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阅读预期对快速阅读理解的影响的实验研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
莫雷 《心理科学》1999,22(3):197-201
探讨阅读预期对快速阅读的理解水平与进程的影响。实验1探讨阅读预期对快速阅读理解水平的影响。阅读文章前分别给予被试正确、中性与误导的标题提示,结果表明,不同类型的标题提示对快速阅读的理解成绩有显著的影响,而对正常速度阅读的理解成绩影响效果不显著。实验2探讨阅读预期对快速阅读过程的词句加工程度的影响。结果表明,对优生来说,正确标题提示组发现文章中锗字的成绩显著低于误导标题提示组,差生的不同标题提示组发现错字的成绩差异不显著。两个实验的结果初步表明,快速阅读文章过程会更多地利用概念推动,较少地需要材料信息。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of an innovative reading and writing curriculum on the expository writing and content learning of middle grade students. In Study One, students of teachers who were highly knowledgeable of the curriculum design wrote significantly better essays than students of less knowledgeable teachers. In Study Two, students transferred knowledge and strategies learned in the innovative curriculum to the writing of geography essays throughout the school year. Study Three found that 21% of the variance in the text-based content of Grade 8 social studies essays could be accounted for by text structure knowledge acquired in Grade 7.  相似文献   

论内隐学习在二语习得中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要地介绍了内隐学习的内涵、机制等内容,进而分析其在二语习得语音、词汇、语法、阅读和写作中的作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of verbal organizational structure and verbal organizing skills on recall of facts, ability to pattern, and ability to problem-solve. One hundred and fifty-nine college students, classified as high or low in ability to organize verbal material, heard recorded communications that consisted of either high-structure-sequence or low-structure-sequence messages. The results indicated that level of message structure and organizing skills were conjunctively related to the learning variables, with structure apparently accounting for more of the variance than organizing skills.  相似文献   

Previous research on the relationship between wide reading and listening comprehension provided indirect evidence that wide reading may be impacting children's listening comprehension. In the present study we looked at growth in listening comprehension of 146 children from third grade to fifth grade and their fifth-grade estimate of accumulated wide reading as measured by an instrument using a checklist-with-foils logic, the Title Recognition Test. Employing hierarchical multiple regression, we isolated the relationship between wide reading and listening comprehension. The results indicated that individual differences in growth of listening comprehension from third grade to fifth grade were significantly related to wide reading. These findings imply that reading a lot may influence listening comprehension, thus adding support to the educational practice of providing time for children to read independently and encouraging more and varied reading outside of school.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development and reporting of knowledge about employee alcoholism programs. It argues that specialists in this field frequently have overstated both the severity of the problem and the effectiveness of rehabilitative measures. Their claims are compared with evidence from the limited body of systematic research on this topic.  相似文献   

探讨阅读理解水平不同的被试前后两次阅读的文章结构与内容上的共同性对目标文章信息保持的迁移效应。研究结果表明:阅读理解水平的差异影响信息保持的迁移效应;被试必须具有一定的阅读理解水平,文章的结构特征与内容特征才会对文章信息的迁移有促进作用。  相似文献   

This experiment examined the influence of training method and trainee age on performance during training in the acquisition of computer software skills. A behavioral modeling training method yielded consistently superior computer software mastery compared with a nonmodeling approach. Older trainees exhibited significantly lower performance than did younger trainees in both the modeling and the nonmodeling training conditions. Findings are discussed in terms of strategies for overcoming older worker technological obsolescence.  相似文献   

采用眼动实验方法,对20名大学生阅读不同颜色中、英文材料时的眼动特征进行考察。结果发现:(1)颜色对中、英文阅读成绩影响趋势一致,红色成绩最好,黄色最差;(2)颜色对被试阅读眼动指标影响差异显著:注视次数上,红色和黑色最多;注视时间上,红色最短;眼跳距离上,黄色最长;注视频率上,黄色最低。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates studies that have used the Defining Issues Test for validating Kohlberg's theory of moral stage development. Although this test was introduced to overcome inadequacies with Kohlberg's procedure, it too encounters serious methodological and conceptual difficulties. Its limitations include truncation of the stages and age range assessed. The validation studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal, have used a correlational design and confounded age with other variables. Threats to internal and external validity obviate support claimed for Kohlberg; moral reasoning thus measured seems a function of education, IQ, direct moral training, and cultural values rather than maturation. Nor is the stage model upheld by longitudinal data, which fail to reveal sequential stepwise change and belie occasional regression. Attempted redefinition of the stage concept to salvage these data has not rescued Kohlberg's proposal, which remains to be validated empirically.  相似文献   

汉语的语境信息对抽象句和具体句回忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张浩  彭聃龄 《心理学报》1990,23(4):57-62
本实验用汉语材料进行实验,考察了语境信息对抽象句和具体句回忆的影响。在实验Ⅰ中抽象目标句和具体目标句镶嵌在随机语境或主题语境中。在随机语境条件下,被试对具体句比抽象句具有较好的回忆成绩;而在主题语境下,两种类型的句子之间的回忆成绩没有差异,具体性效应消失。实验Ⅱ增加了部分整合语境,在这种条件下,构成语境的主要名词与主题语境相同,但没有形成一个完整的主题。结果发现适当的语境对抽象句的回忆有促进作用,部分整合语境的促进作用位于随机语境和主题语境之间。语境对具体句的回忆没有影响。这一结果支持了语境有效模型。  相似文献   

McGuire's inoculation theory employs an analogy to predict the effectiveness of defenses in inducing resistance to persuasion. In discussing this analogy, McGuire states that it is necessary to use beliefs which have not been attacked previously. Many studies have used inoculation theory to predict resistance with beliefs which have been attacked. We argue that McGuire is incorrect in his interpretation of the analogy and discuss an experimental test of different defenses' effectiveness over three belief levels.  相似文献   

本实验研究了不同亮度级的光谱色光(440,460,540,560,640,660nm)和白光的CFF。结果表明:除极高亮度(5087td)外,CFF与logI函数均呈线性关系。白光表现了最大的CFF,其图线斜率大于任何色光的图线斜率。可以见到:亮度是CFF和logI之间关系的最重要的决定因素之一。在所用的色光中,绿色不论在CFF绝对值或其图线斜率方面均高于光谱两端色光的相应数据。从而可以推断:波长对CFF和logI之间关系的效应不可忽视。光谱两端色光曲线的差别明显,而同色区内相邻色的曲线间差异则不显著,这又一次说明波长的区别对CFF的意义重大。在某些亮度水平上白光CFF绝对值低于色光,虽然在最高亮度级时其最大CFF值高于所有色光的相应数据。我们的研究结果再次提出,有必要对CIE V(λ)在某些条件下应用的适当性进行重新考虑。  相似文献   

A single-subject multiple-baseline design using within- and across-subject replication was employed to study the acquisition of expanded “agent-action-object” sentences and the spontaneous generation of this form in the natural environment. Three young language-delayed subjects were trained to describe various agent-action-object relationships with a five-element syntactical form. The language training strategy was a synthesis of the developmental-psycholinguistic and behavioral models. Dynamic interactions between familiar persons and objects were the stimulus events that the children mapped. A five-element syntactical form, previously absent from the children's language repertoires, was trained during individual sessions. Concurrent with baseline, training, and followup, each subject's language was monitored in another setting, the classroom during free play. After onset of training, the core elements of the complex syntactic form were spontaneously emitted by the child in its natural environment. The free-play data reflect individual differences in the emergence and frequency of each child's spontaneous use of the agent-action-object form. The acquisition and maintenance of the specific lexicon and syntax trained were tested by posttraining probes and responses to videotape presentations. These probes revealed generalization and maintenance of both the lexical and syntactical forms acquired in treatment. The main purpose of any language-training procedure should be to provide language that is functional for the child in the natural environment. This study, which documented the spontaneous usage of the core agent-action-object syntactical form in the natural environment, effectively trained a functional syntactical rule.  相似文献   

本研究采用自然实验法对吉林省松原市逸夫小学160名四、五年级的学生进行了对比实验研究,探讨图式教学法与常规教学法对学生语文学习成绩的影响。结果表明:(1)四、五年级实验班学生的成绩普遍提高,(2)五年级实验班学生的成绩提高的幅度高于四年级,优秀率占总成绩的三分之二,(3)四、五年级对照班学生的成绩随课文内容难度增加,学习成绩呈下降趋势。这说明图式教学法有利于提高学生的语文成绩,尤其小学高年级效果更明显。  相似文献   

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