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Subcortical functions in language: A working model   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
The current paper explains a model of subcortical language functions that focuses on dynamic interactions between the cortex, the thalamus, and the basal ganglia in the production of spoken language. The model was derived from (a) studies of subcortical lesions and language, (b) studies of subcortical stimulation and language, (c) knowledge regarding neural pathways between various cortical and subcortical structures, and (d) indications that preverbal monitoring of language occurs. In the current model, the thalamus plays roles in cortical arousal and activation and in preverbal semantic monitoring. The basal ganglia function to regulate the degree of excitation conveyed from the thalamus to the cortex and to time the release of formulated language for motor programming. Consistency with classical syndromes of aphasia and potential applications to other areas in the neurosciences are discussed. The current theory, unlike previous formulations, is specific enough that testable hypotheses can be derived.  相似文献   

Role of the dominant thalamus in language: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Some models of lexical access in language production postulate that lexical-semantic encoding is driven bottom-up, by the conceptual input, and top-down, by a representation of the task. In the cyclic semantic blocking paradigm, participants repeatedly name sets of objects that are either semantically related or unrelated. Whereas the manipulation of semantic relatedness affects lexical-semantic encoding in a bottom-up fashion, the cyclic presentation of small object sets allows participants to bias the corresponding lexical-semantic representations top-down for selection. The role of working memory (WM) in this top-down modulation was investigated by crossing the cyclic semantic blocking paradigm with a manipulation of WM load. Participants' naming latencies displayed significant effects of semantic context, WM load, and their interaction. A word-naming task using the same materials yielded a main effect of WM load but no significant effects of semantic context or of its interaction with WM load. These and related results are discussed with regard to their implications for models of language production.  相似文献   

The data reviewed here indicate that electrical stimulation of the dominant ventrolateral thalamus can produce deficits in language processing that are not seen after similar stimulation of the nondominant ventrolateral thalamus. The nature of the language deficit produced varies, depending upon the rostrocaudal location of the stimulation site. Stimulation of the anterior left ventrolateral thalamus in right-handed patients resulted in production of a repeated erroneous word, stimulation of the medial ventrolateral thalamus evoked perseveration, and stimulation of the posterior ventrolateral thalamus and anterior pulvinar resulted in misnaming and omissions. Additional studies have examined the effect of electrical thalamic stimulation on verbal and nonverbal short-term memory. Left (but not right) ventrolateral thalamic stimulation during verbal memory input greatly decreased subsequent recall errors, while stimulation during verbal memory retrieval increased recall errors. This finding contrasted with those obtained from studies on nonverbal memory, in which right ventrolateral stimulation during memory input decreased recall errors, while left thalamic stimulation at the same stage increased recall errors. Left pulvinar stimulation disrupted verbal memory processing, while right pulvinar stimulation disrupted nonverbal memory processing. Limited evidence suggests that the effects of thalamic electrical stimulation on verbal memory may persist for several days after the stimulation has ended. The lateralization of thalamic functions also affects the motoric aspects of speech production. Left (but not right) ventrolateral thalamic stimulation disrupted speech articulation and increased the expiratory phase of respiration. The fact that these motor effects were evoked from the same general area of the thalamus that produced the language deficits discussed above raises the possibility that the thalamus is involved in coordinating the cognitive and motoric aspects of language production. A model of thalamic function is discussed in which defined regions of the thalamus operate as a "specific alerting response," increasing the input to memory of category-specific material while simultaneously inhibiting retrieval from memory.  相似文献   

Statistical language learning: mechanisms and constraints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What types of mechanisms underlie the acquisition of human language? Recent evidence suggests that learners, including infants, can use statistical properties of linguistic input to discover structure, including sound patterns, words, and the beginnings of grammar. These abilities appear to be both powerful and constrained, such that some statistical patterns are more readily detected and used than others. Implications for the structure of human languages are discussed.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old right-handed male with a history of hypertension and diabetes presented two episodes of stroke: The first affected territory was the left anterior coroidal artery (capsular and paracapsular infarcts at the level of the genu and posterior arm of the internal capsule) and the second was the right thalamus, due to a hematoma. Following the first stroke, the patient developed severe dysarthria and after the second stroke remained anarthric. The pathophysiology of the disorder is discussed, and the role of the left and right thalamus as far as speech is concerned is reviewed.  相似文献   

There exists an increasing body of research demonstrating that language processing is aided by context-based predictions. Recent findings suggest that the brain generates estimates about the likely physical appearance of upcoming words based on syntactic predictions: words that do not physically look like the expected syntactic category show increased amplitudes in the visual M100 component, the first salient MEG response to visual stimulation. This research asks whether violations of predictions based on lexical-semantic information might similarly generate early visual effects. In a picture-noun matching task, we found early visual effects for words that did not accurately describe the preceding pictures. These results demonstrate that, just like syntactic predictions, lexical-semantic predictions can affect early visual processing around ~100ms, suggesting that the M100 response is not exclusively tuned to recognizing visual features relevant to syntactic category analysis. Rather, the brain might generate predictions about upcoming visual input whenever it can. However, visual effects of lexical-semantic violations only occurred when a single lexical item could be predicted. We argue that this may be due to the fact that in natural language processing, there is typically no straightforward mapping between lexical-semantic fields (e.g., flowers) and visual or auditory forms (e.g., tulip, rose, magnolia). For syntactic categories, in contrast, certain form features do reliably correlate with category membership. This difference may, in part, explain why certain syntactic effects typically occur much earlier than lexical-semantic effects.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed that cortical auditory-vocal networks of the monkey brain can be partly homologized with language networks that participate in the phonological loop. In this paper, we suggest that other linguistic phenomena like semantic and syntactic processing also rely on the activation of transient memory networks, which can be compared to active memory networks in the primate. Consequently, short-term cortical memory ensembles that participate in language processing can be phylogenetically tracked to more simple networks present in the primate brain, which became increasingly complex in hominid evolution. This perspective is discussed in the context of two current interpretations of language origins, the "mirror-system hypothesis" and generativist grammar.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with Parkinson's disease (rigidity and unilateral tremor as main symptoms) were treated with stereotactic thalamotomy. The operation was performed in either the left or right ventrolateral thalamus, depending on which hand (or foot) was most affected with tremor. Nine patients were operated on the left side and four on the right side. All patients were tested for asymmetry of language functioning with dichotic presentations of consonant-vowel (CV) syllables. The patients had to indicate which of the two syllables he/she heard on each trial. Dichotic listening was performed before and after the operation, as well as during electrical stimulation of the VL nucleus just before the lesion was carried out. The results revealed essentially three things: an overall reduced right ear advantage (REA) in the patient group compared to what is known from studies of healthy individuals; an increase in REA during left-sided stimulations; and a marked reduction in REA after left-sided lesions. It is concluded that the present data support the notion put forward by Ojemann (e.g., 1975) of a lateralized activating gating mechanism in the left VL nucleus that gates access for language information to the appropriate cortical areas. The gating mechanism seems to be activated by stimulation, and deactivated after lesions. Dichotic listening may thus be a heuristic instrument in assessment of language functions in Parkinson patients.  相似文献   

Forty-five patients with unilateral demarcated vascular lesions in the basal ganglia, the thalamus and the deep white matter were investigated with an "aphasia battery." Patients with basal ganglia lesions performed worse than both other groups in tests of articulation, syntax, and lexical functions. The deficit of patients with basal ganglia lesions on all expressive language modalities was lateralized to the left hemisphere. Patients with left thalamic lesions showed impairments of speech fluency and in the Token Test. Patients with white matter lesions alone showed no effect of laterality in tests of language functions. The results are discussed on the basis of a recent theory of the participation of the deep nuclei in language processing.  相似文献   

Alija M  Cuetos F 《Psicothema》2006,18(3):485-491
In languages with a deep orthography such as English, a number of studies have shown the effects of lexical and semantic variables on word recognition. In languages with a shallow orthography such as Spanish the regularity of the grapheme - phoneme correspondences may mean that lexical and semantic variables could have less relevant roles. In this study, three variables were tested: frequency, age of acquisition and imageability. These three variables were factorially manipulated in three lexical decision task and three word naming tasks. The results show that in lexical decision both frequency and age of acquisition influence reaction times but imageability was not significant. In the word reading task, only the age of acquisition had a significant effect. The implications of these results for models of reading in Spanish are discussed.  相似文献   

The contribution of perceptual and semantic processing deficits to naming-test performance by Alzheimer's Disease subjects was examined. Groups of 34 Alzheimer subjects and 25 elderly controls completed tests of naming standard line drawings and naming perceptually degraded figures, and a test of verbal fluency for a specific semantic category. Alzheimer subjects were impaired on all measures and, when their naming-test errors were analyzed, they showed higher proportions of perceptual errors and failures to respond. Further, considerable variability in the proportions of different types of error was found both among subjects and among test items. These findings indicate that poor naming-test performance cannot necessarily be attributed to a specific deficit in semantic processing. Also, the discrepancies between previous reports of the naming deficits in Alzheimer's Disease may reflect differences in task difficulty and item selection that were apparent in this study.  相似文献   

词频效应指语言产生中人们对高频词汇的加工比低频词汇更快更准确的一种现象,它可能发生在语言产生中的不同阶段。对青年人和老年人词频效应的不同特点和加工机制进行比较,可以考察语言产生的认知老化机制。通过语言产生理论可对词频效应的老化进行预测,提出词频效应在个体发展和老化阶段的相对稳定性,分析老化导致词频效应相关的神经基础和加工时间进程的改变。未来研究可进一步分离词频效应与习得年龄效应对语言产生老化的影响,并扩展至神经退行性疾病患者中。  相似文献   

This article examines the long-term memory of a patient, AB, who had previously been reported to have problems in the short-term retention of word meanings. The authors found that AB had a problem not only in the short-term but also in the long-term retention of lexical-semantic information. AB, however, had no problem in the long-term retention of other kinds of information (pictures, shapes, propositional information). This pattern of results was interpreted as evidence that lexical-semantic representations have their own specific memory resources that are involved in the retention of the corresponding representations across different time intervals (e.g., they are involved in short-term as well as long-term retention). Implications for models of memory are discussed.  相似文献   

In many tasks the effects of frequency and age of acquisition (AoA) on reaction latencies are similar in size. However, in picture naming the AoA-effect is often significantly larger than expected on the basis of the frequency-effect. Previous explanations of this frequency-independent AoA-effect have attributed it to the organisation of the semantic system or to the way phonological word forms are stored in the mental lexicon. Using a semantic blocking paradigm, we show that semantic context effects on naming latencies are more pronounced for late-acquired than for early-acquired words. This interaction between AoA and naming context is likely to arise during lexical-semantic encoding, which we put forward as the locus for the frequency-independent AoA-effect.  相似文献   

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