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Even though administrators must have effective staff-management procedures to ensure implementation of desired programs, many traditional staff-management procedures remain unevaluated. This study investigated the effectiveness of three such procedures. The administrator of an institution for the retarded (1) sent a memo instructing all staff to lead daily recreational activities, (2) sponsored a workshop teaching staff to lead such activities, and (3) assigned staff activity leaders and provided performance feedback to staff by publicly posting the daily average number of active residents on each ward. Neither the memo nor the workshops motivated staff to lead activities, but after staff were scheduled to lead such activities and given performance feedback, the average daily number of residents engaged in activities on four wards for 95 retarded persons increased from seven to 32. The administration of this facility has adopted similar procedures to maintain such activities on all wards.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of two methods of programming DRO schedules of reinforcement was examined in two experiments. In these two methods, reinforcement is delivered if inappropriate responding is not occurring (a) at the end of an interval (momentary DRO), or (b) throughout the entire interval (whole-interval DRO). In Experiment 1, the effects of these schedules on disruptive responding of three retarded students were assessed in a multiple-baseline design. For two students, the momentary schedule occurred first and was ineffective, whereas the whole interval that followed was effective; for the third student, the whole-interval schedule occurred first and was effective, and reduced responding was maintained under the momentary schedule. In Experiment 2, baseline and the two DRO schedules were each presented in random order each day to one student in an alternating treatments design. The momentary DRO schedule reduced responding, but the whole-interval schedule was more effective.  相似文献   

Interview skills deficits may limit employment prospects of mentally retarded adults. Although numerous papers highlight the importance of interview skills, few have validated effective strategies for use with mentally retarded persons. Further, there has been a lack of research contrasting rival interview skills training strategies. The present study was conducted with two mentally retarded young adults. It contrasted peer-directed instruction, in which both participants were equally deficient in the target skills, with teacher-directed instruction. Results of the investigation indicated that instruction, rehearsal, and feedback may be effective strategies regardless of who provides instruction. Comparisons of teacher-directed and peer-directed instruction indicated little or no difference in the effectiveness of the two procedures. However, the peer-directed procedure involved considerably less staff time than did the teacher-directed procedure.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in error-correction procedures during behavioral acquisition were examined. Seven developmentally delayed subjects participated in match-to-sample discrimination training, consisting of three conditions arranged in a multielement design. Correct responses in all conditions were followed by praise and either food or pennies. In the baseline condition (differential reinforcement), an error produced no consequences. In the practice condition, an error was followed by repetition of the trial until a correct response occurred. In the avoidance condition, an error was followed by additional trials consisting of irrelevant stimuli; this condition separated the effects of repeated exposure to the same task from those of negative reinforcement, both of which existed in the practice condition. All 7 subjects made noticeable progress in the baseline condition. However, 5 of the 7 performed better in one of the error-correction conditions: 2 performed better in the practice condition, and 3 performed better in the avoidance condition. These data indicate that error-correction procedures may serve multiple functions and suggest that the practice requirement in this study included both avoidance and stimulus control components. More generally, the data indicate that additional control procedures should be included in acquisition studies to identify the relevant behavioral mechanism(s).  相似文献   

加工水平及词对类型在新异联系形成中的作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该研究采用过程分离方法和知觉辨认方法探讨不同加工水平和词对类型在新异联系形成中的作用。结果表明,深加工是形成非相关词对间联想启动的条件之一。另外,具体词对的联想启动没有表现出加工水平效应,出现了内隐和外显记忆的分离现象,提示不同的词对类型与加工水平间存在着交互作用,当联系程度较紧时,并不一定需要语义加工,而联系程度不紧时,语义加工则是必要的。  相似文献   

策略训练对改善老年人词语记忆的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用词的自由回忆、字的自由回忆和联想学习三项作业,分别以归类复述法,联系法和制造联系法进行训练,受试者为老年人60例(平均66.5岁),青年人40例(平均26.8岁),按初测成绩和年龄,文化因素各均分为训练组和对照组。结果:(1)老年组记忆成绩显著较青年组差;(2)老年训练组和青年训练组训练后记忆成绩明显提高;(3)老年训练组训练后记忆成绩相当于未训练的青年组,和训练后的青年组的差距也有所缩小;(4)初测时老年比青年运用记忆策略的显著少些。训练后老年组和青年组运用策略者都显著增多,但前者善用方法的仍少些。运用方法和记忆成绩有显著关系。(5)较少主动运用方法是老年人对信息编码障碍的重要表现,这个缺点可以通过训练得到改善。但编码障碍可能只是老年人记忆障碍的一个原因。  相似文献   

Some individuals with intellectual disabilities do not respond to praise as a reinforcer, which may limit their ability to learn. We evaluated 2 procedures (stimulus pairing and response—stimulus pairing), both of which involved pairing previously neutral praise statements with preferred edible items, to determine their usefulness in establishing praise as a reinforcer. Results of Study 1 indicated that stimulus pairing was not effective in conditioning praise as a reinforcer for 3 of 4 subjects; results were inconclusive for the 4th subject. Results of Study 2 indicated that response—stimulus pairing was effective in conditioning praise as a reinforcer for 4 of 8 subjects. After conditioning, praise also increased the occurrence of additional target responses for these 4 subjects.  相似文献   

Five individuals with profound mental retardation received instruction on liquid pouring. The effects of two training strategies on performance with nontrained pitchers and receptacles were compared within a split multiple baseline design across subjects. One training approach followed general case instruction guidelines in which both difficult and easy teaching examples were selected that sampled the range of relevant stimulus and response variation. The second training approach approximated the early steps in an easy-to-hard sequencing strategy and involved using only a set of easy teaching examples that did not sample the full range of relevant stimulus and response variation required for successful pouring in natural settings. Results indicated that only after training with the full set of general case examples did the learners become competent with the nontrained generalization probe tasks. In addition, the set of easy examples resulted in learners performing topographically predictable errors with the generalization probe tasks.  相似文献   

A central component of a commonly used weight-loss procedure developed by Stuart (1967), which emphasizes situational engineering (SE), was compared to eating behavior control (EBC), a treatment employing reinforcement of changes in eating habits. A third treatment encouraged development of individuals' own applications of a model of self-control and attempted to provide effective feedback regarding progress toward weight-loss goals. This self-initiated treatment (SI) was designed to be less directive than many behavioral treatment packages and to be more realistic about the expectations of subjects and the actual eating habits of overweight and normalweight people. Following baseline, treatment lasted six weeks and followup lasted 16 weeks. While all treatments produced weight losses, EBC surpassed SE during treatment. SI losses during treatment did not differ from SE or EBC, but SI was the only group that lost weight throughout followup, indicating the possible utility of more subtle, less directive interventions than those that have often been associated with behavioral approaches. The results of SE question the applicability to clinical procedures of the external cue hypersensitivity theory of obesity (Schachter and Rodin, 1974), to which SE is closely related.  相似文献   

Physical guidance procedures can be effective in the treatment of severe pediatric food refusal. Researchers evaluating the use of physical guidance procedures often include a procedure referred to as a jaw prompt, but other variations of physical guidance may also be effective. An additional form of physical guidance, the finger prompt, might increase food acceptance. We evaluated nonremoval of the spoon and physical guidance (jaw prompt or finger prompt) in a reversal design. Results showed treatment packages including both procedures were effective in increasing food acceptance and decreasing inappropriate mealtime behavior. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We compared three methods of stimulus preference assessment for verbal children and specifically evaluated the utility of a verbal choice procedure for assessing relative reinforcer value. Using a token system, relative preference for five categories of reinforcers, representing 15 different stimuli, was assessed by three methods: a reinforcer survey, a verbal stimulus-choice questionnaire, and a pictorial stimulus-choice procedure. Results showed that the verbal and pictorial stimulus-choice assessments accurately identified high- and low-preference categories for 3 of 4 participants. Survey results alone often rated multiple categories as high preference, were less likely to identify low-preference categories, and were less likely to correspond with the results of a reinforcer assessment.  相似文献   

Behavioral training techniques of direct care staff have helped institutions serving dependent populations to progress from custodial settings to therapeutic environments. Most of the recent literature on staff training has focused on contingency management procedures, especially feedback procedures. Long-term studies of these procedures suggest that individual verbal feedback on the performance of the staff member is the best assurance of maintenance of these procedures.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of 2 observer‐training procedures. In vivo training involved practice during actual treatment sessions. Video training involved practice while watching progressively more complex simulations. Fifty‐nine undergraduate students entered 1 of the 2 training conditions sequentially according to an ABABAB design. Results showed that the 2 training methods produced almost identical scores on a posttraining observational test; however, the video method required fewer training sessions to complete.  相似文献   


In the past, reading, writing, and word processing were researched independently. Currently, we see research regarding important connections between reading and writing as well as between writing and word processing. However, critical connections exist between all three areas. In order to have classrooms that promote literacy, we need to use word processing and its accompanying tools as students engage in reading‐writing processes. This paper addresses how word processing, with its prevision, writing, and revision tools, facilitates connections between reading and writing.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between two procedures for teaching persons with severe handicaps: (a) the task demonstration model, which is based upon a fading procedure and general case programming, and (b) the standard prompting hierarchy, a least-to-most intrusive prompting procedure commonly used to teach these individuals. Five phases were used in comparing the procedures: pretesting, training, two generalization tests, and a 6-month maintenance test. Eight students learned two discrimination tasks by each procedure, with each task involving two- or three-digit numbers. Results showed that under the task demonstration model all 8 subjects had more unprompted correct responses (about 1.5 times as many) in training, all 8 subjects had fewer errors (about 0.6 times as many) in training, all 8 subjects had more correct responding in the generalization test with untrained stimuli in the training room, 6 of 8 subjects had more correct responding with untrained stimuli in another room, a 7th had equivalent amounts, and 7 of 8 subjects had more correct responding on a 6-month maintenance test. Thus, the task demonstration model proved superior to the standard prompting hierarchy in 29 of 32 tests of correct responding. Results are discussed in terms of implications for stimulus control training strategies.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the effects of stimulus exposure duration, retinal eccentricity, visual noise and task differences (physical classification and semantic classification) on the processing of Kana (Japanese phonetic symbol) words presented to the left and right visual fields. The primary findings of the three experiments were as follows. The right visual field advantage was found in the shorter exposure duration but no visual field difference was shown in the longer exposure duration condition (experiment 1). Stimulus presentation to large and small retinal eccentricity conditions revealed similar visual field difference (experiment 2). No significant visual field difference was shown in both clear and blurred stimulus presentation conditions (experiment 3). Semantic classification task revealed a right visual field advantage in all experiments whereas no visual field difference was shown in physical classification task in experiments 2 and 3. These results were discussed in terms of spatial frequency hypothesis and levels of processing hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two studies compared the effectiveness of different strategies for promoting generalization of staff skills in teaching self-care routines to clients with developmental disabilities. In Study 1, 9 direct-care staff members of group homes were trained sequentially through four conditions: (a) the provision of written instructions, (b) performance-based training using a single client program exemplar and simulated clients (single case training), (c) performance-based training using actual developmentally delayed clients as trainees (common stimuli training), and (d) performance-based training using multiple client program exemplars with simulated clients (general case training). The results indicated that staff members did not reach all generalization criteria until general case training was provided. Because staff members had been trained sequentially through several conditions in Study 1, a second study controlled for potential sequence effects. In Study 2, 7 staff members were trained using only the general case strategy after baseline. All staff members reached generalization criteria with only general case training, replicating the findings of Study 1. Together, the two studies demonstrated that the general case training strategy was more effective at promoting generalized training effects across clients, settings, and client programs than other commonly used staff training approaches.  相似文献   

Questioning is an important skill, particularly for retarded children with deficits in accumulated information. Recent strategies for modifying a variety of verbal behaviors have included both token reinforcement systems and modelling procedures. However, the relative effectiveness (i.e., the rate of behavior change) of certain reinforcement procedures, especially with low base-rate behavior (used alone) have recently been questioned. The present study, using an ABAB design, compared the effect of a Token reinforcement system, a Trainer-Model procedure, and a combination of the two procedures on increasing the rate of question-asking. Each condition was in effect for six sessions. Groups of four mildly retarded children (mean age: 10.1 yr) were prompted to ask questions about large photographs, and each of their questions was immediately answered. For the Model group, the Trainer modelled four questions for each subject for each photograph. For the Token group, each question earned the subject a point, which was exchangeable after the session for various items (e.g., candy, ice cream) from a “store”. For the Modelling plus Token group, the procedures were combined. The Model and the Control groups were yoked to receive the same amount of candy as the Token and the Model plus Token groups for behaviors other than question-asking (i.e., being polite). The results indicated that during Baseline conditions, performance across groups was comparable and that the performance of the Control group did not change across time. The Model procedure had only minimal effects on the rate of question-asking, while both the Model plus Token and the Token groups showed significant performance increments. The only significant difference between the Model plus Token and the Token groups was a faster rate of increase early in the first Training condition for the Model plus Token group. This difference, and the low level of performance change for the Model group, was interpreted as suggesting a facilitory effect of modelling procedures on reinforcement contingencies. The discrepancy between previous findings showing relatively minimal changes following reinforcement of low base-rate responses and the present results were discussed in terms of various procedural differences. Educational implications of the present results were also discussed.  相似文献   

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