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职务分析中的不准确性来源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职务分析以人的主观判断为基础,因而容易导致结果的不准确性。该文总结了职务分析中的不准确性来源及其影响,包括职务分析者、职务分析工具以及职务分析中潜在的社会的和认知的不准确性来源,指出易于产生不准确性的职务分析方面,并探讨了职务分析不准确性和职务内真实差异的关系。在此基础上,提出了减少职务分析中社会和认知的不准确性来源的建议。  相似文献   

元理解关注读者对自己阅读理解过程与结果的监测以及随后的调控,读者的元理解监测影响元理解调控,并进而影响阅读理解的加工状态或加工过程,可见,元理解是一个动态的交互系统,它通过元理解监测和元理解调控的互动来实现读者阅读理解时认知层和元认知层的互动。对元理解监测的精确性、元理解调控的有效性、元理解监测与元理解调控的关系以及二者对阅读理解的效应等问题进行了梳理与剖析,并就未来研究提出建议,以深化对元理解这个动态的交互系统的认识。  相似文献   

Metacomprehension: A Brief History and How to Improve Its Accuracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— People's judgments about how well they have learned and comprehended text materials can be important for effectively regulating learning, but only if those judgments are accurate. Over two decades of research examining judgments of text learning—or metacomprehension —has consistently demonstrated that people's judgment accuracy is quite poor. We review recent research that has shown some success in improving judgment accuracy and then argue that the most common method used to investigate metacomprehension accuracy may inadvertently constrain it. We describe a new method that sidesteps some problems of the older method and present evidence showing how people can achieve high levels of metacomprehension accuracy.  相似文献   

元理解监控的精确性是指元理解判断与标准测验间的一致程度,通常用二者的Gamma系数作为其指标。梳理近20年元理解监控的研究发现个体元理解监控的精确性并没有想象的那么高。读完文章后延迟写出关键词可以显著提高元理解监控的精确性,这被称为元理解监控的延迟关键词效应,时间上的延迟与延迟时间内主动的认知加工是这一效应得以发生的机制。最后,在分析批评已有研究的基础上提出扩展的元理解监控延迟效应假设  相似文献   

阅读中的元理解监测与元理解调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈启山 《心理学报》2009,41(8):676-683
采用“阅读-关键词处理-元理解监测-测验1-选择文章重读-测验2”的流程, 探讨元理解监测对元理解调控与阅读理解成绩的影响。结果显示, 延迟写关键词相对于即时写和不写关键词更利于监测精 确性的提高; 延迟关键词组借助精确的监测能做出有效的元理解调控, 选出测验1中得分低的文章重读, 并在测验2中有较好表现, 而其他两组只能选出其认为难的、而非得分低的文章重读, 在测验2中表现不 佳。元理解监测的精确性影响元理解调控的有效性, 进而影响阅读理解成绩。  相似文献   

使用理解评价范式探讨了大学生的元理解准确性及其与自我调节学习的关系.结果发现:(1)大学生能够预测其随后的阅读理解成绩,表明其元理解评价具有一定的准确性;(2)延迟概要组学生的元理解准确性高于即时概要组学生和无概要组学生;(3)具有高元理解准确性的延迟概要组学生对其阅读理解活动进行了更有效的自我调节学习.  相似文献   

Minimizing Inaccuracy for Self-Locating Beliefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One's inaccuracy for a proposition is defined as the squared difference between the truth value (1 or 0) of the proposition and the credence (or subjective probability, or degree of belief) assigned to the proposition. One should have the epistemic goal of minimizing the expected inaccuracies of one's credences. We show that the method of minimizing expected inaccuracy can be used to solve certain probability problems involving information loss and self-locating beliefs (where a self-locating belief of a temporal part of an individual is a belief about where or when that temporal part is located). We analyze the Sleeping Beauty problem, the duplication version of the Sleeping Beauty problem, and various related problems.  相似文献   

陈启山 《心理科学》2011,34(4):828-833
通过三个实验探讨元理解监测精确性的延迟效应及其机制。结果显示:相对于即时写关键词和不写关键词,延迟写关键词可以显著提高元理解监测的精确性;延迟的时间内写关键词相对于读关键词更利于元理解监测精确性的提高;延迟的时间内前测自测相对于前测学习更利于元理解监测精确性的提高。这表明时间的延迟和延迟时间内的主动认知加工对元理解监测精确性的提高至关重要。  相似文献   

Guided by a hypothesis that integrates principles of monitoring from a cue-based framework of metacognitive judgments with assumptions about levels of text representation derived from theories of comprehension, we discovered that rereading improves metacomprehension accuracy. In Experiments 1 and 2, the participants read texts either once or twice, rated their comprehension for each text, and then were tested on the material. In both experiments, correlations between comprehension ratings and test scores were reliably greater for participants who reread texts than for participants who read texts only once. Furthermore, in contrast to the low levels of accuracy typically reported in the literature, rereading produced relatively high levels of accuracy, with the median gamma between ratings and test performance being +.60 across participants from both experiments. Our discussion focuses on two alternative hypotheses--that improved accuracy is an artifact of when judgments are collected or that it results from increased reliability of test performance--and on evidence that is inconsistent with these explanations for the rereading effect.  相似文献   

As the metacomprehension literature has grown, important discoveries pertinent to education have been made. For example, as students are better able to assess their knowledge and implement appropriate study strategies, presumably their acquisition and retention of course material improves. Accordingly, we consider the metacomprehension literature with an emphasis on factors that impact metacomprehension accuracy. Several studies have demonstrated that metacomprehension prediction accuracy will improve to the extent that people engage in enriched-encoding activities. More recently, research by Thomas and McDaniel (in press) has suggested that enriched-encoding manipulations interact with retrieval to impact both retention and metacomprehension and, in turn, the effectiveness of controlling subsequent study. Thus, matching enriched-encoding activities with the criterial test plays a critical role in metacomprehension accuracy and control of studying.  相似文献   

The current research investigates how accuracy motivation impacts anchoring and adjustment in metacomprehension judgment and how accuracy motivation and anchoring affect metacomprehension accuracy. Participants were randomly assigned to one of six conditions produced by the between-subjects factorial design involving accuracy motivation (incentive or no) and peer performance anchor (95%, 55%, or no). Two studies showed that accuracy motivation did not impact anchoring bias, but the adjustment-from-anchor process occurred. Accuracy incentive increased anchor-judgment gap for the 95% anchor but not for the 55% anchor, which induced less certainty about the direction of adjustment. The findings offer support to the integrative theory of anchoring. Additionally, the two studies revealed a “power struggle” between accuracy motivation and anchoring in influencing metacomprehension accuracy. Accuracy motivation could improve metacomprehension accuracy in spite of anchoring effect, but if anchoring effect is too strong, it could overpower the motivation effect. The implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments we systematically explored whether people consider the format of text materials when judging their text learning, and whether doing so might inappropriately bias their judgements. Participants studied either text with diagrams (multimedia) or text alone and made both per-paragraph judgements and global judgements of their text learning. In Experiment 1 they judged their learning to be better for text with diagrams than for text alone. In that study, however, test performance was greater for multimedia, so the judgements may reflect either a belief in the power of multimedia or on-line processing. Experiment 2 replicated this finding and also included a third group that read texts with pictures that did not improve text performance. Judgements made by this group were just as high as those made by participants who received the effective multimedia format. These results confirm the hypothesis that people's metacomprehension judgements can be influenced by their beliefs about text format. Over-reliance on this multimedia heuristic, however, might reduce judgement accuracy in situations where it is invalid.  相似文献   

The present research explored the awareness that readers have of the difficulty of negative text and the impact that awareness has on their comprehension of that text. Participants read narrative and expository paragraphs, rated their comprehension, and answered a comprehension question. The present research established detrimental effects of negation, as well as demonstrated the readers’ awareness of the difficulty of expository, negative text. However, there were no consistencies in the relationship between readers’ metacomprehension judgments and their actual comprehension performance, suggesting that readers may be unable to use their metacomprehension effectively to adjust their reading strategies when processing negation during reading.  相似文献   

理解评估与成绩预测:两种不同的元理解监测形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈启山  李利 《心理学报》2008,40(9):961-968
探讨理解评估与成绩预测与各种强化元理解监测线索的认知任务的关系。结果发现,理解评估与成绩预测的判断值偏离标准测验成绩的程度受监测线索强化方式的调节;主动强化监测线索比被动强化更能提高理解评估和成绩预测的精确性;精确的理解评估或成绩预测所需的线索不同,利用同一线索评估理解或预测成绩,其精确性也不同。这一结果挑战了元理解监测的一维观,表明理解评估与成绩预测涵盖了元理解监测不同方面的心理特征  相似文献   

通过实验考查超文本和线性文本情境中元理解判断的异同。采用2×3的混合设计,让被试先阅读文章,然后完成元理解判断任务。结果说明,文本组织结构对细节题成绩预测和推理题成绩预测的判断值具有调节作用,超文本的非线性结构降低了元理解判断的相对准确性。  相似文献   

This study examines age-related differences in reading comprehension analyzing the role of working memory and metacomprehension components in a sample of young (18–30 years), young-old (65–74 years), and old-old (75–85 years) participants. Text comprehension abilities were measured by a standardized test, including two texts: a narrative and an expository text. The elderly's reading comprehension performance, when compared to the norm, emerged to be adequate. More specifically, the young-old showed an equivalent level of comprehension as the young adults for the narrative text. However, a clear age-related decline was found in the case of the expository text. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that working memory capacity, as well as different metacomprehension components but not age, are the key aspects in explaining the different patterns of changes in the comprehension of narrative and expository texts.  相似文献   

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