.  相似文献   

Aggressive behavioral characteristics were assessed in groups of men and women by a self-report instrument, the Aggression Inventory, in which adult males reported more physical and verbal aggression than did females. Furthermore, males had higher scores on measures of impulsiveness and lack of frustration tolerance than did females, while women were more likely to avoid confrontation. In a second study, groups of male and female homosexuals and heterosexuals completed this Aggression Inventory after having blood samples taken to assay resting levels of testosterone (T) and estradiol (E). Groups of subjects within each gender were closely matched in terms of age, education, and vocational interests. Women were matched for the same time in their menstrual cycle (early follicular phase). Among men, homosexuals were indistinguishable from heterosexuals on all measures of aggression. Lesbians did not differ from heterosexual women on any aggression subscale except physical aggression, in which the homosexual women had lower scores. T and E were positively correlated with several indices of aggressive behavioral characteristics in men but were negatively correlated with those same measures in women.  相似文献   

This article reviews empirical studies of social support and sexual assault in order to evaluate the empirical evidence for the role of support in recovery from mental health and physical health consequences of this crime. Evidence is mixed with regard to the effect of social support, with some studies showing no significant effect and others showing positive effects of support on postassault recovery. Negative aspects of social relations (e.g., negative social reactions), while less studied, show consistent and strong negative effects on sexual assault victims. Factors that may modify the relationship of support and sexual assault outcomes are reviewed, including: assault characteristics, specific support provider factors, victim coping and functioning, preassault support network, and other postassault experiences, such as criminal justice system involvement. Limitations of existing research are noted. Suggestions for future research on the relationship of social support and sequelae of sexual assault are provided, with a focus on development of support network interventions for victims.  相似文献   

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