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危重病人作为较特殊的病人,其种种权利因病情、行动和医院等方面的原因,使得实现起来困难,我国正是因为医院管理,医疗制度和伦行等原因使危重病人的权利的行使存在了许多障碍。  相似文献   

病人的权利与医疗机构的义务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
病人的权利与医疗机构的义务 ,是指在提供与接受医疗服务过程中 ;病人的医疗权利和医疗机构所担负的执业义务。病人究竟有哪些医疗权利 ?医疗机构负有哪些执业义务 ?这一问题在调整医患关系中是一个基础性问题 ,关系到医疗机构依法行医 ,政府依法治医 ,公众和舆论依法评医 ;是判断医疗机构执业的是非曲直的基本准绳。弄清这一问题 ,对于病人权益保护立法 ,对于医疗服务合同的研究与推广 ,对于医疗事故纠纷的正确处理 ,都具有重要意义。根据民法理论 ,依据我国《民法通则》、《消费者权益保护法》、《执业医师法》和《医疗机构管理条例》、《…  相似文献   

保护病人的权利直接关系到人权保障,已成为社会热点问题.在分析我国病人权利保护的现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了在制度、观念、社会自治等层面如何改进的举措,主要包括推进医院管理体制改革、法律规范的完善、健全行业自治规范、推进社会自治、建设和谐医患关系等方面.  相似文献   

接受辅助生殖技术的女性从治疗开始已经承受生理、心理、社会关系、经济等方面的各种压力,这足以对其以后的生活产生不良影响。因此,在实施此项技术过程中应尽量避免对受术女性产生不必要的伤害,尊重其平等就医权和知情同意权,保护身心健康,尊重人格及尊严,提高其生命质量。  相似文献   

接受辅助生殖技术的女性从治疗开始已经承受生理、心理、社会关系、经济等方面的各种压力,这足以对其以后的生活产生不良影响.因此,在实施此项技术过程中应尽量避免对受术女性产生不必要的伤害,尊重其平等就医权和知情同意权,保护身心健康,尊重人格及尊严,提高其生命质量.  相似文献   

赵文媛  佟玉兰 《学海》2012,(4):191-199
威廉·科贝特是19世纪上半期英国最具影响的激进派之一,其思想遗产在一定程度上引导着宪章运动的走向。科贝特继承了英国传统激进主义思想,致力于维护人民的自由和权利,争取议会下院改革、扩大人民代表权。科贝特生前与民众激进运动关系密切,去世后他的遗产通过科贝特俱乐部和生前著作这两个媒介传递给宪章派。科贝特的激进主张和策略在宪章运动中被广泛传播和吸收,对宪章运动这场19世纪第一次大规模的民众运动始终坚持政治斗争的路线有重要的影响。  相似文献   

透视医疗纠纷:辨析患医双方的权利和义务   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
发生医疗纠纷的一个重要原因是患双方各自站在自己的立场上,维护自己的权利而产生的争端。由于我国卫生法制的滞后,患者被作为消费者伸张权利逐步成为趋势。但我国的医疗卫生事业的性质决定患者不能与消费者等同。医患双方应在更好的游戏规则下协调关系,减少纠纷。  相似文献   

1 问题的提出案例 1:某医院妇产科为一位 5 0岁的女性患者因子宫肌瘤行子宫全切手术 ,术中医生发现患者左侧卵巢有问题 ,在未向家属和病人交待的情况下 ,将左侧卵巢与子宫一并切除。术后患者恢复顺利。数月后 ,患者在另一所医院行常规B超检查时 ,发现“右侧卵巢囊肿 ,左侧卵巢缺如” ,遂向原手术医院提出质疑[1] 。案例 2 :某医院为一位急性肠梗阻病人手术时 ,医生发现患者阑尾红肿 ,在未征得病人或家属同意的情况下 ,将其阑尾切除。虽然病人术后痊愈出院 ,但因此引发医患纠纷 ,病人起诉至法院 ,法院根据《民法通则》的规定 ,认为医生在病…  相似文献   

病人自主权:未来医患关系的根本立足点   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
病人自主权是病人人格、尊严的重要内容。尊重病人自主权是医疗服务的最高境界,是医疗和医患关系新的立足点。在未来医疗中,提高病人权利意识,鼓励和帮助病人自主,给病人更多自主选择和决定的机会,应该是医院和医务工作者义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

考察人工流产相关权利的历史沿革、主要对象及其复杂性问题。运用逻辑与历史相统一和理论与实践相统一的方法, 发现人工流产问题不仅与宗教人士的活动、女性主义者的运动密切相关, 还存在着诸多理论悖论与实践困境。胎儿生命权、健康权和生命尊严, 母亲的生命权、生育权和生命尊严以及父亲的生育权和生命尊严可能存在着内在矛盾;胎儿、母亲与父亲的权利之间可能存在着相互矛盾;此外, 胎儿、母亲和父亲的权利与其文化观念、道德观念及国家政策之间可能存在矛盾。  相似文献   

本文用系统科学方法分析了化学物致癌机制,化学致癌是一个长期的,多基因,多阶段,多病因过程已被公认,研究者们认为化学致癌系统由基因和非基因因素构成,在此系统中存在若干系统属性,如整体性,综合性,动态性等,医学研究者要在癌症病因,治疗和预防中取得的半功倍成效,就应该科学地运用致癌系统中的这些系统属性。  相似文献   

五四以来传统中医的命运与选择(对话)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过五四以来传统中医境遇的回顾,分析了作为传统文化构件之一的中医学与现代生活的冲突、沟涌、融合,从思想史的层面审视了各种文化姿态、学风旨趣的价值支撑,揭示出人类医学多元共生的兼容特性。  相似文献   

The influential model of verbal working memory (WM) introduced by Baddeley and Hitch (Recent advances in learning and motivation. Academic, New York, 1974) comprised three interacting component parts; an executive controller and two subservient systems. The two subservient systems, one underpinning verbal processing and the other underpinning visual processing are themselves subdivided. In the verbal system, a passive phonological store is maintained by an active phonological loop, which is able to rehearse the material in the passive store. The visual working memory system has traditionally been thought of as having a similar architecture with a passive visual store being maintained by an active store, which codes in terms of movement over space. The paper discusses the evidence for this relationship in visuo-spatial WM and concludes that the architecture does not fit well with the experimental literature. A direction for future research is suggested.  相似文献   

在四川经历了汶川大地震后两年,青海又发生了玉树地震。地震灾害不仅对灾区幸存者造成了身体上的伤害,让人们失去家园和亲人,在心理上也给他们造成了严重的创伤。因此,对于这类人群的灾后心理康复治疗尤为重要。然而,幸存者心理的康复,单纯依靠心理辅导和治疗是不够的,而肢体上的运动能够起到缓解心理症状的良好效果。动作疗法就是一种行之有效的疗法。本文将介绍动作疗法在灾后心理康复的治疗中的运用,并提出具有针对性的动作疗法的措施。  相似文献   

Movement synchrony has been theoretically linked to the emergence of a social unit. To empirically investigate whether similar movement rhythms are an antecedent of perceived entitativity, movement rhythms were experimentally manipulated in four studies. Using this novel approach, stick figures waving in synchrony were found to be rated higher on entitativity than stick figures waving in different rhythms (Study 1), and this effect was extended to interactional synchrony, where different movements are performed in the same rhythm (Study 2). Objective differences in movement rhythms are linearly related to ratings of perceived entitativity, and this relationship is partially mediated by the subjectively perceived similarity of movement rhythms (Study 3). These results also held for entitativity judgments for videotaped individuals waving rhythmically (Study 4). These results support the hypothesis that movement rhythms are an important source of information which observers use to infer the extent to which individuals are a social unit.  相似文献   

平面广告中图形与文本加工差异的眼动研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
记录被试在观看不同文本位置的平面广告时的眼动轨迹,探讨了广告中文本和图形加工的差异性、文本在广告中的不同位置(左上、左下、右下、右上)的加工差异、人们对广告图片及文字的评价与其眼动指标是否具有一致性以及与再认成绩的相关程度等。结果表明,(1)瞳孔大小是比较敏感的指标,在观看广告时,文本的位置及评价水平都可以引起瞳孔大小的改变:而不会对注视时间产生影响。(2)人们对文本和图形的加工方式上存在差异,它不仅表现在眼动指标上,同时也表现在再认成绩上。广告中适当的文字有助于广告内容的记忆。  相似文献   

Pisella et al. (2000) have shown that fast aiming movements are automatically modified on-line in response to a change in target position. Specifically, when a movement is less than 300 ms in duration the reach is completed to a target’s new location even when one never intended to respond to the target jump. In contrast, when movements are slower, the reach is completed according to instructions. At present, it is unclear if it is possible for one’s intentions to guide the initial stages of these slow movements. To determine if the intentional control mechanism can guide the initial stages of a slow aiming movement, participants aimed to targets that could jump at movement onset, with a slow and very slow movement time goal. In particular, participants were to point towards (“pro-point”) or away from (“anti-point”) the target jump, with a movement time goal of 500 or 1200 ms. Results showed that in the anti-point condition, movement trajectories first deviated in the same direction as the target jump, followed by a response in the intended (opposite) direction. This suggests that while movement outcome is controlled by the intentional system, even in these slow aiming movements the automatic system is engaged at movement onset.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence (PMSC) assesses young children's perceptions of movement skill competence: 12 perceived Fundamental Movement skills (FMS; based on the Test of Gross Motor Development 2nd edition TGMD-2) and six Active Play activities (e.g. cycling). The main study purpose was to assess whether children's movement perception scores fit within the imposed constructs of Active Play and FMS by testing the latent structure and construct validity of the PMSC.DesignConstruct validation study.MethodsParticipants were part of the Melbourne Infant Feeding, Activity and Nutrition Trial (InFANT). The latent structure of the PMSC responses was tested through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling (BSEM). Internal consistency was conducted using polychoric correlation-based alphas.ResultsThe 303 children (boys 53.1%, n = 161) were aged 4–5 years (M = 4.7, SD = 0.46). The final model had an 18 item 3-factor solution with good fit indices (using CFA and BSEM). Factors were: Active Play (Bike, Board Paddle, Climb, Skate/Blade, Scooter, and Swim), Object Control – Hand Skills (Bounce, Catch, Hit, Throw), and FMS skills with a leg action (Gallop, Hop, Jump, Leap, Run, Step Slide, Kick, Roll). Alpha reliability values were: Active Play (0.78), Object Control-Hand Skills (0.76) and FMS-Dynamic Leg (0.84).ConclusionYoung children can distinguish between movement perceptions. The factors reflect the hypothesized structure in terms of FMS being distinguished from Active Play. Further research should investigate how and if these constructs change in children over time.  相似文献   

五四新文化运动中的孔子观念需作系统的梳理与分析。五四新文化运动的健将们主要是基于对尊孔派的反感和伦理、文化上的彻底觉悟而发起了对孔子与孔家店集中而猛烈的批评与攻击。他们所批判的主要是孔子的偶像 ,而并不反对孔子本人 ,破除孔子偶像的束缚而使人们的思想从权威和偏见中彻底解放出来 ,这是新文化运动最重要的历史功绩 ;他们虽不反对孔子本人 ,但对孔子与孔子之道采取的是一种社会语境决定论的或历史化的诠释与读解的态度 ,故带来了孔子观念的根本转折。  相似文献   

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