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Abstract— In a previous issue of Psychological Science, we (Gernsbacher, 1993) reported that less skilled readers are less able than more skilled readers to quickly suppress irrelevant information (e.g., the contextually inappropriate meaning of a homonym, such as the playing-card meaning of spade, in the sentence He dug with the spade, or the inappropriate form of a homophone, such as patience, in the sentence He had lots of patients). In the current research, we investigated a ramification of that finding. If less skilled readers are less able to suppress a contextually inappropriate meaning of a homonym, perhaps less skilled readers might be better than more skilled readers at comprehending puns. However, intuition and previous research suggest the contrary, as do the results of the research presented here. On a task that required accepting, rather than rejecting, a meaning of a homonym that was not implied by the sentence context, more skilled readers responded more rapidly than less skilled readers. In contrast, on a task that required accepting a meaning of a homonym that was implied by the sentence context, more and less skilled readers performed equally well. We conclude that more skilled readers are more able to rapidly accept inappropriate meanings of homonyms because they are more skilled at suppression (which in this case involves suppressing the appropriate meanings).  相似文献   

Materials for Instruction and assessment of listening skills ought to exhibit appropriate levels of listenability. One factor contributing to listenability is the degree to which passages contain features of oral (as opposed to written) language. Oral language represents one end of a spectrum which ranges from planned autonomous (written) to spontaneous (oral) language; it is features of oral language are: 1) syntax that is characteristic of oral composition and suited for aural processing, 2) elements of text structure which ease the burdens of oral production and aural reception, and 3) expressions which tend to evoke a sense of immediate, face‐to‐face interaction. Since oral reading predominates in early reading instruction, it is suggested that these criteria may also be used in selecting listenable materials.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis brings about psychic change by the mediation of speech. This paper reflects upon the significance of the structure and developmental organisation of the speech event as a verbal and non-verbal unit composed of semantically and prosodically encoded messages, interactions and emotional contact between partners. Spoken words communicate semantic meanings and the affects of a given speech event. Words carry personal emotional meanings which are inseparable from their referential significance. Such emotional meanings are very hard to articulate in words. They are conveyed by the ineffable but essential feelings present in their sound and pronunciation. Speech is an intentionally object-related and emotionally engaging social activity resulting from a child having been spoken to early in life by an adult wanting to establish affective verbal contact. The early organisation and later transformation of the structure of the speech event carries private meanings for each person's listening and speaking stance. A refined understanding of the structural and emotional complexities of verbal communicative exchanges during analysis may enhance the analyst's ability to understand the patient'smanner of participation in the analytic process.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the concept that the melodic features of language play a major role in the child's acquisition of both oral and book language. The first linguistic features learned by children when acquiring oral language are the melodic or rhythmic structures (stress, intonation and juncture) and these features are learned before the phonemic. Therefore, it is feasible to claim that the melodic features of book language are learned before awareness of print. Exposure to text language read aloud and instructional methods, such as, repeated readings may supply the necessary experiential background needed to learn the rhythmic rule system of the text.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a brief overview of the language basis of reading and reading disabilities. First, we describe the Simple View of Reading, a model of reading that comprises two primary components, word recognition and language comprehension. We then review research showing that language problems underlie most difficulties children have learning to read. Lastly, we discuss implications of these findings for early identification and remediation of reading disabilities.  相似文献   

Academic behaviors can be enhanced through the manipulation of either consequent or antecedent stimuli. In this study, we evaluated the effects of manipulating two antecedent stimulus events with respect to oral reading errors and self-corrections of four mentally retarded children. Using an alternating treatments design, the effects of previewing the target text and previewing an unrelated text were evaluated against no-previewing. In the first previewing condition, the teacher discussed the target text with the children before they were required to read it orally. The same procedure was used in the other previewing condition but with the provision that an unrelated text was previewed. Oral reading errors decreased and self-corrections increased when the children previewed the target text with their teacher before reading it orally. No changes were observed as a result of implementing the other two procedures, previewing an unrelated text and no-previewing. The results, which were consistent across all four children, showed that reading proficiency can be increased by manipulating antecedent stimulus events prior to oral reading.  相似文献   

Abstract— In a within-subjects design that varied whether speakers were allowed to gesture and the difficulty of lexical access, speakers were videotaped as they described animated action cartoons to a listener. When speakers were permitted to gesture, they gestured more often during phrases with spatial content than during phrases with other content. Speech with spatial content was less fluent when speakers could not gesture than when they could gesture, speech with nonspatial content was not affected by gesture condition. Preventing gesturing increased the relative frequency of nonjuncture filled pauses in speech with spatial content, but not in speech with other content. Overall, the effects of preventing speakers from gesturing resembled those of increasing the difficulty of lexical access by other means, except that the effects of gesture restriction were specific to speech with spatial content. The findings support the hypothesis that gestural accompaniments to spontaneous speech can facilitate access to the mental lexicon  相似文献   


Recently, authorities have argued that the traditional demand for accuracy in oral reading may in fact retard comprehension. This study investigates the validity of that argument. Thirty third‐grade students of average ability individually read aloud a 109‐word passage and immediately retold as much of it as they could remember. Half of the students (the high criterial group) were instructed to be very careful to pronounce individual words accurately, and half (the low criterial group) were instructed not to worry unduly about accurate pronunciation of individual words. Students’ readings and retellings were tape recorded. The dependent measures were comprehension (total propositions recalled), reading time, misses (hesitations of two or more seconds), and false alarms (words mispronounced). Results indicated significantly better comprehension (p < .05) and significantly faster reading times (p < .l) for the lower criterial group. The major implication for teaching is that overemphasizing accuracy in oral reading can actually retard comprehension. This implication and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

For the last twenty years, the concept of content area reading has been a major topic in the research and professional literature. This notion, however, was not an invention of the 60s; research contributing to this area is documented fifty years earlier. Another recent trend has been the emergence of ethnography as a research tool in educational settings. This, too, has been employed since the 1920s. In fact, one of the more extensive early studies incorporating an enthnographic design for content reading was undertaken by McCallister. This review and reanalysis of his study aid in judging its value and accuracy.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this article I return to an argument that I presented in earlier work to the effect that virtue epistemology is at worse false and at best unmotivated. In the light of recent responses to this argument from such figures as John Greco, Guy Axtell, and Kelly Becker, I here re‐state and re‐evaluate this argument. In the process the original argument is refined and supplemented in key respects and some of the main charges against it are shown to be unfounded. Nevertheless, I also argue that at least one of the objections to the original argument—due to Becker—may well be on the right lines, and I draw some conclusions in this regard.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of reinforcement contingencies designed to increase the performance of existing reading skills as well as the effects of instruction—modeling and practice—designed to increase skill level for oral reading fluency across three levels of reading materials. Results showed that a combination of contingencies, modeling, and practice was effective in producing substantial increases in reading fluency for all participants at their assigned grade levels. These results demonstrate one strategy for experimentally determining those instructional components that are required to increase oral reading rate.  相似文献   

Abstract— A recently published study (Hecht & Proffitt, 1995) reported that adults in Munich, Germany, whose occupations involved considerable experience with liquids in containers, were less accurate on Piaget's water-level task than were comparable adults in other occupations. The present study attempted to replicate that experiment with a North American sample, but using lighter controls. The resulting data and conclusions contrast with those of the original study and indicate instead, that individuals in occupations that provide much experience with liquids in containers (bartenders, waiters and waitresses) are, in fact, more accurate on two versions of the water level task than individuals of equivalent gender, age, and education in control occupations (salespeople, clerical worker). The data are discussed in terms of both the impact and the limit s of experience on spatial-task performance.  相似文献   

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