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<东方哲学史>以时间为纵轴,将公元前30世纪以来这五千年历史分为"上古"、"中古"、"近古"、"近代"和"现代"五卷;以地域为横轴,横向阐述东方各国的哲学思想.整部<东方哲学史>纵横结合,圆融无碍,彰显了东方哲学的个性和特点.  相似文献   

作为浪漫派诗人的马克思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卡尔·马克思是一位诗人?一位浪漫派诗人?这是确实是个矛盾!诗歌和“科学社会主义”的创始人有何干系?我愿斗胆作答:有很大关系!的确,马克思的科学社会主义的观点本质上是变形的诗歌,其无产阶级的“发现”,即科学社会主义庞大体系的关键要素,是受到马克思早期  相似文献   

This article presents the idea that during the 1990s an important change took place in relation between minorities and majorities: the emergence of minorities as victims alongside the formerly predominant active, militant minorities. A hypothesis is raised that these two types of minorities differ in their agenda as well as in the nature of the influence they exert. Active minorities trigger an external conflict with majority and induce conversion (latent rather than overt influence); minorities as victims create an internal conflict, a sense of guilt, within the majority, while they exert an exclusively overt influence. We report two experiments confirming our hypothesis. We discuss the novelty of this phenomenon and its relevance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Liu  Bin 《Philosophia》2022,50(4):1955-1976

I argue that conventionalists should construe a posteriori necessity as restricted necessity. I take Sidelle’s defence of the conventionalist explanation of a posteriori necessity against the contingency problem as the starting point. Sidelle construes a posteriori necessity as unrestricted necessity and then argues that a posteriori necessity is to be considered under a fixed convention (meaning) and is thus irrelevant to the contingent nature of our linguistic conventions. I offer a different solution to the contingency problem. I argue that conventionalists should construe a posteriori necessity as restricted necessity based upon a use-based meta-semantic picture. Restricted necessity is contingent in a broader sense and does not conflict with the contingency of conventions. My solution allows conventionalists to explain a posteriori necessity as restricted necessity. I show that the realist’s arguments for a posteriori necessity are unconvincing in regard to real modal features and a posteriori necessity as unrestricted necessity. We thus have good reason to continue to accept a posteriori necessity as restricted necessity under the conventionalist explanation.


作为一种生活方式的哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在古希腊,哲学首先是一种活动,而不是静态的知识;是对智慧的爱,而不是智慧本身;是一种生活方式,而不是一个在学院被教授的学问;是提升精神的一个方法,它意味着个体存在方式的根本改变和转换。因此,在古希腊,哲学家不仅是指那些创造了哲学理论体系的人,而且包括那些实践某种哲学观念的人。此种哲学观从中世纪开始发生了根本的转换,哲学成为了一种纯粹抽象的、理论的活动,这种状况直到今天仍然没有完全改变。  相似文献   

Worldwide, gastric cancer is one of the most common and fatal cancers. The majority of patients present with an advanced stage of disease. Even with use of palliative chemotherapy most patients die within 1?year after diagnosis. Medical psychological attention after a diagnosis of incurable cancer is focused on end of life support. This paper presents the care of a patient treated with palliative intent with chemotherapy for an irresectable histologically confirmed gastric cancer. When, unexpectedly prolonged symptom free survival followed, the reaction of the patient came as a surprise to the attending medical team. In this case history we urge those who care for incurable cancer patients, that the rare patient who survives against all odds may require special psychological care.  相似文献   

A commonly held belief is that language is an aspect of the biological system since the capacity to acquire language is innate and evolved along Darwinian lines. Written language, on the other hand, is thought to be an artifact and a surrogate of speech; it is, therefore, neither natural nor biological. This disparaging view of written language, even though propounded by some renowned linguists and biologists, has not gained universal acceptance. Dissenters such as linguists from the Prague circle who claim that written language is an independent system that deserves a status equivalent to that of spoken language have developed their argument along linguistic parameters. The present article also endeavors to show that written language is as natural as spoken language but does so from a biolinguistic perspective. Biolinguistics defines language as a product of biological adaptation in the Darwinian sense (Givon, 2002 Givon, T. 2002. Bio-linguistics, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.  [Google Scholar]) and considers language to be innate and species specific (Jenkins, 2000 Jenkins, L. 2000. Biolinguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The present article presents evidence to show that, similar to spoken language, written language has adaptive value, evolved over time, and is relatively independent of spoken language. The Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, which has a history of about 4,000 years, is used for examining the proposition that written language evolved along Darwinian lines as much as spoken language did. It is concluded that written language is yet another manifestation of the natural endowment of the human mind and may not be treated as a proxy for speech. The educational implication is that, in literacy instruction, written language should be given as much importance in today's schools as elements of spoken language, such as phoneme awareness and phonological awareness.  相似文献   

A way of using a word-association technique psychotherapeutically, although not experimental, has been employed as a shortcut "royal road" to understanding a presenting problem.  相似文献   

According to John Rawls, the methods and conclusions of science—when these are non-controversial—constitute public reasons. However, several objections have been raised against this view. This paper focuses on two objections. On the one hand, the associational objection states that scientific reasons are the reasons of the scientific community, and thus paradigmatically non-public in the Rawlsian sense. On the other hand, the controversiality objection states that the non-controversiality requirement rules out their public character when scientific postulates are resisted by a significant portion of the citizenry. The paper replies that both objections miss their mark. To the associational objection, it replies that the relevant test for a reason to be public is whether the reasons have been construed under the rules and constrains of a public frame of thought. Insofar as scientific methods and conclusions correspond to the principles of reasoning and rules of evidence that liberals understand as public, their associational origin is secondary. To the controversiality objection, it replies that the standard for a scientific argument to be regarded as non-controversial should refer to its degree of intra-scientific consensus, since ordinary citizens accept or reject scientific pronouncements conditioned to their particular comprehensive views. Nonetheless, a wide extra-scientific agreement on the epistemic virtues of the scientific method will be needed. The paper concludes that there is a good case to think about scientific reasons as public to the extent that scientific reasoning is a mode of inquiry that mirrors a central aspiration of Rawlsian political liberalism: having a public way of thought and an impersonal standpoint to adjudicate between competing claims.  相似文献   

A preoccupation with predicting the second coming of Christ and the end of the world has led premillennialists to regard the Hebrew prophets primarily as prognosticators who foretold events which would take place hundreds of years after their own time. This article explores the background to and the legacy of this misconception. After noting the premillennialist understanding of prophecy, it considers the perceived relationship between the Jewish people and the end-time in Christian fundamentalist thought. The dangers associated with such a distorted view of Scripture are highlighted in the final part.  相似文献   

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