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雷锋精神体现了人类的共同美德梁春道在我国,学习雷锋的活动经过了几起几落,但广大群众对雷锋精神的执著追求和深厚感情却经久不衰;在世界上一些国家、甚至资本主义国家里,有些青少年还开展学雷锋活动,这是为什么?是因为雷锋精神不仅是中华民族传统美德的继承和发展...  相似文献   

青少年是国家的未来,他们的整体素质决定着祖国未来的发展。那么我国青少年心理健康素质到底如何呢?沈德立教授主编的《中国青少年心理健康素质调查研究》这部专著作了明确回答。  相似文献   

青少年是同少,平疋人生的一个关键时期,在少年期至青年期,其发展需要是多方面的,他们过强的社会活动能力是推动社会创新或发展的一股不可忽视的力量。那么,青少年的需求到底有哪些呢?  相似文献   

关于青少年情绪和行为障碍的诊断和矫治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邵志芳 《心理科学》1999,22(2):167-168
1青少年情绪和行为障碍的由来随着社会经济生活的不断发展,人类的生活环境不断丰富,生活节奏不断加快,青少年的心理特点也发生着明显的变化。当今的青少年显得比较轻松活泼、思想开放,发散思维能力和创造力较强、容易接受各种不同的文化,他们的竞争意识显著增强,情...  相似文献   

电子游戏对认知能力的发展有积极影响。它不仅作用于儿童和青少年,而且对老年人的多项认知能力均有提升。另外,电子游戏对失读症、阿尔茨海默氏病患者有显著的治疗效果。未来研究应重视电子游戏对青少年、老年人和特殊人群的影响,并深入考察电子游戏促进人类认知能力发展的生理机制。  相似文献   

青少年迷恋网络会对身心健康发展造成很大的影响,生理上,电脑显示器的辐射会造成其视力下降;在电脑前长时间保持一个姿势会影响颈椎和腰椎的发育等等;更严重的影响是其心理上的。由于迷恋网络造成其注意力不集中,精神涣散.同时因网络而引起的青少年犯罪现象更是层出不穷。既然对青少年而言,网络弊大于利.为什么还有那么多青少年在网吧流连忘返呢?  相似文献   

当代西方青少年研究趋势探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张卫  唐丹  岳颂华 《心理科学》2003,26(3):529-530
“青少年”是社会和历史发展的产物,是工业革命对有技术劳动力需求和教育的结果。自从1904年G.S霍尔的两卷本巨著《青少年心理学》出版之后,青少年心理学便成为研究青少年的一个重要领域,一代又一代研究者对霍尔当时所提的问题、以及有关的许多问题进行了相当广泛和深人的研究——这包括青春期问题、形式运算思维、同一性发展、代沟问题、家庭与同伴影响、学习过渡,以及少女怀孕、物质滥用等一系列理论和实践问题。这些研究影响了众多相关的学术领域,同时也深深影响了人类的健康、教育、宗教和司法等活动。本文旨在对近十余年该领域研究回顾的基础上,结合当前社会发展的形势和变迁,对西方青少年研究在研究主题和研究方法上的趋势作些概括。  相似文献   

人类的性是生理、心理及伦理系统的存在整体."三理"教育的实质是生理、心理及伦理的整合创新模式.从"三理"的视角理解,青少年性教育是依据青少年身心发展规律,帮助青少年打破性无知、和谐性心理、内化性道德、培养性责任.其中以性生理教育为基础,性心理教育为重点,性道德教育为核心,做到"三理结合、三理同步".在家庭、学校及社会的共同努力下,使青少年性教育纳入义务教育之中,帮助青少年健康"性"成长.  相似文献   

当人类以日新月异的发展欢呼着走进21世纪大门时,无不感谢科学给人类社会带来的巨大的物质文明与精神文明,无不高唱科学理性的赞歌。但是,20世纪末世界范围内涌动的伪科学、反科学乃至邪教的社会逆流,却发出了与人类社会进步不和谐的音符,开始搅乱人们的思想,迷惑人们的视线。愚昧迷信、迷功尚教的盛行,使得一些人对于科学的作用与意义以及社会地位发生疑问,甚至有人说,20世纪是科学的世纪,21世纪则应该是宗教精神的世纪。面对这样的声音,不能不让人担忧人类前途与命运,这样的状况会对青少年发生什么样的影响?青少年是祖国未来的建设者和社…  相似文献   

青少年自主研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
青少年自主发展作为青少年心理发展的一个重要组成部分,与之相关的研究十分庞杂.本文从青少年自主概念及其测量、青少年自主发展水平、青少年自主发展影响因素和自主与青少年心理行为发展的关系共四个方面对青少年自主研究进行了综述.  相似文献   

In this article we review answers to 5 questions concerning the development of personality across the life course: How early in the life course can we identify characteristics unique to individuals that will show continuity over time? When in the life course is personality fully developed? What life course factors moderate continuity and change in personality? What are the mechanisms that promote continuity in personality? And finally, what are the mechanisms that promote change in personality? Based on the answers to these 5 questions we conclude (a) that there is modest continuity from childhood to adulthood, (b) that personality traits do not become fixed at a certain age in adulthood and retain the possibility of change even into old age, and (c) that with time and age people become more adept at interacting with their environment such that personality consistency increases with age and is more common than change in midlife and old age.  相似文献   

生物进化体现了生物世界从简单到复杂,从低级到高级的普遍现象,整个进化史可以人类社会出现的界划发为自然状态的进化和人类智慧,意志指导下逐渐展开的人工进化或自由进化,人类的进步必须要和自然环境和谐发展科学必将吸取系统论,理性论和人文精神而成为人类迈向自由地的有力武器。  相似文献   

PCR技术的传奇诞生与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过介绍PCR技术富有传奇色彩的诞生和发展过程以及它对分子生物学乃至整个生命科学界产生的巨大作用,可以看到分子生物学的发展和进步时刻离不开创造性思维,其中的每一项新发明和新理论都是创造性思维的外现或物化,充分体现出它是科学技术革命的先导。作为分子生物学工作者,对现阶段的专业理论和技术不能盲从,只有善于思考、勤于动手、富于创新,才能在分子生物学这片创造性思维的沃土上实现人生价值,迎接新的生命科学世纪的到来  相似文献   

Humans want to go to Mars now. This entails many difficult but solvable challenges. However, human activity on Mars depends on the answers to three fundamental questions: (1) Is there life on Mars, does that life represent at second genesis of life? (2) Can Earth life, and humans in particular, adapt to the Martian gravity of 0.38?g, and will human generations on Mars speciate from humans on Earth? (3) Is there enough carbon, nitrogen, and water on Mars to create a global habitable environment? These answers must be determined on Mars and will decide the scope of human activities.  相似文献   

Possibilities opened up by scientific–technical developments of the last century have led to the breaking up of our basic concepts regarding elementary aspects of human life. Boundaries are more easily crossed (also among genders); the reality of functions and the functions of reality are becoming interchangeable. The audio-visual galaxy, which has evolved over the course of the 20th century, with its two dimensionality has resulted in generations growing up in the past decades who have learnt that the “other” can be a virtual body: the sensual is no longer an essential part of human relations. The somato-affective aspects of the experience get split off—relationships emerge between bodyless minds. This fragmentation also means that the body is seen increasingly as mindless: the linkages between body and mind are profoundly undermined. Reality and fantasy melt into one another. Reality control and thinking becomes insecure effected by a view of the world that has lost its keystones of orientation. When body boundaries get confused in such a manner how do ego boundaries develop? How will primary relationships alter among such conditions? What will the internal images of the objects be like? The deconstruction of our basic concepts about space, time, dimensions, body- and ego boundaries made differentiation and the processes of symbolization extremely difficult. Postmodern ideas, questioning the validity of facts have contributed greatly to transforming our image of reality also on a theoretical level. How do these massive changes effect our daily clinical work and our theory of the mind? My paper tries to explore some experiences and ideas related to these questions through clinical cases and narratives of our present times.  相似文献   

面对21世纪的人类“圣餐” 中国该怎样分享   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人类基因组计划(HumanGenomeProject,HGP)实施7年来已取得巨大进展,不断涌现的新技术、新策略使人基因组全长测序有望在今后几年内提前完成,结构基因组学时代正向功能基因组学时代过渡。然而,发达国家之间的基因争夺战亦愈演愈烈,中国现正面临着严峻挑战。本文简要介绍了HGP研究的国际背景、最新进展及发展趋势,目的在于分析目前我国HGP研究所存在的问题和探讨其发展对策  相似文献   

"Ultimately, I cannot accept the framework of experience demanded and presupposed by the orthodox ecclesiastical tradition. I think I must face this, with consequences I can't foretell. I have another tradition to which I am almost equally respectful–in some ways more so–the tradition of the human heart: novels, art, music, tragedy. I cannot allow that God can only be adored in spirit and in truth by the individual introverted upon himself and detached from all that might disturb and solicit his heart. It must be possible to find and adore God in the complexity of human experience. (Patrick White). On my deathbed, what in memory will I be grateful for? Where will my life have been most fully lived? And memory is a sort of history. The eschatological moment must be a fulfilment and consummation of human history and not its negation merely. Let. me grasp this as true; then perhaps the pain may be more bearable. For of course there must be a negation and a separation at the heart of this affirmation and consent; and this remains the importance of the ecclesiastical tradition".  相似文献   

论公民道德建设的内在规律性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民道德建设取得实效的关键在于认识和把握其内在规律性。道德内化是贯穿于公民道德建设全过程的一个不以人的意志为转移的客观规律 ,它支配着公民道德的形成和发展。道德内化规律发生作用的过程是一个他律和自律、受动性和主动性有机统一的过程 ,并呈现出阶段性的特点。所以 ,在公民道德建设的过程中 ,我们应当把他律机制和自律机制、灌输机制和接受机制、先进性要求和广泛性要求有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

Although life-span psychology and life course sociology share much in common, they also differ in significant ways. One such difference concerns their points of entry into the study of human behavior: When formulating questions, life-span psychologists typically begin with cognitive, emotional, or motivational characteristics of the person, and life course sociologists often begin with social context and roles. Yet by developing research programs with dual points of entry, encompassing both psychological functions and social context and roles, behavioral scientists will encourage interdisciplinary work that cuts across the life-span and life course. This strategy also encourages research that examines person-context interactions, which are likely features of development and aging. We illustrate the dual points of entry approach by considering career development during the transition to adulthood.  相似文献   

当全世界人类基因组计划在近年取得迅速和突出的进展,即将来临床的21世纪将带领人类基因组计,划进入一个基基因组时代、蛋白组计划、生物信息学的新时代,所有这些将构成21世纪生命科学研究的核心前沿和主流。同亲,生物信息学的成果将高度地拓展生命科学新的研究领域和加速其研究的里程。多种多样数以千万计的生命模式(如生物大分子结构功能的模式)的数字化,将是加快生命科学信息化步入一个崭新的水平和时代的必由之路。  相似文献   

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