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言语产生中的词长效应   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
庄捷  周晓林 《心理学报》2001,34(3):23-27
采用图片命名方法考察言语产生中的词长效应,并进而分析语音计划的单位和序列性。选取能同时用单音节(如“羊”)和双音节(“山羊”)命名的图片作刺激材料,发现双音节命名明显慢于单音节命名,这种效应既表现在首音节型(如“花”与“花朵”),也表现在尾音节型(如“羊”与“山羊”)刺激材料上。研究结果支持语音编码从左到右、系列提取和双音节词的词音计划单位大于单音节词的观点。该文还对图片命名中的频率效应进行了事后分析。  相似文献   

Abstract— In the word-length effect (WLE), lists of shorter words are better recalled than lists of longer words This effect a fundamental to decay-based theories of verbal short-term memory, such as the phonological loop theory (Baddeley, 1986) The WLE has been attributed to the time taken to articulate words, not their structure, a critical point in the debate between decay and interference theories However, this article, we show that the traditional WLE comprises two opposed effects an advantage for words spoken more quickly (short words in terms of duration) and an advantage for words with more elements (long words in terms of complexity) We also report two interactions a disadvantage for a midlist change in duration and an advantage for a midlist change in complexity These results contradict simple decay- based theories and establish the importance of interference in short- term memory We discuss whether decay is also required  相似文献   

王甦  韩凯 《心理学报》1985,18(1):82-87
本文报道被动触觉的长度总合实验。在应用单一的标准刺激的条件下,在前臂内侧进行了单一的和各种复合的变异刺激的比较实验,所得到的结果没有显著差异。这与主动触觉和应用复合的标准刺激的实验结果相一致,表明长度总合是触觉的一种普遍现象。本文讨论了策略在长度总合中的作用与对长度辨别阈限的意义。  相似文献   

汉语多义单字词的识别优势效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭聃龄  邓园  陈宝国 《心理学报》2003,35(5):569-575
运用词汇判断、简单命名及辨别命名任务,考察汉语多义单字词的识别优势效应。结果显示,在三个任务中均发现了显著的多义词识别优势效应。在词汇判断和简单命名任务中,多义词识别的优势效应表现在低频词中;在辨别命名任务中,多义词识别优势效应同时表现在高、低频词中。实验结果支持了PDP模型,讨论了多义词识别优势效应产生的机制  相似文献   


Second, third, and fourth grade children were administered one of three different versions of a word identification test. All versions tested the same target words but used a different combination of two different sets of distractor words. One set was deemed “highly confusing” (i.e., all dis‐tractors were graphically very similar to target words), the other “easily discriminable” (i.e., distractors were dissimilar to target words). One test version contained all highly confusing distractors, a second used all easily discriminable distractors, and a third contained a combination of both kinds. Results showed that at all grade levels children performed significantly better on the easily discritninable version than on the highly confusing version. Implications of this finding related to the content validity of extant word identification tests; that is, if test authors do not use a set of criteria for selecting distractor words and apply these criteria consistently, the content validity of a test may be in serious jeopardy, for one would not know whether the test measures target word difficulty of distractor word difficulty


观察距离、刺激物运行空距与运动知觉恒常性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知觉领域中,恆常性问题是一个很受人们注意的问题。如对顏色、大小、形状、倾斜等恆常性都有过较多的研究。在运动知觉方面,观察距离与运动速度知觉的关系实际上也属于恆常性的问题,但却很少受人们的注意。卽使在近年来关于运动知觉的总结性材料中都很少接触到这个问题。在生活经验中,一个一定速度的运动对象,在观察距离  相似文献   

朱晓平 《心理学报》1992,25(1):52-59
三项实验探讨了阅读中课文语境对单词识别的影响。实验一和二分别在两种课文呈现速度条件下,观察课文语境对词汇决策任务的影响,发现仅在较快的呈现速度(每隔150ms呈现一字)和目标词在前文语境中的可预测性为90%以上时,才产生课文语境的促进效应和抑制效应,并表现出抑制优势模式。实验三采用较自然的校对作业考察这种效应,结果显示在目标词高可预测(在前后文中的可预测性为83%以上)时,存在较显著的整体语境效应,并仍表现出抑制优势模式。据此,本文讨论了课文语境中的单词识别过程和语境对它的作用机制。  相似文献   

成年人词语流畅性的年龄差异和词语记忆   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文以自觉健康的青年、中年和老年人78例为被试,研究了成年人口语、阅读和书写流畅性的年龄差异及其和词语记忆的关系。结果:1.大多数词语流畅能力以及词语记忆均为中年以后衰退,Stroop测验的读色字及读字色作业则中年即开始减退。2.除年龄因素外,词语流畅性还受被试者文化程度和测验内容的影响,同时还表现有文化因素或测验和年龄的交互作用。文化程度越低,测验难度越大,年龄差异越显著。3.词语流畅性和词语记忆有显著相关。这可能是由于两者都有较多的记忆和注意过程的参与。4.在两项颜色命名测验及说同类词作业中都见到女性优于男性的现象。  相似文献   

单字词的学习年龄对小学生汉字识别的影响(Ⅰ)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
管益杰  方富熹 《心理学报》2001,33(5):425-430
该研究以小学一、三、五年级的学生为被试,采用字词的真假判断任务,选取分别在语文课本中一、三、五年级出现的三组字(分别记为A、B、C三组字)为真字,考察了单字词的学习年龄(LA)对小学生汉字识别时间的影响。结果表明:无论纵向比较还是横向比较,单字词的学习年龄(LA)对小学生的真假字判断反应时都有显著影响。  相似文献   

单字词的学习年龄对小学生汉字识别的影响(I)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究以小学一、三、五年级的学生为被试 ,采用字词的真假判断任务 ,选取分别在语文课本中一、三、五年级出现的三组字 (分别记为A、B、C三组字 )为真字 ,考察了单字词的学习年龄 (LA)对小学生汉字识别时间的影响。结果表明 :无论纵向比较还是横向比较 ,单字词的学习年龄 (LA)对小学生的真假字判断反应时都有显著影响。  相似文献   

该研究以儿童为被试探讨了书法负荷和非书法负荷(书写、计算、英文书写)前后反应时的变化情况,结果发现,(1)书法负荷后反应时明显缩短;(2)书写负荷后反应时的变化与书法负荷后相同;(3)计算负荷和英文书写负荷后未见反应时有明显缩短。  相似文献   

单字词的学习年龄对小学生汉字识别的影响(Ⅱ)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以小学一、三、五年级的学生为被试 ,采用汉字命名任务 ,选取分别在小学语文课本中一、三、五年级出现的三组字 (分别记为A、B、C三组字 )为材料 ,考察了单字词的学习年龄 (LA)对小学生汉字识别时间的影响。结果表明 :无论年级间比较还是年级内比较 ,单字词的学习年龄 (LA)对小学生的汉字命名反应时和正确率都有显著影响。  相似文献   

Abstract— The study of auditory and music cognition provides opportunities to explore general cognitive mechanisms in a specific, highly structured domain We discuss two problems with implications for other domains of perception the self-organization of perceptual categories and invariant pattern recognition The perceptual category we consider is the octave We show how general principles of self-organization operating on a cochlear spectral representation can vield octave categories The example of invariant pattern recognition we consider is the recognition of invariant frequency patterns transformed to different absolute frequencies We suggest a system that uses pitch or musical key to map tones into a pitch-invariant format.  相似文献   

题材个体化和问题重述两策略的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨题材个体化和问题重述作为两种解题策略在解决加、减法应用题中的有效性,采用了4种策略类型×3种数学能力水平×2种问题题材×2种题材情境与解题操作关系的四因素混合设计。结论如下:学生基本上能够独立进行题材个体化和问题重述;在本实验条件下,水平高的学生,运用不同策略没有差异;水平中等的学生运用双策略、水平低的学生运用双策略以及题材个体化策略均产生了积极效果;题材个体化策略对于解决不熟悉题材的应用题将产生积极效果,运用以上两策略解决问题情境与解题操作相矛盾的问题没有帮助。除了应用题陈述图式以外,本实验证明还存在着应用题结构图式;可把题材个体化和问题重述作为解题策略教给学生运用。  相似文献   

归因过程“背景效应假设”的初步实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过两个实验考证了归因过程的“背景效应假设”:实验1表明,当要求活动者和观察者采用同样的背景事件时.他们之间的归因差异消失了;实验2表明,当有其它的背景信息可供参考时,被试就不再完全按照Kelley所假定的一致性和区别性信息进行归因推断。  相似文献   

Abstract— Three studies tested the hypothesis that people assume that the identities of other people are tied more closely to their distinctive than to their nondistinctive traits. In Studies 1 and 3, subjects predicted the preferences of a target person who was a member of both a statistically distinctive and a statistically nondistinctive category (e g, sky diver and tennis player). In Study 2, subjects judged the degree of interpersonal similarity between pairs of people sharing distinctive as opposed to nondistinctive category memberships. Consistent with the hypothesis, subjects linked targets with their more distinctive traits and assumed targets would be more similar to people who shared their distinctive traits than to people who shared their nondistinctive traits. The implications of this distinctiveness effect for an understanding of stereotyping are explored.  相似文献   

The usefulness of links between tourism research and work in social psychology was considered. A diary-based study of tourists visiting tropical islands in North Queensland was discussed and changes in the day-to-day moods of tourists on the islands were reported. Some determinants of these mood changes were demonstrated using log linear analysis. Negative moods were more frequent on the second and third days of holiday, particularly during the evenings. It was argued that tourists experienced "environment shock" in visiting these resorts. Self-report health data confirmed this suggestion. Furthermore, tourists appeared to increase the number of self-initiated as compared to other-initiated activities during their holiday. It was concluded that the shift in activity patterns and the "environment shock" health problems were possible explanations of the day-to-day mood patterning reported in the study.  相似文献   

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