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In the present study we examined students' ability to judge comprehension of text material (before actually taking a test) as well as ability to judge comprehension performance on text material (after taking a test). We examined each of these two abilities, termed calibration of comprehension and calibration of performance, by using multiple measures rather than just one as has traditionally been done in the literature. We also examined the role of students' self-assessed monitoring ability and self-image presentation in calibration skills. Results indicated that students were able to calibrate comprehension and performance although calibration levels were low, especially for calibration of comprehension. Students who calibrated comprehension well also tended to calibrate performance well. Several measures used to examine calibration of comprehension were consistent predictors ofperformance as were both quantitative and qualitative measures of calibration of performance. Students' calibration accuracy remained stable across measures and assessment conditions. Although students' self-assessed ability was not related to their actual calibration skills, self-image presentation was related to students'self-assessments and to theirability to calibrate performance. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

阅读预期对快速阅读理解的影响的实验研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
莫雷 《心理科学》1999,22(3):197-201
探讨阅读预期对快速阅读的理解水平与进程的影响。实验1探讨阅读预期对快速阅读理解水平的影响。阅读文章前分别给予被试正确、中性与误导的标题提示,结果表明,不同类型的标题提示对快速阅读的理解成绩有显著的影响,而对正常速度阅读的理解成绩影响效果不显著。实验2探讨阅读预期对快速阅读过程的词句加工程度的影响。结果表明,对优生来说,正确标题提示组发现文章中锗字的成绩显著低于误导标题提示组,差生的不同标题提示组发现错字的成绩差异不显著。两个实验的结果初步表明,快速阅读文章过程会更多地利用概念推动,较少地需要材料信息。  相似文献   


Recently, authorities have argued that the traditional demand for accuracy in oral reading may in fact retard comprehension. This study investigates the validity of that argument. Thirty third‐grade students of average ability individually read aloud a 109‐word passage and immediately retold as much of it as they could remember. Half of the students (the high criterial group) were instructed to be very careful to pronounce individual words accurately, and half (the low criterial group) were instructed not to worry unduly about accurate pronunciation of individual words. Students’ readings and retellings were tape recorded. The dependent measures were comprehension (total propositions recalled), reading time, misses (hesitations of two or more seconds), and false alarms (words mispronounced). Results indicated significantly better comprehension (p < .05) and significantly faster reading times (p < .l) for the lower criterial group. The major implication for teaching is that overemphasizing accuracy in oral reading can actually retard comprehension. This implication and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the interference of certain anaphoric expressions (pronouns) on eighth grade students’ reading comprehension. The subjects (n=103) were administered cloze .tests of anaphoric comprehension in which either 0%, 33%, 66% or 100% of the pronouns were replaced by appropriate referents. Analysis of covariance was utilized to analyze the resulting data, using passage form as the independent variable, and SRA reading achievement scores as the covariate. The null hypothesis was rejected, which stated there would not be significant differences among subjects’ cloze scores on reading the four different forms of the passages. The results suggest that use of anaphoric expressions in some instances will interfere with the reading comprehension of eighth graders. Practical and theoretical implications of the results are discussed  相似文献   

徐远煐  李錚 《心理学报》1965,10(2):43-49
朗讀与默讀是閱讀的两种形式,在語文教学中有效地运用朗讀与默讀是提高閱讀效率的重要条件。据有些中学語文教师反映,初一学生只习慣于朗读,而不善于默讀。不論什么学科的課文,什么性貭的文章,一概誦讀。这些教师认为,朗读固有利于熟記成誦,但  相似文献   

Previous research on the relationship between wide reading and listening comprehension provided indirect evidence that wide reading may be impacting children's listening comprehension. In the present study we looked at growth in listening comprehension of 146 children from third grade to fifth grade and their fifth-grade estimate of accumulated wide reading as measured by an instrument using a checklist-with-foils logic, the Title Recognition Test. Employing hierarchical multiple regression, we isolated the relationship between wide reading and listening comprehension. The results indicated that individual differences in growth of listening comprehension from third grade to fifth grade were significantly related to wide reading. These findings imply that reading a lot may influence listening comprehension, thus adding support to the educational practice of providing time for children to read independently and encouraging more and varied reading outside of school.  相似文献   


This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listening and reading comprehension becomes stronger after decoding mastery; (b) the difference between listening and reading decreases with increasing grade level; and (c) similar patterns of relationship and difference are obtained with narrative and expository texts. The sample included 612 students in Grades 2, 4, 6, and 8. Students read and listened to two narratives and two expository texts and completed corresponding comprehension tests that were in the form of sentence verification tasks. The findings confirmed the first two hypotheses but not the third one. In the case of expository text, the relationship between listening and reading comprehension was weaker than the corresponding one with narrative text, and performance levels were comparable across all elementary grades. Moreover, reading comprehension levels were higher than listening comprehension levels in Grade 8, regardless of text type. The implications of these findings with respect to the dominant unitary process model and the assessment and instruction of oral and written language comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

中、英文阅读理解之比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在句法、语义和事实方面比较了中、英文的阅读过程,并发现中文读者在阅读加工中更多地采用分散的策略,而英文读者则更多地采用集中的策略。在中文中,语义违反所造成的朗读混乱大于句法违反所造成的混乱;而在英文中则句法违反所造成的混乱大于语义违反所造成的混乱。但是,由句法、语义和事实的违反所形成的曲线在中、英文中是相似的,这说明中、英文的阅读加工有其共同之处。  相似文献   

背景音乐对中学生阅读理解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以初一、初二、高一、高二72名中学生为研究对象,考察不同类型音乐对有无背景音乐偏好被试阅读理解成绩的影响。实验结果表明:(1)不同类型背景音乐对不同年级被试产生了不同的影响。古典乐对4个年级被试的阅读理解均有显著的促进作用;而流行乐对初中生的阅读理解产生了干扰作用,对高中生则没有产生干扰作用。(2)不同类型背景音乐对不同背景音乐偏好被试产生了不同的影响。对有背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的促进作用,流行乐对他们的阅读理解无显著的干扰作用;对无背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解既无显著的促进作用,也无显著的干扰作用,而流行乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的干扰作用。  相似文献   

故事阅读中句子加工时间与理解的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
被试是30名大学生,实验材料为两个双情节故事。实验采用计算机按键计时的方式进行,每个故事一句一句地呈现在计算机屏幕上,每读完一句就按一下空格键,读完一个故事就马上回忆。实验结果表明:阅读时间呈现出一种递减模式,回忆量呈现出一种波浪模式,而且回忆量不受阅读时间的影响。  相似文献   

Two experiments in Polish replicated several conditions in English experiments on reading comprehension processes. In Polish syntactic information is represented primarily by morphology and in English primarily by word order. Lexical, syntactic + semantic, within-syntactic class, between-syntactic class, semantic, and factual information were violated in stories. Native speakers read the stories aloud and the protocols were scored for increases in production time around violations. The disruptions in oral reading caused by the syntactic violations were relatively larger and occurred earlier in Polish than in English. The semantic and factual violations produced broader disruptions in English than in Polish. Reading comprehension processes varied to meet the cognitive demands imposed by how the available information was represented. Polish readers adopted a focused strategy and English readers a more diffused strategy.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to examine how elementary students referred for compensatory remedial reading services performed on several key reading process variables: total word recognition errors while reading brief passages, significant or meaning‐changing errors, comprehension, and reading rate. In order to maximize ecological validity, the students were assessed by the school‐based reading specialist/teacher using assessment materials normally used in diagnostic evaluations of students referred for compensatory reading instruction. Although performance across all variables was below instructional levels for students’ assigned grades, both word recognition variables and comprehension approached instructional levels. Reading rate alone was consistently and significantly below several previously identified standards of performance. We feel that poor performance in rate may be an indicator of fluency problems (including automaticity in word recognition and text phrasing). Suggestions for instruction to overcome difficulties in fluency were presented.  相似文献   

Subjective measures of company performance are widely used in research and typically are interpreted as equivalent to objective measures. Yet, the assumption of equivalence is open to challenge. We compared the use of both types of measure in 3 separate samples. Findings were consistent in showing that: (a) subjective and objective measures of company performance were positively associated (convergent validity); (b) those relationships were stronger than those between measures of differing aspects of performance using the same method (discriminant validity); and (c) the relationships of subjective and objective company performance measures with a range of independent variables were equivalent (construct validity).  相似文献   


This article examines the implications of Dr. Dolores Durkin's recent research on Reading comprehension. The author takes the seminal findings of Dr. Durkin's study and applies these to improving classroom reading instruction.  相似文献   

本研究采用错误检测法和理解自信度评价法,以错误觉察人数、错误觉察成绩、理解自信度评价成绩、阅读时间和阅读理解成绩为分析指标,探讨了不同年级语文学困生与学优生的阅读理解监控特征。结果发现:(1)语文学困生的阅读理解监控能力明显低于学优生;(2)学生对低难度错误信息的理解监控能力明显高于对高难度错误信息的理解监控;(3)随着年级的增长,学生的阅读理解监控能力也随之提高。  相似文献   

A multielement design was used to compare the effects of rapid oral presentation and slow oral presentation during listening previewing on rates of accurate oral rereading. The participants were 2 elementary students with reading skills deficits. For both students, rates of accurate oral rereading were higher when adults reduced their oral reading rates as students read silently.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了汉字阅读材料的不同组合对字词认知速度及准确性的影响。实验材料是一篇320个字的短文阅读材料,分成三种不同组合形式让被试从左往右发声念读.一种是顺意排列材料形式(即文章句子符合句法及词意),一种是逆意排列材料形式(即将文章的字词逆反排列);一种是随机排列材料形式(即将全文字词打乱随机排列)。实验结果表明:对顺意排列材料的念读效果最好,念读速度及准确性明显高于另外两种材料组合形式;中青年组被试的结果明显优于老年组及儿童组的结果.结果提示,对字词念读的认知加工过程明显受相邻字词关系的影响及字词句子化的影响.  相似文献   

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