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当前我国各个高等师范院校都已开设了公共课心理学。学习这门课的学生数量很多,他们大部份将是未来的中学教师。改进和提高公共课心理学的教学质量具有十分重要的意义,它将在一定程度上影响我国中等教育的质量。现在大多数高等师范院校的学生学习心理学的态度是认真的,他们喜欢心理学。一部份学生除了学习教师指定的教材外,还主动地阅读一  相似文献   

全国公共课心理学教学研究会于1984年8月15日至21日在安徽省屯溪市召开了第二届年会。参加这次会议的有来自全国的高等师范院校和教育院校的公共课心理学教师八十五名。会议收到教学经验总结材料四十二份。东北师范大学副教授张德同志主持了会议。会议完成了三项基本任务:①交流了近年来公共课心理学的教学经验,明确了公共课心理学的改革必须以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。与会同志还就公共课心理学教学目的任务,教法改革,特别是教材建设方面交换了意见;②组织了学术专题报告。东北师大副教授陈宝翠同志和杭州大学副教授龚浩然同志,分别介绍了美国和苏联的心理学发展状  相似文献   

加强师专心理学课程实验教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范安平 《心理科学》1997,20(4):380-381
与此文有关的交流请与范安平(334001江西省上饶师专)联系。1问题公共课心理学是师专教育体现师范性的一门重要课程,其教学质量,直接影响到师专学生整体职业素质的培养。目前这门课的教学普遍存在“听起来有味,用起来不会”甚至“学而无趣,学后无用”的现象。究其原因是多方面的。但心理学作为一门以实验为基础的学科,在师专教学中困于理论讲授,缺少实验教学是其重要原因之一。师专心理学课程缺乏实验教学有其主、客观原因。主观原因主要体现在对心理实验教学的重要性和必要性认识不足;客观原因则是多方面的:首先,课时有限。师专…  相似文献   

鲜明特色的高师公共课心理学教材   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华兵 《心理科学》1998,21(1):91-92
最近,上海教育出版社出版了黄希庭教授主编、六位教授参编的高师公共课《心理学》教材。这是中国心理学会教学工作委员会组织专家参加心理学教材改革的一个重要举措。作为一名读者,我读过许多公共课心理学教材。相比之下,我觉得这部教材是下了很大功夫、写出了新水平并具有自己的鲜明特色的。故而值得推荐.也值得研究.概括说来,其特色有如下五方面。一、取材重点准确心理学知识林林总总,资料浩如烟海。撰写高等师范院校公共课心理学教材,究竟根据什么来选材和确定知识点?这是一部教材适用性的大问题。综观全书,我们发现,该书作者…  相似文献   

编写公共课心理学教材之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1引言公关课心理学是我国高等师范院校面向全校各系开设的课程。学习这门课程的学生数量很多,他们中大部分是未来的中学教师、不断改革和提高公共课心理学教材的质量是很有意义的事,它将影响我国中等教育的质量,关系到培养跨世纪人才的宏伟工程。我国历来对编写公共课心理学教材十分重视。教育部在80年代前后组织编写了一系列的公共课心理学教材和参考书。例如,198o年出版的伍章律、李伯黍、吴福元主编的小心理学》;1984年出版章志光主编的《心理学入国家教委高等学校文科教材办公室在1985年确定由叶奕乾、祝蓓里主编《心理学》和由张…  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,在探索心理活动规律的许多方法中,实验法起着越来越重要的作用。从某种意义上说,心理学是一门以实验为基础的科学。因此,心理学实验教学是帮助学生掌握基本理论,培养学生操作技能和提高学生动手能力的重要环节。应该看到,它在培养学生严格的科学态度和辩证唯物主义世界观上也有不可忽视的作用。目前,随着我国教育事业的不断发展,心理学实验愈益受到重视。各师范院校教育系已普遍开设了实验心理学课程,与此同时,在高等、中等师范院校的心理学公共课教学中,也不断增加着演示实验和实验教学内容。  相似文献   

高师公共课心理学教改的尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
权朝鲁 《心理学报》1993,26(2):106-110
在文化大革命十年中,和全国许多心理学工作者一样,我的学业几乎完全荒疏。我是1980年走向高师心理学的教学岗位的。起初,主要担负公共课心理学。在公共心理学的教学中,尽管本人做出不少努力,但仍不理想,特别是个别理科系的学生上课消极应付,为此  相似文献   

一、目的、对象和方法高师院校的培养目标是又红又专的中等学校教师。各专业公共课心理学和其它教学计划中设置的课程一样,也是为这个培养目标服务的。但是,我们虽然参加心理学教学工作多年,对于这些通过教学传授给学生的心理学知识到底有无现实意义,即到底对培养目标是否起作用?起哪些作用?实在是心中无数。这不仅对教学有影响,而且也使今后心理学教学的彻底改革缺少依据。  相似文献   

杨心德 《心理学报》1994,27(3):331-336
高师公共课心理学的教学必须改革,方法是将普通心理学体系变为教育心理学体系,吸收现代教育心理学的科研成果,运用心理学原理指导教学方法的改革,理论联系实际,加强心理学知识的应用环节,已取得学生愿学、学后能用的良好效果。  相似文献   

卢家楣  张庆林 《心理学报》1995,28(1):112-112
中国心理学会心理学教学工作委员会举行第一次学术会议中国心理学会心理学教学工作委员会第一次学术会议于1994年7月16日至18日在上海师范大学召开。来自全国各高校的30名代表出席了会议。这次会议的中心议题是高师公共课心理学教学改革问题和制订本工作委员会...  相似文献   

In this study, independent samples from the same population responded to three simulated situations in which sex and other independent variables were manipulated. In the first two cases, discriminatory decisions against women managers by male respondents were clearly discerned. However, in the third case where sex as an independent variable interacted with developmental potential, the pattern of evaluative decisions changed. A high-potential female was treated as favourably as a high-potential male while the low-potential male received the lowest selection rate from the male respondents. While the finding is not altogether surprising in a meritocratic society like Singapore, the study points to the need to explore the interactive effects which sex bias may have with other attitudes in a specific social context.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Greek goddess Athena and her father Zeus, together with the competitive hostility she displays towards other females, is presented as illustrating some previously neglected aspects of triangular developmental conflicts in the little girl. Literature on ‘the Oedipus complex in the female’ is reviewed and discussed. The mythological early histories of both Athena and the female monster Medusa are examined for the light they can shed on female developmental vicissitudes and resultant conflicts in both women and men. Unconscious split representations of women as assertive, phallic and dangerous, or alternatively passive, castrated and receptive result in defensive repudiation of the idea that a woman can be both actively assertive and also feminine and sexual. Athena's enraged action of transforming the beautiful young maiden Medusa into a monster as punishment for the ‘crime’ of having been raped in her temple is discussed as illustrating an outcome of the lack of resolution of the little girl's early triangular conflicts.  相似文献   

Several authors have written intriguingly about the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Each hemisphere perceives the world differently, impacting that which it looks upon and reinforcing our particular world view. Notably, the left hemisphere, has always been assumed to be the dominant hemisphere, but only because it has language and is so adept at formulating arguments. The detached mode of the left hemisphere, while useful and necessary to get distance, is no more real than the engaged, imaginative approach of the right hemisphere. Having written about self-sufficiency as a defense against feeling alone and helpless, I now consider these rational, problem solving, answer generating, and planning activities as products of the left hemisphere. The approach that I am suggesting is of calling our patients’ attention to how their left hemisphere overpowers the new, more uncertain voice of the right hemisphere just after it speaks in a session.  相似文献   

Aaron Adair 《Zygon》2012,47(1):7-29
Abstract Centuries of both theologians and astronomers have wondered what the Star of Bethlehem (Matt 2:2, 9) actually was, from miracle to planetary conjunction. Here a history of this search is presented, along with the difficulties the various proposals have had. The natural theories of the Star are found to be a recent innovation, and now almost exclusively maintained by scientists rather than theologians. Current problems with various theories are recognized, as well as general problems with the approach. The interactions between the sciences and religion are categorized and explored.  相似文献   

The ability structure in retarded women was studied on the same lines as with men (Kebbon, 1965). The women, 89 in number, were between 17 and 54, their IQ's between 40 and 90. Factor analysis was done of their scores on 16 tests measuring four factors—verbal, spatial-inductive, numerical and psychomotor. Comparison with the corresponding scores from 89 matched men and 92 normal men indicated that, in terms of these factors, retarded women have the same ability structure as retarded men, and that both have a similar structure to that of persons of average and superior intelligence.  相似文献   

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