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医学创新中的灵感和想象   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
医学创新活动是探索未知规律的创造性活动。任何一项医学上的重大突破,既是对传统观念和理论的变革,又是创造性思维的结晶。在医学创新活动中,无论课题的确立、观察、实验的设计、科学假说的提出、新理论的创立,都是创造性思维过程。灵感和想象是创造性思维的心理基础,是创造性思维的核心,从一般方法论的角度考察和认识医学创新中的灵感和想象,对于开发智能,提高创造性思维能力有十分重要的意义。1 灵感在创造的过程中,新形象和新假设的产生往往带有突然性,人们把科学家和艺术家在创造过程达到高潮阶段出现的一种富有创造性的心…  相似文献   

一、灵感的概念根据现有的资料,可以把灵感归纳为主体在创造思维活动中高度集中注意,积极探索问题,一时发生顿悟,从而解决或导向解决问题的思维状态。这就是灵感发生前后的整个过程而言的。所谓灵感来了,就是主体在创造思维活动中一时感到茅塞顿开,豁然开朗,解决问题的思路明朗化了,因而一下子或再经过一番思考,就把久悬的问题解决了。于是一般人往往把灵感局限于创造思维活动中主体对问题发生顿悟的一种思维飞跃,即主体顿时感到解决问题的巴路明朗化的爆发式思维现象。这仅仅  相似文献   

医学整合,不仅是一种创新行为,也是一种创新思维形式.医学创新思维整合形式的特征是相关思维材料合理迁移、相关思维方式的耦合.医学创新思维是理性思维,迷信灵感和直觉而忽略逻辑是危险的.需要逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的整合;医学创新思雏是复杂性思维,强调批判而否定传承是片面的.需要批判性思维和经验性思维的整合.医学整合,不仅可以从本体论层面予以理解,还可以从方法论层面予以运用.医学创新思维整合形式的研究需要整合理念的方法论引导.  相似文献   

医学整合,不仅是一种创新行为,也是一种创新思维形式。医学创新思维整合形式的特征是相关思维材料合理迁移、相关思维方式的耦合。医学创新思维是理性思维,迷信灵感和直觉而忽略逻辑是危险的,需要逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的整合;医学创新思维是复杂性思维,强调批判而否定传承是片面的,需要批判性思维和经验性思维的整合。医学整合,不仅可以从本体论层面予以理解,还可以从方法论层面予以运用。医学创新思维整合形式的研究需要整合理念的方法论引导。  相似文献   

我国著名科学家钱学森近年来提出,人有三种思维:抽象(逻辑)思维形象(直感)思维和灵感(顿悟)思维。①抽象思维是线性的,形象思维是二维的,灵感思维是三维的。灵感是形象思维从显意识扩大到潜意识,是从更广泛的范围或是三维的范围来进行形象维思。他说:“我要强调的是直感是显意识,而灵感是潜意识”。至于对灵感机制的研究,他认为,“现在我们只好耐心,突破口在形象思维,如果形象思维  相似文献   

陈蕊 《美与时代》2016,(9):22-23
版画作为一种平面艺术形式早已走入了人们的视线,版画在创作过程中灵感思维给画家们带来的绘画思路也是创作源泉必不可少的要素之一。而作为平面艺术表现之一的铜版画,对于灵感思维的需要更是有过之而无不及;再加上顿悟思维和直觉思维的辅助作用,使得铜版画在抛开了平面艺术的效果之外,同样作为一种魅力无穷的绘画形式而存在着。  相似文献   

创新思维中原型激活促发顿悟的认知神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创造性是人类智能的高级表现, 创新思维则是个体创造性的核心过程。我们以创造性问题解决中的顿悟过程为研究对象, 提出并验证了创新思维中原型激活促发顿悟的理论构想; 综合运用事件相关电位(ERP)和功能性核磁共振(fMRI)的技术优势, 初步揭示了原型激活促发顿悟的大脑机制。具体表现为, 楔前叶的激活可能与原型激活和关键信息提取有关; 左侧额下回/额中回的激活可能与与思维定势打破和新异联结形成有关; 同时研究也表明大脑的特定准备状态(额中回/扣带前回的激活)对顿悟的产生有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

爱因斯坦的创造性思维一直是当代科学方法论研究的最重要的案例之一。关于创造性思维,爱因斯坦可说是一个直觉主义者。什么是直觉?粗略地说,直觉是一种非逻辑的跳跃性思维,它和灵感、顿悟、自由想象等属于同一个范畴。直觉思维没有确定的模式,而逻辑思维有确定的模式。 有趣的是,关于直觉思维和逻辑思维在科学创造中所起的作用,两位最伟大的科学家牛顿和爱因斯坦的观点几乎是截然相反  相似文献   

顿悟问题思维僵局早期觉察的脑电研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈汪兵  刘昌  罗劲  余洁 《心理学报》2012,44(7):924-935
思维僵局不仅是顿悟问题有别于常规问题的重要要素, 而且是顿悟赖以实现的基础。先前研究虽对顿悟瞬间的脑认知活动进行了较充分的探讨, 但却较少对思维僵局的有关过程进行研究。思维僵局究竟是源于早期的知觉阶段还是晚期的问题加工阶段至今仍是未解之谜, 但它却是人们认识顿悟过程所必需的。只有充分认识和理解了该过程, 才可能更全面地理解顿悟究竟建立在怎样的脑认知表征的基础之上。研究运用ERPs技术, 采用猜谜任务范式对顿悟中思维僵局产生的阶段及其脑认知活动进行了探讨。研究发现, 在120~210 ms和620~800 ms内, “有僵局”谜题较之“无僵局”谜题在额-中央区分别诱发了一个更正的P170和晚期LPC。其中, P170主要反映人脑对思维僵局的早期觉察, LPC则主要表征人脑经过一定解题尝试后对前期预评估僵局的修正和有意识反思。这些结果挑战了传统的思维僵局的晚期产生假说, 支持思维僵局的“早期产生机制”假说, 表明人脑在早期知觉阶段就能直觉地觉察思维僵局的存在。  相似文献   

科学创造中的心理过程是比较复杂的。直觉、灵感和顿悟都具有产生和完成的瞬时性、过程的非逻辑性和较强的创造性;不仅如此,它们还常常交织在一起,如直觉引发灵感、导致顿悟,灵感和顿悟又伴随着直觉的判断等等,但这并不等于说三者没有区别。从理论上对它们加以区分,对于创造心理学和科学方法论的研究是必要的。  相似文献   

为进一步探讨食管癌的发病机制和寻求食管癌的防治新策略,本文回顾了现代科学技术革命和食管癌研究的发展史,借鉴现代科学技术革命的成功经验,提出将整体的有关调节因素与食管癌发病机制相结合,拓宽综合性和多学科合作的研究思路,可能会发现攻克食管癌防治研究的突破点,同时,创新研究技术和加强实验室建设是加速食管癌研究取得新进展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Research on priming is commonly taken to establish that much of human behavior is automatic and caused by largely subconscious processes. This research has recently come under increased scrutiny as some classic studies have proved difficult to replicate. In this essay, we bring the views of William James to bear on priming. Though James leaves room for instinct and habit, he rejects the view that human psychology is ultimately mechanistic on the grounds that it is naïvely simplistic. James is also able to explain why priming studies are bound to face replicability issues: human behavior unfolds in a dynamic multifarious constellation of interrelationships among people, consciousness, and the world. To offer researchers a productive direction for studying cognition, we conclude by briefly introducing an approach known as enactivism – an approach that resonates with the ideas James puts forth.  相似文献   

The author puts forth a concept of the ego ideal as the fantasied self that the child believes will bring it gratification and happiness. He then shows how the ego ideal's content evolves through the various stages of psychosexual development in accordance with its mission. A picture emerges of an ego ideal in inherent conflict because it is shaped by contradictory wishes, as well as contradictory fantasies of how to make those wishes come true. A section on romantic love points to a second contradiction within the ego ideal, beyond its contradictory content: a contradiction of aim.  相似文献   

Cattell has sought continually to bring psychology into dialogue with ethics. In the space available for this essay it is impossible to adequately review all of this work. The aim is to provide a brief overview by, first, discussing how Cattell has included morals and values in his theory of personality, and second, describing some features of his ideas for improving ethical reasoning and ethical systems. I will close w"ith some evaluative comments of Cattell's integration of psychology and ethics.  相似文献   

Roberts S 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2004,27(2):227-62; discussion 262-87
Little is known about how to generate plausible new scientific ideas. So it is noteworthy that 12 years of self-experimentation led to the discovery of several surprising cause-effect relationships and suggested a new theory of weight control, an unusually high rate of new ideas. The cause-effect relationships were: (1) Seeing faces in the morning on television decreased mood in the evening (> 10 hrs later) and improved mood the next day (> 24 hrs later), yet had no detectable effect before that (0-10 hrs later). The effect was strongest if the faces were life-sized and at a conversational distance. Travel across time zones reduced the effect for a few weeks. (2) Standing 8 hours per day reduced early awakening and made sleep more restorative, even though more standing was associated with less sleep. (3) Morning light (1 hr/day) reduced early awakening and made sleep more restorative. (4) Breakfast increased early awakening. (5) Standing and morning light together eliminated colds (upper respiratory tract infections) for more than 5 years. (6) Drinking lots of water, eating low-glycemic-index foods, and eating sushi each caused a modest weight loss. (7) Drinking unflavored fructose water caused a large weight loss that has lasted more than 1 year. While losing weight, hunger was much less than usual. Unflavored sucrose water had a similar effect. The new theory of weight control, which helped discover this effect, assumes that flavors associated with calories raise the body-fat set point: The stronger the association, the greater the increase. Between meals the set point declines. Self-experimentation lasting months or years seems to be a good way to generate plausible new ideas.  相似文献   

A New Dog-Image     
Marie-Louise Von Franz: Every time one feels he has acquired a certain inner balance, a firm standpoint, something happens from within or without to throw it over again. This force always comes through the fourth door, which cannot be shut. There one has to succumb, one has to suffer defeat in order to develop further. The inferior function is the ever-bleeding wound of the conscious personality, but through it the unconscious can always come in and so enlarge consciousness and bring forth a new attitude. (1971, p. 54)  相似文献   


Reflecting in the present paper on the legitimacy of a work to collect together the ideas, concepts, and terms of Sándor Ferenczi, the author will explore, through a series of questions and answers, the following points: why it is so clear-cut that Ferenczi should be included in the company of those great psychoanalytic authors who might be deemed entitled to such a study; whether Ferenczi possessed his own language, and if this was the case, when and how he acquired it; what we mean when we refer to Ferenczi’s idiomatic language, and how we can profitably identify this language and bring it into focus; how, in practice, such a text should be organized; what its audience and function would be; and how it would be used by readers and students of Ferenczi.  相似文献   

Konrad Werner 《Axiomathes》2013,23(3):525-542
Psychoontology is a philosophical theory of the cognizing subject and various related matters. In this article. I present two approaches to the discipline—the first proposed by Jerzy Perzanowski, the second by Jesse Prinz and Yoram Hazony. I then undertake to bring these into unity using certain ideas from Husserl and Frege. Applying the functor qua, psychoontology can be described as a discipline concerned with: (a) the cognizing subject qua being—this leads to the question: what kind of being is the subject (is it an object?, simple or complex?, a process?) and what makes him/her/it possible; (b) being qua cognized, this leads to the question: under what conditions can we access the world? Since the notion of being qua cognized might seem peculiar, I present its context and discuss it in detail in the last section.  相似文献   

Abstract— Scientific development leads to a technology of ideas—idea technology—no less than it leads to a technology of objects But idea technology can hove insidious effects that the technology of objects does not First, ideas can suffuse through a culture before people notice they are there And second, ideas can have profound effects even when they are false—when they are nothing more than ideology These effects can arise because sometimes when people act on the basis of ideology, they inadvertently arrange the very conditions that bring reality into correspondence with the ideology. This potential effect of ideology is discussed in connection with the behavioral psychology of Skinner and the claim by Herrnstein and Murray that intelligence is, far all practical purposes, unmodifiable I suggest that, in general, psychologists must be on the lookout for positive feedback loops between theory and practice that contribute to theory confirmation and thus mislead psychologists into interpreting historically and culturally contingent truths as universal ones  相似文献   

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