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To examine the developmental course of children's understanding of print concepts, orthographic linguistic awareness, the Concepts About Print (CAP) test was given to 29 boys and 27 girls three times during their kindergarten year and on two occasions during their first‐grade year. That approximately 20% of these children did not understand print‐direction and letter‐word concepts at the beginning of the first grade confirmed previous findings that many children entering formal reading instruction may have little knowledge of the reading instruction register. Orthographic linguistic awareness, measured even at the beginning of kindergarten, was found to be highly correlated with reading achievement measured at the end of the first grade, and these relationships between orthographic linguistic awareness and reading achievement were consistently higher for the girls than for the boys. Path analyses including the Record of Oral Language, Metropolitan Readiness Test and Iowa Test of Basic Skills revealed strong direct influences of orthographic linguistic awareness at the beginning of the first grade on reading achievement measured at the end of first grade  相似文献   


This study continued investigating the early reading and spelling experiences as well as the spelling practices of the finalists in the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee, specifically the 1987 spellers who were considered gifted spellers. Two open-ended questionnaires were used: one for the parents of the spellers and one for the spellers. A follow-up telephone interview was conducted with a random sample of respondents. Results indicated that gifted spellers showed an early interest in language arts activities with 86% of the parents reporting that their children could read prior to formal schooling. The spellers considered themselves avid readers and indicated sophisticated metacognitive awareness whether reading or spelling. Results that suggested the spellers passed through developmental spelling stages far earlier than average children and relied on visual memory strategies, word meanings, and saying/writing words to master the orthography replicated findings from an earlier study.  相似文献   

A number of studies have demonstrated positive outcomes for typical learners from the internet‐based reading program, MimioSprout® Early Reading (MER). In the present study, a preliminary evaluation of MER was conducted with four children with autism who attended an applied behavior analysis educational program in a school setting. The primary aim was to investigate whether it would be feasible to use MER with children with autism and whether any adaptations to the standard teaching procedure would be needed. A secondary aim was to investigate whether completing MER would improve early reading skills. When additional discrete‐trial table top activities were designed to supplement each child's progress, every child was able to complete all 80 lessons and showed similar correct performance to that reported for typically developing learners. Results from a standardized test of reading ability showed an improvement in word recognition reading age for all children from 14 months to more than three years over the 14 weeks of teaching. A follow‐up test showed that gains were maintained eight weeks after the end of the intervention. MER can be successfully used with children with autism and can improve their early reading skills. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a brief overview of the language basis of reading and reading disabilities. First, we describe the Simple View of Reading, a model of reading that comprises two primary components, word recognition and language comprehension. We then review research showing that language problems underlie most difficulties children have learning to read. Lastly, we discuss implications of these findings for early identification and remediation of reading disabilities.  相似文献   

Chrisoula Andreou 《Ratio》2013,26(2):117-133
I focus on the idea that if, as a result of lacking any conscious goal related to X‐ing and any conscious anticipation or awareness of X‐ing, one could sincerely reply to the question ‘Why are you X‐ing?’ with ‘I didn't realize I was doing that,’ then one's X‐ing is not intentional. My interest is in the idea interpreted as philosophically substantial (rather than merely stipulative) and as linked to the familiar view that there is a major difference, relative to the exercise of agential control, between acting on a conscious goal (even one the agent is not actively thinking about) and acting on a non‐conscious goal (about which the sincerely ‘clueless’ response ‘I didn't realize I was doing that’ could be provided). After raising some doubts about the target idea, I consider the two most promising lines of defence. I argue that neither is convincing, and that we should reject the suggestion that the idea is properly accepted as a matter of common sense. Even absent any conscious goal related to X‐ing and any conscious anticipation or awareness of X‐ing, there is room for counting X‐ing as intentional if X‐ing is, or is appropriately related to, a non‐conscious goal.  相似文献   

Il a été souvent avancé, en socio-linguistique, que le multilinguisme peut constituer un obstacle au progrès économique et social d'une nation. La présente étude apporte un soutien empirique à cette relation supposée entre standardisation linguistique et développement national. Par une méthode factorielle, on a dégagé, dans un ensemble de pays hôtes du Peace Corps américain, des indices linguistiques et un indice de développement économique et social. Les résultats des corrélations ne permettent pas d'établir une véritable relation causale entre les deux variables mais suggèrent néanmoins qu'une communauté de langue faciliterait les types de comportements humains requis pour améliorer les conditions économiques et sociales des pays en voie d'expansion.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dual-task performance was assessed in 140 adults during eyeblink classical conditioning (EBCC) and one of several secondary tasks (timed-interval tapping, recognition memory choice reaction time, video viewing). Four groups received paired-EBCC stimulus presentation and three groups received explicitly unpaired EBCC stimuli. Although the subjects were not laid about the conditioning task, they acquired conditioned responses (CRs) as normal levels. Postsession interviews probed participants' awareness of EBCC stimulus contingencies and production of CRs. Reported awareness of paired-EBCC stimulus contingencies and CK production was not related to actual EBCC performance Twenty-seven percent of the participants receiving explicitly unpaired stimuli reported a stimulus contingency when none existed. The dissociation between awareness and performances provides additional support for the categorization of simple EBCC as a form of nondeclarative learning.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the reading habits and patterns of White and Asian American adults. It presents an analysis of 115 adult responses to a questionnaire about their reading habits and patterns. Specifically, it was hypothesized that when grouped by demographic variables, participants' responses about their reading habits and patterns would not differ. The t test and chi-square analyses were used to test significance of differences between subjects. Differences were found between the groups for reading habits and for reading patterns. Pearson r values were calculated to determine relationships between participants' reading habits and patterns. Both positive and negative relationships were found. Additionally, through multiple regression analyses, it was determined that gender, race, and education were predictors for participants' reading habits; education and race were predictors for reading patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract— In a previous issue of Psychological Science, we (Gernsbacher, 1993) reported that less skilled readers are less able than more skilled readers to quickly suppress irrelevant information (e.g., the contextually inappropriate meaning of a homonym, such as the playing-card meaning of spade, in the sentence He dug with the spade, or the inappropriate form of a homophone, such as patience, in the sentence He had lots of patients). In the current research, we investigated a ramification of that finding. If less skilled readers are less able to suppress a contextually inappropriate meaning of a homonym, perhaps less skilled readers might be better than more skilled readers at comprehending puns. However, intuition and previous research suggest the contrary, as do the results of the research presented here. On a task that required accepting, rather than rejecting, a meaning of a homonym that was not implied by the sentence context, more skilled readers responded more rapidly than less skilled readers. In contrast, on a task that required accepting a meaning of a homonym that was implied by the sentence context, more and less skilled readers performed equally well. We conclude that more skilled readers are more able to rapidly accept inappropriate meanings of homonyms because they are more skilled at suppression (which in this case involves suppressing the appropriate meanings).  相似文献   


A quantitative and qualitative investigation was conducted to determine the relative efficacy of textual and instructional manipulations on concept acquisition. One hundred four high‐school chemistry students were assigned randomly to one of four treatments ‐‐ a group that read the course textbook (nonrefutational text), a group that read refutational text (i.e., text which cited and refuted common misconceptions about the topic for study), a group that read nonrefutational text but experienced a prereading activation activity (designed to elicit cognitive dissonance) and a group that read refutational text following the same activation activity. Results of Analyses of Covariance revealed no significant differences between the groups on three measures designed to assess concept comprehension and learning. A purposive sample of eleven students was selected for a qualitative examination of their text‐processing strategies. Analyses of audio‐recorded interviews revealed insights into the process of conceptual change. An instructional model of the construct of prior knowledge is presented.  相似文献   

徐远煐  李錚 《心理学报》1965,10(2):43-49
朗讀与默讀是閱讀的两种形式,在語文教学中有效地运用朗讀与默讀是提高閱讀效率的重要条件。据有些中学語文教师反映,初一学生只习慣于朗读,而不善于默讀。不論什么学科的課文,什么性貭的文章,一概誦讀。这些教师认为,朗读固有利于熟記成誦,但  相似文献   

Three African American mothers and their daughters participated in three, 30-minute reading sessions. During each session, daughters read narrative text for 15 minutes and expository text for the other 15 minutes. Categories of interaction emerged from those reading sessions. Results revealed nine mother interaction reading categories and seven daughter interaction categories. Irrespective of the type of reading, the categories were linked to the transmission, maturational, and transactional points of view. Implications provide suggestions for helping parents develop reading experiences that foster positive reading behaviors for their children.  相似文献   

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