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The present study explored the effects of different reinforcement conditions on the number of correct responses on the Raven Progressive Matrices. Four groups of 11- to 18-year-old multihandicapped deaf children matched on the basis of mean age and pretest scores were used. The groups were randomly assigned to any of four posttest conditions: end-of-session reinforcement, noncontingent reinforcement, delayed reinforcement, and immediate reinforcement. The mean posttest score of subjects tested under the immediate-reinforcement condition was significantly higher than that of any other group. No significant differences were observed between the mean posttest scores of the three other groups. The practical implications of using reinforcement procedures for testing purposes are discussed.  相似文献   

A contingency contracting program designed to increase study rate and subsequent test performance was implemented with a group of undergraduate psychology students. The function of the contingency contracting program in producing increased study rate was evaluated by individual experiments with each student in an experimental contracting group. The overall effect of the program on test performance was assessed by comparing the final scores for the course earned by the experimental group with those earned by two matched control groups. A reversal procedure established that contingency contracting did significantly increase the study rate of students of a wide range of ability. However, it was selectively effective in improving the test performance of below-average students only. Study rate gains in contracted courses did not generalize to noncontracted courses. Self-recording of study time in the absence of scheduled differential consequences did not improve test performance. Study rate under no-consequence conditions varied with test schedule. For both consequence and no-consequence groups, the correlation between study time and final score for the course was only moderate.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to study whether it is possible by specific training on one test to produce changes in the level of performance on similar tests and in the factor structure of a set of intelligence tests. Considerable improvement occurred in the level of performance on the test on which training was given, but no significant transfer effects to the performance on other tests were found. Slight differentiation was observed in the factor structure.  相似文献   

We present an example of an innovative constructed response test format–a write-in/mark-in paper-and-pencil test–as an alternative to the traditional multiple-choice paper-and-pencil test, with the potential for reducing subgroup differences. We present subgroup differences data on these 2 paper-and-pencil test formats on an operational promotional exam in a sample of African American and White firefighters. The tests were designed to measure the same content domain. Using within-subjects data that compared the performance of 13 African American and 14 White fire captains, and between-subjects data that compared the performance of 21 African American and 49 White fire captains, several results were in the predicted direction such that subgroup differences were reduced on the constructed response test. However, these results did not reach statistical significance. Therefore, the study points to the need for additional research to further evaluate the promise of the constructed response test format.  相似文献   

In this study, we provide the conceptual background, meta-analyze available behavioral management studies ( N = 72) in organizational settings, and examine whether combined reinforcement effects on task performance are additive (sum of individual effects), redundant (combined effects are less than the additive effects), or synergistic (combined effects are greater than the sum of the individual effects). We found a significant overall average effect size of ( d. ) = .47 (16% improvement in performance; 63% probability of success), and a significant within-group heterogeneity of effect sizes. To account for this variation, we conducted a theory-driven moderator analysis, which indicated that money, feedback, and social recognition each had a significant impact on task performance. However, when these 3 reinforcers were used in combination, they produced the strongest (synergistic) effect on task performance. Based on our findings, we offer directions for future research, and suggestions for effective application of behavioral management at work.  相似文献   

We systematically manipulated two prior classroom conditions to explore their effects on performance under analogue assessments for a 7-year-old girl with severe intellectual disabilities who exhibited aggressive behavior. Results demonstrated consistently higher levels of aggression during demand analogue conditions when they were preceded by one of the classroom conditions.  相似文献   

Method and trait effects in multitrait-multirater (MTMR) data were examined in a sample of 2,350 managers who participated in a developmental feedback program. Managers rated their own performance and were also rated by two subordinates, two peers, and two bosses. The primary purpose of the study was to determine whether method effects are associated with the level of the rater (boss, peer, subordinate, self) or with each individual rater, or both. Previous research which has tacitly assumed that method effects are associated with the level of the rater has included only one rater from each level; consequently, method effects due to the rater's level may have been confounded with those due to the individual rater. Based on confirmatory factor analysis, the present results revealed that of the five models tested, the best fit was the 10-factor model which hypothesized 7 method factors (one for each individual rater) and 3 trait factors. These results suggest that method variance in MTMR data is more strongly associated with individual raters than with the rater's level. Implications for research and practice pertaining to multirater feedback programs are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined correspondence between preference assessment outcome and within‐session patterns of responding in one subject with autism. Responding maintained by a single highly preferred item resulted in a greater total number of responses, a slower decline in within‐session response rates, and a greater proportion of short interresponse times compared to responding maintained by varied moderately preferred (MP) stimuli. Presenting varied MP stimuli within the same session produced greater levels and more sustained responding than presenting those same stimuli individually.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of training in 2 components of charisma (charismatic communication style and visionary content). Forty-one business students received charismatic influence training, presentation skills training, or no training. All participants prepared and gave a speech. Groups of 2-3 students ( N = 102) watched 1 of the videotaped speeches and then performed a task based on the speech instructions. Charismatic influence trainees performed better on a declarative knowledge test and exhibited more charismatic behaviors than those in the other conditions. In addition, participants who viewed a charismatic influence trainee performed best.  相似文献   

Previous research comparing the effects of assigned versus participatively set goals on performance were essentially tests of the null hypothesis in that goal difficulty level was not systematically manipulated. The present laboratory study investigated the effects of assigned versus participatively set goals, and the effects of varying goal difficulty level on an arithmetic task. Eighty-six college students were assigned to either a participative goal condition or one of three assigned goal conditions. In two of the assigned goal conditions participants were assigned goals equal to those set in the participative condition, the difference being that individuals in one group were assigned goals at random and those in the other group were assigned goals on the basis of their premeasure scores. Participants in the third assigned goal condition were randomly assigned a goal in the top quartile of the goals set participatively. As hypothesized, individuals with hard assigned goals had higher performance than peers with lower goals set in a participative manner. Contrary to modern organizational theory, individuals with participatively set goals did not have higher performance than those with assigned goals of equal difficulty. Personality traits were not found to moderate the effects of goal setting on performance.  相似文献   

目标取向和工作经验对绩效的效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金杨华 《心理学报》2005,37(1):136-141
通过两个样本调查,对目标取向和工作经验量表进行了结构检验,并探讨了目标取向和工作经验对个体绩效的效应模式。结果表明:学习目标取向和工作经验定性成份与绩效间存在中等程度相关;在控制了人口统计学变量的效应后,学习目标取向对绩效具有显著的预测效应;工作经验定性成份与绩效间的关系受到学习目标取向缓冲,在学习目标取向低分组,工作经验定性成份对个体绩效更具预测力  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that organizational level may explain to a significant extent the differential impact of role perceptions (i.e., role ambiguity and role conflict) on employee satisfaction and performance. Causal inferences could not be drawn from these studies because of the predominant use of static correlational methods. In this study, in a hospital setting, a six-month time-lag between data collection periods was used to develop causal inferences. The results supported the hypothesis that role ambiguity was a source of causal inference with satisfaction with work at the higher organizational level, while role conflict was a source of causal inference with satisfaction with work at the lower organizational level. The source and direction of causal influence with respect to role perceptions and performance was supported only at the higher organizational level.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to assess the degree of interaction between gender and cultural group background in determining scholastic aptitude test attainment among college student candidates. The analyses were based on the college entrance aptitude test scores of 1778 Jewish and 1017 Arab student candidates applying for admission to a major Israeli university. A Manova of the subtest scores revealed significant main effects for both culture and gender and a significant gender × culture interaction effect. Separate Anovas for each of the individual subtests show significant gender × culture interaction effects for both the Mathematical and Figural Reasoning subtests, with a larger gender group differential - in favor of the males - among Jews than among Arabs. The interaction effect was attributed, in part, to two complementary culture-specific factors, namely: (a) the positive self-selection of Arab female college candidates of relatively high scholastic ability, thus serving to narrow the gender gap in the Arab group; (b) the varied opportunities for advanced technical training, enrichment and experience available mainly to Jewish males during their period of compulsorly military service, serving to enhance the gender gap in the Jewish group. In sum, the data suggest that culture may serve as an important moderator variable in determining the size of gender group differences in scholastic aptitude test attainment.  相似文献   

照度和对比度对于视觉显示终端视觉功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究试图通过视觉显示终端的视觉功能研究,了解图象在荧光屏上的亮度对比度、荧光屏照度以及不同光源对于视觉功能的作用。图象在荧光屏上的亮度对比是影响阅读速度的重要因素,同时,荧光屏照度增加时,阅读速度降低。为了提高工作效率,可以提高图象在荧光屏上的亮度对比,也可以降低荧光屏照度。我们似乎可以推荐合适的荧光屏照度为50—200Lux。这时水平工作面照度是70—340Lux。  相似文献   

工作记忆与领域知识在个体认知行为中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新近研究表明,工作记忆和领域知识在个体认知行为上起了积极的作用,对二者关系的研究有三种观点:一是强调工作记忆或领域知识在认知行为中的单独作用;二是综合考察二者在个体认知行为中的不同作用;三是建立模型,阐述工作记忆和领域知识在认知行为中的作用。最后针对当前有关此方面的研究,探讨有关工作记忆和领域知识作用研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

An earlier study of main effects of achievement motives on performance amongst boy wrestlers was repeated with girls. The 1970 Achievement Motives Scale of Gjesme and Nygård was administered to 29 girls, and subjects' scores were sampled for three different wrestling championships at a national level. Oxygen uptake, speed of movement, four muscular strength exercises, and serial performance of five wrestling holds were measured. As with males, success-oriented females performed better than indifferent-oriented subjects in wrestling championships. The former group performed also better than the latter in pull-ups, sit-ups, forward throw and 1/4 Nelson. In addition, success-oriented females performed better than those who were failure-oriented in pull-ups and sit-ups, although this was not the case in other tasks and championships. Indications of sex differences in the relationship between motivation and performance were found among subjects who aim for achievement and, at the same time, have a high motive for failure, i.e. those who were conflict-oriented. Motive patterns and sex influence some, but not all, of the responses measured in the different tasks. Suggestions for future systematic research on a task effect are discussed. In general, the data indicate that, among highly selected and high ability boys and girls who set a high value on goals of an activity, relationships between achievement motives and performance in that activity should emerge for both sexes. In addition, sex should modify motive-performance relationships.  相似文献   

Using a quasi-experimental posttest design, this study compared supervisor perceptions of performance and absenteeism and employee attitudes of 155 child care center users and waiting list employees. Although child care was not related to supervisor views of performance or absenteeism, employees were more likely to receive favorable appraisals if absenteeism was low. Child care had greatest impact on females and employees without a family buffer. Child care positively influenced users' attitudes toward managing work and child care responsibilities, and views on the attractiveness and administration of benefits. The greater the use of care across all dependents, the more favorable the attitudes. A "frustration effect" occurred involving the lowering of waiting list employees' perceptions of the attractiveness and fairness of child care. The study suggests that child care benefits are more likely to significantly effect employee attitudes and membership behaviors such as recruitment and retention than performance or absenteeism.  相似文献   

The effects of therapeutic punishment delivered following inappropriate behavior on the academic responding and eye-to-face contact of 2 persons with developmental handicaps was examined using a counterbalanced alternating treatment design. Each subject was sequentially taught by two therapists each day. While one of the therapists taught the subject, the second therapist stood in close proximity directly behind the subject. During baseline, neither therapist delivered punishment following inappropriate behavior. During the treatment condition, one of the therapists delivered all punishment regardless of whether she was teaching or standing behind the subject. The therapist who delivered all punishment for 1 subject did not deliver any punishment for the other subject. During the last condition, the therapist delivering all punishment was reversed for 1 of the subjects. The results indicated that the task being taught was mastered by each subject only when the therapist delivering punishment was teaching. Data collected also indicated that each subject made more eye-to-face contact when the therapist delivering all punishment was teaching. Although neither therapist had to deliver punishers often, punishment had to be administered less often when the therapist teaching the subject was also the therapist delivering punishment.  相似文献   

结构限制和信息干扰对双重作业绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄琳  葛列众 《心理学报》2001,34(2):127-131
研究通过改变双重任务呈现的间隔时间来探讨结构限制与信息干扰对双重任务操作绩效的影响。实验结果表明:(1)两种作业呈现的间隔时间对双重任务操作绩效有明显的影响。间隔时间越大,双重任务的作业绩效越高。(2)信息干扰对双重任务的操作有明显的影响。信息干扰越大,双重任务的操作绩效越差。(3)两个作业呈现的间隔时间不同并不影响信息干扰对双重任务操作绩效的作用。根据实验结果,该研究提出了三因素假设:结构限制、信息干扰和资源竞争是影响双重任务操作绩效的三个主要因素。  相似文献   

张智君  任衍具  宿芳 《心理学报》2004,36(5):534-539
通过两个实验考察了结构、任务类型和导航对超文本信息搜索绩效的影响。实验一采用2(层次结构,混合结构)×2(特定任务,关系任务)的被试内设计,探讨了超文本结构和任务类型对信息搜索的影响;实验二在实验一的基础上,采用2(层次结构,混合结构)×2(有导航图,无导航图)的被试内设计,考察超文本结构和导航对关系任务信息搜索的影响。结果表明:(1)超文本结构和任务类型对信息搜索绩效有显著的交互影响,就关系任务而言,混合结构超文本优于层次结构超文本,但就特定任务而言,两者无显著差异;(2)导航对信息搜索行为有指导作用,尤其对层次结构超文本有利;(3)两种主观指标的结果与客观指标存在一定程度的一致性。  相似文献   

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