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Two cohorts of male and female introductory psychology students from the same university, tested in 1978 and 1992, were given the male or the female form of the Male-Female Relations Questionnaire (MFRQ; Spence, Helmreich, & Sawin, 1980), which assesses respondents' personal gender-role preferences and behaviors in interpersonal situations. In both genders, the means of the majority of MFRQ items decreased significantly from 1978 to 1992, but item means were still fairly close to the midpoint of the response scale. Women tended to be less willing than men to assign leadership roles to men but in social interactions with the other gender, they admitted to deliberately acting "feminine" as much or more than men admitted to acting "masculine." Correlations between the MFRQ and the Attitudes Toward Women Scale (AWS; Spence & Helmreich, 1978) were also determined and found to be substantial. Psychometric differences between the instruments suggested, however, that the MFRQ provides unique information and may often be more useful than the AWS in detecting relationships with other variables.  相似文献   

SARS流行时期天津高校师生的心理和行为反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究从天津市五所高校中选取336名大学生和44名教师,对他们在SARS流行时期对SARS的危险性认知、恐惧心理、行为特征以及他们对与SARS相关的事件的态度进行评估。结果发现:(1)大多数师生具有正常的行为方式和心理状态;(2)少数高校师生表现出一定的恐惧和忧虑。最后,根据本次研究结果作者提出了一些针对性建议。  相似文献   

In 1956 Meehl predicted that the relationships between MMPI scores and the psychosis-neurosis diagnostic classification should be highly configural in character, and therefore that no linear combination of MMPI scores should be able to differentiate neurotic from psychotic patients as accurately as either experienced clinical psychologists or configural actuarial techniques. The present paper summarizes the findings from ten years of research on this question. While the search for configural actuarial procedures has led to a moderator variable, neither clinical experts, moderated regression analyses, profile typologies, the Perceptron algorithm, density estimation procedures, Bayesian techniques, nor sequential analyses-when cross-validated-have been-able to improve on a simple linear function. The implications of these negative findings for investigations of configural relationships with other problems are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究的对象为初一、初三和高二学生。研究结果如下: 1.在校青少年思惟发展的年龄特点是:形式逻辑思惟在初一阶段开始占优势,到高二阶段已趋基本成熟;辩证逻辑思惟在初一阶段已初步具备,到高二阶段开始占优势。 2.在校青少年思惟发展的性别特点是:男女生思惟发展水平在总体上是一致的,但各有其特色。不能认为男优女劣或女优男劣。 3.不同类型学校在校青少年思惟发展水平上存在着差异。  相似文献   

不同年级学生自然阅读过程信息加工活动特点研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
莫雷 《心理学报》1998,31(1):43-49
探讨不同年级学生自然阅读过程的信息加工活动特点,包括两个实验。实验1结果表明,低年级学生自然阅读后再复述文章时需要重读原文的时间比高年级学生要多,据此初步推知,低年级学生自然阅读过程可能主要是单一的语言解码信息加工活动,高年级学生自然阅读过程可能同时进行了语言解码与组织连贯的信息加工活动,以后者为主。实验2比较不同年级的学生在自然阅读、理解任务阅读与记忆任务阅读三种情况下对文章信息保持的效果,结果  相似文献   

师范生心理素质评价体系的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
梁宁建  殷芳 《心理科学》2000,23(3):315-318
用经过信度和效度检验的量表研究师范生的心理素质,表明师范生心理素质内涵丰富,包含人多内容,不同成分有着不同的贡献率,其中具有相对突出的重要成分是心理健康水平,人格特征,认知方式、元认知、智力和教育实践和知识。  相似文献   

通过真实课堂中的教学实验法,以107名一年级小学生为研究对象,探讨了注音方式和教学形式在儿童课堂汉字学习中的作用。结果发现:(1)在课堂教学条件下,重点教学和伴随学习生字的学习效果都不受阅读材料注音方式的影响;(2)与伴随学习相比,重点教学能更好地促进学生的汉字学习,减少中等生和优等生之间的差距;(3)全体学生都能进行有效的伴随学习,学生原有的语文能力越高,伴随学习的可能性越大。  相似文献   

采用实验法探讨了巾小学生情绪调节策略与生理反应的关系。研究表明,悲伤情绪状态下,认知重评策略的生理反应要比表达抑制策略的生理反应小;快乐情绪状态下,两种策略的生理反应无显著差异;表达抑制策略下,悲伤情绪组的生理反应大于快乐情绪组的生理反应;认知重评策略下,悲伤情绪组的生理反应小于快乐情绪组;低年级学生比高年级学生情绪的生理反应大;女生比男生情绪的生理反应大;低学业水平学生比高学业水平学生情绪的生理反应大。  相似文献   

The role requirements of leaders in an assessment group context were manipulated in a laboratory simulation. Discussion leaders (chairholders) either did or did not have first hand contact with an individual who was being assessed. Furthermore, chairholders were either allowed a formal say in the group's decision or were not. As predicted, different configurations of role requirements had an impact on the influence wielded by the chair, as indexed by measures of group process, group decision, accuracy and group member attitudes. Both prior contact and voting rights had direct and interactive effects and served to increase chair influence. Particular role requirement combinations also produced a type of group disruption as reflected in group member ratings of the quality of the session. The results of the study are discussed in forms of implications for the standardization of procedures in assessment center programs.  相似文献   

Certain responses of both humans and nonhumans appear to be maintained indirectly by intermittent reinforcement schedules and have been referred to collectively as adjunctive behavior. Although basic research has examined adjunctive behavior extensively, relatively few studies have been conducted with humans, particularly those with developmental disabilities who often engage in frequent and varied stereotypic behavior. This study assessed possible adjunctive characteristics of self-injurious and stereotypic behaviors using a multielement design containing two types of control conditions. Four subjects who engaged in both self-injurious behavior and stereotypy participated after variables maintaining their self-injury were identified via functional analyses. Each day, subjects were exposed to three 15-min sessions in random order: (a) noncontingent presentation of food on a fixed-time schedule (e.g., FT 30 s), (b) a massed-reinforcement (food) control, and (c) a no-reinforcement control. A variety of fixed-time schedules were examined during different experimental phases. Results of this preliminary study suggested that self-injury was not induced by intermittent reinforcement schedules, whereas the stereotypic behavior of some individuals showed characteristics of adjunctive behavior. The importance of research on adjunctive behavior and suggestions for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed stimuli controlling requests during a snack routine after extensive request training with a delayed prompt procedure. During training sessions, one of three three-item snack groups was presented to 3 subjects with severe mental retardation. Assessment sessions involved (a) training conditions (all items were visible), (b) presenting two of three items from a particular group, or (c) presenting no items. One subject requested food items when no food items were present, 2 frequently requested a missing item when the two other items were visible, and all subjects requested visible items. Procedures for assessing stimulus control, such as those described in the current paper, should lead to a better understanding of the variables controlling behaviors that initially appear perplexing and unpredictable.  相似文献   

西南地区五种民族中小学生的智力观念的跨文化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Employment Service counselor supervisors were prepared at Indiana University under a contract with the Indiana State Bureau of Employment Security. Our campus program was a combination of didactic and practicum courses. The off campus program consisted of visitation by faculty members to the local offices of the enrollees and involved consulting with the office staff as well as the enrollee. Reaction to the program by total office staffs was favorable.  相似文献   

This research examined whether constant time delay would be effective in teaching students with moderate mental retardation in triads to perform chained tasks and whether observational learning would occur. Three chained snack preparation tasks were identified, and each student was directly taught one task. The other 2 students observed the instruction. The instructed student told the observers to watch and to turn pages of a pictorial recipe book. The teacher provided frequent praise to the instructed student based on performance and to the observers for watching the instruction and turning pages. A multiple probe design across students and tasks was used to evaluate the instruction. The results indicated that each student learned the skill he or she was taught directly, and the observers learned nearly all of the steps of the chains they observed. The implications for classroom instruction and future research in observational learning are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examines if a group of recently arrived Puerto Rican students (NAPR) will develop reading skills in English and Spanish at the same rate that‐Puerto Rican students (BIPR) had who participated in bilingual programs. The sample consisted of 70 ninth grade students divided into a treatment group (NAPR) and a comparison group (BIPR). The treatment in this study was time spent in reading. The results indicated that the recently arrived Puerto Rican students performed significantly better than did the comparison group (BIPR) in vocabulary and reading comprehension in both English and Spanish.  相似文献   

The acquisition of prepositional motor responses in three handicapped preschool children was analyzed for three pairs of prepositions. Generalization of prepositional knowledge at each stage of acquisition was assessed by a series of probe trials. In addition, an analysis of the control of prepositional responses when objects of the preposition (OP) and direct objects (DO) were relevant cues was conducted. The effect of this object-cue procedure, as well as a specially devised prompting technique on acquisition, was also determined. Results indicated substantial control by OPs whenever this cue was relevant, but this did not affect acquisition of prepositional concepts when these cues were eliminated. Analysis of the probe data and the prompting technique suggested various ways in which instructional programs for teaching prepositional knowledge to handicapped children could be constructed in a simple and efficient manner.  相似文献   

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