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言语产生中双词素词的语音编码   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周晓林  庄捷  于淼 《心理学报》2002,34(3):22-27
采用同音判断和音节监控方法 ,考察言语产生中双词素词语音激活的特点。选用以偏正结构的双词素词为名称的图片和与双词素词中首尾两个词素同音的两组探测字作为实验材料 ,探测字在图片呈现后 5 0毫秒 (实验一 ) ,或图片呈现前 130 0毫秒 (实验二 )出现 ,要求被试判断出现的字是否与图片名称中任何一个词素同音。实验结果与绝大部分言语产生理论的预期相反 ,对图片名称第一词素的反应慢于第二词素。考虑到首尾两个词素对整词意义贡献的差别 ,作者把实验结果解释为词素意义对语音激活的作用 :第二词素的语义重要性决定了对应音节激活的快速性 ,双词素词中词素音位激活的速度和时间性受词义和词素意义激活程度的影响 ,而不完全取决于词素发音的序列性。实验不支持音位编码从左到右、序列进行的观点  相似文献   

不同情绪模式的词语和图片刺激启动的时间效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
郑希付 《心理学报》2004,36(5):545-549
分别使用图片和词语刺激,通过2个实验启动愉快和悲伤情绪,实验分2个实验组和1个控制组,每个组设计了5个处理水平,分别研究不同处理水平状态下的情绪变化。无论是使用图片还是词语启动,研究结果表明,随着时间的推移,愉快情绪轻微波动,而且略有上升势态,启动的愉快情绪至少持续8分钟。另一方面,悲伤情绪则随着时间的推移出现明显的下降趋势,而且呈现先快后慢的特点,在最初的2分钟时间内,下降速度最快,基本接近控制组,4分钟后,悲伤情绪稳定;启动的悲伤情绪一般持续2~4分钟。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether frequency of stuttering was affected by factors that specify the phonological difficulty of a sound and whether and how any influences vary across age groups. Analyses were performed separately on content words and function words. The phonological factors examined were: a) Whether the word contained a late emerging consonant (LEC); and b) Whether the word contained a consonant string (CS). Analyses showed that these factors occurred at different rates across the age groups used (children under 12, teenagers between 12 and 18, and adults). A more detailed breakdown was also reported of frequency of usage of LEC and CS over age groups depending on whether and where these factors occurred in the content words; all nine combinations of no LEC, word-initial LEC, non-initial LEC with no CS, word-initial CS, and non-initial CS were examined. Usage of certain of these nine categories varied over age groups. Friedman statistic on the ratio of stuttering (proportion of stuttered words in a particular word class divided by the proportion of words in that particular word class) showed that the frequency of stuttering remained high for adult speakers when CS and LEC both occurred in a word and when they appeared in word-initial position. These findings support a recently proposed theory that accounts for life-span changes in stuttering.  相似文献   

不同联想等级语词的启动效应及其发展研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张卫  刘葵  庞子峰 《心理学报》1994,27(1):35-43
以汉字常用词为材料,使用经过大量统计工作建立的语词联想等级量表,来探讨语词的联想等级、学习时的加工水平、以及年龄变量对语词记忆启动效应的影响。结果发现:a、不同联想等级间语词启动效应有显著差异,b、加工水平对启动效应的影响只在大学年龄被试中才显示出来,c、年龄对启动效应的影响,主要是通过其与语词联想等级相互作用产生的。  相似文献   

字符的知觉表征及其启动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
范津  朱滢  田立 《心理学报》1995,28(2):145-151
实验以英文单词,汉字和图片为材料,采用速示补笔测验测量了大脑左右半球的启动效应。结果是,如果学习与测验的字体和大小不变,则视觉启动右半球高于左半球。其他材料不产生这种效应。这表明,至少有一个分离的系统对构成启动的汉字的视觉表征进行编码,此系统在右半球表征形状特异形状特异信息更有效;对字符抽象特征的表征,两半球无显著差异,速示补笔测量的是前语义水平的知觉表征,是一种知觉(数据驱动)内隐记忆测验。  相似文献   

语义启动模型以及启动范围   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
启动效应一般分为两种——知觉启动和语义启动(概念启动)。语义启动的范式逐渐成为研究语义知识在大脑中是如何存储的主要研究手段。该文针对语义启动发生的3种机制:激活扩散模型,复合线索模型和分布式记忆模型进行了简要的评述,并且重点介绍了分布式记忆模型。同时对启动效应可以激活语义知识的范围作了一个简要的概括。  相似文献   

归类任务中负启动效应与分心物特性抑制的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
金志成  张雅旭 《心理学报》1995,28(4):344-349
以汉语单字词为材料,采用负启动技术,在归类任务中考察了作为负启动效应根源的扩散抑制是否遵循资源有限机制以及在要求操作反应的情况下是否也能获得来自分心物特性抑制的负启动效应。结果表明:1.被试对曾在启动显示中作为分心物的探测目标的反应时随着启动显示中分心物数目的增加而缩短。因此,扩散抑制遵循资源有限机制;2.在操作反应要求下能获得非常显著的来自分心物特性抑制的负启动效应。  相似文献   

重复启动作业中词的语义透明度的作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王春茂  彭聃龄 《心理学报》2000,32(2):127-132
用词素重复启动的方法考察合成词的心理表征。目标刺激为24个语义透明度词、24个不透明词以及48个非词(都是两个字)。启动刺激有5种:(1)目标词本身,(2)目标词的第一词素,(3)目标词的第二词素,(4)由目标词的两个词素颠倒后形成的非词,(5)包含目标词的一个词素的非词。启动刺激的呈现时间是100毫秒,随后是目标刺激400毫秒。被试的任务是尽快准确地按键判断目标刺激是否是一个词。研究发现,(2)、(3)、(5)条件下的重复启动中,透明度表现出显著的效应:透明词的启动量显著大于不透明词。结果支持合成词的表征受语义透明度的影响,透明词和不透明词的词素和整词在心理表征中的关系可能不同:前者是一种兴奋性的连接,后者是一种抑制性的连接。  相似文献   

在汉字视觉识别中字形和字音作用的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对高、低频汉字分别进行音同、形似、义近和无关四种条件下的目标字的启动识别和倒掩蔽识别的研究,考察汉字视觉识别中字音、字形的激活和激活点问题。结果证实:(1)在汉字识党识别中,字形不仅参与而且在到达心理词典之前被激活;(2)在汉字视觉识别中字音也参与,但字音不在到达心理词典之前被激活,因而,不存在语音转录现象.汉字视觉识别过程符合“直通假设”;(3)从总的来看,字颇影响汉字视觉识别。  相似文献   

Abstract— The present studies show that preferences change systematically depending on the global context and the measurement task Subjects evaluated apartments described by monthly rent and distance to campus using two different tasks (choices and attractiveness ratings) in two different global contexts (one with a narrow range of rents and a wide range of distances, and the other with a wide range of rents and a narrow range of distances) With the task held constant, preference orders for the same pair of apartments reversed in the two different contexts Similarly, with the context held constant, preference orders for the same pair of apartments reversed in the two tasks Taken together, the effects are startling Out of 25 apartments common to all four conditions, the preference rank of the apartment that was most expensive and closest to campus ranged from the 28th percentile to the 80th percentile We argue that, in the present experiments, the global context influences the scale values (or the perceptions of the attributes), and the task influences the weights (or the psychological importance) of the attributes.  相似文献   

IntroductionThereareatleastthreecrucialissuesconcerningtheroleofphonologyinvisualwordrecognition(e.g .,Seidenberg&McClelland ,1 989;Taft&Graan ,1 998;Zhou ,Shu ,Bi,&Shi,1 999) :a)whetherphono logicalinformationisautomaticallyactivatedininitiallexicalprocessing;b)towhat…  相似文献   

The predictive value of cognitive strategies on behaviour was investigated in a classification task. This was similar to usual concept learning tasks but a possibility to deductive solution was provided together with the customary possibility to inductive solution. The results showed that improvement was dependent on the efficiency of the strategy. The theoretical interpretation of the results was that the learning of complex tasks depends upon hypothesis testing activity in the subject rather than on automatic S-R-connections.  相似文献   

知觉启动与语义启动神经机制的研究是内隐记忆神经机制研究的两条重要途径。本文介绍了内隐记忆神经机制的研究途径之一:知觉启动神经机制的研究进展情况,并对研究中存在的问题及解决方法提出建议。  相似文献   

亚词汇水平加工的本质:形旁的语音激活   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
该研究利用启动命名技术,探讨了汉字加工时是否存在着形旁的语音激活。把含有独立成字的形旁的合体字(如“躲”)作为启动字,与形旁同音的字(如“深”)作为目标字。结果发现,当合体字是低频字时,目标字的命名速度显著加快。高频合体字则没有此效应。集合Zhou和Marslen-Wilson关于声旁语义激活的研究,该文得出结论说,汉字亚同汇水平的加工与词汇水平的加工表现一样,两者之间并无本质性的差别。  相似文献   

A variety of sex differences in spatial cognitive performance have been documented. However, factors other than those specifically related to gender and cognition per se, such as the perceived spatial character of given tasks, may contribute to such differences. In the present experiments, spatial memory and mental image rotation tasks were presented to female and male adults. The task formats or instructions were varied to emphasize or deemphasize the spatial character of the tasks. Highly "spatial" instructions or format significantly depressed performance on spatial tasks for women but not for men. "Nonspatial" instructions or format, within which the spatial character of the task was not explicit, resulted in no significant differences between the performances of women and men on either type of task. These findings indicate that instructional or format effects relating to the purported "spatial" character of a given task may significantly influence the relative performance of women and men.  相似文献   

内侧颞叶系统在知觉启动中的作用及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以ll例内侧颞叶(MTL)损伤病人为被试,探讨MTL与知觉启动的关系及其内在机制。被试依次完成学习颜色词、快速词命名和再认任务。在实验l的词命名中包括旧词、重组颜色词和新词,结果表明,MTL损伤病人没有表现出旧词的命名时间短于重组颜色词的现象,颜色启动效应受损,其再认成绩也低于正常被试。但是当用新颜色词代替重组颜色词后(实验2),MTL损伤病人读旧词的时间明显短于新颜色词,颜色启动与正常对照组之间没有明显差别,但他们的再认成绩仍比对照组低。这表明,当任务要求被试加工项目与其特性之间的关系时(词与颜色),MTL损伤对启动效应会有影响,提示MTL在一些形式的知觉启动中起重要作用。  相似文献   

A previous study (Evans, 1972) found that subjects tend to match rather than alter named values when constructing verifying and falsifying cases of conditional rules. It was suggested that this tendency (‘matching bias’) might account for the responses normally observed in Wason's (1968, 1969) ‘selection task’. This suggestion was tested by giving subjects the selection task with conditional rules in which the presence and absence of negative components was systematically varied, to see whether subjects consistently attempted to verify the rules (Wason's theory) or whether they continued to choose the matching values despite the presence of negatives, which would reverse the logical meaning of such selections. Significant matching tendencies were observed on four independent measures, and the overall pattern, with matching bias cancelled out, gave no evidence for a verification bias, indicating instead that the logically correct values were most frequently chosen.  相似文献   

猜谜作业中顿悟的ERP效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用事件相关电位(ERP)探索问题解决过程中顿悟的神经机制。以猜谜作业为实验程序,对“有顿悟”和“无顿悟”答案引发的脑电分别进行叠加和平均,并将二者相减(有顿悟-无顿悟)得到差异波。在250~500 ms “有顿悟”比“无顿悟”的ERP波形有一个更加负性的偏移,在差异波中,这个负成分的潜伏期约为380 ms(N380)。地形图和电流密度图显示,N380在额中央区活动最强。偶极子源定位分析结果显示,N380可能起源于扣带前回。因此,N380可能反映顿悟问题解决过程中思维定势的突破。  相似文献   

运用词汇判断任务,考察了汉语双字词识别中的多义性效应。实验一运用2个真字任意组合构成的假词(如:镜社)作填充材料,发现多义词识别的优势效应仅仅存在于错误率中。实验二运用与源真词(如:冲锋)同音形似的假词(如:冲烽)作填充材料,促使被试更多地在语义水平上做出判断,结果发现很强的多义词识别的优势效应,这种效应主要表现在低频词上。两个实验结果表明,在词汇判断中用不同的假词作填充词会影响被试的词汇判断策略,从而在不同水平上通达词义。最后,用反馈模型对实验结果进行了解释。  相似文献   

汉语词汇产生中音、形、义三种信息激活的时间进程   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
采用图-词干扰范式和图片命名方法,探讨语音、语义、字形在汉语词汇产生中激活的时间进程与特点。选择与目标图片名称(如“羊”)具有同音(“阳”)、语义相联(“牛”)、字形相似(“丰”)或无关控制(“冷”)等四种关系的干扰字,依SOA条件呈现在将要被命名的图片上,发现图片命名时间受干扰字的影响:语义干扰效应存在于较早期的SOA(0ms)条件中,在较晚期SOA(150ms)时有很大的减弱;语音促进效应和字形促进效应同时强烈地存在于早期和晚期SOA。实验发现了词条选择(语义激活)和音位编码(语音提取)在激活时间上的重叠现象,与传统的独立两阶段模型的预期存在明显矛盾,倾向于支持交互作用理论的观点。  相似文献   

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