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The mutual best friendships of shy/withdrawn and control children were examined for prevalence, stability, best friend's characteristics, and friendship quality. Using peer nominations of shy/socially withdrawn and aggressive behaviors, two groups of children were identified from a normative sample of fifth-grade children: shy/withdrawn (n = 169) and control (nonaggressive/nonwithdrawn; n = 163). Friendship nominations, teacher reports, and friendship quality data were gathered. Results revealed that shy/withdrawn children were as likely as control children to have mutual stable best friendships. Withdrawn children's friends were more withdrawn and victimized than were the control children's best friends; further, similarities in social withdrawal and peer victimization were revealed for withdrawn children and their friends. Withdrawn children and their friends reported lower friendship quality than did control children. Results highlight the importance of both quantitative and qualitative measures of friendship when considering relationships as risk and/or protective factors.  相似文献   

Lesbians may face unique challenges when building friendships. The intersection of culturally sanctioned discrimination and familial rejection may intensify the role friendships play for lesbians and the development of social support networks. The author discusses existing research and qualitative findings and provides suggestions for counselors working with their lesbian clients.  相似文献   

Children with a history of child maltreatment often have limited social interactions with other children and adults. This study examined the effects of a Peer Engagement Program, consisting of peer mentoring and social skills training with positive reinforcement, in three children with low levels of oral and social interaction. A multiple baseline, single-subject research design was used to test whether introduction of the intervention was associated with increased, directly observed oral interaction and engagement in social activities with peers and adults. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Social Skills Rating Scale (SSRS) were administered before and after intervention. All children showed increased levels of oral and social interaction and improved scores on the SSRS and the CBCL.  相似文献   

社会退缩行为指儿童在社会情境中抑制自己参与同伴互动并表现出独处的行为。社会退缩阻碍儿童形成良好的社交能力,影响其人格和认知的健康发展,因而对儿童社会退缩行为进行及时干预显得十分重要。研究对认知行为疗法在儿童社会退缩行为干预中的进展进行了整合,包括虚拟现实暴露疗法、学校情境下的认知行为治疗及网络认知行为治疗。未来研究应设计针对社会退缩行为不同亚类型的干预方案,以及在干预中重视情绪调节的训练和教师的介入。  相似文献   

以群体偏爱的IAT测验为实验材料,结合社会支持和学校适应问卷,考察初中流动儿童在内隐群体偏爱、社会支持上与本地儿童之间的差异,并探讨这两种变量对流动儿童学校适应的影响.结果表明:(1)流动儿童存在内隐外群体偏爱,对自身所属群体表现出内隐的消极认同;本地儿童存在内隐内群体偏爱,对流动儿童具有内隐的消极认知;(2)流动儿童在父亲、教师以及同性朋友的社会支持上显著差于本地儿童;(3)在对流动儿童学校适应的影响上,社会支持的主效应显著,内隐群体偏爱和社会支持的交互作用显著;高内隐群体偏爱组中,高社会支持流动儿童的学校适应优于低社会支持儿童.  相似文献   

对北京市389名儿童入学准备的类型进行研究,探讨不同入学准备类型儿童的特点,并通过追踪数据考察儿童入学准备类型对其一学期后学校适应的影响。结果表明:(1)入学准备可以分为入学准备良好、身体健康和动作技能准备不足、身体健康和动作技能突出/其他领域准备不足和入学准备综合不足四种类型;(2)女生入学准备良好型的比例显著高于男生,而身体健康和动作技能准备不足型、入学准备综合不足型的比例显著低于男生;(3)城区儿童入学准备良好型的比例显著高于郊区,而入学准备综合不足型的比例显著低于郊区;(4)入学准备良好型儿童的学校适应好于身体健康和动作技能准备不足型和入学准备综合不足型,入学准备综合不足型的学校适应最差。  相似文献   

儿童同伴关系对孤独感的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
以571名小学三、四、五、六年级的儿童为被试,考察了儿童社会喜好、友谊质量、消极退缩、社交自我知觉与孤独感的关系,检验了不同水平同伴关系变量对孤独感的影响。结果表明,儿童的同伴关系(同伴接纳、友谊质量、社交自我知觉)能显著预测其孤独感体验,其中,处于同伴关系个体水平的社交自我知觉对孤独感的预测作用最大,其次分别为双向关系水平的友谊质量和群体接纳水平的同伴接纳,而处于人际交互水平的消极退缩在控制了其他水平同伴关系变量的影响下,并不能显著预测其孤独感体验。  相似文献   

The present study fills a crucial gap in literature surrounding the lives of African American men by exploring factors that shape the quality of these men's friendships. Drawing on data from a sample of 171 African American men, the study examines the relative utility of subjective religiosity, subjective spirituality, advice exchange, and affective sharing as predictors of the level of perceived support from male and female friends. Findings reveal age differences in subjective religiosity, subjective spirituality, and in level of advice and affective exchange in men's same-sex as well as cross-sex friendships. Age differences emerged in men's perceptions of the supportiveness of their friendships with women but not with men. Age was not a predictor of perceived supportiveness of same-sex or cross-sex friendships. Subjective religiosity did not predict support in same-sex or cross-sex friendships. Subjective spirituality positively predicted perceived support in men's same-sex friendships but not in cross-sex friendships. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the prevalence, stability, and contextual correlates of peer victimization in a sample of African-American, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White urban elementary school-age children. A total of 1956 children (40% African-American, 42% Hispanic, and 18% White) attending any 1 of 14 public elementary schools located in one large and one mid-sized Midwestern city participated in this study. Peer ratings of victimization were obtained at two points in time, separated by a 2-year period. Findings revealed that risk for being victimized by peers varied by ethnicity and by school context. Hispanic children had lower victimization scores than did either African-American or White children. These findings, however, were moderated by school context, such that attending ethnically integrated schools was associated with a significantly higher risk of victimization for White children and a slightly lower risk of victimization for African-American children and did not affect the risk of victimization for Hispanic children. In addition, African-American children were less likely than Hispanic and White children to be repeatedly victimized by peers over time. The importance of considering ethnicity and context in explaining peer victimization is discussed and suggestions for preventive interventions and future research are provided.  相似文献   

本研究以4岁儿童为被试.通过对30分钟自由游戏的观察,其中的68名被鉴别为行为退缩儿童。聚类分析后他们被区分为三个亚类型,分别被命名为“被拒绝型”、“弱社交型”和“矛盾型”。在这三种退缩亚类型中,弱社交型退缩儿童所占比例最多,被拒绝型退缩儿童所占比例最少。4岁退缩儿童在性别比例上不存在差异,三个退缩亚类型的划分也与性别没有关系,这三种退缩亚类型的情绪和社会行为特征是不同的。  相似文献   

Examined congruences between children's friendships and classroom social ecologies in three distinct settings, and poses that such congruences or social adaptations are aptly characterized as a process of enacted social support; i.e., an interpersonal transaction involving the reduction or evasion of stress. Data were derived from Corsaro's recent ethnographics of children's friendship and peer culture in a University Preschool (Corsaro, 1985) and Head Start center (Corsaro, 1994), and from Rizzo's (1989) ethnography of friendship development among first-grade children. Despite vast differences across settings, the nature and activities of children's friendships appeared consistently linked with specific organizational features in their life-worlds and in this way may constitute significant interpersonal and individual adaptations to that world. In this view, friendship is best seen not as a static entity, which children appropriate in a consistent fashion, but as a general and malleable concept, which they modify and use in a collaborative fashion to address shared psychosocial concerns. Findings are related to research on the link between perceived and enacted support, and on the interplay between relational and social support processes.  相似文献   

戴斌荣  彭美 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1361-1368
以生态系统理论为主要理论基础,对1440名农村留守儿童进行调查研究,建立农村留守儿童社会适应性的影响因素结构模型。研究发现,师生关系、友谊质量和自我意识直接影响社会适应性;亲子沟通、社会支持分别通过影响师生关系、友谊质量和自我意识而间接地影响社会适应性。应格外重视留守儿童的友谊质量及自我意识,同时加强亲子沟通,完善社会支持系统,形成学校、家庭、社会教育合力,切实提高农村留守儿童社会适应性。  相似文献   

小学3~5年级学习不良儿童社会比较的特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以小学三、四、五年级95名儿童为被试,采用访谈法探讨了小学学习不良儿童的社会比较特点。结果表明:70%学习不良儿童自发地进行上行比较,即群体外比较,其动机为自我提升;学习不良儿童的社会比较和时间比较的频率均低于一般儿童;学习不良儿童的社会比较目标水平显著低于一般儿童,随着年级的升高其目标水平呈不断下降的发展趋势。  相似文献   

以288名9岁儿童和他们的班主任老师、母亲为被试,使用同伴提名的方法鉴别出94名行为退缩儿童。以儿童的气质特征(害羞、消极情绪)、亲社会行为和母亲对儿童的控制为分析变量,使用聚类分析统计技术对行为退缩儿童的类别进行划分,94名行为退缩儿童中有效观察值77个,被区分为三个亚类型,分别被命名为"弱社交型"、"害羞型"和"被控制型"。这三类儿童的行为特征不同,三个类别比率差异不显著,行为退缩儿童整体上不存在性别比率差异,三个亚类型的划分与性别没有关系。  相似文献   

采用整群取样法, 选取387名小学儿童, 采用问卷法、同伴提名法和成绩评定, 考察了其社会创造性与其同伴关系、学业成绩的关系。结果表明:(1)小学儿童的社会创造性与学业成绩、社会喜好、社会影响, 学业成绩与社会喜好均呈显著正相关;(2)社会喜好在社会创造性与学业成绩之间、学业成绩在社会创造性与社会喜好之间、社会创造性在社会喜好与学业成绩之间均具有显著的中介效应, 社会影响在社会创造性对学业成绩的影响中具有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

旨在探究小学阶段儿童的混合情绪理解发展状况。以能够引发儿童混合情绪的经典故事情景为材料,对小学1-6年级242名儿童采用半结构式访谈法和测验法进行实验,结果表明:小学儿童混合情绪理解水平存在显著的年龄效应,呈现出随年龄增大混合情绪理解水平逐渐提高的发展趋势。对他人和对自身混合情绪理解差异显著,对他人混合情绪的理解是对自身混合理解的基础,同性质和不同性质(冲突)混合情绪的理解能力存在显著差异。不同性质(冲突)混合情绪的理解能力发展较晚。因此,混合情绪理解能力在小学阶段快速发展,呈现出年龄、理解的对象、情绪的性质三个方面的显著差异。  相似文献   

使用皮亚杰经典任务探查了小学一、三、五年级儿童的认知发展以及发展的个体间差异和个体内差异。结果表明随着年级的升高,儿童的具体运算思维能力从一年级到三年级发展迅速,到五年级时达到比较稳定的水平;同时,形式运算思维能力在一年级已经萌芽并逐步发展。不管在具体运算任务还是形式运算任务,各年级儿童都表现出显着的个体间差异和个体内差异。这些发现对教育和临床心理都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Friendship patterns of 117 children with learning disabilities (LD) and 115 children without LD in Grades 4–8 were examined. In comparison with children without LD, boys with LD had fewer mutual friends, children with LD had more friends with learning problems and more younger friends, and children with LD in Grades 4–6 had less stable relationships. With regard to friendship quality, children with LD reported higher levels of conflict, lower levels of validation, and more problems with relationship repair than did children without LD. The findings were discussed in terms of factors that have been found to enhance friendship such as proximity and similarity, and the social skills difficulties that have been associated with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

以63名盲童为被试, 对17对空间词作相似性的分类。结果表明:⑴盲童的空间词概念结构有两个维度:①状态/方位;②自身参照/他物参照。⑵盲童的空间认知围绕着4个主题:①身体周围的三维方位;②空间距离;③三维边界;④空间状态。⑶视觉的缺失决定着盲童的空间词组织的特点, 语言、文化和教育对盲童的空间概念及其组织也具有重要影响。  相似文献   

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