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中、英文阅读理解之比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在句法、语义和事实方面比较了中、英文的阅读过程,并发现中文读者在阅读加工中更多地采用分散的策略,而英文读者则更多地采用集中的策略。在中文中,语义违反所造成的朗读混乱大于句法违反所造成的混乱;而在英文中则句法违反所造成的混乱大于语义违反所造成的混乱。但是,由句法、语义和事实的违反所形成的曲线在中、英文中是相似的,这说明中、英文的阅读加工有其共同之处。  相似文献   

Abstract— This article reports the results of a national survey in which psychology majors were asked about the use of animals in psychological research and teaching. In general, the attitudes of psychology majors closely resembled the attitudes of practicing psychologists. Students tended to (a) support animal experiments involving observation or confinement, but disapprove of studies involving pain or death, (b) support mandatory pain assessments and the federal protection of rats, mice, pigeons, and reptiles, and (c) support the use of animals in teaching, but oppose an animal laboratory requirement for the psychology major. Opposition to the use of animals was greatest among women, among students at selective schools, and among students living in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region of the country.  相似文献   

Two experiments in Polish replicated several conditions in English experiments on reading comprehension processes. In Polish syntactic information is represented primarily by morphology and in English primarily by word order. Lexical, syntactic + semantic, within-syntactic class, between-syntactic class, semantic, and factual information were violated in stories. Native speakers read the stories aloud and the protocols were scored for increases in production time around violations. The disruptions in oral reading caused by the syntactic violations were relatively larger and occurred earlier in Polish than in English. The semantic and factual violations produced broader disruptions in English than in Polish. Reading comprehension processes varied to meet the cognitive demands imposed by how the available information was represented. Polish readers adopted a focused strategy and English readers a more diffused strategy.  相似文献   

以419名低年级小学生为研究对象,通过为期一年的教学干预研究,探讨了独立阅读和分享阅读对儿童阅读和写作能力的影响。结果发现:(1)分享阅读和独立阅读均可提高学生的阅读能力,阅读量是影响阅读能力发展的重要因素;(2)独立阅读是提高写作能力的最有效方式。  相似文献   

Recent research on negation has demonstrated that while readers are aware that this text construction is difficult, they seem to be able to do little to improve their comprehension. The present research evaluated whether a change in typeface could improve comprehension and metacomprehension of negation. Results indicated that while readers were aware that placing a word in bold typeface should attract their attention to that item, and therefore improve their comprehension, comprehension did not improve differentially for negation presented in bold. Additionally, readers' awareness of the necessity of attention to the bold component was not specific to negative sentences.  相似文献   

Five reading lesson instruction characteristics were examined in relation to first and second graders' end-of-year instructional reading level: (a) teacher's preferred interaction style (indicated by extent of teacher telling and coaching); (b) teacher's preferred grouping (indicated by extent of whole class and small group instruction); (c) teacher's preferred focus of reading activity (indicated by extent of focus on words/letters and comprehension); (d) degree of student active response; and (e) instruction material (indicated by extent of use of narrative text and worksheets). Sixteen first- and second-grade teachers and 166 of their students were observed during reading instruction three times across the school year. Analyses of covariance were conducted. Complex relationships heretofore not revealed appeared. Different patterns of relationships between instructional characteristics and instructional reading level emerged for higher achievers compared to lower achievers and for first compared to second grade.  相似文献   

In this review, we examined the role of phonological awareness in literacy development for Spanish-speaking students. There appears to be a close relationship between Spanish-language phonological awareness and literacy development. In particular, Spanish phonological awareness appears to develop in stages. Not only is the development of phonemic awareness skills probably supported by reading instruction, but it likely contributes to reading development as well. Sensitivity to syllables in Spanish may be particularly important for later reading success, and the ability to segment words into their phonemes may play a critical role in reading acquisition. Training students in spelling, blending, and segmenting syllables and phonemes may be especially valuable because these skills are closely related to those which students use when actually reading and writing words. Finally, there is evidence of cross-language transfer of phonological awareness skills between Spanish and English. Suggestions for Spanish phonological awareness instruction are given, and an agenda for further research is included. Based on this review, many different experimental procedures have been used to evaluate students' Spanish-language phonological awareness, but there is a need for measures that are psychometrically sound and that have documented validity and reliability to assess phonological awareness in Spanish. In addition, although training in Spanish phonemic awareness seems to have a positive effect on the development of spelling ability, we found little direct evidence that this type of training increases Spanish reading performance. Further research in this area is needed.  相似文献   


Two experiments examine the memory coding processes of skilled and less skilled readers during the reading of connected text. In experiment 1, students read several paragraphs which required a lexical decision about an underlined letter string within a sentence. Underlined letter strings were either synonyms, repeated words, or control words in reference to items in the sentence. Students were later asked to recall words related to their lexical decision, as well as verify the occurrence of sentences from the text. Skilled readers recalled more synonyms than poor readers, whereas no differences emerged between groups in their recall of other types of words related to the lexical task or for the verification of sentences. Experiment 2 procedures were similar to Experiment 1, except that synonyms were replaced with homophones and the sentence verification task included phrases related to the homophones. When compared to less skilled readers, skilled readers recalled more homophones and repeated words, but were more likely to be disrupted in correct verification of sentences with homophones. Taken together, the experiments suggest that along with phonological coding, semantic processing contributes an important amount of variance to deficiencies in the reading of connected text.  相似文献   

不同系統之間的类比研究是科学史中早已运用的方法之一。这种研究方法首先被应用在物理-技术科学領域。由于物理技术接触的問題愈来愈复杂,研究逐步向宏观和微观方向发展,具体实物的实驗观察就愈困难,类比方法也就愈获得广泛的应用。与类比方法相应,从牛頓确定系統相似的第一判据以后,作为类此研究的理論基础的相似理論,也逐步发展并臻于完善。把类比法推广到生命和物理技术领域之間的想法,可以上溯到笛卡  相似文献   

This paper describes an informal spelling assessment that teachers can use to understand students' level of orthographic knowledge at the beginning of the school year. The results of this informal testing allow primary grade teachers to group students in September for word study and directed literacy instruction. The results of a year-long study in a lst-3rd grade classroom demonstrate that the initial placements of students were appropriate for instruction throughout the year. The initial spelling measures predicted reading achievement at various levels.  相似文献   

中国人人格量表(QZPS)的编制过程与初步结果   总被引:82,自引:10,他引:82  
王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2003,35(1):127-136
旨在编制能够反映中国人人格结构特点的中国人人格量表(QZPS)。文中首先分析了直接采用或修订西方人格量表的问题和潜在危险,以及目前国内使用的各种人格量表存在的局限;按照人格研究的“词汇学假设”,根据杨国枢和王登峰(1999)以及后来的研究所确定的中国人人格结构的七因素模型,提出了QZPS的编制原则和操作程序。按照人格特质形容词的含义编写测量项目,并根据小因素和大因素的含义对项目进行修改,初步确定了1600多个项目。经2280名被试的评定,初步筛选出409个项目。再经1099名被试评定,确定了215个项目构成QZPS,测量中国人人格的7个维度和18个小因素。文中还报告了对QZPS的项目分析的结果  相似文献   


In recent years, educators and researchers have become increasingly interested in naturalistic or responsive research. This approach to inquiry seems to be uniquely suited to research in the complex educational setting found in classrooms. This paper discusses one aspect of the application of a responsive paradigm to research in reading in the content area ‐‐ the evolution of the research design. In this study of four secondary school social studies classes major modifications in design were made at several points. These modifications are described and the reasons for the changes are discussed. In summary, allowing the design to emerge as the study progressed resulted in the collection of data that provided a complete view of reading in these classes. In addition, on a personal level, the researchers found that engaging in this type of inquiry influenced their views about how to collect data and what data to collect while, at the same time, enlarging their perspective of reading occurring in content area classrooms.  相似文献   

十年来我国儿童发展教育心理学研究的一般水平   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石绍华 《心理学报》1990,23(3):92-100
利用“1979—1988我国儿童发展教育心理学文献数据库”,根据选定的几项有关质量的指标,分析了十年来儿童发展教育心理学研究的一般水平,发现有些方面有进步,有些方面无进展。进步最大的是统计方法,十年来取得长足进展;被试数量10年内共362665人,工作量巨大,4—16岁是研究的重点。研究方法有进步,目前研究采用的主要方法是实验法,测量法和理论分析法,测量法发展较快;从问题提出的形式看,代表较高水平的研究—深入型研究所占比例呈波浪式下降的趋势,88年下降较为明显,而重复性研究却呈上升趋势。创新型的研究虽然量不大,但有发展,值得进一步探讨;文献著录的引文量明显低于世界平均值,亦明显低于全国平均值。在引文类型上,引证图书略高于引证期刊,这与国内外科技文献引证期刊为主的调查结论不一致。引文文种以中文和英文为主。引证近5年的文献比例较低,文献更新速度较慢,且十年中没有进步。  相似文献   

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