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免疫分析是一项应用广泛的技术,抗体是免疫分析的关键问题.循环中内源性抗体对免疫分析的干扰与该技术本身一样古老,由于抗体干扰造成的可疑或错误的结果一直与其并存.但对于其机制、类型和对策并未廓清.有鉴于此,有必要对抗体干扰免疫分析的诸多问题进行更深入的基础与临床研究,以提高临床诊断水平.  相似文献   

首先,采用水热法合成了以NaYF4为基质,Yb3+为敏化剂,Yb3+和Er3+共掺杂的NaYF4:Yb,Er上转换纳米粒子,并采用改良的St6ber法将其表面包覆二氧化硅层,然后用硅烷化试剂进行氨基化修饰,最后以戊二醛为交联剂,将其与抗体成功结合,合成了抗体生物功能化的上转换纳米粒子。实验过程分别采用TEM、FT—IR等方式对其粒径、形貌、表面配体等进行了表征。最后,将与抗体分子与上转换纳米粒子成功结合,并将其作为荧光探针,以硝酸纤维素膜为介质,采用双抗体夹心式荧光免疫方法对SEB毒素进行了检测,实验表明,该方法简单快速,灵敏度高,非常适合于生物分子的荧光免疫分析。  相似文献   

本文针对高新技术迅猛发展过程中出现的非预期事件 ,围绕潜在的负面效应及其影响范围展开系统分析 ,同时以态度干扰技术穿插于原始态度测量与结果态度测量 (SD方法 )之间 ,探讨、分析科学研究中的重大突发性事件 (克隆绵羊 )对大学生科技态度的负面影响。分析结果发现各类被试对生物技术的态度均出现显著性的变化 ,由较积极、赞同的方向向较消极、中立方向发生态度改变。论文在借鉴同类研究的基础上 ,尝试应用免疫理论等作为对策性建议。  相似文献   

自身抗体的检测在自身免疫性疾病(A ID )的诊断,判断疾病的严重程度及评价疗效方面拥有十分重要的临床意义。随着免疫检测技术的进步,新的自身抗体特异性靶抗原被发现,自身抗体的检测技术也越来越多,出现如何评估自身抗体检测方法及诊断价值的新问题。本文介绍自身抗体检测的新技术及自身抗体检测技术的发展趋势,评估自身抗体检测方法应用现状,分析了临床自身抗体检测技术的优缺点,让临床实验室更加合理有效选择自身抗体检测技术。  相似文献   

噬菌体抗体库技术以其简便和高效,大大地促进了抗体产业的发展.抗体库技术的出现离不开与社会需求的相互促进;抗体库的构建和筛选离不开对传统方法的改进和创新;抗体库技术的应用突破了传统杂交瘤技术的束缚.科研实践中处处体现着辩证法,了解一些辩证法知识,能够指导我们的科研实践,使其事半功倍.  相似文献   

以兔抗鼠淋巴细胞血清为非条件刺激的条件性免疫抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一种生物类免疫抑制剂-兔抗鼠淋巴血清(rabbit anti-rat lymphocyte serum,ALS)为非条件刺激(UCS),糖精水为条件刺激(CS),以双瓶给水法置于鼠笼前端饮用偏好侧。在一次性CS-UCS结合训练后,单独再次给予CS,使卵清蛋白(OVA)免疫过的大鼠表现出脾淋巴细胞对有丝分裂原PWM的增殖反应降低,血抗OVA抗体的总量及脾内抗OVA抗体生成细胞的减少,但动物未表现出条件性味觉厌恶的行为反应。这些结果表明条件性免疫抑制与味觉厌恶行为条件反射没有必然联系,并非是厌恶行为反应或情绪应激的伴随产物。UCS也并非必需具有感觉的毒副作用,条件性免疫抑制是脑高级神经活动调节免疫功能的结果。  相似文献   

根据Burnet的“克隆选择学说”(clonalselectiontheory) ,具有自身反应性的淋巴细胞克隆在胚胎发育过程中被清除 ,正常机体内不存在针对自身抗原成分的自身抗体 ;而体内一旦出现自身抗体 ,将导致自身免疫性疾病的发生。因此 ,自身抗体是病理性的 ,是“可怕的自身毒素 (horrorautotoxicus)”。但是目前大量的资料表明 ,正常健康个体的血清内确实广泛存在针对自身抗原成分的免疫球蛋白[1,2 ] ,即天然自身抗体 (naturalautoantibody ,NAA) ;而且 ,NAA种类繁多 ,甚至免疫…  相似文献   

采用眼动追踪技术,考察无关言语对句子材料相同的自然阅读和校对阅读的影响,探讨无关言语对阅读的干扰机制是基于内容还是过程。结果发现,有意义言语显著干扰了正常的阅读行为,而无意义言语与无背景音条件不存在显著差异。并且背景言语类型与任务类型的交互作用显著,表现为言语的语义成分只干扰了自然阅读,而对校对阅读没有影响。实验结果支持过程干扰假说。  相似文献   

天然自身抗体(NAA)是指在没有任何抗原主动免疫的情况下,正常机体内存在的针对一种或多种自身抗原的抗体,具有多种功能。自Landsteier提出正常人血清中存在NAA以来,人们对NA的认识由浅到深。有研究认为天然自身抗体的基本功能为调控正常机体的自身反应,维持免疫自稳态的平衡,阻止病理性自身免疫的发生。  相似文献   

功能模拟方法是控制论的最基本出发点,它是以原型和模型之间的功能相似为基础,用模型来再现原型功能和行为的一种研究方法。随着现代医学的不断发展,需要间接研究的对象越来越多,功能模拟方法在医学科学研究中日益显示出它的重要作用。本文通过对噬菌体抗体库技术各个技术环节的分析,来探讨功能模拟方法在噬菌体抗体库技术中的应用和意义。  相似文献   

Paraneoplastic encephalitis, an immune-mediated disease, has been known for a long time. In the last decade, several specific antibodies against cell membrane-located antigens causing limbic or diffuse encephalitis have been identified. Most of these cases are in fact non-paraneoplastic. These antibodies are likely primarily involved in the pathogenesis, in contrast to antineuronal antibodies against cytoplasmatic antigens (e.g., anti-Hu, anti-Yo, and anti-Ma2), which are more likely an epiphenomenon. The case reported here is an adolescent woman presenting with NMDAR (N-methyl D-aspartate receptor) antibody encephalitis, finally diagnosed during a relapse. The diagnostic and therapeutic approach to NMDAR antibody and limbic encephalitis is discussed.  相似文献   

对溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的诊断应结合临床表现、内镜、实验室、放射学及病理学检查等。血清学标志物在鉴别UC和克罗恩病中有一定价值,包括核周型抗中性粒细胞抗体、抗酿酒酵母抗体、抗胰腺腺泡抗体、抗细胞外膜蛋白复合物抗体和抗12抗体等。这些抗体的检测对UC的诊断和鉴别诊断、活动度判定、亚型分层以及对治疗的反应方面有重要价值。  相似文献   

研究显示,在一些自身免疫性疾病出现临床症状之前,患者血液内就会出现某些自身抗体,检测这些自身抗体可以预测机体日后的患病几率,在疾病的预防和控制等方面具有重要意义。本文将对部分疾病中预示性自身抗体的研究进展及用自身抗体预测疾病的价值和面临的挑战等问题作一综述。  相似文献   

本文探讨片段弓矫治技术在前牙外伤中的应用效果。利用方丝弓矫治器对上前牙外伤68例患者(共89颗外伤牙,其中29颗松动Ⅱ度,51颗松动Ⅲ度,9颗完全脱位)进行复位、固定,并在治疗结束后半年、一年进行随诊观察。一年后固定成功率达到90%以上,患牙及颌骨复位精确,咬合关系恢复良好,并发症少。应用片段弓矫治技术治疗前牙外伤可获得良好的疗效,该技术安全可靠。  相似文献   

In Victoria, Australia, children with a history of abuse and severe attachment difficulties, and who have experienced multiple carers and placements, have been traditionally viewed by mental health services as unsuitable for psychoanalytic psychotherapy. A number of factors, including the lack of integrated, long-term case planning; unstable residential placement; and the belief that psychotherapeutic treatment will be of an extended duration, have influenced the decision not to provide individual psychotherapy for these children. Currently, the movement within mental health services is towards responsive and briefer treatment models. The child psychotherapist is challenged to re-think theory, technique and practice. This paper identifies contextual constraints that have led to these children being precluded from accessing psychotherapy. An alternative model of intervention is discussed and illustrated with clinical material. The contributions of Alvarez, Trevarthen, Schore and other writers are drawn on to underpin the clinical work. This model involves a change in technique and role and the use of a time-limited intervention. Intrinsic to the model is the understanding of the child's psycho-biological experience of trauma and disrupted attachment. The child's experiences are conveyed in the pre-verbal, gestural domain to enable history to be given voice.  相似文献   

An extension of the family drawing technique is described, in which a drawing is obtained from one or both parents, as well as from the child. Comparison of the parental drawing or drawings with the child's drawing usually provides clues to important aspects of the family dynamics. The productiveness of the technique varies from one case to another, but in general it has been found to have a high degree of clinical utility. Three illustrative cases are presented.  相似文献   

SAMP8 (senescence-accelerated mouse, P8 strain) mice overproduce amyloid precursor protein and beta-amyloid and have learning and memory deficits. Preliminary data have indicated that overproduction of beta-amyloid plays a role in the pathogenesis of acquisition and retention deficits in SAMP8 mice. In the studies reported here, the authors examined the effects of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to beta-amyloid on acquisition and retention in an aversive T-maze testing paradigm when injected intracerebroventricularly (ICV) into 12-month SAMP8/TaJF mice. Both the polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies improved acquisition and retention when injected ICV 1 to 14 days prior to acquisition testing. Injection of all three antibodies intrahippocampally immediately following training improved retention on the T-maze when mice were tested 7 days later. The authors next studied the effect of monoclonal beta-amyloid antibody injected 48 h prior to training on the effect on retention in the T-maze of drugs modulating classical neurotransmitters. Arecoline and glutamate were injected directly into the hippocampus, and ketanserin, methiothepen, bicuculline, and OH-saclofen were injected into the septum. Previously, the authors have found that the doses of these drugs required to improve retention are markedly altered in 12-month SAMP8/TkJF mice compared to 4-month P8 mice. In these studies, it was demonstrated that antibody to beta-amyloid resulted in these drugs improving retention at doses that improved memory in 4-month SAMP8/TaJF mice. Based on these findings, we conclude that beta-amyloid overproduction is at least in part responsible for the acquisition and memory deficits in 12-month-old SAMP8/TaJF mice. Antibody to beta-amyloid restores the retention response to neurotransmitter manipulation to that seen in 4-month-old mice. beta-amyloid appears to play a key role in the loss of acquisition and retention seen in SAMP8/TaJF mice.  相似文献   

Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in humans generally refers to stimulation of the left vagus nerve at the cervical level VNS is an established treatment largely devoid of severe side effect for medically refractory partial onset seizures and has been used in more than 16,000 patients. Over the past 5 years, applications in other neuropsychiatric disorders have been investigated with a special emphasis on depression. Recent data from an open-label, multi-center pilot study involving 60 patients suggest a potential clinical usefulness in the acute and maintenance treatment of drug-resistant depressive disorder. The perspective of VNS as along-term treatment with the advantage of assured compliance makes it an interesting technique to potentially treat drug-resistant depression. However, definite therapeutic effects of clinical significance remain to be confirmed in large placebo-controlled trial. Results of clinical pilot studies involving patients suffering from obesity and Alzheimer's disease indicate that VNS might induce weight loss and improve cognition. Besides its clinical usefulness, VNS can be used as a research tool, allowing neurophysiologic investigations of the parasympathetic system and its interactions with other parts of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The literature on chemical aversion conditioning is characterized by the lack of controlled clinical research. The existing data derive primarily from methodologically inadequate studies. Although short-term conditioned aversion reactions to alcohol have been demonstrated, the independent efficacy of this technique in clinical treatment remains to be shown. Beyond the failure to demonstrate the value of adding chemical aversion conditioning to more standard treatments for alcoholism, evaluation in terms of broader outcome criteria (e.g. safety, intrusiveness, acceptability, the availability of alternative methods, and cost-effectiveness) indicates that chemical aversion conditioning cannot be recommended as a standard form of treatment for alcoholism.  相似文献   

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