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For some time psychologists have been employing life history methods in their work. Perhaps the key publication in this regard is Erik Erikson 's (1975)book Life History and the Historical Moment. In fact, life history methods were pioneered by anthropologists and taken up with considerable enthusiasm by sociologists. A central location for the pioneering of life history methods by sociologists was the Chicago School in the 1930s.A range of innovative life history studies were generated here as part of the wide-ranging studies of the urban environment undertaken by the sociology school. In this article, we look at some of the possibilities of life history work, but are particularly concerned with analyzing the dilemmas that led to a decline in life history methods. The last section examines the rehabilitation of life history methods and puts forward a number of arguments as to why life history methods are particularly suitable for what Harvey (1989) called the "condition of post-modernity."  相似文献   

Professor  Michael J. Crowe 《Zygon》1997,32(2):147-162
From antiquity to the present, humans have debated whether intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. This presentation will survey this debate, examining the roles played in it by science, religion, philosophy, and other areas of human learning. One thesis that will be developed is that whether or not extraterrestrials exist, ideas about them have strongly influenced Western thought.  相似文献   

This retrospective essay appraises J. Philippe Rushton’s application of life history to understanding the covariation among human traits in light of subsequent developments in the measurement and latent structure of Human Life History, covitality, and personality. We conclude that Rushton should be recognized for having initiated a theoretically and empirically highly fertile paradigm in human individual differences research.  相似文献   


This article describes the main processes and themes in consciousness-raising gender conflict groups for undergraduate students who study in parallel a course on gender and psychology. The main theme of the course is that gender is a classification system that influences individuals, interactions between individuals, and social institutions. The aim of the groups is to provide students with a safe environment to discuss their thoughts and feelings following the encounter of these ideas. Group leading is based on a combination of principles derived from consciousness-raising groups from the 1970s and a model for working with groups in conflict.  相似文献   

道德生活史是一个国家和民族道德生活的历史叙述和再现,是以不同时期的道德生活为研究对象并力图揭示其发生发展线索的集描述性伦理学与规范性伦理学为一体的学科。道德生活史的研究因道德生活的本质特点决定了它有自己独特的研究视阈和原则要求。道德生活史的研究既是一种实证性的描述研究,同时又是一种规范性的价值研究,必须超越自然主义和超验主义的研究立场,而将自然主义与超验主义作一有机的整合,必须既联系伦理思想来进行研究但是又不能局限于伦理思想的研究,必须坚持事实与价值相统一、一元与多元相统一以及内容与形式相统一的研究原则。  相似文献   

In this article, I outline a general framework for the evolutionary analysis of mental disorders based on the concepts of life history theory. I synthesize and extend a large body of work showing that individual differences in life history strategy set the stage for the development of psychopathology. My analysis centers on the novel distinction between fast spectrum and slow spectrum disorders. I describe four main causal pathways from life history strategies to psychopathology, argue that psychopathology can arise at both ends of the fast–slow continuum of life history variation, and provide heuristic criteria for classifying disorders as fast or slow spectrum pathologies. I then apply the fast–slow distinction to a diverse sample of common mental disorders: externalizing disorders, schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, and depression. The framework integrates previously disconnected models of psychopathology within a common frame of reference and has far-reaching implications for the classification of mental disorders.  相似文献   

Research and clinical interest in the alcoholic family has tended to outpace the development of family-oriented conceptual models of alcoholism. A family development perspective has been almost totally absent, despite the chronic, longitudinal nature of alcoholism. A life history model is proposed that uses the concepts of the “alcoholic system,” family homeostasis, and the “family alcohol phase” as its building blocks. Chronic alcoholism tends to produce distortions in the normative family life cycle. These distortions and their clinical implications are discussed, using four case histories as illustrations of the concepts proposed. The model is also examined in the light of current research findings about the alcoholic family.  相似文献   

Clergy suffer from chronic disease rates that are higher than those of non-clergy. Health interventions for clergy are needed, and some exist, although none to date have been described in the literature. Life of Leaders is a clergy health intervention designed with particular attention to the lifestyle and beliefs of United Methodist clergy, directed by Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare Center of Excellence in Faith and Health. It consists of a two-day retreat of a comprehensive executive physical and leadership development process. Its guiding principles include a focus on personal assets, multi-disciplinary, integrated care, and an emphasis on the contexts of ministry for the poor and community leadership. Consistent with calls to intervene on clergy health across multiple ecological levels, Life of Leaders intervenes at the individual and interpersonal levels, with potential for congregational and religious denominational change. Persons wishing to improve the health of clergy may wish to implement Life of Leaders or borrow from its guiding principles.  相似文献   

Perinatal loss remains a persistent tragedy among the many risks pregnant and birthing mothers must face. Despite the prevalence of stillbirths and postnatal deaths, however, there is little discussion of the unique therapeutic demands that such losses bring to treatment. This article explores the many challenges faced by grieving parents for whom the experience of life and death has been so painfully fused. Part of what distinguishes a perinatal loss from other forms of loss is the conflicting need to “hold on” and “let go” at the same time, a conflict that brings with it unique challenges that have to be acknowledged and worked with if treatment is to progress. I examine the case of a young professional couple in their struggle to accept the reality of their daughter’s death. I suggest that an important component of treatment is the development of a “psychic life” for the lost infant in the minds of the parents so that that s/he can be mourned, remembered, and recalled. Both parents exhibited a temporal disorientation as their future was taken from them and they instead find themselves haunted by ghosts from their past. We worked to articulate an affective and conceptual framework in which their loss could be integrated into a new vision of their future.  相似文献   

As an exemplar of the fulfilled and integrative life, Harvard Professor Emerita Anne Roe provides a model of both personal and professional achievement. In her adult life the roles of researcher, administrator and teacher have been in dialectical interaction with those of wife and mother defined in the normative terms of the times. Her work, complicated by years of chronic illness, has been concerned with the intellectual functions of normal, aphasic and mentally disordered adults; behavior of newborn infants; status of foster children from different backgrounds; the effects of alcohol; personalities of artists and scientists; the psychology of occupations; behavior and evolution; the psychology of creativity; and the relations between early experiences and career patterns. Professional recognition has taken many forms, including entry in the World Who's Who in Science in which she and her husband George Caylord Simpson, the evolutionist, are separately listed for achievement in distinct fields. Forced curtailment of professional life has led to development in arts and crafts as a new occupational endeavor.  相似文献   

“贫穷感”是个体与金钱相关的、相对稳定的内心感受,包含不安全感、焦虑感、厌恶感、不满足感和金钱关注五个维度,用以描述个体与金钱相关的认知和情绪上的差异。其概念内涵由28位心理学专家和社会学专家共同界定。贫穷感自评量表是一个15题5点Likert量表。通过问卷法对420位社会人员测量发现,贫穷感与生命史Mini-K测量结果显著负相关。贫穷感越高的个体越倾向于生命史快策略。  相似文献   

Using biographical data collected in late adolescence and young adulthood, prototypes or subgroups of individuals with similar patterns of prior behaviors and experiences were empirically identified. The prototypes are described, and the pathways taken by the prototypes from adolescence to adulthood are examined. Focusing on the various pathways or trajectories followed by different prototypes, we discuss implications of prototype membership for continuity and change in personality.  相似文献   

生活史是研究身体发育与后代繁衍时间表的一种进化方法。本研究根据生活史理论调查与分析了13000余名“婚前节欲”性教育规划中青少年的性态度、性信念与性行为关系。因子分析结果显示,多种性信念和性态度可以整合成一个一般因子,性节制。可以假设,性节制是生活史策略的一个维度。性节制的表现主要包括:性自我克制的意愿、承认性抑制的个人和社会原因、积极肯定青少年的节欲行为、否认性行为的积极影响、回绝性行为的技能、以健康为由赞同性抑制,以及对宗教的虔诚与笃信等。研究结果显示,性节制因子上的低分与更频繁性行为有关,年龄与性别变量对二者关系没有影响。本文还探讨了性态度、性行为以及人类生活史间的关系  相似文献   

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