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Three experiments with pigeons explored the constancy of reinforcer omission during extinction conjectured by rate estimation theory. Experiment 1 arranged 3-component multiple variable-interval (VI) schedules with a mixture of food and extinction trials within each session. Reinforcers omitted to an extinction criterion increased with food-trial reinforcer rate. Experiment 2 arranged 3-component multiple VI schedules where components differed in rate or number of reinforcers. Resistance to extinction depended on the training reinforcer rate but not on the number of reinforcers omitted. Experiment 3 replicated the partial-reinforcement extinction effect within subjects in a discrete-trial procedure and found that more reinforcers were omitted in continuous- than in partial-reinforcement trials. A model of extinction based on behavioral momentum theory accounted for all the data. 相似文献
Permanent disruption of aspects of a highly learned skill such as walking force adaptations to occur to the movement. Firstly the body must determine what factors will guide the formation of the new walking pattern, and secondly that new movement pattern must be learned. Frequently the questionable assumption is made that the performance objectives of the new skill are the same as the original. This work used non-linear optimal control and multiple segment simulation to evaluate the ability of several possible objective functions to predict pathological walking patterns. These predictions were then also compared to the results from normal walking. Preliminary results indicate the performance objectives of pathological gaits may be quite different from those of normals. Some support was also provided for the existence of simultaneous multiple performance objectives in complex movements. 相似文献
Resistance to reinforcement change in multiple and concurrent schedules assessed in transition and at steady state 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2

Behavioral momentum theory relates resistance to change of responding in a multiple-schedule component to the total reinforcement obtained in that component, regardless of how the reinforcers are produced. Four pigeons responded in a series of multiple-schedule conditions in which a variable-interval 40-s schedule arranged reinforcers for pecking in one component and a variable-interval 360-s schedule arranged them in the other. In addition, responses on a second key were reinforced according to variable-interval schedules that were equal in the two components. In different parts of the experiment, responding was disrupted by changing the rate of reinforcement on the second key or by delivering response-independent food during a blackout separating the two components. Consistent with momentum theory, responding on the first key in Part 1 changed more in the component with the lower reinforcement total when it was disrupted by changes in the rate of reinforcement on the second key. However, responding on the second key changed more in the component with the higher reinforcement total. In Parts 2 and 3, responding was disrupted with free food presented during intercomponent blackouts, with extinction (Part 2) or variable-interval 80-s reinforcement (Part 3) arranged on the second key. Here, resistance to change was greater for the component with greater overall reinforcement. Failures of momentum theory to predict short-term differences in resistance to change occurred with disruptors that caused greater change between steady states for the richer component. Consistency of effects across disruptors may yet be found if short-term effects of disruptors are assessed relative to the extent of change observed after prolonged exposure. 相似文献
A common way of predicting falling risks in elderly people can be to study center of pressure (CP) trajectories during undisturbed upright stance maintenance. By estimating the difference between CP and center of gravity (CG) motions (CP - CGv), one can estimate the neuromuscular activity. The results of this study, which included 34 sedentary elderly persons aged over 75 years (21 fallers and 13 nonfallers), demonstrated significantly increased CGh and CP - CGv motions in both axes for the fallers. In addition, the fallers presented larger CGh motions in the mediolateral axis, suggesting an enlarged loading-unloading mechanism, which could have reflected the adoption of a step-initiating strategy. As highlighted by fractional Brownian motion modeling, the distance covered by the CP - CGv motions before the successive control mechanisms switched was enhanced for the fallers in both axes, therefore increasing the risk that the CG would be outside of the base of support. 相似文献
The purposes of this study were to (1) describe errors in weightbearing at three target levels for patients with neuropathic feet and control subjects, (2) compare the absolute errors at the three target levels between groups, and (3) identify predictor variables of errors in weightbearing by the neuropathic group. The groups of 26 subjects were matched for age and height. Weightbearing was measured with digital scales while subjects attempted to adjust their weight through a designated lower extremity to each target level (25, 50, and 75% of body weight). Analysis of variance indicated no significant difference in the percentage weightbearing between groups at the three target levels. There was a significant difference in errors made in weightbearing by the groups at the three target levels. Mean errors ranged from 8.5 to 9.7% for the neuropathic group and from 2.4 to 6.6% for the control group. The findings cast doubt on the utility (in the absence of feedback) of requesting individuals, particularly those with neuropathic feet, to weightbear at specific target levels. 相似文献
Learning by looking: Infants' social looking behavior across the transition from crawling to walking
This study investigated how infants gather information about their environment through looking and how that changes with increases in motor skills. In Experiment 1, 9.5- and 14-month-olds participated in a 10-min free play session with both a stranger and ambiguous toys present. There was a significant developmental progression from passive to active social engagement, as evidenced by younger infants watching others communicate more and older infants making more bids for social interaction. Experiment 2 examined longitudinally the impact of age and walking onset on this progression. The transition to independent walking marked significant changes in how often infants watched others communicate and made active bids for social interaction. Results suggest that infants transition from passive observers as crawlers to active participants in their social environment with the onset of walking. 相似文献
《European Journal of Developmental Psychology》2013,10(5):548-566
Recent studies show that young children with type-2 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) can succeed in spatial search tasks. Such results suggest that locomotor impairment may not be a risk factor responsible for a dramatic slowing down or deviation in the development of spatial cognition. The present experiment pursues this question in relation to spatial language to determine whether self-produced locomotion is a necessary prerequisite for the normal acquisition of spatial terms. It compares how two groups of young French children (mean age 33 months) comprehend and produce spatial markers: one group of 12 type-2 SMA children and a control group of 12 healthy children. The results show no significant difference between the two groups with one exception: SMA children displayed a better performance when producing markers for the relations in front of and behind. The performance of SMA children suggests that, despite their total deprivation of experience in locomotion, they have the capacity to acquire and to use rich spatial representations that are embodied in the semantics of natural languages. 相似文献
We examined whether inductive reasoning development is better characterized by accounts assuming an early category bias versus an early perceptual bias. We trained 264 children aged 3 to 9 years to categorize novel insects using a rule that directly pitted category membership against appearance. This was followed by an induction task with perceptual distractors at different levels of featural similarity. An additional 52 children were given the same training followed by an induction task with alternative stimuli. Categorization performance was consistently high; however, we found a gradual transition from a perceptual bias in our youngest children to a category bias around 6 or 7 years of age. In addition, children of all ages were equally distracted by higher levels of featural similarity. The transition is unlikely to be due to an increased ability to inhibit perceptual distractors. Instead, we argue that the transition is driven by a fundamental change in children's understanding of category membership. 相似文献
The role of locomotion in the acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge in children 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lehnung M Leplow B Ekroll V Herzog A Mehdorn M Ferstl R 《Scandinavian journal of psychology》2003,44(2):79-86
The role of locomotion in the acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge was investigated in 144 five-, seven- and eleven-year-old children. Two experiments were conducted in the Kiel locomotor maze. In the first experiment, one group of children explored the spatial layout by walking through the maze, while another learned the maze by surveying the layout. In the second experiment, children were exposed to one of two orientation tests in the maze, one of which could be solved using "landmark orientation", the other only using a "relational place orientation". Children sitting by the side of the experimental chamber surveying the maze needed fewer trials to learn the spatial layout than children exploring the environment in the locomotion condition, but in the orientation test demanding the "relational place orientation" children who had explored the maze in the locomotion condition outperformed the children in the non-locomotion condition. Results are discussed in the context of cognitive mapping models. 相似文献
Shibagaki M Mizuhashi M Miyajima K Yoshie Y Hiraki C Yamada M Yamashita E Yamada A 《Perceptual and motor skills》2006,103(3):841-845
Developmental transition of EEG spectra to alpha band of 14 children with developmental disabilities (from 7 yr. and 3 mo. to 16 yr. and 1 mo. of age at the first EEG recording: M= 13.2, SD=2.6; 6 girls and 8 boys) was studied by auto-power spectrum analysis longitudinally. The results showed the mean age (14.1 yr. to 14.8 yr. in the four regions of the frontal, central, parietal, and occipital regions) for subjects and their mean frequency (4.2 Hz to 4.7 Hz in the 4 regions) at which EEG shift started from theta band, and those means (15.1 yr. to 15.7 yr. and 9.5 Hz to 9.6 Hz in the 4 regions) at which EEG shift reached the alpha band. Prior EEG research on healthy children has shown that approximately 10 years of age is critical for developmental transition of EEG spectra to alpha frequencies. It is suggested that the present data showed a delay of this critical age for this sample of children with developmental disabilities relative to 10 years for healthy children reported by Katada, et al. and Benninger, et al. 相似文献
Previous research suggests that after gaining several weeks of independent locomotor experience, infants may show both more negative and more positive affect toward parents. However, this prior work has been based largely on parent report, and no studies have used longitudinal or naturalistic methods to chart changes in infants’ affective expressions as they gain locomotor ability. Fifteen infants were observed at home before, during, and after learning to crawl in two naturalistic contexts, free play and dyadic play. Expressions of negative affect during free play decreased after the onset of crawling, but there was no change in expressions of positive affect. At the same time, however, mothers reported an increase in both negative and positive reactivity. These results are discussed in terms of the contexts typically assessed during observations and the different sensitivities of mothers to infants’ expressions of affect. Several lines of evidence point to a potential role for independent locomotion in the reorganization of affective expressions. 相似文献
Gillian A. Prout 《British Journal of Guidance & Counselling》1993,21(3):262-276
The experiences of a group of students as they transferred from school to tertiary college at 16 were investigated. A number of issues are highlighted in relation to the transition period. In particular, a distinction is drawn between the curriculum-related aspects and the personal/social aspects of the students' concerns. Implications of the research findings for both policy and practice in post-16 education are discussed in the context of a recent HMI Report on the pastoral curriculum for the 13-19 age-group 相似文献
Noel Estrada‐Hernández John S. Wadsworth John A. Nietupski Judy Warth Amy Winslow 《Journal of Employment Counseling》2008,45(1):14-24
This research explores the mediating effects of severity of disability on the employment outcomes of participants with disabilities, taking into account their perception of interest‐job match. Participants were 115 high school students with disabilities who took part in an intensive school‐to‐work transition program that explored occupational interests in relation‐to‐work opportunities. Results of a 1‐way analysis of covariance indicated that severity of disability had a significant effect on the employment outcomes of participants despite interest‐job matching. Although participants experienced positive employment outcomes in terms of job entry, these outcomes may not necessarily translate into higher earnings. 相似文献
Brian T Harel Antonius H N Cillessen Deborah A Fein Sarah E Bullard Alyson Aviv 《Child neuropsychology》2007,13(4):309-318
Data are presented for 315 elementary school-aged children (K-11) who took the Biber Cognitive Estimation Test, a 20-item test with five estimation questions in each of four domains: quantity, time/duration, weight, and distance/length. Performance showed significant development yearly until around the age of nine years, with much slower development subsequently. No gender effects were found. Age and fund of knowledge correlated with overall test performance. Fund of information accounted for a large proportion of the variance in estimation skills for children 8 years and under, but not for children 9 years and older. Since estimation skills require retrieval and manipulation of relevant knowledge and inhibition of impulsive responding and are necessary in many everyday tasks, it was anticipated that this test may provide a useful measure of judgment and estimations and may correlate with other executive skills in school-aged children. 相似文献
When adults are asked to report and date personal memories of their pasts, they show childhood amnesia, that is, diminished recall of experiences over the childhood years. This way of demonstrating the phenomenon was supplemented in the present study with a more direct approach: Participants reported events of early childhood that they knew they had experienced (because of family stories, photographs, etc.) but did not actually remember. The resulting cumulative relative frequency distributions produced by the two methods were substantially different, with the median age of remembered events being 6.07 years and of known events, 3.20 years. We suggest that the mean of these two ages, 4.64 years, gives a good indication of when childhood amnesia is eclipsed by personal memories in adults' recall of their personal pasts. 相似文献
Two memory-based theories of automaticity were compared. The mixture model and the race model both describe automatization as a transition from algorithmic processing to memory retrieval. The mixture model predicts that, with training, the variability of reaction time will initially increase, and later decrease in a concave downward manner, whereas the race model predicts the variability will decrease only in a concave upward manner. The mixture model predicts that using both algorithm and retrieval on a single trial will be slower than using the algorithm alone, whereas the race model predicts the reverse. The experiments used an alphabet arithmetic task, in which subjects verified equations of the form H + 3 = K and made subjective reports of their strategies on individual trials. Both the variability of reaction times and the pattern of reaction times associated with the strategy reports supported the race model. 相似文献