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前景理论回答了类似应聘者在结构化面试中所面临的不确定场景下,人们是如何决策并行动的问题。论文采用思辨方法就结构化面试问题设计中如何恰当应用前景理论的基本要.董,有效提高结构化面试效度进行了探讨,结论如下:1)问题句子越短、问题越具体,效度有望越高;2)问题导向性要与岗位胜任特征充分契合;3)回溯性行为面试问题效度要高于虚拟情景面试问题;4)由于年龄、性别及个体认知能力等方面的差异,问题设计不仅要因需而变,也要因人而异。  相似文献   

招聘面试中的内隐相貌刻板印象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相貌刻板印象是指人们对相貌吸引力偏高或偏低的个体形成的一种相对稳定的社会认知、观念或预期.相貌刻板印象潜意识地存在,具有明显的内隐特征.文章通过一个预备实验和一个情境实验,研究了招聘面试决策中的内隐相貌刻板印象.结果发现:招聘者对求职者的简历筛选明显受到相貌刻板印象的影响;并且,求职者的相貌吸引力水平与其他考察指标(实践经验、技能特长等)之间存在显著的正相关关系.文章进一步对如何弱化相貌刻板印象进行了探讨.  相似文献   

结构化面试中的评分一致性问题初探   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
面试由于其直观、灵活的方式及良好的效度而被广泛应用于各类组织机构的人员招聘与录用中。但在多个评分员对一个应试者的面试中 ,评分员间的评分一致性问题是一个关键问题。本文以中央国家机关某部二组评分员对应试者的评分为研究对象 ,对国家公务员录用考试结构化面试中的评分员评分一致性问题进行了初步的探讨与分析。得到的结论如下 :1 .从总体上看 ,两组评分员的成员间在对应聘同一职位的不同应试者的评分在评分标准上是基本一致的 ;2 .不同的评分维度 (测评要素 )对评分员的评分一致性有不同的影响 ;3 .应试者在面试时的表现也会影响评分员的评分一致性 ;4.评分员有关面试的知识和经验水平对评分一致性也有重要的影响。  相似文献   

周春男  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2008,31(2):454-456
本研究在质的研究基础上采用情景模拟方法,以人力资源招聘工作者为对象进行情境研究,探讨了印象管理在面试中的作用机制.研究结果表明,面试评价只分析出一个因素即总体印象;招聘者对印象管理策略的知觉具有匹配性.  相似文献   

我国城市最低生活保障制度中的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最低生活保障制度是我国城市社会保障体系的重要一环 ,这项制度的建立及相应工作的开展与我国城市贫困现象日益严重有着密切的关系。最低生活保障制度作为城市社会保障体系的“兜底线”、“最后一道安全网” ,对满足人们的生存需要 ,对促进经济的发展 ,对维护社会的稳定起着举足轻重的作用 ;同时 ,这项制度的顺利推行也需要其他相应的经济、社会配套措施。一项新的制度总会面临各种各样的问题和不足 ,本文希望通过指出最低生活保障工作中存在的种种弊端 ,并对其进行透析 ,能够有利于这项制度的进一步完善  相似文献   

时至今日,在教育均衡的强力推进下,农村中小学以计算机为核心的多媒体走进了课堂,为教育的长足发展提供了广阔的空间和美好的前景。然而多媒体也是一把“双刃剑”,有时它在课堂上呈现给学生的画面生动活泼、声情并茂、直观具体;有时它却显得“画蛇添足”、“喧宾夺主”。因此,如何巧妙使用多媒体,提高课堂教学效率,是我们每个信息教师值得研究的一个课题。  相似文献   

受到社会、组织及自身发展因素的影响, 美国临床心理学在不同时期存在着不同的培养模式。文章选取“科学家-实践者”模式、“实践者-学者”模式、“临床心理科学家”模式、“当下的临床科学家”模式及“循证实践者”模式等五种最具代表性的经典模式, 介绍了1949年以来美国临床心理学培养模式的特点及发展规律。认为“循证实践者”模式修正了前面四种培养模式的个体主义倾向, 将单个的“科学家-实践者”, 分化成“科学家”与“实践者”两个集团, 强调实践者遵循科学家提供的最佳证据, 考虑病人的特征、文化与价值观, 在管理者协调下开展实践。这种模式代表着当代临床心理学培养模式的发展方向。  相似文献   

人员选拔中的不准确性来源及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李成彦  郭晓薇 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1521-1522
在组织人员选拔中存在着一些不准确性来源.这些不准确性直接影响组织人员招募与配置的效果。该文从主观和客观两个维度探讨了人员选拔中的不准确性来源,并提出了减少人员选拔中不准确性来源的对策。  相似文献   

学生的听、说、读、写技能是综合语言运用能力的基础。其中写是一项十分重要的技能。由于种种原因,高中生英语写作当中的语法问题还十分严重,也很普遍。下面探讨的是高中生英语写作中常见的语法问题及解决的对策。  相似文献   

当前国家基本药物制度试点取得明显成效,但在同步实施、技术接轨、药物获取、集中采购、财政补偿、人员编制、绩效改革等方面仍存在不少问题.需要加大综合配套改革力度,在基本药物获取、完善采购制度、提高使用效率、科学合理补偿、提高惠民水平、强化绩效考核等方面加强探索、完善机制.  相似文献   

Many applicants use faking in interviews to present themselves more favorably than they really are. There is widespread concern that this may affect interview validity. As previous research on countermeasures is sparse, we conducted an exploratory study to identify the most promising countermeasures. For technology-mediated interviews, these were warnings referring to a criterion-based content analysis and lie detection algorithms focusing on nonverbal or paraverbal cues. For face-to-face interviews, these were objective questions and a personable interviewer. We then investigated the effects of these countermeasures on faking intentions in two experimental vignette studies and on faking in another simulated interview study. However, none of the countermeasures could reduce faking intentions or faking. Additionally, in the vignette studies, warnings impaired applicant reactions.  相似文献   

中层管理人员结构化面试测评效度的现场研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对某上市公司随机抽取的43位中层管理人员素质测评的现场研究,探讨结构化面试的信度效度问题。研究设计基于岗位分析与关键事件分析,采用3人小组面试的方法,同时实施情景面试与行为描述面试,综合测评被试岗位胜任能力。分析结果表明,评委要素评价内部一致性和评委间内部一致性都比较高,并与面试半年后上级评定的任务绩效和总体绩效显著相关,结构化面试具有较高的信度与预测效度。进一步比较情景面试和行为描述面试发现,这两种结构化面试有类似的信度,但是行为描述面试具有更高的效度。  相似文献   

Based on the recently explored regulatory fit effect in social contexts, the present research is the first to investigate the interaction between interviewer's regulatory focus and interviewee's impression management (IM) tactics. We hypothesized that assertive and defensive IM tactics would fit with interviewer's promotion and prevention focus, respectively, and that interviewer's experience of this regulatory fit would lead to enhanced interview evaluation. We conducted four studies in which the participants were asked to rate an interviewee after reading a list of the interviewee's IM-related behaviours or watching a videotaped interview. Additionally, the participant's regulatory focus was operationalized as both an induced situational state and a measured chronic trait. The results supported our hypotheses by showing a significant interaction of the interviewer's regulatory focus and the IM tactics on interview evaluation: the promotion-assertive and the prevention-defensive ratings were more positive than the prevention-assertive and the promotion-defensive ratings. Moreover, mediation analysis revealed that the interaction exerts its effects on interview evaluation by providing interviewers with an intrapersonal regulatory fit experience.  相似文献   

Despite the presumed importance of interview etiquette, research examining its relationship with hiring outcomes has been relatively limited. As a step toward validating its importance, two studies were conducted to assess the influence of interview etiquette on hiring outcomes relative to other predictors. In the first study, the impact of interview etiquette was demonstrated to be similar to that of interview answer quality in influencing recruiters’ perceptions of employment suitability. Moreover, a significant interaction was found, whereby interview etiquette mattered more when interview answer quality was also high. In the second study, interview etiquette was demonstrated to explain incremental variance in job offers beyond other impression management strategies (i.e., ingratiation and self-promotion) and biographical data (i.e., work experience, academic achievement, and extracurricular involvement). Overall, these findings provide evidence that interview etiquette bears a significant relationship with hiring outcomes, signaling its value beyond other credentials and impression management tactics.  相似文献   

多面Rasch模型理论及其在结构化面试中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对影响面试效度的各种误差来源,该文引入了一种新颖的面试结果处理方法:多面Rasch模型。这一模型在结构化面试中的应用不但有利于有效测量被试的能力水平,而且为识别问题评委、进一步完善评分规则、实现面试等值等问题都提供了全新的解决思路。文章在对结构化面试信、效度研究进展进行综述的基础上,介绍了多面Rasch模型的理论及其在结构化面试中的应用框架。  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effect of applicants’ smiling on hireability. In a pre-test study, participants were asked to rate the expected behavior for four types of applicants. Newspaper reporter applicants were expected to be more serious than applicants for other jobs. In Study 1, participants were randomly assigned to be an applicant or interviewer for a newspaper reporting job. Smiling was negatively related to hiring, and smiling mediated the relation between applicants’ motivation to make a good impression and hiring. Hiring was maximized when applicants smiled less in the middle of the interview relative to the start and end. In Study 2, participants watched Study 1 clips and were randomly assigned to believe the applicants were applying to one of four jobs. Participants rated more suitability when applicants smiled less, especially for jobs associated with a serious demeanor. This research shows that job type is an important moderator of the impact of smiling on hiring.  相似文献   

An important goal of clinical assessment is to balance cost-effectiveness, administration demands, and accuracy (G. Young, J. O'Brien, E. Gutterman, & P. Cohen, 1987). The incorporation of Bayesian logic into diagnostic interviewing may assist with this goal, but in previous examinations, such methods have been prohibitively complex. In this study, analysis of a simplified Bayesian system showed overall classification error rates as good or better than traditional structured interviewing, and reduction in error was positively related to the psychometric properties of the predictor used in the actuarial functions. A dynamic system using simplified Bayesian logic appears to function well in the context of a structured interview and requires comparatively less data than previously tested Bayesian approaches. This type of system appears suitable for further research with clinical populations to determine its performance in applied settings.  相似文献   

Justice and signalling theory were used to explain the effects of discriminatory interview questions on applicant reactions. Participants were randomly assigned to a hypothetical interview condition with four, two or no discriminatory questions. Discriminatory questions had a significant negative effect on participant’s reactions to the interview and interviewer; perceptions of employee treatment; and intentions to pursue employment, accept a job offer, and recommend the organization to others. Participants also responded less favorably to a female interviewer, and female interviewees reported more negative perceptions. In addition, a sequential model was supported in which discriminatory questions had a negative effect on reactions toward the interview and interviewer; reactions were positively related to organizational attractiveness; and organizational attractiveness was positively related to intentions to pursue employment, accept a job offer, and recommend the organization.  相似文献   

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