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近年来,医患双方的紧张关系不断显现,医疗纠纷已成为当今社会热点问题之一,人民法院受限于专业限制将医疗纠纷鉴定结论作为首要的处理医疗纠纷的基本依据.审核现有医疗纠纷鉴定规则及其程序,存在医疗知识不确定、鉴定规则不完备、鉴定内容难以掌握等因素,导致双方对鉴定结论产生疑惑,造成了当事人对裁判依据的不信任与不认可.对此,完善针对医疗鉴定的质证制度是最重要的程序和手段.目前,主要切入口是完善鉴定人到场制度和建立专家参与审判制度.  相似文献   

造成小儿外科医疗纠纷的重要因素是医患沟通不够、缺乏信任和理解。知情同意是加强医患沟通和信任的重要方式。深入理解并实现患儿及家属的知情同意权,重视和做好手术委托知情同意书的签署,合理履行告知说明义务,让家属在充分知情基础上做出自主的理性的选择,可缓解紧张的医患关系,减少医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

试论重大医疗纠纷处理中的政府支持问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何正确妥善处理重大医疗纠纷,建立有效预防医疗纠纷的社会保障机制,对医疗卫生事业的健康发展和构建和谐社会具有重要的现实意义。本文就重庆医科大学附属第二医院在政府部门支持下妥善处理的一例重大医疗纠纷作了分析和讨论,并进一步对医疗纠纷现状分析,最后得出了解决重大医疗纠纷的启示及建议。  相似文献   

分析某综合医院医疗纠纷发生的特点及原因,提出防范医疗纠纷的建议。对该院2010年~2013年医疗纠纷的数量、科室分布、原因构成、患者分布特征及其采取的主要行为、处理途径与结果等进行描述性分析。外科科室是医疗纠纷发生的高发科室;医疗技术水平、服务水平是导致该院发生医疗纠纷的主要原因;医患纠纷频数与患者文化程度有一定相关度;医疗纠纷主要在医院内进行沟通解决。通过提高医疗服务质量、强化医疗纠纷高发科室的监管、加强医患间的有效沟通等途径防范医疗纠纷。  相似文献   

发生在婚前医学检查过程中的医疗纠纷增加了人们对婚前医学检查的负面评价和不信任.通过对近年来发生的婚检医疗纠纷进行研究发现,婚检医疗纠纷主要包括漏诊医疗纠纷、误诊医疗纠纷、侵犯隐私权和知情权医疗纠纷以及人身损害医疗纠纷四类.就婚检医疗纠纷所涉及的漏诊误诊责任的判断、损害后果范围的确定和医疗机构在知情权与隐私权冲突时的选择等相关法律问题进行了探讨,提出应当通过立法明确婚检疾病的范围和规范婚检医师的资质、婚检医疗机构严格保护受检者隐私和身体来防范婚检医疗纠纷的发生.  相似文献   

近几年,医疗纠纷事件频发,成为影响社会稳定的焦点问题。这就迫切需要行之有效的医疗纠纷解决机制。通过对人民调解机制的概念、在医疗纠纷领域的法律依据、现状、优势等进行了分析,认为将人民调解机制引入医疗纠纷领域,鼓励并发展人民调解机制不失为一条有效、经济、公正的医疗纠纷解决途径。  相似文献   

医疗纠纷泛化原因多视角分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,医疗纠纷日趋增多,成为各卫生部门的最大难题,是继医疗改革之后的又一备受社会各界关注的热门话题,医患关系成为社会最不和谐的声音。医患关系是在社会政治、经济、文化、法律等因素共同作用,围绕“治病”所形成的道德、诚信、契约、经济利益关系,通过分析现代医患关系的变化,探讨医疗纠纷增多的原因。  相似文献   

论当前医疗纠纷的表现特点,处理及防范对策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
报道本教研室43年316例医疗纠纷尸检资料的分析结果,结合实际工作经验与体会,论述当前医疗纠绿的表现特点,处理对策和防范措施。认为近年来医疗纠纷逐渐增多;发生科室以妇产科和外科多见;医疗纠纷中非医疗事故多于医疗事故。处理对策建议是:遵循法律,注意程序,讲究方法,公平合理。指出完善医疗管理是防范医疗纠纷的关键,提高医疗水平是防范医疗纠纷的根本。  相似文献   

日本医疗纠纷防范处理措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的人文以及社会文化背景与我国相近,而日本医院精细化的管理,医师协会创立的医疗责任保险以及有效的医疗纠纷处理机制,使得日本的医疗纠纷发生率一直较低.通过分析日本在防范医疗纠纷中以上几方面的成功经验,提出对我国医疗纠纷防范的启示,为我国当前医疗纠纷的防范和处理提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

运用法律经济学的观点对医疗纠纷的诉讼程序和非诉讼程序的效益进行对比分析,阐明非诉讼程序解决医疗纠纷的可行性。指出现行医疗纠纷非诉讼的缺陷和问题。并提出完善医疗纠纷非诉讼程序的建议,如建立非诉讼的强制前置程序、完善信息的对称流动等。  相似文献   

论医护人员对患者隐私权保护的注意义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侵害患者隐私权的医疗纠纷频发,很大原因是医护人员未履行对患者隐私保密的高度注意义务。从具体案例出发,就医护人员对患者隐私权保护的注意义务进行阐释,探究该义务产生的根源,对违反该注意义务的责任进行评析。以期提高医护人员对患者隐私权保护注意义务的重视,减少相关医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

医疗纠纷产生的法律根源及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,我国的医疗纠纷案件逐年增多。卫生立法滞后、违法现象严重、执法不统一、患者法律意识增强、鉴定程序不合理是产生医疗纠纷的重要法律根源。提出的对策:(1) 加快卫生立法,创建良好的法制环境;(2) 完善处理医疗纠纷的法律;(3) 严格执法;(4) 开展法制宣传工作,提高医患双方的法制观念。  相似文献   

医学思维和法律思维是两种不同的思维方式。在卫生法律的实施过程中,经常会遇到这两种思维方式相互冲突的现象。究其原因,在于医学思维和法律思维之间存在的差异。认清差异、分析成因、寻求处置思路和办法对于正确处理医疗纠纷、和谐医患关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The tangle modality is a propositional connective that extends basic modal logic to a language that is expressively equivalent over certain classes of finite frames to the bisimulation-invariant fragments of both first-order and monadic second-order logic. This paper axiomatises several logics with tangle, including some that have the universal modality, and shows that they have the finite model property for Kripke frame semantics. The logics are specified by a variety of conditions on their validating frames, including local and global connectedness properties. Some of the results have been used to obtain completeness theorems for interpretations of tangled modal logics in topological spaces.  相似文献   

我国特需医疗服务发展已近20年,尽管其在满足较高层次的医疗保健需求方面确实起到了积极的作用,但同时在特需医疗服务的内涵、服务内容和承担主体等问题上却始终存在着较大争议。本研究从剖析各位学者对上述问题的不同观点入手,对特需医疗服务的供需双方进行意向调查,在此基础上探讨我国特需医疗服务发展的基本思路,为促进我国特需医疗服务的良性发展提供决策的参考依据。  相似文献   

Genetic counseling service is urgently required in developing countries. In Malaysia, the first medical genetic service was introduced in 1994 at one of the main teaching hospitals in Kuala Lumpur. Two decades later, the medical genetic services have improved with the availability of genetic counseling, genetic testing and diagnosis, for both paediatric conditions and adult-onset inherited conditions, at four main centers of medical genetic services in Malaysia. Prenatal diagnosis services and assisted reproductive technologies are available at tertiary centres and private medical facilities. Positive developments include governmental recognition of Clinical Genetics as a subspecialty, increased funding for genetics services, development of medical ethics guidelines, and establishment of support groups. However, the country lacked qualified genetic counselors. Proposals were presented to policy-makers to develop genetic counseling courses. Challenges encountered included limited resources and public awareness, ethical dilemmas such as religious and social issues and inadequate genetic health professionals especially genetic counselors.  相似文献   

The growth of child and adolescent psychiatric services based on the wraparound philosophy raises new questions for medical directors, investigators, and clinicians interested in improving quality of care and outcomes. Typically, quality improvement studies have focused on standardizing care and decreasing variation while community based services following a wraparound model are by definition individualized. To date, little information on how to evaluate such services in a managed care environment has been available. We present one option for evaluating the distribution of medical services and the extent to which providers individualize services for children with severe emotional disorders. Specifically, we (a) review the philosophy and goals of wraparound services, (b) introduce the Lorenz curve as a tool for determining the degree of inequality in service distribution at a given institution, and (c) present a case study on the use of Lorenz curves by a Medicaid Behavioral Health Organization in profiling behavioral providers.  相似文献   

Organisations providing social services in communities of high crime and violence must address staff well-being. The current study surveyed 284 urban community development workers from faith-based organisations in five US cities. The study explored the effects of race and ethnicity on service utilisation and perceived need using binomial logistic regression. Race and ethnicity significantly predicted medical service utilisation, indicating that Caucasian participants were five times more likely and African-American participants were 3.8 times more likely than Latino/a participants to utilise medical services. Race and ethnicity did not predict differences in use of psychological or spiritual services, nor of perceived need for services. Furthermore, volunteer staffs were approximately four times more likely than paid staff to report self-addressing their psychological and spiritual needs rather than utilising services, despite a felt need for support. Barriers to resource utilisation and implications for policies and practices of urban community development organisations are discussed.  相似文献   

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